She made her way to the cafeteria, occasionally stopping and taking a look at everything. The only thing she liked about the wheelchair was she could actually take time to stop and look at everything. She smiled, a kind of dopey smile and stopped. She stopped smiling and got a strange feeling in her stomach. She brushed it off and continued to the cafeteria.
EV was actually doing something other than wandering the building for once. This time he's sitting on a bench outside with a pencil and a notebook, drawing something.
"Yeah, have a look." He held the notebook out to her. She would see a rough sketch of some kind of fantasy Mongolian Death Worm-like creature with notes about its powers and stats to go along with it. It seems like he's designing some sort of video game boss.
"Thanks, that's what I was aiming for." He looked at it for a bit. "I was wondering, which style do you think is better? I've been thinking about this for a while." He holds the notebook out to her again and shows her the same sketch, but he flips the page and it looks the same but cute instead of creepy. It's kind of like comparing Kirby to Monster Hunter.
"Alright, thanks for the feedback." He makes a tally chart, with one for creepy and zero so far for cute. (Thanks xD I've never actually played MH, but it's definitely on my wish list.)
"...Jasmine? Never met her. Actually I've met a surprisingly low number of people at this place. Pretty much boils down to you, that guy who tried to fight me, and that girl who stopped him."