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Fantasy Abnormal High

I look back at Misa without attracting her attention "I wonder what people is going to think about me, especially demons when knowing that I am an half demon" I thought which made me a little worried
As Akio began to go to the door to the campus. He looked into Misa's eyes. "I'm sorry for earlier" then he began to the tour outside.
Of course Tessa would be late on her first day. It seemed like a given as soon as she got up that morning to the sound of an alarm buzzing near her head, it nearly making her hiss. The thought of going to school for the first time in years seemed daunting. Despite her nervousness, she still got dressed, messed with her hair, and continued to fumble with it the entire way to school, through traffic and road works and everything that appeared to want her to not go. Still, she arrived with her boots on her feet and her bag on her back, but the group was already gone. She cursed quietly to herself, eyes narrowing just a bit, but then managed to pick up voices down a hallway, which she was quick to follow and attempt to find. There, she found who she assumed to be the group of newbies she was meant to join, and the tight knot of nervousness faded back into her stomach, ready to peek out at any moment. "Hi, uh, sorry for being late," she apologise
"It's not my rule but the school is very strict with the time schedule. Please try to arrive on the correct time next time Tessa. I'm interested to meet you none the less." Akio says with a smile. Akio had a weird look because she's very cute and he didn't know how to react. "Umm... Introduce yourself."
"Whatup?" The fairy greeted loudly and happily and she waltzed through the doors. Her pink eyes roamed the already present students with a certain curiosity as she did her best to identify and recognize them. Afterall, a fairy's job was to keep most in order, to categorize abnormal species. Demon. Human. Shape shifter. And . . . a half cast. Well that's new, she'd never really met one in person. The demon seemed shy, quiet even. But this may be part of her facade in order to lure or even decieve others. Someone to take note of. The hybrid on the other hand must be slightly weaker as he is only half demon, still, this could also be part of a trick. The shape shifter, Triss was always envious of their abilities to change forms and appearances, but of course, it was also a very dangerous ability. The human, well, since when were humans threats?

She strolled through the classroom and flopped into a random seat, eyes finally setting upon who she presumed was the senior,well, the senior in charge that was.

"Am I late?" Of course she was, but she didn't mind too much.
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Federen was already awake but was in a different location: his house. He didn't prepare as early as he'd hope so he was thinking he was running a bit late. He got his needed books and such and went to school. It's location wasn't really that far.

Federen has now entered the school. He scans everything from the schedule to a list of dorms. Since it's still morning, Federen walked to the classroom where he thinks he should be going.

He encounters his grouped classmates. "Ummm, hello?" Federen said as he saw them. He misinterprets this and thought the class has already ended. Not wanting to look awkward, he went to the group.
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"Let's show you to your dorms." Akio pointed towards the boys. "Gentleman, there's your dorm" he then lifted his other arm "that is the girls. Go meet up and maybe choose a roommate if you'd like one"
"Better start unpacking then..." Federen thought.

Federen didn't really care which dorm he stays and who he is with. He went to the one second to the nearest dorm at the boys side and enters. Not much to do so he didn't bother unpacking just yet and sits in a bed with his laptop.
Morning came to a lone graveyard on the side of the street. A ghostly figure, clad in extremely old-fashioned Japanese clothes, the exact ones in which he died in, was walking out of the cemetery. Though it was only this early in the day, Takanosuke was already awake. Because, well, he never slept. Right now, the youthful spirit was heading for a school where he and other 'abnormal beings' could study far from human ire. Even though he hated studying, he wanted friends and school was no doubt the best place to do just that.

The walk took only a few minutes. Being able to walk through walls had a hand in that. When Taka arrived at the lobby, he was surprised to find it empty, but a large trail of aura was left behind, mingled together like some twisted form of salad. He could immediately spot a demon's and a...shark's? Regardless, he tailed behind the trail, which sure enough led to a group of students, chief among them a shark-man. Not wanting to make a mistake, he melded into the group and acted as if he had always been there.
After spending some time in his laptop, Federen thought of better things to do then stay in his dorm. He went outside to explore just a bit. He found the group still outside choosing a dorm and spotted a newcomer; a ghost. Trying not to look suspicious, he passes the group. He walks slow so he isn't far from the group just yet.
Discovering that he had arrived much too late to gain any information, save for the division of dorm rooms, he decided to do just that. The ghost floated off for the boys' dorm and picked a room at random. It was empty. Good. With a snap of his fingers, ethereal luggage seeped from the walls. His ghostly cat Edogawa pounced into the empty bed. The perks of being a ghost far outweighed the shortcomings. Quickly bored, he took out a book, Pride and Prejudice, and begun reading, remaining oblivious that he was in fact in the girls' dorm.
Misa had only offered a half smile to Akio when he apologized. Just keep my distance...

She walked into the girl's side of the dorms. Nobody was in the particular room she chose yet, and a part of her was glad. Maybe she would end up being alone? The thought didn't bother her very much. She unpacked the little she had and re-appeared outside again. Her wings flicked slightly as she waited for Akio to hand out the schedules he possessed. She watched as new people showed up and they all looked friendly. She wondered if she could make friends. It seemed everyone was cautious around her in particular. They must think I'm pretty evil huh?

Her stomach churned a bit. Did I not drink enough this morning? Ah....I did skip eating the raw meat cutlets I usually start with in the morning. It's because I was afraid of being late.

She immediately looked away room. "My schedule..." She pointed to her dorm room, indicating for him to lay it in front of the door. Misa clutched her purse and began to make her way to the courtyard she could see from there. Passing Sol on the way her shoulder brushed his and it sent a shiver through her. She covered her nose. He...I smell the human in him stronger now.

"Sorry, excuse me." She whispered as she left.

Once in the court yard out of view she ripped open her purse and dug out the juice box, fumbling with the straw.
He look back at Misa and wonder what make her worried so much so he followed Misa to courtyard seeing she is trying to put the straw in her juice box so he went over to her "Uh do you need help?" He said to her
Federen found out about the place a lot. There was more classrooms than he would have thought. The school wasn't as big as he thought though.

Federen also reached the gym, the canteen and the principal's office. Much to his disappointment, he didn't see anybody except from his classmates yet

Federen kept exploring until he reached the court yard. Once he did, he saw someone out there. He was inside the building so he was sure he wasn't noticed yet. Federen recognized the person as the demon in his group of classmates. She was fumbling with a straw. He was behind her so he had no idea what she was doing. He also saw another classmate approaching her. Putting his eavesdropping nose out of the way, he slowly walks back to the group, hopefully he won't be caught by the two in the courtyard. He also remembered he had no idea of the schedule and decided to ask someone.
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Misa thought she saw someone stealth fully walk by but didn't have time to worry about it as she jumped at the sound of Sol's sudden voice. The juice box and straw fell to the ground. Luckily it didn't break open. "S-Sol." She turned around slowly, her vision began to get a little shaky. She reached for the juice box but hesitated as she stood up again. She could hear it, the blood flowing through his veins. "U-Uhm....you should..." She muttered, trying to avoid his gaze. Her heart sped up. No...I can't...but, he's also half demon. He won't mind...right...

She stepped closer to Sol, placing her hand on his chest over his heart. "I can hear this very loudly. It's driving me insane." Her eyes took on a dark red, but once she looked up at him she gasped and stepped back. "S-Sorry...I...I'm sorry." She crouched to the ground and covered her eyes, tears threatening to fall. She was very embarrassed, the embarrassment held down the hunger momentarily. @Pika the Pikachu
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He look at her seeing she was crying he picked up the juice box and the straw and crouched down beside her putting the straw in for her and poke her shoulder "You don't have to be sorry I shouldn't have startled you like that" He said handing her the juice box while smiling and thought "I can't believe I just made a girl cry on the first day here to" sighs @NyxNightmare
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Federen's slow walking didn't prove much distance; he still had a full view of the court yard when Misa dropped the juice box. Federen couldn't help but look at the sudden events that followed, driving anything else from his mind; when Misa suddenly approach Sol, then she looked like she was about to cry then Sol helped her.

"Well, this is something you don't see everyday" Federen whispered to himself.

(FYI, I don't know anyone's names yet; I used the names to specify who I'm talking about.)
Federen never liked these experiences like he was thought of a creep; he had way too much of them. Federen was just staring awkwardly then decided to do something about it by shouting "Sorry, I won't telll anyone!" and retreated to his dorm.

(Gonna go to school now, gonna be back in 8 hors or so ;_;. Later!)
Misa avoided Sol's eyes as he took the juice box and drank. Her eyes became normal again. She noticed the guy known as Federen make his way off. She hoped he didn't get the wrong idea. She would try to apologize about it later. She drank the last of the blood and licked her lips. "Thank you." She smiled a little up at Sol, wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble." His human scent wasn't as apparent anymore now that her hunger had been appeased.

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