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Fandom A Song Of Ice And Fire / Game Of Thrones RP [ Now Open! ]

Tzun said:
I think it's perfect. Perhaps don't limit to gender and age. But we kinda need house leaders at least for each house. That's really important. Maybe a list in the overview, one that is very apparent, and lists who is who and where they are. Considering this is Game of Thrones, people are gonna be confused af about characters. We just need a list of everyone. That includes NPCs made, and houses that still need a leader. It's uniform, and still lets people do what they want in an organized setting.
I don't really think we need ALL the houses to have leaders. Maybe the leaders aren't important...maybe they die early...
Well, if they die, then they're succeeded! But still, some have learned *cough* Robb stark *cough* that even a single leader dying early makes a world of difference.
Tzun said:
Well, if they die, then they're succeeded! But still, some have learned *cough* Robb stark *cough* that even a single leader dying early makes a world of difference.
Then the Stark House can fall into ruin...and winterfell will be overrun by looters. >D
But I certainly will not Rp the enemy leader of someone's house, it'd be unfair. Just like how I will only NPC characters of my own house. We need leaders. They are the life blood of the plot of the world. These strenuous characters are only good for the book and show because they have interesting plots but do not affect the world much.
So, what I though for the list was something like

Kyllan Bolton - Dreadfort - Tzun

Larris Bolton - Dreadfort - Tzun

Sol Martell - Dorne - Winter is Coming

Like that. Uniform and easy.
Tzun said:
But I certainly will not Rp the enemy leader of someone's house, it'd be unfair. Just like how I will only NPC characters of my own house. We need leaders. They are the life blood of the plot of the world. These strenuous characters are only good for the book and show because they have interesting plots but do not affect the world much.
Lol. I understand what you mean.

While, I do see your point, I'm one of those people that believe little plots are just as important as world changing ones. For example, the goal of a Stark member could be the revival of his house. He allies with a different house, lets say the lanisters...in order to do so...which could lead into a lot of interesting...and possibly world changing things, depending on how the rp is done =P
We definitely need leaders. Hmm. I'm honestly thinking I might revise everything and maybe start again... I don't know. That list could work, I guess. I do also agree that a small plot can just be good as a large scale plot that involves everyone, and everything. I might need to give the RP some serious revision.
Depending upon how the Rp is done... But if I'm right in my calculations. There's going to be dead people. A lot of dead people. These little characters even more so would be.
I love the Rp right now. It's going great. There's no revision other than finding like, 3 more people to rule some houses.
You're right. I'm just a huge OCD freak when it comes to things like this, ha. If I change one thing I feel like I'll have to change other things. Hopefully we get a few more people later today who join up.
That's how I got Quirky. Shot out a few Pms and she responded. There was an old GoT interest check and I asked if people were still interested because that one never went through. Give it this weekend. You might be swarming here soon.
Tzun said:
Depending upon how the Rp is done... But if I'm right in my calculations. There's going to be dead people. A lot of dead people. These little characters even more so would be.
Ah. Calculations. I've never been good at those (' :| )

The amount of deaths would depend on the direction of the rp...do you want a more war battle...or a more political scheming battle?

There's no godmoding anyway. A character shouldn't die...unless they do something insanely stupid...right?


Tzun said:
That's how I got Quirky. Shot out a few Pms and she responded. There was an old GoT interest check and I asked if people were still interested because that one never went through. Give it this weekend. You might be swarming here soon.
*giggle* Yeah, I got caught. Hook line and sinker ^^
Now we just need a group of Religious fanatics like the Sparrows and death will be happening left and right for Noble people.
Venus said:
Now we just need a group of Religious fanatics like the Sparrows and death will be happening left and right for Noble people.
That's the spirit! Add a religious cult and see what happens! xD
"Add a religious cult and see what happens" a rare line, generally only muttered in Game of Thrones rps! Without context though...
Tzun said:
"Add a religious cult and see what happens" a rare line, generally only muttered in Game of Thrones rps! Without context though...
ROLF! Just so you know...I know nearly nothing about the deep intricacies of GoT. My sole knowledge comes from wiki...and the 1st season...
Oh that's right! No spoilers kiddos! Almost revealed everything about... Everything. Hurry up and watch the rest! :D
"I'm afraid it's a little early in the morning for us." Fucking a was that some nice ass shade thrown
Cersei : Ah yes the famous tart tongued queen of thorns.."

Olenna : And the famous tart, Queen Cersei."
Tzun said:
Oh that's right! No spoilers kiddos! Almost revealed everything about... Everything. Hurry up and watch the rest! :D
I would...but it's long...and I'm too busy rping and making funny characters like by tree hugging Lord of Riverrun and his brilliant scheming wife who wants to be Queen =P

Venus said:
Nearly ended up blabbing out what happens to everyone's favorite queen regent.
What? Something happened to Cirsei? WHY? She was epic! My favorite character...besides Jon Snow...

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