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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Amalia howled, or more likely, loudly growled. She needed to get out of here. She couldn't take being in the air. She was angry and hungry.
Timothy pushed open the heavy front doors and took a deep breath as the chilly midnight air hit him. This was more like it. The darkness was comforting, and with only the full moon to light his way, he began strolling down the steps and along the paths leading to the Academy gates. A small smile graced his lips as he watched the willows dance and heard the sounds of the leaves rustling in the soft wind blowing just strongly enough to rustle his white locks.

He could still hear the faint screaming and howling from inside the large building, and he shuddered a little as a chill made it's way up his spine.

She nodded, her red eyes glancing at the door with a sense of urgency.

"Yes..please, if it's not much trouble. It's bringing great unease to me."

It reminded her of events from her childhood, not very pleasant ones at that. Almsot like this mental issue she read about in a book. PTSD she recalled it being.

Her black pupils were almost narrowed to straight lines as she looked on, moving slowly towards the door.

"I hope I'm not causing you any trouble. We just met and I'm already burdening you with unnecessary worry"​

"Don't worry about it," Ash said as he moved towards the door, slipping ahead of her to hold it open. "They were getting me too," yeah, getting me hungry,"I needed a break, really." He held the door open, making sure to stand out of the way so she could get through. It was only manners, thinking about the trouble she must have getting through the doors.

His kindness helped relieve her a bit, bowing her her head in thanks as she moved through the door. Her pallete was now suddenly dry and her stomach growled at her.

"I didn't realize just how much my body needed food till now actually so this I probably good. I would have ended starving myself surely."

Once out in the open air she took a deep breathe and exhaled, the chill of the night making her shiver. It was one of the downfalls to being coldblooded sadly.​


(Sorry it took so long was cooking dinner)
"It's easy to forget," Ash closed the door once she was completely out, and he looked around at their surroundings. He had yet to get a good look at the school grounds, but he wasn't in much of rush," is there anywhere you wish to go?" Though he wasn't sure how much longer he would accompany her. His hunger was beginning to cause his throat to parch.

Nyx shook her head gently, enjoying the cool air.

"Not really no, you've been so kind I would like to go where you wish if you don't mind me tagging along. You mentioned earlier how your snake was hungry, I'm sure you are to right? We can always pick something up for you both to eat"

She stopped a moment to look at him and await his response. She hoped she wasn't coming off as clingy, she simply just wanted to get to know him more though she understood personal space.​

Ash glanced at his snake, who he could feel was getting ill with him for not feeding him on his usual time. He tried to discretely dismiss Nyx's comment on dropping by to get himself some food, "do you happen to know where I could find some live mice..?" The small rodents were the only thing that was easy for him to feed to the cobra, but he had fed the ones he caught earlier to it before he arrived to the school.

Nyx blushed and fidgets with her books binding.

"Well..as odd as it may sound,.I have some live mice up in my dorm. I wouldn't mind sharing them with your friend there.."

She didn't like the thought of going back inside but it was the only place she knew to get mice at this time of night.​

LonelyAssassin said:
The Werewolf slowly came forward, sticking it's nose between the bars and blissfully sniffing at the Air. All this new blood, he wanted it, he craved food, he needed to eat, he would do anything to taste a bit of it. He went to the back of the cage then launched itself forward, slamming into the already weakened bars as another came loose. He tore it from it's socket and pushed through the bigger gap and was free from it's wretched cage. The Werewolf stood, no longer slouched from being in the cage it used it's full height to intimidate the angel.
His hands slowly pulled into fists. He wouldn't be able to protect himself with magic, he used most on Nagisa. The rest was filling the room, soon, magic wise he'd be drained but he wouldn't fight the wolf anyway. If he can keep it from harming anyone else, he'd die for that.
Darkwolf1344 said:
His hands slowly pulled into fists. He wouldn't be able to protect himself with magic, he used most on Nagisa. The rest was filling the room, soon, magic wise he'd be drained but he wouldn't fight the wolf anyway. If he can keep it from harming anyone else, he'd die for that.
The Werewolf's large hand reached slowly out to the Angel and tilted his head up with a single claw as it stepped closer, looking directly down at the fragile looking boy. It wasn't growling any more, it was content.
LonelyAssassin said:
The Werewolf's large hand reached slowly out to the Angel and tilted his head up with a single claw as it stepped closer, looking directly down at the fragile looking boy. It wasn't growling any more, it was content.
He looked at the wolf, not moving a side from his head being tilted. He was waiting for the wolf to do something and all this waiting was actually making him impatient. He wasn't expecting all this drama and stuff when he enrolled if he was honest with himself.
The wolf suddenly clutched the angel's neck and lifted him up, throwing him towards the window with some force, though because of the magic surging through the room, the window probably wouldn't break when Angel hits it.
You know, it's not polite to try and claw someone's eyes out, and wouldn't even work on me. You will just pass right through me, and trust me, you don't want that. Kai watches you struggle some more to try and free yourself. I wonder how long you are going to last. I mean, I can last forever, but you, you're weakening right now because of how much you struggle.
Angel let out a loud grunt when his back hit the window that didn't even rattle at the impact. He fell on the ground, touching his back as he knew there would be a bruise in the morning. "you're not- ah - getting out of this room" He said, standing up as he supported himself against the wall, giving the lycan a 'do your worst' look.

The Werewolf had already leaped at Angel slamming him against the wall and then throwing him to the ground with ease, it pinned him and roared in his face before slowly digging it's claws into his delicate looking chest, slowly pushing down onto his ribs, applying a little more pressure every second to build up that asphyxiating sensation and to crush the cage that protected his organs. "Grrrrrrrrrrr"
He had the air knocked out of him so he was already breathing heavy. He tried to grip the wolf's wrist to stop the pressure while starting to wheeze from the pain, shaking. He could feel tears prick at his eyes as pain clouded his mind, making him feel a bit dizzy. He could smell and feel his blood slowly spreading over his shirt and hoodie from the puncture wounds. 'C-Cody' He gasped, he knew teaching out for Cody was unlikely to work even telepathically, past the beast that took over.

The Werewolf forced down more as you tried to speak to it, it's large jaws opened and clamped shut around Angel's neck/shoulder, biting down hard and it slowly ripped the flesh from it's section of the body. The Angel tasted different, and it wasn't bad, the Werewolf wanted more. More of his flesh, he chewed on the chunk he had taken from his victim and looked down at the Purple Haired boy again - ready for another piece.
LonelyAssassin said:
The Werewolf forced down more as you tried to speak to it, it's large jaws opened and clamped shut around Angel's neck/shoulder, biting down hard and it slowly ripped the flesh from it's section of the body. The Angel tasted different, and it wasn't bad, the Werewolf wanted more. More of his flesh, he chewed on the chunk he had taken from his victim and looked down at the Purple Haired boy again - ready for another piece.
He gasped for breath before crying out, trying to weakly struggle free as tears rolled down his cheeks. The burning pain he felt in his chest and now neck/shoulder were more than he experienced before, it was torture, the fact he couldn't really die; even more so.
The Werewolf took his hand off the boy's chest and roared loudly, his mouth opening and was about to force it's way down into his meal's torso, but before it could the werewolf's chest burned and made it whine and howl in pain. It left the Body he was going to make a meal of and stumbled of the bed, clutching it's burning chest as a symbol glowed orange on it, like it was burning the wolf.

Nagisa was crouched where he was Knocked out, holding his hand out. He made a few hand seals and pointed at the wolf, 5 symbols appears in the air and spin around in a circle - shooting towards the Wolf and upon hitting it the Werewolf disappeared into Thin air. Nagisa upon finishing gasped for air and crawled over to Angel, looking down at him, there were tears in the Incubus' eyes too.

"I'm sorry Angel." He drew a symbol on the Boy's blood chest and pulled his left hand back and thrust it painfully down onto the already mutilated chest and the symbol he drew glowed brightly, causing even more pain. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you."
He weakly gasped for air when his chest was released and when he could hear no more growls, howls and snarls; the incubus came into his blurry view. He only managed to let out a little whimper, managing to push his hand weakly away as he knew it wouldn't work; with this degree of wounds, his body goes into a sort of 'feed mode' and any magic that gets done on it gets neutralised and stored in Angel's magic core. Even though he was bleeding out and crying, it was still visible in his eyes he was worried; worried for Nagisa and Cody.
The Symbol Nagisa applied was meant to heal Angel's wounds to some degree, though he's lucky that he is immortal or else he'd never survive through this healing process especially with these wounds. Nagisa tried to numb out the pain by making another symbol, but Angel's body may neutralise it.
He coughed weakly before his eyelids started to droop. The symbol he first applied only helped to stop the excessive bleeding. The second one did nothing though, after a minute more, Angel was out cold, in a coma until his wounds would heal by themselves or his magic would regenerate itself.
Nagisa held Angel in his arms and rested his head against his, thinking to himself, beating himself up. Knocked out as quickly as that? How weak Nagisa. He shrugged off his thoughts and picked up Angel, placing his body on his bed and covered him up with his covers. The room looked a mess, but he was at least glad that it had only happened within these walls, that last seal he applied to the Werewolf drained most Nagisa's energy so he sat beside Angel, it was going to be a long night.
Angel was starting to very slowly regenerate the skin and tissue back but wouldn't stop from his body hurting when he woke up as the pain took twice as long to go away. He would be physically healed when classes would start tomorrow. The healing was much much faster than a human's but still considered slow compared to some other creatures.

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