[Absolute Power] Between Mirrors

Generally you're allowed limited access to the 'port' areas by the pillar and the landing edge in the west. If you want to access the city proper, you have to submit to a voluntary mindscan by a Heartwright, or present a letter of merit from a recognized authority in order to prove that you have no criminal history or intentions. There is a shanty town of sorts some way from the pillars, much like a slum. The Council rules from the Council Hall suspended above the centre of the city.
Yeah, I still have nothing, this game is going to take off without me just because I'm too distracted and can't even pick a Pattern.
Feel free to go with your initial idea, really, if that is what suits you. Or I could challenge you with a pattern, see how you use it?

Everyone is submitting slowly, though, so don't feel like you'll miss out. I only half two half-done characters so far.
Was going to note, feel free to give feedback, not sure what else I might need to add to the character I put up.
Well, it's mostly that I like almost all the Patterns, and I have too many ideas and can't pick one, especially distracted as I am. ^_^
Monalfie said:
Was going to note, feel free to give feedback, not sure what else I might need to add to the character I put up.
Pardon me, didn't realize. I'll look it over and give you something soon. Seemed fine last I looked, though.

gatherer818 said:
Well, it's mostly that I like almost all the Patterns, and I have too many ideas and can't pick one, especially distracted as I am. ^_^
They are all fun. You know what people never seem to play? Seers. Seers and Shadows have to be the most underplayed Patterns.

Except Conflagrants. No one has ever decided to play a Conflagrant. Too much generic fire wizard, I suppose
Moar questions about Seven Pillars; mainly about nobility and the like.

What classes are present in the city? I know there are slums below the pillars, and there's likely the noble classes. Would there be something like a working class?

And, as Conduits are valued, would Octavia have been taken away for instruction, depending on who her parents were?
Council Members are treated somewhat like nobility, with most Magi just below them. Normal humans form most of the middle class, and working class - though a few mutants and creations occupy the working class, too.

Octavia's parents would have been strongly urged to send her to be educated at the Academy under the tutelage of another Conduit, and while they wouldn't've been forced if they refused her any magical instruction, she'd be removed for her own safety.
Everybody alive? I am content to roll ahead with the three people still posting once sheets are adjusted.
Cool, wasn't sure. I'll look over Leif again and approve soon.

Alexandra's sheet ought not to be too much longer, and I just need confirmation from Monalfie of edits being made.

Gatherer, you still in? Don't feel a need to rush, everyone doesn't need to join in all at once if more time is necessary.

Alice, you still reading this? Lemme see that Communer.
Yes, I should have it for you later on.

And I'll tweak her back story a little too, with the information you got back to me about class structure.
Because I'm forgetful - any character raised in Seven Pillars has Academics 1 because the education system is sufficient for basic literacy.
I might keep my Communer I've been toying with after all, since our other Communer seems to be playing strongly against type and I sort of want to play a perfectly stereotypical one - I've never seen a game before where the "healer" class has a default assumption of being selfish and a little cruel, and it intrigues me greatly. I'm just a little worried that our game seems destined to head towards us eventually making plays for the Council, and only one of us can sit on it at a time.
Party cohesion is not vital. I fully endorse backstabbing for a council seat and any political confrontation that may be appropriate.

Also if your character doesn't want a council position they are unlikely to be forced to take it.

The option also exists to go out into the wilderness and establish your own doman/lab.
Ah, yeah, but their character seems like the type that would want to sit on the Council to help others, and my Communer concept would want to sit on the Council to help themselves. ^_^ I don't mind playing a game where backstabbing other PCs happens, but I don't prefer to instigate it on my first character ever in the setting... do we have a Heartwright? I might go that way, the thought of being needed but not trusted by anyone looking to make "smart" creations also intrigues me greatly, and I can save the cruel healer for another game.
Indeed, there is no Heartwright that I have noted.

And there will surely be chances in future to play the cruel healer. This is hardly the last game I run here, though I might run another in this time period.
I should be good. I'd be considering adding extra details on, but couldn't think of much else to squeeze in there. Think I'm fine to go whenever.
Since the alert links to the game forum can you post details about the game at the start of the OOC thread?
Oh, right, sorry, I thought it would link to the Our Roleplays thread. Just a moment while I edit in a link

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