[Absolute Power] Between Mirrors

New errata: Combat is now effected by 'throwing fins', or; placing angry half-starved sharks painted with the character's names in an enclosed pool. Victor is winnar, degrees of success determined by severity of mutilation. Modifying your shark requires ST approval. If you cannot afford a shark, you are welcome to throw dice at your opponents shark to determine success.
I think it will be great.

Though Communers will be a tad overpowered with these new mechanics, what with being able to modify living creatures....
Oh no, not the characters. The players must make sharks fight. Cover the costs yourselves.
Oh, ok.

I get this. Thankfully, my uncle builds boats. I can take get my own shark. Won't be very big though...
I give up. I'm watching this thread just for the laser sharks. Darn y'all for being so awesome.

Now this is what I'm aiming for...
I just.... this deserves its own thread. I'm not saying "omg y u spam up OOC chat", I'm saying "this is so cool everyone should see it". I wish I could draw, a steampunk-shark (omg sharkpunk) with a steam cannon instead of laser would be so cool...
This, I will do.

In the meantime, brace yourselves for the final countdown. I'll be giving characters another once-over and starting a thread later today.
That is an actual depiction of what scientists used to think a particular dinosaur-like creature looked like. They've changed that model since, though, it now appears to have a mounted chainsaw blade inside its jaw.
And it's awesome.

I'm currently editing the first post in the main thread, I'll post here when it's done so you all know.

I am still going to into this for the record, as soon as exams have finished flaying my flesh from my bones.
I understand. I'll probably drop off the radar for the latter half of April and most of May for that reason.
Just waiting for a couple of players to post, and have also been very busy with conventions, exams, and some personal stuff. Updates soon

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