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Fantasy academy de feast

"That's perfect!" Jennifer said smiling she turned around and saw his room. She noticed he still had the book. "You know I really don't think we need that book anymore." Jennifer laughed. "Why don't you put it back to the library and i'll wait here then we can start practicing?"
"Okay" Dylan ran to the library and returned the book "man it's dusty in here" Dylan ignored the dust and ran back to the room "Okay lets go practice our new abbilites"
"Alright he said your a shape shifter so if you focus on a specific animal maybe you'll turn into one. Me he said I can create and control Fire,Air and the Earth. So maybe I need to think focus on fire and keep thinking about it? You wanna try that?" Jennifer asked
Jennifer jumped back. "Woah!!!! Okay that was awesome but sort of creepy." Jennifer laughed. "Okay my turn!" Jenifer turned away from Dylan to make sure she wouldn't hurt him. "Okay think fire fire fire fire fire!" Jennifer held out her hands waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened. "Sierouly??" Jennifer groaned. "Okay maybe I can make fire rise from different places." Jennifer looked at the ground and thought fire fire fire. Nothing happened but a spark came and fire rose up. "Awesome!!!!! That is so cool!" Jennifer said astonished and amazed.
"Congradulations lets try your air power. I'll try to turn into a cat"

Dylan thought about cats and orange and furry and he turned into one "Mewo *cough* Uh I need to be able to talk"
"Air Power? How can I control something I can't see?" Jennifer thought for a moment and came up with an idea. "Dylan I have an idea but you need to trust me okay? I'm going to try to get rid of the air surrounding you so you can't breathe. I'll put it back if it works. Okay?" Jennifer said hoping he would be okay with it.
"Okay!!" Jennifer said. She started thinking how she could take air away from him. "Okay here we go!" Jennifer moved her hand in a circular pattern then clenching her fist and bringing it back towards her with force. She hoped she could grab air and bring it towards her and away from him. She watched him for a bit waiting for something to happen.
Jennifer was happy it worked but started to laugh at his reaction. "Hold on Dylan" Jennifer laughed. She threw her hands out like she was releasing the air back to him. "You okay?" Jennifer laughed watching him.
Dylan breathed in "Yeah. Lets go outside... To practice your earth ability" Dylan thought about an eagle really hard but couldn't turn into one "I, I cn't turn into an eagle" Dylan fround "I wanted to use my new power as much as possible"
"Well you literally just got them so it is going to take practice. That's why were doing this whole thing." Jennifer laughed. "Okay so earth power. So maybe I can grow plants whenever I want. Oooooh maybe I can make a plant with vines to trap someone if I'm or someone else is in danger. Want to be my test subject." Jennifer laughed elbowed him hoping he would say yes.
(oh oops lol I get what your saying now) Jennifer walked outside. "Okay lets see if we can trap a cat with plants." Jennifer concentrated and thought hard. She raised her hands starting to cross them back and forth like she was tying something up. Jennifer closed her eyes hoping it worked. She looked and actually did trap Dylan she just needed to work on trapping him better he was stuck in a tangled mess. "Oops well I sort of got the hang of it. Hold on Dylan" Jennifer moved her hands just like she did before but backwards making the plant go back to the ground. "There we go! Well I think I've got the hang of all these powers. Why don't we take a break for today?" Jennifer asked motioning Dylan to follow her.
I like to think.....neutrel did i cause the fall of rome...maybe, did i make vesuveus blow probably, that depends on you" he smiles teeth sparkle.
"okay." Jennifer's voice trailed off feeling something was bugging him. Jennifer left and walked through the hall to go grab a soda. She turned to look back seeing Dylan moving doing something. She couldn't help thinking about what was bugging him. "Ooof!" Jennifer bumped into someone and fell. Jennifer went to see who it was and realized it was Lauren. "Oh my gosh Lauren I'm so so sorry! I didnt see where I was going! I'm so so sorry!" Jennifer said feeling bad as she helped Lauren up.

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