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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer sighed. "Dylan please." Jennifer played with his hair saddened. "I love you Dylan." Jennifer kissed him. She figured if he didn't wake up soon she would give up.
Jennifer moved hearing him talk. "Dylan?" Jennifer smiled and hugged him. "Dylan! Your okay!" Jennifer held onto him tight.
Jennifer heard something or someone say something. She thought a bit she did love the teacher, but she sort of did like Dylan she guessed. Jennifer didn't know what to say she took a deep breath. "Yes." Jennifer nodded.
"Well do me a favor and get out of my thoughts. Also I do love Dylan. I might love Yukari more but I do love Dylan. He means the world to me. He's funny, kind, sweet, and it wouldn't be life without him." Jennifer said. "Now bring Dylan back! I don't know what you did, but bring him back!!!" Jennifer shouted.
The voice laughed "oh sweetheart you think I did this? This was your doing. Dylan's felling for you would grow everyday... But you couldn't see that. And to top it off he was staying back because he knew you liked Mr.Yukari"
"He did?" Jennifer thought in her head. "Look don't call me sweetheart and this wasn't my fault! Bring him back or else!" Jennifer said.
Jennifer got angry. "Look I do love him. I don't now how much he loves me. How do you expect me to love him the same when I have no clue how much he loves me. He didn't really say you know."
Jennifer thought. " Maybe the teacher knows something." Jenifer sighed. " If I ask him for help he'll probably come and who knows what that thing might blabber about." Jennifer thought in her head and sighed. "Look if Dylan did love me why didn't he tell me instead of me trying to figure out if he does or not?!?!? At least let me talk to Dylan please." Jennifer begged.
"Well because I know you like the teacher I trapped Lauren in there to. Perhaps he can develop a crush on her, ad for the answer to your next question I'm an old friend of yours"
Jennifer frowned then got mad. "Who are you?!?!? I doubt I could be friends with such a jerk who would trap my friends! You let them both go now!" Jennifer shouted.
"Yet I didn't say a friend of yours, I'm a friend of Dylan's, and as I stated earlier, I can't until the person they like likes them the same!"
Jennifer got mad. "You can! You did something to them. If you can take them and trap them until someone they love loves them back you can perfectly well let them go!"

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