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Fantasy Academy for non-humans


A lost wolf spirit
Okay! So, it saddens me to see roleplays die, so I'll start one, I suppose.

A few simple rules:

  1. No invincible chars
  2. Be nice
  3. Enjoy this group roleplay c:
  4. The roleplaying will start when there are at least 3 people, me included
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so, I'll start us off I suppose~))

Avalon walked through the massive gates of the academy, taking a look around, she took note of the weeping willow trees planted around in no particular pattern. She made her way inside, a small amount of awe reflecting in her eyes, the academy looked old on the outside but it was rather modern inside. She walked to a woman, asking for her dorm key and once she got it, she made her way towards the dorm section f the academy, hoping she'd be accepted by people, and not shunned.
Timothy stood outside the front doors, dwarfed by the massive school, staring up at it. This was quite scary, if he was being honest with himself. A part of him wanted to turn around and run back to the bridge he had been sleeping under for the last month while he waited for the semester to start, but another part of him, a bigger one, was telling him, demanding him to enter.

The school grounds, as far as he had seen, were beautifully decorated, with lots of trees and green grass, and the lady who had talked to him when he signed up had been very helpful and kind, the flyer she had given him had really put things into perspective for the vampire. He had certainly missed out on a lot of life's most basic knowledge.

Plus, Timothy had a feeling he could really like it here, and the best part was that there were other people like him here too, so the chances of him being abandoned and cast out were very slim. Still, he couldn't help but swallow nervously as he grabbed the large door handle with both of his hands, and pushed the front doors to the Academy open.
The blonde girl jumped at the sudden voice not far from her. She looked at the seemingly younger girl from the corner of her eye and rubbed the back of her neck. "A-ah.. no.. not um.. afraid.." She whispered. She put her hand on the handle and pulled down, opening the door to the dorm she'd be staying in, not really sure who she'd share the dorm with. She slowly walked in, looking around. The walls were a very soft shade of blue, almost white looking. There were two beds, bedside drawers and two closets, desks and another door that most likely led to the bathroom. It was nothing fancy, the students were free to decorate how they wanted.
The soft gusts of wind grazed through Laces black locks as he stood atop the cobblestone pathway before the towering school. It's own intimidating aura permeating off it's antiquated bricks while his fingers subconsciously gripped the cuffs of his sleeves anxiously.

His feet dragged him forward against his will towards the double doors of the school yard, the gentle click of his shoes' heels filling the gardens tranquil air while Lace ignored the growing drone of different peoples voices beside him.

With a gentle sigh the teen resigned from any actual interaction, terrified by whatever outcome may come by doing so. And carried on past the drooping branches above him which formed an elegant archway with their greenery until he came to the door and pressed it open, the wood warm against his pale palms and causing a chill to waft over them as he stepped inside the modernised quarters. Everything was peculiar and unlike he could imagine, everything seemingly unnatural to Lacey despite his attempts to recall living like this before.

As he had become engrossed in his thoughts Lacey was torn away from his conscious as his arm brushed anothers more harshly then he would ever intend. With great fear, in a startled fashion Lacey drew back, hands up as his eyes fell upon the vibrant red gaze of a childs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Lacey reevaluating the action stopped himself and tugged at his scarf in silence as he tried to remain composed. "I didn't mean to bump into you, are you alright?" His tone was in a hushed whisper, raspy and almost stolen by the surrounding noise.

Interacting with:

Amalia approached the school, nervousness growing inside her. She wondered if she would fit in here, or if she would be a nobody. As she entered the school, she noticed a few more students, but decided not to spark up a conversation with any of them. Instead, she got her dorm key and quietly walked to her room.
After getting his dorm key, the lady that had welcomed him being surprisingly helpful in giving him the directions to his new rooms, Timothy allowed himself to admire the modern decor within the entrance hall. It really was something else entirely from what ha had been expecting. The building on the outside looked so old, stunning, yes, but the stone foundations and the weather worn towers had made it seem like this would be a dreary, dark castle filled with cobwebs and layers of dust. But he couldn't have been more wrong, he mused as he looked upon the brightly colored walls and the modernized tiles.

Timothy was just finishing up counting said tiles, coming to a close at tile number two hundred and forty three, when he felt something touch his upper arm. The vampire jumped and pressed himself against the wall, holding his arm tightly, his eyes wide and searching for the person responsible.

It was another boy, who was apologizing. When that thought registered in his mind, he relaxed a little. Nobody with the intention of causing him harm would apologize in the way this person did, he decided, finally.

"It's okay." Timothy told him, his voice soft and a little raspy from disuse, "I shouldn't have been standing there."

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A chill ran down her back before she put down her bag and suitcase and walked to the window. She pushed it open and took a breath, tense posture visibly relaxing. She peered out and to the side, to look at the vines that had with time crept up the stone brick walls of the dorm building,
Amalia sighed as she sat her suitcase down easily. She decided to nose around the school. She walked out of the room. It was honestly beautiful. You would think it would be spooky and old, but no. It was modern. Amalia liked it, surprisingly.
Amalia liked how quiet the school was. She highly disliked loud noises, so she was thankful for it being somewhat quiet. There was a painting on the wall that was beautiful, It was a red and yellow flower. Amalia smiled at it. She loved art.
Laces fingers fiddled with the rough fabric of his scarf in silence, an air of nervousness washing over his thin frame as he hoped that the younger individual wouldn't attack him for his thoughtlessness. The boy before him though seemed generous and understanding, his earlier position against the wall loosening as he perhaps grew more casual. The way he had looked before nearly held the power to crumble Laces heart, but it seemed he wasn't the only one petrified by his new and unknown surroundings. It was somewhat settling to the teen as he strained to hear the soft voice of the young boys tone.

"Then it seems we were both in the wrong." Laces pale lips tilted upwards into a timid smile, which though unpracticed felt natural. When he then filled the empty air between the two by holding his hand out to the other, "I'm Lacey Neh, I hope your first impression of me isn't too bad."

She smiled, looking at the vine. She reached out slowly, fingertips gently brushing over a leaf but little did Avalon realise she was leaning far over the edge and a simple slip could spell disaster. She listened to the plant and it's thoughts and feeling it's emotions, it gave her a sense of peace and tranquillity to listen to the gentle bodies of life. No darkness in them, they were the rare thing not corrupted by darkness and bad at all, she was glad for it as well, plants were her friends.
Nick blended into the small crowd of students who were walking into the school. He was amazed at the look of the small academy. It appeared to be an old castle from the outside, but once he stepped inside it appeared that this place was furbished with modern furniture and such. Nick went over to the dorm counter, picking up his room key, and strolled over to the dorm area. It seems a lot of other students will be in the dorms as well, he thought to himself as he unlocked his door and stepped in. The room was nice enough, much better than any house he had lived in, but it pretty much had what he expected. Nick threw his suitcase in a corner of the room and collapsed on his bed. Ugh, classes haven't even started, yet I still feel like I ran a thousand miles or so, he thought to himself. The ride to the academy seemed like forever, and it didn't mix to well with Nick's car sickness. He grabbed one of his books from his bag, Mythology by Edith Hamilton, and began to read it for the hundredth time while waiting for the rest of the day to begin.
Amalia sat on a bench. She could hear everything. Even if they weren't in the room, she could sense what they were doing. She hated it. She felt like she was intruding, but she couldn't stop it. Amalia looked around, taking in her surroundings. This is where she would live now, so might as well.
Timothy looked at the offered hand, then up at the now smiling teen, his crimson eyes still wide and uncertain. After a moment, he deemed that the boy, Lacey, seemed genuine enough, the vampire failing to find any malice in his eyes. Letting his lips form into a small smile, Timothy slowly reached out his hand and awkwardly grasped the bigger one, shaking it slightly. It felt unnatural and strange, the unchild not being used to contact like this at all, but it also felt oddly comforting in a way he couldn't explain.

"I'm Timothy Papillon," the boy said softly, his face still holding that small smile, "It's nice to meet you, Lacey."

The unchild's slight accent made him have a little a little trouble with pronouncing the teens name, and his cheeks reddened a little when he realized that he had called him 'Laci' instead of 'Lacey', and he looked down, biting the inside of his cheek. Stupid.

At the sound of the other girl's voice, Avalon jumped a little which caused her foot, which was lifted on her tiptoes to slip and lean completely forward on the window sill, looking straight at the ground. Her breathing accelerated in fear as she was holding herself with one hand, grip slowly slipping as her hand became covered in a thin layer of sweat from fear.
Kohart looked around the small throng of students entering the school grounds as he did. He walked at a steady and comfortable pace, taking the time to let the appearance of his surroundings sink in. The smell of grass tickled his nose as he walked, easing a bit of the stress that had built up from the long ride to the school.

A suit case and a book bag was all he carried on him aside from his casual attire. He kept a firm grip around the suitcase's handle to ensure that he wouldn't end up dropping it and spilling his belongings whilst using his free hand to enter into the school and collect the key to his assigned room.

Dark grey eyes studied the key in his palm while he made way to the dormitory. Simply making sure to memorize the number. Hart entered the dormitory and walked, carefully reading the numbers on the doors aloud under muffled breaths. When he finally made it to the room he unlocked the door and took a moment to take everything in.

This would be a first for him when it came to being away from his family, but he was ready to try something out of tradition. Kohart smiled slightly to himself and say his things down on one of the beds. He fell onto his back next to his bags and let out a heavy sigh of relief.
Armina, I walk through the doors of the school. I was new here and had no idea were to go. I look around hoping to find the dormitories and my locker. Everything was so different from what I was used to. I have my boxes all in my arms, along with all my books on top. one of my books fall off. " Shit," I sigh.

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NeoLeaf said:
Nausicaa Ka

The Deamon

The tentacles proceeded to throw themselves onto the mattress. The girl had coated the ornament with different layers of slime until the wall area above the upper bunk bed and around it had been covered with a glistening slimy looking blue substance. The Tentacles then swung around violently and retracted and melted back into Nausicaa's tiny body. The girl rolled herself on the slimy mattress and relaxed in her niche. She opened one of her milky eyes and had noticed the other one gripping her heart and staring at the upper bunk bed and all of it's glory.

"Ara?" She giggled.

"Did I surprise you?" She rose up from her mattress with a thin sticky membrane of slime stretching along with her as she got up and snapping back to the mattress. The little girl smiled lightly to herself.


she's trying not to fall out of the window, xD )
Lacey felt a swarming sense of relief overwhelm his chest as a pair of smaller fingers wrapped themselves around his own.

The sight caused a small sense of adoration to mix itself into his earlier emotions, the drastic difference in their hands sizes a petty thing to smile over. Though it was difficult to do otherwise before releasing the others tender hand and listening to their quiet introduction. Taking note of their name Lace urged himself strictly to not forget the name Timothy the best he could.

When the realisation of the others mispronunciation reached the teens ears, originally he remained unfazed by such an event finding no pleasure in the idea of critiquing the boy on how his name was meant to be said. Though when a slight pink hue had become to overtake Timothy's otherwise pale complexion he realised that, perhaps, the other was concerned himself.

"If you'd like you could just call me Lace," Lacey added casually not intending to mention the others mistake head on and perhaps save the young boy from worrying himself over it in the possible future. For a peculiar reason the young individual reminded him of someone he cannot recall.

"It's really nice to meet you Timothy," he then responded before questioning something that piqued his interest.

"There's somewhat of an edge to your voice, like, an accent. Are you not from around here, I'm sorry if I'm being intrusive." Lacey added the final sentence with a the frantic raise of his hands not meaning to cause the other any discomfort but simply curious.

Armina, I slowly and carefully try to bend down hoping to pick up the book with nothing else toppling down. Another book falls, "noooo, this is bull shit" I say to myself, "complete and total bull shit"
tellerortiz said:
oh crap, I thought she was. xD my bad!
she is, like, half way out of it, she wasn't gripping her heart and looking at Nausicaa, was just pointing that out to not cause confusion)
Darkwolf1344 said:
she is, like, half way out of it, she wasn't gripping her heart and looking at Nausicaa, was just pointing that out to not cause confusion)
oh okay. it confused me. thanks for clearing that up!

Amalia noticed a girl struggling to get her books. She walked over to the girl and picked them up for her.

"Need some help?" Amalia asked with a smile.
Armina, "oh my god thank you so much, you have no idea." I laugh. "im Armina, im new here"

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