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Fantasy academy de feast

"Uh, No, I have super speed I don't know your powers but I also have teleportation so I need to use that" Dylan touched her back and teleported right to the class room and ran in and grabbed her a room key "Here your room is 134" Dylan teleported back to Jennifer Okay Jennifer you go do that, I'm going to Luarens" Dylan teleported to Luarens room and kicked in the door His eyes shimmered and he knew she had it "Luaren I know you have the puzzle can I please have it"
Jennifer walked over to the library she kept looking an looking till she found one she thought could. "Sierously? Does anyone ever dust in the library?" Jennifer coughed a bit. Jennifer read through the book. "Nothing! Great like that wasn't a big waste of time." Jennifer groaned and went to put the book back. She turned around and the book fell. "What the heck?" Jennifer walked over and put it back. It it fell again. Jennifer grabbed the book and shoved it in there. She heard a clicking noise and the bookshelf moved. She walked in it was all dark. She grabbed a candle from the library and walked in. There was just more books. She searched through to see if any could answer her questions. "Why would they have a hidden bookshelf?" Jennifer wondered.
As Amber was unpacking she realized that her pet bird was no longer with her things. "That's weird," she said to herself. "I know i brought her with me in her cage, where could she have gone? I need to find her soon." she then finished putting her things away and went out into the hallways to find her pet bird, Annabelle.
Jennifer kept looking she saw one it was beautiful. It was a hardcover brown book with sparkling blue swirls coming around a purple circle. "Woah!" Jennifer said astonished as she read through. It didn't help though. It pretty much covered the same thing Mr.Yukari explained. Jennifer figured she should keep it and give it to Dylan she figured it still could help. "Dylan!!!" Jennifer shouted running through the halls finding him near Lauren's room. "Dylan!!! You need it see this I know your busy but this is reallllllly important!!!!" Jennifer said grabbing his arm trying to make him follow her.
Dylan realized Luaren wasn't there so he turned around to leave then the blue piece came out of his pocket and started to float. He fallowed the piece and it took him to the puzzle in a bookshelf then the piece turned off. Dylan went to the room with the bench and set it down and took the piece with him. He teleported to Jennifer. "Jennifer I need to show you something" Dylan grabbed her arm and teleported her to the library and put the blue piece in the puzzle. The blue piece turned yellow and the note book began to glow. Dylan pulled out the note book and opened it the block (Which is the puzzle) sucked in the note book and a tower began to grow. "Dylan. Jennifer." Said a mysterious voice "You found all five piece's and set my spirt free so now I will tell you your future. Dylan you are special the reason you act like a person is because you have a hidden power. Your a shape shiffter and can turn into any animal or object. Jennifer you are special to, you have have more than just the ability to control water you can also control fire, air, and earth (Like dirt and trees and stuff). Don't abuse the powers you have just learned of, but please tell my dear brother Yukari I'd like to talk to him about lying to you.

@the-lich @MagicalFlower
As She was going through the hallways she felt the ground start to shake. "What in the world was that?! There's a lot of strange things going on around here.."
Jennifer thought brother? She then heard a loud shout she turned. She felt a bit nervous seeing the teacher. Her face turned pale.
'Uh, I, I'm sorry I,I wanted to know what would happen I got anxious'" Dylan said sadly knowing he dissapointed his teacher
Mr yukari snRls "YOU!!!"

Zera yukari used his wings hanging from the ceiling, sipping tea "good morrow brother, by the way..lying to childeren..naughty naughty" he wagged his finger.
Jennifer was confused. "Wait he's your brother?" Jennifer asked confused not really understanding what was going on.
Mr yukari snarls "yes...my...ugh...older brother"

Zera responded "his older, handsomer, smarter and strongar older brother, so how are u baby fang"
Mr yukari covers jennifers mouth "ahehe dont listen to her hehe" looks "are u crazy he can take out a species like that" he snapped his fingers
"So I'm suppose to be scared of your brother. Ooh ahh. Oh I'm a damsel in distress blah. Hey news flash girl with stone necklace can turn him to stone. I'm not afraid of him." Jennifer whispered putting her hand in her pocket holding on to her tarantula necklace.
Mr yukari points "he is an etsrnel demon who caused the extinction of numerous species"

Zera smiled "ahh pompeii what a day"
Dylan tried not to laugh "Don't disrespect your brother" "You never know when he will be gone" Dylan said sad and started to tear up
"I mean his name and if he can do that that is awesome" I said standing there

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Jennifer rolled her eyes. "That's sad your scared of your big brother. Wow and your an actual male demon pft." Jennifer walked up towards Zera. "Hi I'm Jennifer a student of your younger brother it's very nice to meet you." Jennifer waved and smiled warmly. @the\-lich
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Zera rolled his eyes "vampire how pathetic" zera smiled at jennifer "a plesure to meet all of u, and it is awsome" he laughs insanly

Mr yukari growls flying off.

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