A World Gone MAD~ {IC}


The Ghost in your Closet
Rolling greenfields, a blue sky, a forest to the east, jagged mountains to the left and a city in the centre of the fields. The city is bustling with people. Tall people, short people, people with hats, people with tuxedos and even people with umbrellas despite the cloudless sky. You turn on the spot taking in the bustling marketplace. With every motion and sight your eyes grow wider, your jaw dropping lower. There are people who don't even look like people at all. They have the forms of animals yet wear human clothing. Some just have aspects of the animals. One girl is something of a peculiar sight. She is tall and slender, seemingly normal but when she turns to look at you, you see that she has features resembling a cat. A light film of turquoise coloured fur covers her feline features; slanted golden eyes examine the items of the stall near her, selling articles of shimmering jewellery.

She reaches out to examine a particularly elegant piece and you eyes are drawn to the delicate hands tipped with deadly claws. She gazes longingly at the necklace before turning her back to it, hurrying on. A hoarse cry sounds out from the high bell tower, like someone being murdered and people begin pulling out umbrellas. You look about as people who don't have the umbrellas find other items to cover their heads with. Before you have a chance to react, the storm begins. You duck under an awning and gaze in shock as you realise it isn't rain but rather hard candies in all colours, with a small 's' on their coverings. Are they...Skittles?


Dometris drummed his fingers against the the arm of his throne, frowning slightly.

'MORICE! Why haven't we had anything exciting happening lately?!' He shouted, calling forth his manservant. The small man shuffled forward, bowing nervously.

'I-I'm not sure master. P-perhaps you haven't been giving them enough to occupy their time my lord?' He stammered, grovelling at the God's feet. Dometris shook his head.

'No. I've been giving them plenty to occupy them. They're just.. acting like those blasted boring creations of my brothers'. We need more entertainment.' He stood up, storming to the window of his palace, surveying the land below. It had been perfect but it was not going to plan, not at all.

'MORICE! FETCH MY SCYTHE! We're going to cause some havoc.'


Icarus landed heavily in the field of flowers, their stalks towering over him majestically. Slowly he lifted his head, pushing himself up onto his knees with weak arms.

'Where am I? How the hell did I get here?' He moaned, sitting up and holding his head, looking for his car. It should have been there. The last thing he remembered was the car plowing toward the edge of the cliff. What had happened? He gazed around at him, trying to see over the heads of the sunflowers. He had no idea where he was, how he had got there at all or what he was doing there. He brushed a blonde strand of hair out of his eyes, seeing a glint of light between the stalks, the strange swirled sun reflecting off the windows and decorations of that large city. He chose to head toward it, hoping that perhaps it would lead him the right way.
((WOOAAAAAHHHHH ROLEPLAY NATION CHANGED WOAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I decided to make my posts shorter, but decent... because I don't want to be sued for straining peoples eyes!))

Medusa sat in her little lair and chuckled, "Silly little girl, always interuptting me. Why would I tell you where I threw your body?" She looked at her nails and blew on them. "I'll need a little pedi-cure." She flicked her hand at the girl and said, "Go away. I do not need you to be here anymore...Unless you want me demolish your body, of course." The girl quickly walked away, in fear...


Alice Haze quietly wandered the forest, away from the witch. Why won't that witch show me where my body is...? Why won't she? She sighed sadly and quickly walked to the meadow and saw a boy walking towards the city. "Ex-ex-excuse me...." she said. The boy didn't turn around and she began to cry, she said "EXCUSE ME?!" a bit louder to see if the boy would turn around. She flew towards him and tapped his shoulder. If he could see her, that'd be great, because not everyone would be able to see a spirit...


(For Forgotten, I might as well just make her say nothing... I want to use ittalics anyways.... :o Also, a good song to be listening to while reading this... xD )http://soundcloud.com/ephixa/ideekay)

She looked up at the sky, and back down at her hands. "Where am I?" the girl thought swiftly standing up. Her long hip-length hair swayed and rubbed against her neck as the wind blew. "What was my name again?" she thought in her head, walking towards a large sign that said 'CITY'. She couldn't remember her name, and she was lost in thoughts. She walked to a man sitting on a bench and tapped him on the shoulder. "He--He...Hell-Hell...Hel..." was all she could seem to say, not even a decent hello. The man looked at her creeped out, and said, "What's wrong with you?" he stood up and ran away. The skittles got stuck in the girl's hair as she began to cry. "You can't speak... what will you do?" She entered an art shop and pointed to a notebook and a box of pencils. "You'll just draw then..." she drew a beautiful potriat of herself. And the man shrugged. " I don't know who you are, but you obviously can not speak." He handed her a bag with the supplies. She nodded expressionless, with just the tears running down her face. She exitted and thought, "I forgot."


(You like? :D )
(great first post xD I hope the others find us soon.)

Icarus felt a hand on his shoulder, and heard someone shouting. He jumped, turning around to pin whoever his attacker was but stopped when he saw she was a girl. And what looked to be some kind of spirit. He frowned. Where the hell was he? And why was there a ghost talking to him?

'Who are you?' He demanded to know. He was certain it was some kind of prank, but he couldn't work out how it was done. He stood slightly favouring his left leg, cursing his fall. Now he would take longer to get anywhere, not too mention having to do it while in serious pain. He glared the girl down, waiting for her to answer, pushing his hair out of his eyes in frustration.


Dometris smiled as he watched the boy fall. It was good to have a new inhabitant. Someone else he could mess with. And the girl that was speaking to him.. well he could have fun toying with her too. He chuckled darkly, hidden from view of all the inhabitants of his world. He was all powerful, and they knew it. And if their were any who didn't, like this boy, then he would be sure to set them straight.

'MORICE! Keep an eye on these two. I need to find some people to harass.' He said gleefully, chuckling. Morice nodded, bowing.

'Y-yes master. O-of course M-Master.'
Alice looked at him shocked and flew back a couple meters. "I'm...I'm Alice Haze.... I'm... a spirit..." she said shyly. What should I say...? "Have... you seen my body?" She looked at him, very innocently. She was scared. She sat down on the grass, the blades passing right through her. She began to cry and mumured, "I am cursed...." She pushed her sleeve down a bit lower, so the snake tattoo would not show.
Komala Lurched from under the trees pissed yet again. That damn skittle poor scared away the only game she could have gotten that evening. It had been two years since her plane crashed in this wretched land and she still couldn't stand the ridiculous occurences. Her supplies were getting low and the resources she could find on the beach were limited. She groaned as she remembered some of the traveling halflings mentioning the city Aramontis. She herself had personally never been into the bustling market place but the time was soon to come. The skittles crunched under her paws as she tightened the bandanna around her head and the bandage on her arm. Her hut was 5 miles from here, which she wouldn't take long to stop by to pick up the dark blue cloak she had stolen off of some hopeless merchant who was killed by some mischievous troll. It conveniently went well with her tattered pilot's attire. The fruity drifted up her nostrils as she began her trek to Aramontis, with any luck Komala would make it while all the shops were still open.
Icarus let out a sigh, exasperated. Who had decided to dump the wussy ones onto him all the time? And she thought she was a spirit? Well sure, when she sat down the grass just passed through her, but he was still convince it was an illusion of some kind.

'No. Maybe you should try the cemetary.' He said slightly sarcastically. 'Or maybe a morgue. That's generally where bodies are.' He had no time for her. He had to get to that city and find out where he was.
The trek was longer than Komala could have even imagined. She hadn't realized that she was so far on the outskirts of the forest. As she neared the gates of the city there was a field of sunflowers. She loved them and made a note to stop by later until she saw a guy talking to...she turned her head away. She thought she was done being insane once she left the orphanage. Her head shook in frustration, "I never suspected I would be seeing ghosts again." This place never ceased to give her an unpleasant surprise every day. She bustled past them not in the best mood to talk and directed herself to the market place. Komala had been to large cities, malls, trading centers and all the alike but she had never set eyes on one as busy as Aramontis. She made sure that the cloak's hood was cast up on further on her head. There were creatures of every shape, color and size. Her admiration for this festering pot of culture knew no bounds but her hatred of its insanity was still heavy in her mind. A swift dip of a claw the bag of an innocent bystander and her first job was done. "Thirty-five gold coins, not bad," she smirked and continued into the market to buy food. After having a hard time finding something she felt was worth paying for and stolen a good sum of money she felt as if she was being watched so she sunk deeper in the crowd hoping to melt away from whatever was watching her.
Alice said, "You don't believe me right? That witch was right I'll never bee free from this curse... Maybe I can take control of you? I've never tried it before." She tried to grasp a skittle from the sky to eat, but as she touched it, it passed right through her. She stood up and said, "Why don't I give it a try?" Alice didn't wait and tried to touch his body and grasp it. Then, the witch came.


Medusa hissed, "And what do you think you're doing?" She held the spirit and lifted her up, and away from the oy. "You realize this is a curse, you can't actually use his body." She laughed and caught a skittle to eat. "You'll have tosuffer, it's called a curse after all." She began to walk away but paused and said, "Boy, you are in Insantia (right...?) A place where it's completely insane. You won't be able to help, so help that darling a bit." She laughed and walked away, with the mysterious aura back traking her.


"Always forgotton..." She thought as she walked through the forest, looking at the amazing animals. "A rainbow newt... a flying pig. This place is absurd!" She drew a picture of the scenery and emotionlessly smiled. A happy, nor sad smile. Just a smile, that mean't nothing. Almost lifeless, you could say. She waved her hand around feeling the moistness wrap around her fingers, and something was literally wrapping around her fingers. "A ghost, perhaps." She jerked back, emotionless as a faceless monkey (Avatar!) came around. She sighed and her waist length hair dragged across the forest floor as she sat down. Million-legged bugs scaled up her legs and she flicked it away, not in disgust, or in fear. This girl had no emotions, because she forgot how to have feelings.

(POST... *flips table.* (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻)
( [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION], it's Insanistatia, but it's close enough lol)

Icarus stepped away from both spirit and the strange woman that appeared out of nowhere.

'What the hell are you guys on!? You're absolute nutjobs! Whoever decided to play this joke was an idiot. It's not funny so why not just give it a rest?' he exclaimed, confused. What the hell kind of sick joke was he part of? And then it occurred to him that this could in fact be a hallucination. He had just had a car accident. He could be in a coma, and this could be the dream. He closed his eyes, pinching his arm.

'I'm going to wake up and I'll be in the hospital.' he muttered, pinching himself desperately.


Dometris smirked as he saw the young girl in the forest.

'MORICE! Keep watching them! I've found new entertainment!' He called out before materialising before the girl, his strange curved scythe in his hand.

'Well hello there. What's a girl like you doing out here?' He asked, a slightly sadistic, yet charming smile on his face as he leaned down to look at Forgot. She looked almost traumatised and he couldn't help but feel positively gleeful at the thought. Finally, things were looking fun again, he mused, his dark eyes flashing brilliantly.


Kailynne weaved through the people in the marketplace, watching carefully for anything out of the ordinary, or at least anything that was 'the norm' for Aramontis. She was on patrol, self appointed. She noticed a hooded figure weaving through the crowd and her scarlet eyes narrowed. What kind of person would need to hide among innocent folk? Sure in every city you got your typical theives and ruffians, but they didn't have Kailynne in those cities. She would not let the people of Aramontis be robbed. Adjusting her own cloak so that she was protected from the sun's harsh rays, she followed the figure, wondering just where they were going.
The girl looked up at the man and didn't say a word. Instead she drew a picture of a clown sticking his tounge out, and wrote the letter U with and arrow pointing to the clown. She showed the man the artwork, and emotionlessly smiled. It was not happiness, or fear. No emotions. "This man is a psychopath. I wish I could show him." she thought taking out a new piece of paper trying to figure out how to explain this feeling of her's.

(My new transition) (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Alice stood in the grass paralyzed. "Was that her....?" she whispered in a trembling voice. "This is no trick. If you can't believe it then, fine. But I won't give up. Because you're my only hope." Alice said a little stronger. She fixxed her hat and walked over to him. "I can't leave this forest, unless younwant me to scare all the damn people away so... I'll tell you this, people consider me as a danger." She winked a bit happy and began to walk off the cliff. She walked straight off the cliff, still floating and looked down. "Maybe she threw my body down here?" She thought putting her hand on her chin, looking down.
Komala bought a sack and filled it with all the food and and supplies she would need to last her for weeks. She even joked with some of the merchants to keep the mood high and distract whatever was following her from thinking her of even intentions. As she turned to leave she stopped dead at a weapon she had only seen in books, a large club almost like a baseball bat but easier to maneuver with a metal grip, and was almost five feet long. Komala never bought these things she always found it cheaper to make them but a deal like this couldn't be passed. It felt nice to slip her latest purchase in the leather holder on her back. Its weight was something she had to get used to but it looked like a good way to discourage her pursuer to leave her be. "I would like to see them try to confront me now," a low growl escaped her throat. The city was becoming tiring and she longed for the forest and its secrecy. With everything she needed in tow she headed for the gates to escape to the shadows of the trees.
Dometris tilted his head to look at the girl and her drawing, frowning.

'I don't understand what you're trying to say. Why not just speak?' He asked, slightly irritated, but still enjoying seeing someone that seemed to be less than normal. He ran a hand along his blade, laughing softly as the edge cut his flesh slightly. 'She's still as sharp as ever.' He murmured, waiting for the other's response.


Icarus opened his eyes.

'Look, I don't even know who the hell you are! You just came out of no where and started saying all this weird stuff. If this place is really full of insanity than i doubt anyone would even care if a ghost walked around amongst them. You should find someone that cares.' He said coldly, annoyed by her persistance. He didn't care if she had been alive. He didn't know her, didn't want to know her and couldn't care less about if she found her body or not. He really didn't have time. Besides, she obviously couldn't give him anything in return for helping her. He said this to her as well.


Letting out a slightly irritated hiss, Kailynne used her speed to catch up to the stranger, before attacking, pushing her into an alleyway and pushing her against a wall.

'Don't move or I'll rip out your throat.' She snarled, her red eyes flashing. She was going to find out what she was doing in the marketplace whether she liked it or not.

(Sorry for the small post guys, I'm kinda tired lol)
She bared her teeth snarling loudly as she punched her right in one of those flashy red eyes, knocking her right onto the ground. "You are pretty strong for your size," she laughed and half growled with her ears back. "What business is it of yours?" she growled in her soft Brooklyn accent. "Do your worst, even though I admit I have never seen a vampire this close before." She chuckled and slid her weapon out of its sheath itching for the fight that was about to happen. Komala hadn't seen any action like this in a long time and it felt nice to get the chance to beat something. She studied the the girl on the ground carefully. 'If I get the chance I must ask if she's had bear blood before,' Komala smirked, 'too bad I wont ever get the chance.'


Its all good :) and an fyi I use " for talking and ' for thoughts
Alice sighed. "Heh, well I tried. I shouldn't get people like you to help anyways, they're always like her. They'll end up throwing your body off the cliff." she murmered flowing down the cliff. "Hey! There's a dead body down here! But it's not mine." She tried grasping the body but it just dropped back down. "Oh eww!" she muttered letting go of the body.

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

She looked up at the man as his blood dripped onto her leg. She wasn't disgusted. "What is this?" she thought wiping it off her leg and licking it. She drew a picture of a piece of metal. "Metalic tasting... intresting." she thought. She looked at the man and thought, "He's naive. Must be trying to kill me. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to go then." She pointed to the city and stood up,
(Ohh okay xD )

Kailynne laughed slightly, noting the weapon. Did she really think she had a chance against her?

'What business of mine? Well it's got everything to do with me. I protect the people here, and you are violating the rules.' She said in a soft yet threatening tone, standing up with ease.

'All i want to know is why you came to the marketplace, and why you stole from the bystanders.' She said. She smirked slightly, her eyes had caught the motion of the strange halfling stealing from the shoppers before.


Dometris noticed the girl's expressionless reaction to the blood, laughing with glee as she tasted it and did nothing but point to the city. He liked this one.

'No, no you're not going to the city. You get to come with me.' He said with a laugh, picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder easily.

'MORICE! I HAVE A NEW PET!' He called out as a set of transparent stairs appeared and he began to climb them, the girl still slung casually over his shoulder.


Icarus rolled his eyes at her remark.

'What because I don't appreciate being yelled at by a ghost and threatened by some wack job that makes me like said wack job? Whatever. I have to find a way out of here. you're welcome to search for your body in the city. Seeing how you refuse to go there she probably chose to hide it there.' He reasoned, calling out over his shoulder as he started walking again.
Alice shook her head and shouted, "Your wrong, she's never been into the city. She's not aloud into it." She looked around and said, "Suit yourself. I suggest you heading somewhere far from me, because all you'll do is throw me off another cliff." She scanned the meadow and found another dead body, "Hey did you notice this one? It's fresh."

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

He slung her like a pickle, right over his shoulders like it was no big deal. She didn't say anything, and didn't feel the pain, but she did know that she was having an extreme nose bleed, because she was being held so carelessly. She wiped the blood off of her nose and rubbed it on the man's shirt. "That's rude ya' know," her conscience told her. She mentally shrugged it off.

This guy was insane anyways, making her his pet. She was okay with it, but she didn't want to be treated like a bug. But of course, the girl couldn't do anything about it, because she couldn't speak.

(I'm sorry, I live in the US and am sleeping, well atleast should be.)

She returned the coy smirk with soft growl and one of her own as she stood confident, the weapon leaning back on her shoulder. "Why else would a person steal?," she rolled her eyes, "I need things that other people have. So I get them the best way I can. Stealing." Komala shrugged still in a defensive stance. "What rules? It rains skittles, There are pigs that can fly and fairies shooting arrows at plants that can eat them in one gulp. There are no rules in this world." She narrowed her eyes at the vampire, "and seeing as you seem to know this area so well then you should know that people steal under your nose every day so why pick on me? Now if you don't mind I will be on my way and leave you to your merry little paradise." The snarl of disgust filled the whole alley as she pushed passed the vampire into the bright sun to begin her long journey back.
Icarus stared at the girl, wishing he could shake her or something.

'DUDE! I'M NOT GONNA THROW YOU OFF A FREAKING CLIFF!' He shouted, exasperated. She was beginning to really get on his nerves. 'I don't know why the hell you think I would!' He shook his head in exasperation. 'I don't know why you wouldn't search there anyway. She doesn't seem like the type that bothers with rules.' He said in a softer tone. He felt bad for being cold towards her but he had no idea what else he could do.


Kailynne laughed quietly.

'I'm surprised you've survived this long. Dometris is sure to notice you soon enough. And when he does.. Well I just hope you're ready.' She said, watching the halfling leave. She adjusted her hood before heading back into the marketplace, shielding her face from the sun. She despised the furries sometimes. They all thought they were better than others. She hissed as the sun touched her hand before she could move it, pulling it inside the cloak hastily before melting among the crowd.


Dometris carted her to the strange unseen palace that he resided in, hidden in a gap between the two planes of reality where he watched over his realm. He entered his throne room to see Morice watchign from the window.

'MORICE! This is my new pet! She doesn't speak. Go get her a bed and some food!' The manservant bowed and shuffled off to obey his orders. Dometris set the girl down on the ground beside his throne, stroking her hair.

'Now what will we name you?'
Jezabell was in the woods again. She drained the energy from the fire lily and gave it back. She plucked it and placed it in her oen hair. Then she stood u and twirled around in a circle, singing to herslef. Before she knew it she was off in her own world. Her mother had always dissaproved of her daydreaming and playing in the woods but that didn't stop her. She had always believed that her body was stuck her and her mind was everywhere and anywhere.
Echina waited in a tree, slightly listening to the conversation next to her, also waiting for a new snack to scurry, leap, run, or walk by. 'I'M NOT GONNA THROW YOU OFF A FREAKING CLIFF!' she heard loud and clear. "He must have anger issues," she said leaning up against the cold mahogany tree. How she despised trees. So tall and strong, but some are small and fragile. For god sakes, pick a type and stick with it. She scoffed and sat up straight, wiping the disgusting bark off her and... something sticky. Oh god, was it sap. "Yuck!" she said, trying to get it off. she kept moving around in the tree and eventually fell off. "That is why I hate trees." she scoffed.
Icarus heard a loud thud from a nearby tree and saw a bunch of small animals fly up in a cloud of fur feathers and the occasional scale.

'What the hell is that?' He asked aloud, wandering over to the base of the tree. He almost laughed when he saw a girl lying on the ground.

'Are you alright?' He asked, sensing that she was probably as insane as the rest of them, but helping her to her feet anyway.

(Sorry.. inspirationless)
"Yeah, I'm good," she dusted herself off. "Fell out of the tree. I don't like tree and that one left sap on my back. I was trying to get it off then I fell." she smiled. "Anyway, thank you for helping me out. But I have to hide from the crazy people of this place. And I love your accent." she'd always loved Irish accent. Many of her friends back home were Irish.

"Wait, are you one of the crazy ones?" she backed away slightly.
He gently brushed the dirt off her shoulder, smiling slightly at her words.

'Well I'm not sure anymore. I'm convinced I must be dreaming, and if that is the case, then yes, I'm one of the crazy ones. but I can't seem to wake up, so it must be real.. And if that's the case, then no. I'm fairly sure i'm sane.' He shrugged, flashing her a smile. He looked back over at the ghost in the distance.

'I'm not too sure about her though. She came to me asking if I'd seen her body and then proceeded to accuse me of wanting to throw her off a cliff.'
"Okay then." she nodded with a strange, scared look in her eyes, yet blushing slightly at the smile. She blushed whenever someone smiled at her. "So, that means she's a ghost?" Echina asked. She was confused about this whole thing. She didn't like this place and she was trying to get out of it.

She picked a berry off a bush and ate it. "Yum. Anyway. Want me to talk to the weird ghost thing?" she asked him, even though she hadn't asked his name yet.

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