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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Nagisa felt the strain on his body and decided to lie down on Cody's bed, he looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. He worried about Angel and Cody, this would probably change things between them and it was only the first night. He would have to work hard these next coming days to make sure this doesn't happen again.
[QUOTE="The Darkling]

Nyx blushed and fidgets with her books binding.

"Well..as odd as it may sound,.I have some live mice up in my dorm. I wouldn't mind sharing them with your friend there.."

She didn't like the thought of going back inside but it was the only place she knew to get mice at this time of night.​


Ash glanced at the door, realizing that things had at least calmed down inside while they were out," Why not?" He said, guessing it would be easier to go back inside than to trying to catch field mice at a time like this.
Oliver had arrived at the school exceedingly late. The sun had already set and he assumed all of the classes were done for the night. Yet there was a hint of a pep in his step as he entered the school, and got his key and schedule. The woman didn't even seem to notice him as she handed the two objects to him and continued on with her work. Nevertheless, he wished her a fine farewell whilst he gilded back out of the doors and headed towards the dorms.

The only thing he carried with him was a single suitcase that was embroidered with markings, obviously burned into the exterior. He held a perfectly normal persona for someone just arriving to a new school, nervous and exited, boiling the hot blood in his veins as he thought about all of the cool people he could meet. Of course, Oliver couldn't let himself get too excited already, and he let a little steam off before he neared the dorms. When he made it inside the dorms he quickly started looking for his room. Wondering if he had a roommate.

Nyx nodded at least a little relieved that he didn't find out odd.

"Alright then if you don't mind following me we can head there now"

She slithered back to the door and held it open. She knew there might be some questioning when he figures out that she doesn't keep them as pets. For now She assumed that all would be well.​



Felix had some most of the night out and about in people's dorms, feeding and learning about what scared peoppe most. When he arrived back he couldnt help but feel all the shit that had been going down. Then again it was the full moon there was bound to be a work or two here. One room he felt it first was a room where she could hear a girl talking and decided to ignore it. But the second room he came across was quiet and also had an incredible amount of magic coming from it as well.


He stared the door down and put his Hand on it, his clawed fingers dragging lightly across it's frame. The power made his skin vibrate and knew seals had been placed. But that had never stopped him before. He growled low as his body shifted to a dark like entity, the redness of his eyes faint but there. He pushed against the door and in no time he was inside. Thankfully it was one of the perks of being a nightmare, magic was something that almost never effected them unless it was meant to specifically keep him out. He kept his dark form as he walked around the trashed and bloodied room. But he stopped when he noticed someone familiar. He frowned as he saw the Angel boy from earlier. But putting aside what he was doing in this mess he felt the pull he would get with any victim of his that drew him to feed. His shadowy body became more solid as he walked silently over to his bed.

He looked down at the boys face and noticed one hell of an injury still healing. He cringed and reached down to touch his hair but drew back before He could. Instead he did what he normally did. He say on top of the boy, knees on either side of him.during feeding he wasn't really heavy, but heavy enough to leave them with that feeling of out of breathe.

His form had changed since the last he saw the angel, night did thag to him after all. He had small horns curling over his head and he had two sets of large fangs on each row of teeth. As he pressed his clawed hands to angels temples he reeled back a bit as he was sucked into subconciousness.​

[QUOTE="The Darkling]Felix had some most of the night out and about in people's dorms, feeding and learning about what scared peoppe most. When he arrived back he couldnt help but feel all the shit that had been going down. Then again it was the full moon there was bound to be a work or two here. One room he felt it first was a room where she could hear a girl talking and decided to ignore it. But the second room he came across was quiet and also had an incredible amount of magic coming from it as well.

He stared the door down and put his Hand on it, his clawed fingers dragging lightly across it's frame. The power made his skin vibrate and knew seals had been placed. But that had never stopped him before. He growled low as his body shifted to a dark like entity, the redness of his eyes faint but there. He pushed against the door and in no time he was inside. Thankfully it was one of the perks of being a nightmare, magic was something that almost never effected them unless it was meant to specifically keep him out. He kept his dark form as he walked around the trashed and bloodied room. But he stopped when he noticed someone familiar. He frowned as he saw the Angel boy from earlier. But putting aside what he was doing in this mess he felt the pull he would get with any victim of his that drew him to feed. His shadowy body became more solid as he walked silently over to his bed.

He looked down at the boys face and noticed one hell of an injury still healing. He cringed and reached down to touch his hair but drew back before He could. Instead he did what he normally did. He say on top of the boy, knees on either side of him.during feeding he wasn't really heavy, but heavy enough to leave them with that feeling of out of breathe.

His form had changed since the last he saw the angel, night did thag to him after all. He had small horns curling over his head and he had two sets of large fangs on each row of teeth. As he pressed his clawed hands to angels temples he reeled back a bit as he was sucked into subconciousness.

Angel was already breathing heavy so the extra pressure made him breathe even harder. Angel was dreaming about memories, the darker parts of his life mostly, he never had random dreams, but always dreamt only memories, he didn't know why and he always woke up knowing what he did dream of, unlike humans and other creatures.
Felix stood in the middle of angels dream, glancing around with his arms Crosse I've his chest. It didn't look much different from normal peoples dreams but it had a different feel. He didn't feel like he was in a dream. All he really had to do was stand there until Angel came into view, then he could really play around. And with his energy coming off of him like fire he knew it wouldn't take long. When he decided to walk along he was able to take in more of where he was. Each step he took leaving behind a dark scorched mark and killing whatever it was that was under him.

The dream/memory was normal at first, nothing special but soon it would change to a white room with a one-way glass showing a barren white room and a chair.. it had a feel of some sort of facility, that was for sure about the environment.

@The Darkling
Felix stayed relaxed when the dream shifted, he was used to it and he was glad to finally see some activity. From that point on he stayed in front of the window that appeared before him, any person that walked by him not acknowledging him as he cloaked his presence. It was bad of the dreamer saw you, it was one of the first rules in dream eating. So for now he leaned back in watch, his power surging more and more as he soaked up every little bit of negative he could. Which wasn't a lot at first but he could feel it growing. But he was more so curious as to where Angel was and where he was at this moment.

I know what it is you want. Sadly, it is not found in this room not can you break out of it because of how tough the rock is. If I let you down, the first thing you will go after is me. As I have told you before, you can't kill what's already dead so no matter how much force you throw at me, you'll pas through me. When solid, I will still feel no pain and won't die, even if you toss me around. The air around Amalia thins, making it slightly harder to breathe and making her sleepier. You know, removing enough oxygen from a person like I have done to you right bow will cause them to almost instantly fall asleep. To bad you're a werewolf, 'cause you're going to last a little longer and you are going to have some trouble breathing. Kai looked at Amalia with a wicked glint in her eyes.
Angel was dragged into the room on the other wise of the glass, strapped into the chair that looked like one you'd find at a dentist. He was struggling and visibly panicking before the real torture started. There was screaming and crying, agony, fear and anger spreading through Angel's dream like a thick mist that wouldn't clear.

@The Darkling
Amalia whimpered. She couldn't breathe. Why was she doing this? She felt sleepy, but desperately fought it. She continued to claw the air around her.
Nagisa stopped looking at the ceiling and looked to Angel, he saw this guy, this strange man with horns and teeth in front of him. He scampered up and nearly fell off his bed out of surprise, couldn't he just get a break for a second or two? He seemed to be doing something to Angel, no matter what it was, Angel was injured and sitting on him like that wouldn't do any good. Nagisa stood from his bed and went to push the guy off of him. "GET OFF AND GET OUT!"

@The Darkling @Darkwolf1344
While Felix watched on his face grew serious, he could feel his power surging more than it ever had in any dream before angels. And he soon figured out why it felt so odd to be here. It was a memorize..not a dream..not a nightmare. It only took him moments to feel completely over surged with the emotions, never before having so much power pushed into his body at once. So when he came back to his body he sat up straight and gasped. His aura now having flecks of red in it.

He didn't react quickly to nagisa and when he did he looked back at him lazily, almost drunk with what he took from Angel.

"Ssshhh...People are all sleeping"

He smiled and started laughing quietly, a dark quiet chuckle. When he Breathed out it came out a low threatening growl.

"I'm done here anyways. .."

He stood up and easily moved off of Angel. Turning around to full fave nagisa, at least a good couple feet taller now that he's had his fill. He licked his lips and grabbed nagisas face, his aura creeping it's way along his cheeks.

"An incubus huh? I wouldn't mind trying you next time.."

He let go, shoving back a little before backing up into the window and exploding into a mass of black and dissapearing.

Nagisa just glared at Felix, he hadn't seen him before in the academy so had no idea who he was or what he was capable of. He let his face be taken a hold of, not showing any emotional weakness to the monster. He eventually backed away and disappeared into shadows. Nagisa walked over to Angel and looked down at him, placing his hand on his forehead.

"Rough First Night huh?"
Angel was trembling a little, a tear or two rolling down his cheek. He was scared even though it was just a memory. The energy that Felix gave off though, fuelled his own but it didn't take an amount to be noticeable to the Nightmare. He could feel something around him but didn't know what. His wounds were also visibly healing faster than before.

@LonelyAssassin @The Darkling
Nagisa wiped the tears from Angel's face, "Twice. I'm so crap at this protecting shit." He sat beside Angel and then leaned down and rested his head on the Dark Angel's chest, seems as though the blood was gone, though his neck wound was still there it was visibly healing.
Ash entered the building yet again, looking around as obvious sounds of ruckus rumbled through the enclosed area from rooms. He hated not knowing what was going on first hand, and itched to be apart of it. That wouldn't have helped him though, he needed food. Something warm. Something fresh. It didn't help that someone had passed him in the dorms that smelled, oddly enough, of human. A guy dressed in orange and yellow, carrying a case around with markings. Huh. I must be lucky.

Firstly, he needed to feed the snake on his shoulders. Then, he could snoop out something to eat for himself. His jagged teeth scrapped against the lower row as he clenched his jaw for a moment and stayed with Nyx. Control your thoughts.

@The Darkling
After about 30 minutes, the wound was near enough healed, deep about 1-2 mm(milimeters? idk the english version). He coughed slightly, stirring softly. He gasped from pain as it hurt like hell. "W-...."
Darkwolf1344 said:
After about 30 minutes, the wound was near enough healed, deep about 1-2 mm(milimeters? idk the english version). He coughed slightly, stirring softly. He gasped from pain as it hurt like hell. "W-...."
Nagisa's head rose from his chest and he looked down at Angel's face, cupping his hand under his jaw, "Angel! Shshshhhh don't make sudden movements okay? Don't want to start the bleeding again."

Nyx led him to her dorm, glancing every now at him and shivering from the feeling the dorms took on at night. She wasn't going to sleep well tonight, not unless she could help herself before hand. She sighed as she unlocked her door and walked in, the only light still on was the small lamp by her Bed.

Her room was fairly large, meant to house at least two people, but because of her tail length she Needed the extra room for her to be comfortable.

"Well it's nothing terribly great, feel free to sit down if you like"

She slithered over to her closet and opened the door, she had a long table on one side of the closet where a case of rats and their young slept and an old book sitting next to a puter goblet with dried blood on the outer edge.

"I hope the young ones will be ok for him, I know the large rats might be to big"

She opened the case and grabbed one of the young by the tail, it squeak in fear and thrashed around. It was hard to do this, her instincts wanting to kill it and devour it, her tail muscles clenching as she held back.​

"W..where's.. Cody..?" He asked, gulping as he coughed, wincing a little. He knew the wound was much smaller as the burn of the area has diminished a little bit.
"He's... not gonna harm anyone." Nagisa said with a smile, "You know, you're one brave idiot. You saved a lot of people tonight. You need to stop talking and just rest, it's still dark, go to sleep or something." He stroked his cheek, his hand was shaking a little bit, it had been a while since Nagisa was scared.
He weakly and tiredly nuzzled against the other's fingers before he did just that; his eyes slowly closed again and he was out cold, peacefully asleep.
Oliver passed by a pair of people and immediately stopped once he was behind them. He had to make sure he wasn't just seeing things; a mummy and a snake woman? Wow! Ollie was amazed by the two creatures considering he had never seen either of the species. He was tempted to go back and speak to them, but he needed to put his things away and maybe explore before he did anything else. So, he made his way to the room and went to unlock it, but it already was.

Oliver turned the knob and entered the room. There was a slight look of curiosity on his face as he noticed the other bedroom was already occupied, and he glanced around inside. It was only for a minute though, and he went to his own bed and unpacked all of his things starting with his clothes.

Once oliver finished unpacking he stepped over to the window, opening it up to let some fresh air in. The full moon's silver beams were the only thing keeping his room alight, and he watched it from where he stood in silence.

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