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Fantasy academy de feast

"Here." Jennifer took the keytar and changed a couple things. "Here this can give you and electric kind of sound." Jennifer said giving it back to her.
Jennifer laughed and smiled. She thought of something. "Hold on." Jennifer looked under her bed. "Here it is. Its a regular acoustic guitar, but it's so much fun also. You want to switch instruments?" Jennifer giggled a bit.
Jennifer took the keytar and started playing a couple riffs and thought if something. "Oops here this might help." Jennifer laughed handing her a guitar pick.
Rosey watched as he flew off. She sighed and went to her room. She stared out the window, and watched the wind blow the leaves on the trees. She sighed and waited for him to come back...
Jennifer looked outside. "Hey we do have a forest right outside of the academy if you want to see. I think I only went there once. I never really took time walking and looking around there." Jennifer sighed a bit then she smiled. "Hey do you want to go to the forest with me? It'd be fun! Like an adventure for the both of us!" Jennifer said trying to make it sound fun.
Jennifer walked outside seeing the forest. She walked through it. It seemed to get a bit darker the further they went in but she didn't care. "Careful it's a bit dark in here you could step and fall on something if your not careful." Jennifer warned Lizzy.
Jennifer kept walking and looked at some animals and looked at the trees. "Ah!" Jennifer tripped and fell down hard. "Ow." Jennifer said getting back up. "Like I said be careful you might trip." Jennifer joked. She got up and started walking deeper into the woods.
Jennifer laughed a bit. "They are beautiful. I remember me and my sisters were trying to race home and we met a curious skunk. My sisters were terrified. I laughed at there expression. I actually came up to the little guy and pet it and walked away to let it be. While my sisters were petrified because they were afraid to get sprayed. As long as they didn't bug him or harm him he wouldn't do anything." Jennifer said thinking about it remembering her sisters faces and smiled.
Jennifer smiled back. "Yeah I would do different things with my sisters. There really one of the best sisters you can have." Jennifer sighed. "Then again they can be sometimes the worst sisters you can have." Jennifer laughed. "Sometimes I would be busy doing homework so I couldn't play with them, but there smart. One day I finished an essay about 10 pages. My sisters took it away from me and only would give it back if I played 10 different games with them. Ever since then I hid all my homework so they wouldn't find it." Jennifer laughed.
Since Rosey had nothing to do, she went to find Jennifer. She went to the dorm and knocked on there door.

"Jennifer? It's me, Rosey."
Jennifer laughed. "Yeah I think boys always get themselves into trouble. I have two cousins that I had to babysit one time and they were a nightmare." Jennifer laughed she looked around. "Hey let's go back to the school. It's getting a bit dark in here and there's not much to see." Jennifer said turning around walking back.
(@Queen of Fantasy Yeah I saw it, but me and Lizzy are in the forest right now coming back. I'm trying to get back so I can meet up with your character. ( ;) )) Jennifer walked back to the school going back to her room seeing Rosey. "Hi Rosey what's up?" Jennifer smiled.
Rosey turned seeing Jennifer and someone new.

"W-well.." She started stuttering. "Mr. Yukari is in trouble. I felt it, and so I told Zera, and he went to go help, but I'm worried." She says sadly.
Rosey was shivering. She looked at her was eyes that were both alive, yet cold.

"I felt his presence in the dream world with Dylan and someone else... I heard him screaming." She says. She coughed and looked outside seeing snow falling.

"I think he's okay though. Zera is there, and he won't dare hurt his brother. I know." She says coughing again, and shivering.

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