A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

Anna woke with a start. She glanced at her watch - maybe her roommate was here by now.

She returned to the hallway, passing many open doors with laughter and awkward introductions. At the end of the hallway, a few people were standing and talking.

Anna picked out the boy she had met earlier and met his eyes for a moment. She smiled, leaning against her dorm room and then went inside.

It was empty. Right. She had definitely been placed alone. With a sigh - relieved or disgruntled, she wasn't sure - Anna began packing her things out a little more spaciously. She extracted her posters from her knapsack and hung them at different corners of her room, saving a space above her desk for her cork board.

Standing back, she admired her work and then plopped down on her bed.
Though it was rude Henry had unnoticeable snuck away from the group once he caught sight of a familiar newly steamed suit turning down the hallway. He had swooped up Beth and quickly retreated down the other end weaving in and out of the other students bodies, once he turned the corner there was a great lack of students. Tightening his gentle grip on his fur coated rabbit he picked up speed crossing the corridors long length in mere seconds. The carrot topped boy was not in the mood to deal with his father, and if he where to have a conversation with him he'd like to do it in private.

His speed didn't falter, taking multiple turns and bursting through many doors that would otherwise confuse someone without practice. Until he stumbled upon the single room he always found peace in slowing down he attempted to mask his exasperated intakes of breath. Transferring a trembling Beth to his other arm he looked back at the other students speaking to one another in the hall before pushing open the metal door he entered the lifeless room. Stepping inside he awaited the sound of the door shutting behind him before releasing Beth and letting out a quiet sigh.

As he began to walk towards the acrobatic column which stood higher then all of the other physical equipment which filled the room neatly, he kicked off his shoes and tugged off his socks removing his coat. Leaving the clothes on the ground in a trail he slipped a tye from his wrist and tugged back his semi big shirt and tied it back before beginning to climb the ascending ladder prepared to clear his mind.
Finn honestly didn't know what so say at the sudden reaction from the boy who still hadn't introduced himself to her. She had a mixture of confusion and self doubt going on in her head. She didn't know what she did wrong to upset him like that, but at the same time she realized she probably had said something stupid to up set him so much. Part of her wanted to run after him ,even if they hardly knew each other,and apologize for what ever she did. But realized the other boy probably wanted nothing to do with her at the moment, and decided to leave him alone.

"It's alright but I'm fine. Well...I'll see you around I guess' She flashed him a pleasant smile,before going off to find her room.

As she looked for her room she contemplated on what to say when she saw those boys again. She hoped it wouldn't be awkward considering she angered one of them right off the bat. She pushed the thought right out of her mind, as she finally found her room after ten minutes. She took a breath before entering the room. When she walked in. she saw a girl sitting on her bed, and guessed that was her new room mate. Finn bashfully looked to the floor and then up,"well...um...hello..."
Anna looked up suddenly.

"Oh my -"

It became apparent to her that she had spread her things out over the room, not expecting the company.

"I am so sorry. I'll move my things immediately. I thought you weren't coming. I'm so sorry." Anna said quickly, standing up and moving her things around in the room again, flushing furiously.
"Yeah, cya" James replied to Finn as he watched her walk off towards the room he had just seen Anna at. He walked back to his room, Elliot was still at the front of the door, trying to get Alix to let him in. He noticed that Henry was nowhere in sight. where had he gone?

"Uh, maybe you should go find Henry? Ill see whats the matter with Alix" He said to Elliot. After all they were roommates. "What was that?" James asked Alix as he walked into the room. "That wasnt polite"
Bright green eyes widened at the sound of the door opening. He turned his emerald gaze over to see James his roommate. Furrowing his brow, Alix hugged his pillow tighter, tearing his gaze away to stare at his feet, "Nothing! I just don't have time to help!" He sighed and set his pillow down, grabbing his bass guitar as if refusing to talk any more than that. The purple haired male dug out his pick and plucked at some major chords, emerald eyes locked on the body of the bass.
James thought to himself for a minute about whether or not he should keep pushing or just leave it alone. He decided to just leave it as he had only just met Alix and still didnt know him to well. "Well, ok.." He said to Alix before lying back down on his bed and continuing to text on his phone.

Elliot nodded at the instructions he'd been given by James, allowing him to enter the room to speak with Alix while he looked around, completely baffled. He'd heard Henry's footsteps and glanced over just in time to notice a ball of fur being carried in his arms as he turned a corner, but that's about it. Well, he also remembered that he'd gone right....Or had he gone left? Elliot breathed out a soft sigh, scolding himself slightly for not having grabbed a map earlier or went and looked around. He tentatively walked around the corner to his right, walking through the corridors filled with people as he glanced around. He was sure people knew he was confused, since they kept giving him worried looks. One girl chatting with a boy outside of his dorm put a hand on his shoulder and asked what was wrong. Of course, he brushed her off and said he was just looking for a friend, but after he'd explained Henry's appearance she politely told him she hadn't seen him. He was disappointed by this, although he wasn't prepared to give up.

He continued walking for a short period of time, heading down more passageways that seemed less and less crowded as he moved along. He kept scanning the area around him in search of his friend and roommate. "Hello? Deary, are you around here? Is everything okay? You left rather suddenly...." It was hard to mistake the worry that filled his tone, and the concern filtering across his expression.

Beth scampered after Henry watching him as he continued to ascend higher up into the air, the calluses on his hands burning slightly from his tight grip on the rough wooden ladders hilts. His mind already clearing itself from his constant stressors, his bare feet gripped the pegs all the way upwards until he reached the end of the reasonably high acrobatic column.

A flat sturdy floor circling every side of the cylindrical pillar creating a shelf capable of holding four healthy weighted individuals. Two hooks protruded from the wooden pole, keeping the familiar trapeze in place beside a small bowl of powdered chalk.

Henry sighed reaching into the bowl and coating his hand with a thin layer of the white powder before taking hold of the trapeze, eyeing the identicacohost in front of him he took a few steps before launching from the safety of land. At the mercy of the free air.

A boy around his own age looked away from the female he was conversing with and eyed Elliot, holding up a finger to silence his other comrade he jogged half speed walked towards the other boy. Taking hold of his shoulder he turned him to face himself,

" 'Sup, you lookin for someone?" The rather built boy questioned.
Alix sighed in slight relief and yet a bit of disappointment as James dropped the subject. He plucked at his bass guitar lazily, humming as a song got stuck in his head. Blinking a bit, Alix furrowed his brow. He hadn't realized until now that the song he had stuck in his head, he hadn't learned to play yet. 'Wh-? Am I slacking?! No way!!'

The purple haired male set his bass in its cover and zipped it up, hurriedly standing and slinging it over his shoulder, "Uh, I'm gonna head out for a bit! I don't want to disturb you, so..." He unplugged his quite heavy amp and hoisted it up, holding it against his hip, "see you later!" Alix gave a small nod before opening the door with his foot and slipping out into the halls.

He started down the halls, looking for a secluded room that noone would be in, 'Mm... I wonder if the music room is open??' Alix huffed soft breaths as he traveled down the hall, looking for the music room. Right about now he was glad he had recently started a new workout and healthy diet, 'Where is it again...? Next to the cafeteria, right??'

Elliot blinked when he felt his shoulder being grabbed as he turned to face the unfamiliar boy. He examined the other briefly, debating whether or not to say anything. What if he couldn't help either? Elliot had probably gotten himself lost and would end up having to trace his steps back to his dorm in defeat.

"I....I am." He admitted, having to muster up the words slowly, hesitantly. "I'm looking for my roommate, Henry. Do you know him?....Do you know, by any chance, know where I could him? He ran off rather hastily a little bit ago and my friends and I were worried if something had happened." He explained, gaining more and more comfortable as the words continued to spill out of his mouth. He even offered the male a soft, friendly smile. "Any help you may be able to offer would be greatly appreciated."

With that, Elliot was finished. He held his hands behind his back and shifted his weight from one foot to the other occasionally, attempting to preoccupy himself while he patiently waited for a response from the boy.

The boy nodded understandingly, his eyes looking a bit distant as he searched his personal memories going over the past ten or so minutes hand cupping his chin thoughtfully. When suddenly he snapped his fingers,

"Henry? Like Willow Henry?" He questioned before nodding once more mentally reminiscing on the memory before continuing,

"I thought I recognised that blur of orange past me," he chuckled at his own joke before pointing down the hall,

"Ya, I saw him he ran down the hall and take a left, my guess is he's in the gym. That's where you'll usually find him," he thought out loud,

"Just take a left and follow the hall you'll find a set of double doors that's probably where he is." He informed the smaller teen,

"If there's anything else you need just ask." He stated before giving a small wave and retreating back to the girl he had be talking up a storm with.

As Henry's firm grip tightened on the only item which kept him from falling, his body swinging through the air as he performed simple moves without a trace of thought everything coming naturally. At some point he arched his back inwards and flung his legs up and around the trapeze with ease, now he hung there. His legs which pinched the bar all that held him as he flew through the air in silence.

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"Thanks!" Elliot called out as the male retreated back to his companion. With the newfound information he'd just been given filtering through his head he proceeded to follow the directions towards the gym. He took the left and walked down the hall, resting his hand on the wall, his footsteps light and feathery. Nobody was around, it seemed like this part of the school was deserted. Of course, he figured most of the students weren't concerned with checking out the gym when they were probably settling in, or had already checked it out earlier.

He stopped at the double doors, staring at them for countless moments with his hand hovering in front of them, prepared to push the door open but unsure if he was ready to. He didn't want to disturb Henry, not if he'd left to get away from them, but he also wanted to make sure everything was alright. Doubt and fear coursed through his veins for unknown reasons, and it was unfathomable why he was so hesitant to approach these situations. He guessed he just preferred to avoid any conflicts. Maybe that made him a pacifist. He figured he'd contemplate that later. After all it would be awkward if Henry suddenly came outside and saw him standing there. Then he'd look like a stalker.

Was this considered stalking?

No, it couldn't be. He was asked to go find his new friend out of concern for his well being.

Taking in a deep breath he pushed open the doors and stepped into the gymnasium, looking up to see Henry preforming some sort of acrobatics routine. It must have been a stress reliever of some sort like drawing or playing was for him. Either way, he simply stared up at the other for a couple of moments, amazed and perplexed at the capabilities of his friend. It was hard not to feel awe to those who could do such extraordinary things. It made him remember all those trips to the circus, and he asked himself why he hadn't been in a while. He wanted to make other people feel the way he felt right then. Inspired and astonished.

"Deary...." He finally decided to say, his voice quiet, almost like a whisper. A part of him thought the word would be carried to Henry by the air circulating through the room, while another was reluctant to disturb the display before his very eyes.

Henry clapped his hands quietly as he hung upside down small puffs of smoke floating off his hands. Before taking hold of the bar again straightening his legs then flipping them downwards. In time to hear a quiet, petite voice call out a familiar title which tore him from his thought shocking him to a point of losing hold of the bars smooth surface.

Eyes widening he reached for the bar though he knew he was alright, flattening out his back as if he was laying down he cut through the air like a knife through butter.

Henry forgot to breath as he fell through the air his past feeling of flight disappearing with the wind his hair flapping in the speed of the passing wind. Before suddenly his back made contact with the woven net which was hung below the trapezes great height. Henry opened his eyes as his body slowly flowed with the swaying net, looking up once the movement halted.

"Hello..." He spoke in response taking his time as he propped himself up on his elbows attempting to keep balance before rolling off the net. Falling off the edge he landing on his bare feet, unfazed by the fall already giving a welcoming smile.

"Need something?" Henry asked smacking his hands together to release any remaining chalk his blue eyes bright with interest. Wondering as well how the still new boy found his way around.

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Elliot flinched when Henry began to fall before noticing the net. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he landed safely before contemplating what to say as the other slid off the net and clapped his hands together, watching the remaining chalk getting dusted off the other's hands.

"James sent me. We noticed you'd darted off rather quickly, so after helping the girl, Finn, James decided to go talk to Alix and he asked me to come look for you and make sure everything was alright. We didn't know what had happened, so we just wanted to check on you. A gentlemen down the hall and to my right told me I might find you here and gave me directions." He said, calmly, his voice becoming slightly louder since the other wasn't dangling in the air or doing anything that could potentially make him fall once more. He wondered what it was like, briefly. The sensation of falling and knowing something was below to catch you. He imaged that his heart would be pounding at ninety to nothing, somehow convinced the thing that was going to catch him would suddenly disappear and he'd land on the ground instead. Of course, the only things he feared falling from where the trees he went to to sit in and even then he didn't climb very high up. It was just enough for him to feel as though he'd accomplished something and then he'd begin to doodle absently.

"I'm sorry for making you fall. It was careless of me." He added on when he'd returned to his senses, his tone apologetic. He adjusted his hat and pushed one of his hands into his pockets as he slowly returned the smile Henry had given him in a friendly manner. He guessed he didn't really have to apologize, seeing as Henry didn't seem to mind the fact that he'd fallen one bit, but he wanted the other to know he felt bad for it.

"That's all I needed. Do you want me to leave you alone so you can resume your activity? I don't want to be a disturbance." He suggested, tilting his head to the side as his gray eyes examined the other slowly, looking curious. He really just didn't want to tell Henry to continue and take a seat, as though he'd been invited by the other. Although his expression was welcoming, it didn't mean he was free to sit down and simply watch as though he'd been asked to come along. It didn't feel right at the very least.

Finally, the purple haired male's emerald gaze fell upon the music room, door cracked open. He blinked for a moment curiously before groaning at the strain from carrying his amp around, 'Oof... Better set this down...!' Alix shuffled inside the room, green gaze falling on a guy who was already in there, 'Mm??' The guy had slightly spikey jet black hair and seemed to be playing a song familiar to Alix on his electric guitar. Alix's eyes widened as he realized who it was sitting there and he couldnt move, despite the pain from holding his amp.

The person stopped playing as he noticed the purple haired male standing there and set his guitar in between his legs, "Alix. Hey."

Alix paused before practically dropping his amp and rushing over towards the dark haired male, bass guitar slung over his shoulder with the strap. The purple haired male wrapped his arms around the taller male, exclaiming happily, "Big brother!" The other male smiled a bit before patting Alix on the back in return, "Hey hey. No crying, 'kay...?"

Alix pulled back and rubbed his eyes sorely, "Ah, too late, heheh...!" He paused with a smile and knelt to be eye level with his brother, "Its good to see you after so long, Derek!" "Mm. Yeah, you too." The male known as Derek smiled, "Is it too early in the reunion for a little duet, little bro?"

Alix's green eyes brightened, quickly shaking his head, "No, of course not~! Lets do it!"
Henry bit his lower lip his hands fidgeting with the knot he had formed with the hair tie which was still doing it's job which had been to tighten is shirt. Finally it released the shirt and he slipped the rubber band back onto his wrist and ran a hand through the bangs which now hung in front of his bright eyes. He let out a small sigh, looking around him a moment in search of the lost pins before giving in and turning back to Elliot.

"Ya, sorry about that. My dad was coming down the hall," he explained with a sigh,

"I didn't want to deal with him," he stated as if he was the adult in the situation not wishing to even look at the younger individual.

When his roommate saw it as right to apologize for making him fall he merely waved away the topic with hand,

"It's just fine, now if Chontel hadn't set up the net this morning then we'd be having a conversation." He joked letting out a chuckle as if to emphasize that everything was alright.

"In which I'd be yelling 911," Henry smiled as he eyed Elliot a moment seeing a new look of what seemed like passion within his eyes as if the sight of a trapeze brought back past feelings or happiness.

"Hey, no we said we'd show one another our talents." He exclaimed with his famous smile his fingers still a bit jittery,

"What other time is better then now?" He asked with an excited expression, though he always attempted to hide it much like others Henry enjoyed a crowd and showing his progress in a small show. It use to be one sided but if he where to do this he could listen to this boys musical talents or examine his illustration skills. Henry wouldn't object to such an offer.

Elliot smiled in return to Henry's joking, listening to him explain that it was alright that he'd made him fall, that there was nothing to worry about because thankfully an individual named Chontel had put up the nets. "I can think of quite a few things you might be yelling in my direction if the nets hadn't been set up." He admitted, knowing that Henry would like reconsider their entire friendship if he'd caused such an accident. Fortunately, that wasn't the case in this situation.

"Of course. I'd love to see your talent in action, I just didn't' want to be rude or bothersome." He inquired, brushing his bangs out of his hair with a flick of his wrist. He was much less open about demonstrating his musical talent to people, it was something he'd dedicated a large portion of his life to. His mother was a beautiful piano player, and he'd spent years sitting on their couch listening to her as her fingers danced along the keys, creating a beautiful melody he couldn't form himself. He'd attempted to, a great many times throughout his youth, to play the instrument. He'd ran his fingers along the keys in awe, attempting to study them in between the many books and lessons he received from his mother, but something next clicked with him. The switch in his mind never flipped, never allowed him to understand at all what he was reading. He didn't have a connection with the piano, even though he adored it. No, his connection was with another instrument, a talent he could call his own. Learning to play the violin was all a matter of bringing pride to his parents, showing them he could make beautiful music too. It was something sacred and special, something he kept only for the ears of those he chose. For the ears of his friends, like Henry.

Drawing was an entirely different story. It was simply something he'd loved to do, ever since he was small. His mother had encouraged it, but showing off those abilities was much easier for him. He could easily sketch a picture and demonstrate it to a group with some wide grin, explaining the significance effortlessly. Drawing was something he could share with everyone.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a couple of hair pins scattered on the ground. He slowly walked over and bent down to pick them up, gathering them in his hand before straightening himself back out and turning to the other with his hand extended out to offer the hair pins back to him. "Deary, are you missing these?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "And. you're absolutely correct. We did say we'd show one another, and since we're already here, why not now? I'll go take a seat then?" He said, waiting for the other to take the hair pins before heading off to find himself a place to sit down.

Henry watched the others expression closely, wondering what had been running through his mind when the idea of showing one another their talents was brought up. Elliot was a bit strange, polite yes of course, his father would just adore the boy he knew but something was weird and off putting to Henry something he couldn't quite place his finger on at the moment.

When his roommate began to move picking up the scattered remains of his hair pins, his gaze followed his movements as if they held the answer but alas.

Henry took the hair pins kindly with a cheerful grin slowly sliding them into their designated spots within his mop of hair. Before motioning with a hand to the small pile of metal chairs in the corner much like the ones which had participated during the academy's assembly.

"Those are the best we've got to offer right now," he pointed out with a small shrug of the shoulders before re-tying the back of his shirt so it was tight once more against his stomach.

Due to the break in between school years it had been a fair amount of time since Henry had performed for anyone, his hands began to shake with the anticipation that you'd feel when you where at the climax of a novel, the finishing chorus of a song, the beginning of a roller coaster. The carrot topped boy let out a small sigh before twirling around and beginning up the acrobatic columns ladder more hastily then before unable to keep his excitement from appearing on his expression causing his smile to widen with joy.

Once at the top of the pillar he reached beside him grabbing hold of a plastic pole strapped to the cylindrical column a silver hook gleaming at its tip. Stepping as close to the edge as he felt comfortable he reached forward with the top heavy object taking hold of the trapeze and tugging it closer to his body until it was within arms reach. Gripping the swing he hooked it up so it wouldn't be lost once more before putting the pole back where it belonged and lathering the white chalk powder onto his hands.

Doing all of this before officially taking hold of the trapeze, holding it in front of himself he took one last calm breath before falling off the safety of the platform.

The grace of his movements coming to the surface, his hard work and determination evident as another trapeze hung nearby. Taking his time he swung his legs forward and flipped backwards, bringing his body around until his diaphragm gave off the illusion of him lying lazily on swing.

Three feet, two feet, 1 foot he counted down the measurements of distance between himself and the other trapeze once close enough he brought his legs back around like he had before arching his back inwards to make it an easier task for his legs to come over his upper body and hook around the other trapeze tightly. Letting go of the past swinging object he left with the new one in the other direction.

Elliot nodded when Henry gestured over to metal chairs that were familiar to the ones present at the assembly. He moved over to go take a seat, finding they weren't very comfortable. Then again, neither were the ones at the assembly. Nonetheless, Elliot was simply happy to be watching his friend participate in his talent, showing him what it was that made him special. Everyone was special, he knew, but they were special in different ways. Like, if Elliot tried to go up there he'd fall and smack his face into the net that had caught Henry earlier. He'd never been able to do the magnificent things people did through trapeze acts or anything that revolved acrobatics though. He'd only watched other people do things at the circus so he could marvel at them and their excellence in the activity. Maybe that's why he thought Henry's talent was so inspiring, why it made him feel like he could manage to participate in such acts himself. Watching these things empowered him with confidence, made him feel enlightened with the amount of awe being washed over him.

Instead of speaking, of cheering and applauding, he simply watched. His gray orbs were fixated on the performance, watching Henry moves. It was almost as if he'd forgotten how to make such movements, to clap and yell out. No, he was too entranced to do any of that. Even so, he wasn't any less excited then someone who would be clapping or calling out in their glee, he was just less vocal about it.

Slowly, Elliot brought one of his feet up onto the edge of the chair and rested his elbow on his knee before placing his cheek in his hand, keeping his gaze averted upwards as he watched the other. It was nice to relax and watch someone else perform, giving them the attention they truly deserved. He wondered how many kids here didn't get to show others their own abilities, how many hide away from this sort of thing. Then, he quickly cleared his mind, knowing he couldn't let his thoughts waver. Now was the time to watch his roommate do what he loved.

Alix sighed softly as the two of them thought of what to sing. His green eyes switched up to gaze at Derek, "Can we sing that song? Can You Feel My Heart?" Derek hummed and turned his head towards his little brother, "Sure. Whatever you want." Alix smiled sadly and nodded, humming softly as Derek started playing on his guitar. The purple haired male closed his eyes as he started singing, his eyebrows downward in a frown at the lyrics, "I'm scared to get close, I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all." Alix continued, his brother Derek being the harmony, "I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim. Can you feel my hea-" The purple haired male's voice choked off, hand covering his mouth as tears fell down his cheeks. Derek stopped playing and turned his gaze over to his brother, "Alix, why'd you sto-...?" His own green eyes widened in shock at seeing Alix crying, "Wh-Alix, what's wrong?"

Alix buried his eyes in his hands, sobbing softly, "I-I'm just being-so s-selfish...!" Derek frowned as he listened to his brother, hand on his back in comforting. "I-I feel like-its happening a-again...! The incident with R-Rose...!" His older brother's eyes widened at the name mentioned, Alix sobbing harder. He rubbed his back, shushing him softly, "Hey.. hey.. Shh... Its okay..." Alix sniffled and hiccuped a bit, tears still soaking his face. Derek pulled his little brother into his lap, hugging him to calm him down with a sigh, "Shh..."
James lay there for about half an hour before he got bored. He got up and left the room, not sure when Alix would be back he locked the door, the hall seemed to have cleared a bit more then before, there were still a few students hanging around but most were probably either in their rooms or off exploring the school, he walked down to Anna's room, and knocked on the door, there was no reply, so he knocked again, still no reply. She musnt be there, or maybe didnt hear the knock, he wandered around the school by himself. Just as he walked past a rather large room that had a sign on the door that said "Music room", he heard sobbing. James was quite curious so he opened the door ever so slightly and quietly, he had only opened it less than an inch, it was Alix, with an older guy. Alix mentioned something about an incident with someone called rose, followed by more sobbing.
"Calm down, Alix.. Deep breaths, yeah?" Derek attempted to calm his brother. The purple haired male quieted down his sobs, rubbing his eyes as he took in a deep breath. Alix shuddered out another breath before shaking his head, "I-I'm sorry for being such a crybaby..." Derek shook his head at his younger brother, "You can cry all you want. All I want is for my baby brother to be happy." Derek's green gaze shifted over towards the door, spotting a spectator in the doorway. Quirking an eyebrow curiously, Derek turned his eyes back down to Alix, "Some dude's peepin' in on us. Should I mess with them you think?" Alix gave a small laugh before rubbing his eyes and punching his brother in the arm, "Don't do that." He turned and eyed the door of the room, wondering who was there. His green eyes widened slightly at the sight of James, quickly drying any excess tears, "James? What-What are you doing here...?" Derek hummed as it seemed his little brother knew the person.
oh no, Alix had seen him and surprisingly recognised him through the small gap he was peeking through. James, did the first thing that came to his mind, he ran, straight down the hall, he weaved around students and almost ran headfirst into a teacher before he finally reached the courtyard. by this time he was gasping for breath, he had no idea why he ran.
Furrowing his brow, Alix watched in confusion as his roommate ran off, "W-Wait! James!" He blinked before standing up and hurrying over to the door, catching a glimpse of the male turning a corner and almost running into someone. He wondered how long James had been standing there. His emerald eyes widened, 'Did he see me cry...? Oh, I hope not...! I don't want to worry anyone...' Alix turned his green gaze back to his brother, frowning a bit, "Uh, sorry Derek. I've...gotta go-" "Yeah. I understand. He's a friend, right?" Derek assumed. Alix gave a shrug with a small nod, "Yeah, he's my roommate." The purple haired male turned and left the music room, entrusting his guitar and amp with his brother as he tried to catch up to James, wherever he had gone.

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