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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Darkwolf1344 said:
He weakly and tiredly nuzzled against the other's fingers before he did just that; his eyes slowly closed again and he was out cold, peacefully asleep.
Nagisa smiled and got up, taking the cover off of Angel as it was all bloody, he replaced it with Cody's. He got into bed with Angel and covered them both up with the cover, nuzzling up against the purple haired boy and slowly fell asleep himself. Hopefully they could have some peace till morning. Oh and yeah, Nagisa got undressed. Like. He's butt naked under there u~u
"It's perfect!" Ash took the mouse by the tail and watched as it thrashes about like a fish out of water, spinning it a little. He hated the little rodents, but no more than he hated getting bitten by a snake. His hand lifted above the snakes head and he watched as the reptile lunged at it, taking it until it's mouth and swallowing it down into a small yet visible lump in it's throat. "So why do you have so many?" Ash already had a guess as to why, but he wanted to see if he was correct.

@The Darkling
Kai released the oxygen that she had taken away and let it fill the area around Amalia. Well, it seems the you are too tired to cause any trouble with anyone so I could just leave you alone for a little bit. Kai let go of the werewolf and let her fall slowly to the hard rock. She laid Amalia down and stepped back. If you are Amalia then let me know. I can tell. If not, I won't hesitate to lift you back in the air, maybe even put you in a cage.
Timothy began making his was back to the Academy. It had been a messy meal, and evidence of his actions that night could be seen clearly by the red stains on his cheeks. A small smile was prominent on his features, as he clutched the old rag and two books to his chest. The ironic part was that when he had gotten to the bridge, somebody else had taken his spot, and was using his blanket, and reading his books.

That person did not live long.

The small vampire pushed open the doors to the academy and made his way inside, getting a strange look from the entrance lady. He just stared at her until she looked away, and began making his way, quite happily, back to his dorm.

Nyx hugged herself and looked away.


She sighed and sat next to him on the bed, fidgeting with her dresses hem.

"I need them..human food only gets me so far. And I can't eat them in front of people..they think it's gross and inhumane. And I have to drain the blood which the school deems a little to innapropriate in front of others. But it helps keep me energized and awake. Back home drinking fresh blood was like drinking alcohol with a friend. It's different here..lots of things are different here for me"

She had stopped fidgeting and ended up just holding her dress in her hands, waiting to see his response.​

Amalia gasped for air. She clawed at the rock. She couldn't control anything she did.

She got to her feet and growled at Kai. She tried to get through the rock and out the door, but failed miserably.
Ash listened to Nyx, silence falling for a moment after she finished. A low chuckle escaped from his chest, breaking the silence, as he looked at her," That's nothing to be a shamed of." He was right when he guessed what she needed them for, and couldn't help but tell her since she had shared with him," I feed on blood too...though I can't survive on human food, or most animal blood." It was the half truth, for he also fed on few other things, but it was rare for him to do so.

@The Darkling

Nyx's eyes widened as she looked up at him, his chuckle making her smile.

"You really don't think so? Well...that's a relief then. I'm pretty sure your the only one I'm going to be able to tell ash "

She could feel the relief wash over her and was glad she wouldn't have to hide at least one thing from someone. When he talkrd about his need for blood to she became more interested.

"Really? What do you feed on most of the time your here then? That can't be healthy for you if you don't eat or eat properly. I've also not known many mummies to feed solely on blood if anything, so I'm going to assume your not a mummy like most people think right?"

When she became curious aboit something, or was intrigued she sometimes couldn't help go on about it, at least not until it was to late. She gasped and out her fingers to her lips.

"I'm so sorry..that was quite rude of me to go on like that, I shouldn't make assumptions on people's race like that"​

Kai looked at Amalia who was still trying to escape. These walls are very strong. I see your wolf isn't at it's full potential. Then you might have had a chance. Anyway, you must be thirsty. Here have some water. As she spoke, Kai created a bowl of rock which was weaker than the walls. She then did the same with a cup, made of the same material. With both made, Kai drew moisture from the air and directed it to the bowl and cup, filling them with water. She placed them equal distances away from the werewolf. Here you have two choices. If you are done being wolf for the night transform back into Amalia and drink from the cup. If you still feel the effects from the moon and remain wolf, drink from the bowl.
Ash's brows raised when Nyx started apologizing. He was getting tired, but spoke anyways,"Well, I only just got here earlier, and I can survive off of blood packets. Though, I really hate the nasty things. I like fresh blood. Straight from the flesh." The Suna made a little gesture to his covered wrist with his other hand as if pulling something from it when he made his last comment. He glanced around a bit with an uncomfortable ache in the back of his head,"I'm not a mummy."

Ash lost his appetite for a moment when he thought about that word and rolled his neck, popping the joints. It was probably a good thing he didn't have that gnawing hunger, but now he was just tired. "It's getting late..I think I should go to bed."

He didn't give much time to reply, standing up and walking to the door," Try not to worry about stuff too much. It'll drive you insane eventually.....Goodnight."

Ash left the room, closing the door softly behind him. He quickly made his way to his own room, not bothering to investigate the new scent surrounding it as he laid on the couch. It wasn't long before his eyes closed and he was drifting off.
Nyx scolded herself silently, standing up as well. She felt bad for what she said and eventually lost her hunger as well.

"Yea...goodnight ash.."

She groaned and sat back down. She slipped her dress off and replaced it with a tank top for bed. She wanted to make it up to him for the rambling on she did like that. They were a lot alike after all and she had yet to find someone here like him.

as she tucked herself into her Bed, her tail cooling around herself protectively.

"I'll make it up to him tomorrow if I can find him...now I know how.."

She sighed and closed her eyes, drifting off in unsettled slumber.
Okay, so, listen up; especially those who were still roleplaying. As the roleplay just froze we are doing a time skip to morning, those who have something important to roleplay, do it but add some sort of indicator you're roleplaying at the previous night/early moment (either bold text or a different color~)


Angel woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside and... something warm beside him. He stirred and sleepily looked beside him only to go a little pale. "Wha..?" He looked confused before he slowly slipped away despite liking the warmth. The second he stood up; he regretted it; pain shot through his upper body and made him wheeze, hunch over and hug himself from the pain.
Nagisa felt the shift on the bed as he slept, this woke him up and he immediately woke up, knowing the condition Angel was in he sat up and looked around. He saw Angel and let out a sigh and shook his head, "Idiot, no sudden movements in your condition." Nagisa shuffled over to the side of the bed Angel got out of and carefully lifted him up back onto the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?"
Angel was shivering with pain softly before he was moved onto the bed. "Why.. were you.. um.. naked in my bed, Nagisa...?" He asked, looking only at the other's face and not lower as his cheeks turned a little pink

"Oh? Ooooh. I didn't do anything, don't worry. Plus You needed the warmth and I like to sleep naked." Nagisa shrugs innocently and covers himself and Angel back under the cloth, "How're you feeling?" He lay his head gently on the purple haired boy's chest, doing it so he didn't hurt him.
Nagisa lifted his head up and looked down at Angel, holding the bottom of his jaw with his hand, "I'm so sorry, I failed to protect you when I thought I could... I don't want anything like this to happen to you again." he gently stroked the boy's cheek with his thumb, Nagisa's eyes were actually tearing up again.
He sighed softly, looking at Nagisa's eyes. "Nagisa, you won't be always there to protect me, I at least got to try and get to Cody.. i failed miserably though..." He whispered, looking away with his eyes as he felt like he failed something very important.
"Don't say that, you probably would have never got to him. Heck, it wasn't Cody at all... speaking of which, I'll have to summon him back soon, he should've turned back." Nagisa looked towards the window then back at Angel, he gave him a kiss on the cheek and then got up and got dressed.
"It's just a spirit overshadowing Cody's.. if someone he held strong emotions to got though to him.. He might try and take back over his body.. It's just a fight between light and darkness..." He whispered.
Timothy opened his eyes, getting up from his position on the bed. He had been pretending to be asleep for his own amusement, and so far, it wasn't really working. It had been relaxing, though. A quick glance at the curtained window told him that the sun had risen, and was dangerously close to peeking through the fabric. The vampire got up, and moved to the other side of the room, just in case. He hardly wanted to be burned to a crisp.

Now, with his thirst quenched, and his mood drastically different from yesterday, he was once again looking forward to the classes. Plus, he still had the whole library to check out, and this time, he knew how to get to the books he wanted without incident. Or, at least he thought he did.

First, he would have to explore more of the building, that map only told him so much, after all, and it was always better to have a physical representation of a place, anyway. So with that in mind, he slipped out of his dorm room, and began walking randomly down the halls.
Ash stirred as a ray of light peeked into the room and onto his bed, shining down on his face as if to purposely push him to awaken. He opened his piercing eyes and stared up at the ceiling with a huff before he sat up. The night just about always seemed to be restless for him. Whether it be the uncomfortable stability of a mattress or the stomach clenching horror of his nightmares; Something kept him from feeling rested.

The Suna looked around the room as he listened for any movement in his dorm, but it was completely silent. He let out a small breath of relief and started unwrapping his face, taking a deep breath in for his airway wasn't obstructed for once. It was a tedious task to unwrap himself, but he did it anyways. Even as he grabbed a clean roll of bandages and a pair of shorts, he unwrapped. He headed over to the bathroom and placed his things on the sink, pausing a moment to grab a towel from underneath, and continue decloaking the dirtied bandages from his skin. Usually a Suna wouldn't change them so much even if it took them off, but these had begun to carry a foul stench of aged blood. He rolled his eyes as he proceeded to unwrap, glancing in the mirror when the markings adorning his back burned at meeting light after so long. It ached like the thirst in his throat, longing for more light, but he knew better. Though it wouldn't kill him, going into direct sunlight without his bandages always made him hurt. He paused his actions to turn the water on, and get it to just the right temperature before ended up staring at the water, half wrapped, and in thought about his so-called father. Why did he send me here?
As she waited for the wolf to choose whether to become Amalia or stay a wolf, Kai looked around the room to see the tiniest amount of sunlight shining through a microscopic crack in the rock. She knew the sunlight would help change Amalia back so she made all the rock disappear and the entire room filled with sunlight.

Kai looked back to the wolf to see Analia there instead. Like how she did with the window, Kai made the rest of the rock disappear and walked over to where Amalia kept he clothes. She pulled out an outfit the laid it on the bed. After that, Kai grabbed a blanket and laid it over Amalia's shoulder and walked to where the door is supposed to be, which was across the hallway.

Kai grabbed the door and placed it back where it belonged, screwing it in with a screwdriver she crafted out of iron since day that is part of the earth element. With everything all fixed, Kai sat down against a wall and played her music. It has always confused her how the headphones still work even though you can see right through them and herself as well.

Amalia looked around. “W-What happened?” She looked around to see that it wasn’t nighttime anymore. The sun hurt her eyes.

“Did I hurt anybody?”

(Time to get you posting again. xT @Risk )

Oliver woke when he heard movement in the dorm room. He listened as he lifted up from his back with a pained groan. Apparently falling asleep while moon gazing wasn't the best idea seeing as he had ended up sleeping on the floor. Ollie got up to his feet and snuck out of his room with caution. There was no telling what kind of creature he had for a roommate, but he was curious. He crept towards the bathroom, which the door was left wide open, and peeked his head just over the side. It was a guy with bandages halfway wrapped around him like a mummy. That dude from am the hall? His brows furrowed when the guy turned to face the shower and revealed markings on his back.

Is that a rune or just a tattoo? Oliver couldn't contain his curiosity and snuck up behind him, eyes wide in awe as he lifted a finger to trace over one of the lines.

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