[Absolute Power] Between Mirrors

Main computer got dunked, recreating sheet on the lappy. I will have something up today MARK MY WORDS POTTER
Eep. Sorry to hear about your computer, Calgori.

Edit: Augh the sharks got to me. Delete me plz.
*gently nudges Grey in the direction of my character sheet for background point awards, not that I think they'll help on this particular roll, but you know...*

EDIT: invisiblecastle seems to be down, and hamete would require you to register (I really love that particular dice-roller, though), so I used this... slightly more awkward service. Supposedly, if you use the password gatherer818, it should show you my rolls. On four dice, I got three successes and a 1. You should be able to verify it... I think. Let me know if you have any problems with it (or if you just prefer I use the site's die-roller) and I'll use the in-post dice.


She has class to go to!

She'll open the book in a moment; what should I be rolling to attempt to read it?
Goddamnbatman said:
So what's up all? Joined the game recently as Jayce Hart, a chronomancer apprentice and knife thrower.

Imma go read your sheet...

The thread is moving somewhat slowly at the moment, giving people a chance to post.
As Kenric's part this time around was a roll, I didn't post anything there, my roll is already in this thread. If you want me to toss something together for him I can, but until he knows the nature of the "attack" he's having trouble imagining any more defenses than he's already thought up :D
Yeah, that's no problem. I've been busy with exams and was waiting on someone else. Updates soon, anyway.
Update soon.

Looks like a few people are out, but a couple of new are in, so there's that.
Everyone, get in here.

I'm really sorry, guys, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to archive this game.

The fact is that I'm just not capable of focusing adequately on it right now, nor of maintaining the quality you deserve as players and the game requires to be fun.

Thank you for playing, for the short time it lasted, and thank you for the interest. Hopefully we'll be able to return to this one someday when I feel better disposed to running it consistently and entertainingly.

If you would still like to play in any of my other, more stable games, To Reign In Hell has some similarities in thematics and structur0 to this one, and I do hope to see you in games in future.
It is a shame to see it go but thank you for letting us know rather then just have it vanish. May have to look in on some of those other games then.

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