A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

Elliot perked up after shutting the door and joining Henry's side, having gained permission to knock on the door. He stood in front of it momentarily, taking in a deep breath before tapping his knuckles against the door a couple of times. He took a step back after that, allowing his arms to hang at his sides idly as he glanced around the hallway. It seemed numerous other students were also getting acquainted, forming little cliques of their own. He wondered if he'd ever be a part of a group, or if the only person he could label as his friend would remain Henry. Of course, he suspected he'd meet new people and broaden his circle of friends as time went on. He couldn't expect to meet everyone in a day and befriend them in a matter of minutes. Like most things, it would take time.

As they waited for the door to open Elliot thought over what he needed to get done before laying down to sleep that night. He promised himself he'd call home and talk to family, especially his sister. She'd tagged along with his mother and father on the way here and started crying and holding onto his leg whenever they'd gotten his bags into his dorm and said their goodbyes. She refused to leave for about ten minutes, swearing up and down that she'd stay with him in order to support him through the process of getting comfortable with the new surroundings. She'd even proposed that she'd sleep underneath his bed and she wouldn't let the monsters beneath it bully her for his sake. Her readiness to be there for him was sweet, and his heart broke a little as he thought of watching her leave with such a desperate look on her face. Thankfully he'd promised to call her every night to get her to calm down, and even suggested they'd video chat on a couple nights of the week so she'd know he was okay. He told himself he'd do this later, after they'd met the guys in this dorm and headed back to their own to relax.

The purple haired male hummed and blinked, offering James a friendly smile. He opened his mouth to say something but the sound stopped in his throat at the few rapts at their dorm room door. Alix eyed the door curiously and stood up from his bed, padding over towards it, "I'll get it!" He reached out and turned the doorknob, opening it with curious emerald eyes falling on two males. Alix paused, blinking a bit before getting a better look at who was there, "Mm?" 'Oh, wait! It's Henry from earlier!' His eyes brightened at the sight of the familiar male, a warm smile touching his lips, "Oh, hello again~!" He wondered how in the world Henry had found him, the dorms were so vast! Alix paused in his happy thoughts to continue speaking, "Did you need something?" His emerald gaze switched over to the other male whom he didn't really recognize. He wondered who he was curiously. Alix's eyes traveled down to something that caught his eye. Grass stains...? Grass stains! His thoughts went crazy, 'That's the guy who fell on his face, isn't it? Wah! I'm seeing all kinds of people I didn't think I'd see again~! So weird~!!'
A grin formed once moreon his expression at the familiar face of his earlier companion,

"Heyo," He stated in a sing song voice saluting with two fingers as he leaned back onto the heels of his shoes, hiding his shock quite easily. What where the odds that the one person he had seen not so long ago telling one another they'd see each other later was staying within the dorm directly a cross the hall from his and Elliots.

"We need friends," he answered as he gave a curt nod to the other male, sweeping a hand over to Elliot,

"Oh this is..." He pause waiting for his roommate to fill in the blank, sure that the nervous boy would prefer introducing himself other then Henry.

Elliot watched the door open to reveal a purple haired male standing in the doorway. He listened to Henry speak first before noting that he'd gestured in his direction, signaling for him to make his introduction. From the looks of things, Henry appeared to have some form of familiarity with the boy at the door. Elliot mustered together a warm smile as he tipped his hat.

"I'm Elliot, but you can always call me Eli deary." He responded, debating on whether or not he should stick his hand out to shake with the other. After a moment or two longer of debate he finally decided to give it a try, extending his hand casually to alert him of the gesture. His free hand rested in his pocket now, as it often did, and his expression seemed less nervous then before. He hated first encountering people, but after a moment to soak it all in he usually resorted back to a confident, easygoing individual seeking any friendship he could find. "We were wandering if you guys would be interested in being our friends." He admitted, adding onto what Henry had said earlier about them needing friends.

"The guy who fell on his face in the grass today at the assembly!" Alix giggled softly. He couldn't seem to help himself. The purple haired male grinned and eyed the extended hand. Smiling, Alix reached out and shook his hand, "I'm gonna call you Clutz then, 'kay~? Hehe!" Alix hummed at the response and glanced over his shoulder at James, "Well, you guys could meet my roommate James if you want! He's pretty nice." He smiled and turned his attention back to the two males, whispering excitedly, "Ooh, ooh! Listen listen! His dad's a director~! Isn't that so totally awesome...!?" Alix squealed quietly and giggled, releasing a soft snort as he did.
James watched as Alix opened the door, he sat up on his bed. When the door opened, it revealed two boys, one had long orange hair and looked a little crazy the other had black hair and black glasses and reminded James a little bit of a schoolboy. After Alix had talked to them for a few seconds and then whispered something he didnt catch, he stood up and walked over to them. "Hi, im James" He said extending his hand to Elliot first.

"You saw that?" Elliot asked, facepalming after shaking Alix's hand, breathing out a sigh of defeat. He'd thought he'd gotten away with only a couple of people noticing his moment of falling face first into the grass, but he figured it wasn't hard to miss some guy practically skipping through the courtyard tripping on absolutely nothing and diving to the ground beneath him. "If you wish to call me by that nickname, I won't mind it. So long as you don't mind whatever term of endearment I'll end up calling you." He responded before watching James walk over towards them, eyes widened slightly in awe at the whispered words he'd just heard from Alix. James' dad was a movie director? 'I suppose this school is filled with extraordinary people and various personal lives, so it shouldn't be a surprise there's a movie director's son here.' He thought to himself, despite every muscle in his body urging him to ask about what it was like. He was curious, he had to admit. He'd never really thought of what it was like to be the son of a movie director. He must have learnt a lot of experience from his father's career.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Elliot, but people sometimes call me Eli. Or if you're Alix here you'll call me Clutz, because I fall. A lot." He explained, extending his hand once more to shake the one offered to him with a welcoming smile. "I hope you'll take up our proposition of friendship."

Alix grinned happily and nodded, "I'm fine with whatever nickname you give me~! I'm not picky!" He hummed as the two shook hands and place hand on his hip, using the other to undo his hair clip and pin his bangs to the side once more, "Well, I for one am in for it! The more friends, the better, right~?" His emerald eyes switched to the other side of the hall, widening at the sight of a rabbit hopping out of Henry and Eli's room towards them. He gasped in awe at the sight and grinned, "Oh my god~! It's sooo cute!!" He bent down and smiled at the small creature, "Hello little bunny! What's your name~?"
Henrys gaze fell on Elliots knees which where coated with a thin layer of grass stains, surprised he hadn't noticed it before he bit his lower lip looking up as the boy who owned the name James approached them. He eyed his roommate seeing his composure lessen in tensity, his shoulders visibly relaxed and his tone more casual. A directors son he thought looking back at James, he's had past expiriences with those of kids who where the children of somewhat famous people. Each of them being a total drag the only topic they ever enjoyed where the ones centered around him and their parents high pay rate. Mentally pleading James wouldn't be like that he looked back over his shoulder to see a startled Beth cautiously sniffing a child like Alix,

"Beth, her name's Beth." He answered the boy quietly, eyeing their surroundings prepared to swoop up the creature and hide her away once any staff members came into view.
James watched Alix's reaction to the Rabbit, this is when he realised, although he kept it to himself "Im pretty sure his gay" He thought to himself, Of course James had absolutely no problem with it at all. "Nice to meet you Elliot" He replied, He then shook Henrys hand. "Well, looks like we've all agreed on the proposition of friendship!" James said happily.
Alix smiled brightly up at Henry at the sound of the rabbit's name, "Oh, that's just too perfect! She's so adorable~! Is it alright to pet her?"

The purple haired male's emerald eyes widened at the proclamation, "Wh-Really?" he was pleasantly surprised, "We're-We're all gonna be friends then???" His eyes were full of hope for the group of males, hoping they really could hit it off well. Most guys his age wouldn't want to be seen around with him, what with his girly fashion choices and vibrant hair. He practically screamed "gay" to the world. But that was how Alix liked it. He wanted it to be obvious, to no longer have to hide himself from the world. Alix just hoped that his choice to be openly gay wouldn't cause him too much trouble...
(Sorry for being so late (⊙﹏⊙✿) )

The black haired demure pushed up her glasses as she began to read the next page of her book. It was the last page until the next chapter so she just had to finish it. It was about a guy named chris, stuck in a video game and wasn't able to leave until he completed a series of adventures and events. Most of her favorite characters had died at this point considering how depressing the book was but she never put the book down because it was a habit of hers to finish something rather then put it off for a while because something upset her.She leaned back further into the car seat, trying to get a bit more comfortable. Finn sighed as she noticed her dad turning the radio up a bit more, before turning his attention back to the road. Great, add on to the distractions.

Finn had been in this car since yesterday, and they hadn't really stopped unless they needed to do bathroom breaks. It was tiring but at least she had books, a pencil, and a notebook to occupy herself. She continued to read for 20 more minutes before her father called her name. Finn shot him a look. He should know by now that she hated being interrupted while reading, it was a huge pet peeve for her.

Father chuckled,'' I know finnley, I'm sorry. But we're here". Finn eyes widened and she immediately closed her book. She looked out her window, and saw they were parked in front of the school gates. Her heart beat in expectation and excitement. Was she really here? Or was she day dreaming again and if that was case, please don't let her wake up! Moments later she and her father left the car. Her dad got her luggage out the trunk, which was merely one suitcase. Finn didn't have many clothes, mostly because she didn't think she needed more then a few pairs pants and shirts.

She hugged her father goodbye and he hugged back. Over the years she and her father never really had a good relationship. He was always so depressed over mother's death, or working.He never really had the time for her or any of her siblings. But ever since he decided to send her to this school he turned over a new leaf. There relationship wasn't picture perfect, but at least it was better then years ago.It was finn who let go of the hug."Bye Father. Don't forget to tell J.J,Telsa, and jacob that I'll write them everyday. Telsa's birthday is coming up, so don't forget to buy chocolate cake - she loves that. J.J and Jacob are trying out for the soccer team at there school on thursday so don't forget to bring them there. oh and-"

"Finnley." Her father interrupted.


"Just go. I got this. You don't have to worry anymore. Go enjoy yourself at school okay?"

Finn smiled and blushed bashfully. "Okay"

He pecked her a kiss goodbye, and then he got back into the car, and drove off. Finn watched him go until he turned the corner, and he was no longer in eye sight. She took a breath before picking up her suitcase and heading into school.

She didn't bother stopping to go to the assembly that she knew she was supposed to be at. She was really late, and it probably already ended anyway. She made her way inside the dormitory, trying to look for room 567. She had a horrible seance of direction though, and kept getting lost at every corridor. This went on for 20 minutes until she met upon 4 students talking in the hallway. She hid behind a wall as soon as she saw them. She wanted to talk to them but she had horrible social skills and was an all around awkward person when it came to people.Sometimes she froze in place before even uttering a word, other times she couldn't even keep a conversation going.It was bad. She stood hiding behind the wall for a few minutes listening to there conversation. She knew that was a creepy thing to do, but she had to know if they were good people. She realized they were introducing themselves to each other.She decided they were nice enough, and took a breath, deciding she would ask if they knew where her room was and then quickly leave. She held her suitcase tight, and marched over with fake confidence. "Excuse me, can you guys help me with something?"

Elliot turned his head to glance over his shoulder at the source of an unfamiliar voice behind him, blinking a bit when he noticed a girl standing a few feet away asking for them to help out with something. His lips twitched upward into a wide, friendly grin as he turned to face the girl, tilting his head to the side curiously.

"Sure, I'm sure we can help you out with whatever you need assistance with. At the very least one of us should be qualified with the task." He joked, his gray eyes bright with excitement at the new face greeting them. He'd just formed a friendship with the three boys with him, and here was another student that he could possibly befriend as well. It was a truly magnificent first day of school, one that he'd be able to cherish forever.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Elliot. And these are...." He gestured to the three males around him, figuring they'd prefer to introduce themselves rather than have him do it for them.

James turned to see who had just spoken. It was a girl, standing not to far from them. After Elliot introduced himself James stepped towards her "Hi, im James, What do you need help with?" He asked the girl smiling. He noticed that she still had her suitcase with her so she had prpbably not found her room yet.

He was already making alot of friends which he thought was really cool everyone seemed to be really nice and just weird enough for his liking. "Im guessing your new here aswell?" He asked the girl.

She shifted uncomfortable from side to side. Now they were all staring at her and it seemed the confidence that she once had, had left completely from her body. They had so kindly introduced themselves to her but she didn't know what to say. It seemed the words were caught in her throat and she couldn't say them. This seemed to happen every time she spoke to anybody, and she was beginning to realize that she may have just made a huge mistake coming over here.

"Um..." Just speak you idiot she mentally said to herself. "Well...um." Just speak.

"Room ...I need help finding a room....my room" She mentally punched herself in the face. Why did she have to take so long just to say that?Now they probably thought she was a complete idiot.
James noticed that she looked quite nervous, He was right she needed help finding a room. "Ok, what room?" He looked at Henry because he knew that Henry would probably know where her room was better then he would. "Henry should be able to help you out with that" He said smiling and gesturing to Henry. He noticed that there were still alot of people trying to find their rooms, with over 500 rooms he imagined that it wouldnt be an easy task to find a specific room considering the amount of different buildings.
Alix stood up from petting the rabbit and blinked a bit at the stammering girl standing before them. He furrowed his brow slightly, eyeing the other students roaming the halls for their rooms. 'I don't get it, everyone else is finding their rooms just fine on their own.. So why can't she? What makes her so special...?' The purple haired teenager's eyes widened as he realized he was jealous. 'Jealous? Of what though...?' This girl had the attention of all his new friends. Naturally Alix is bound to be jealous. He kept quiet as it seemed everyone was talking to her at once, 'Its fine... She doesn't need to know my name anyway...! Actually, she doesnt need to know ANY of their names! I met them first!' He groaned to himself and tore his green gaze away, frowning a bit, 'I sound so selfish right now..'

Elliot watched James step up to continue assisting the girl, before he directed her attention to Henry, who was the most knowledgable one of the group on where things were located on the campus. Noting that he'd finished his introduction to the unnamed girl and motioned for his new friends to do the same he walked over to the wall near Beth and sat down in a criss cross fashion. He slowly moved over to gently pet the bunny, a content smile along his lips.

"If you wouldn't mind helping her deary I can look after Beth?" He suggested, looking up at Henry. He couldn't believe that he was surrounded by friends so soon. It was a magical thing, really. His gray orbs gleamed with excitement, happy to be able to spent this time with his new buddies. After a moment he pulled his hand back from petting Beth and rested both his hands in his lap as he leaned back against the wall, looking up towards the ceiling thoughtfully.

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"The room's 567...and um.....that's all I know" She paused before continuing "My names Finnley...but you can call me Finn if want."She looked to the boy apparently named Henry. She wondered why he would be so knowledgeable about where everything was but didn't bother asking. She didn't want to say anything more, worried her new found acquaintances would find her annoying. She noticed another nameless boy frowning and taring his gaze away from hers. She dug her feet into the sole's of her shoes. He probably did that because she did seem annoying. She turned her gaze to the floor, and held her suitcase even tighter.
Drawing in a deep breath, Alix turned and started back towards his room. He gave a short sigh before rummaging through his things, 'Why am I doing this again??' The purple haired male groaned as he dug through his bag, green eyes brightening as he found what he was looking for, "Ah! There it is!" Alix turned and shuffled back out into the hallway, walking over to stand before the girl. He held out the folded up parchment and offered a small smile, "Here. It's a map of the whole place. The room numbers are labeled."
James noticed that Henry was a little pre occupied and didnt seem to hear his gesture. Before he could say anything more Alix appeared next to him and handed the girl a map, He noticed that Alix looked a bit disgruntled almost ad if he wanted to get rid of the girl. "Uh, well i guess you dont need Henry then" James said Smiling at the girl. He noticed she looked quite uncomfortable. "Well, if you need any help, you know where to find us, thats mine and Alix's room, just there" He pointed at their door where Elliot and Henry were standing "So, yeah, drop by anytime, if you need anything and we'll help you out" He looked at Alix who he guessed didnt quite agree. "Right Alix...?" He said to him.
Switching his emerald gaze to James, Alix grew quiet. "...You've got to be kidding me," is what he would like to say but, of course, he didn't. The tall, purple haired male sighed out silently, thinking to himself, 'And here I thought I got rid of the girl...! The hell is James thinking? Oh wait! That's right! He's not! Its a girl, what am I thinking! Ughhh! Women are like witches, tempting all men to do whatever they wish! I totally can't handle this...!' After a moment of hesitation, Alix turned his sharp gaze back to the girl, forcing a small smile, "I'm sorry, but unlike these boys who clearly would LOVE to bend over backwards and help a cute girl like you, I don't have time for all that. Feel free to drop by and get James here to help you but leave me out of it." Alix paused before adding with a tilt of his head, "'Kay~?" He then turned, practically storming off to their room and closing the door behind him. Groaning in frustration, Alix flopped onto his bed on his stomach, green eyes closing for a moment.

Elliot watched the scene before him, his eyes widening slightly at Alix's words before watching him march back into his room and shut the door behind him. It was a shock, really, to see that the other was so bothered by Finn. It was another shock to note that he thought he'd bend over backwards for Finn and not do the same to Alix in return. After all, Elliot would bend over backwards for just about anyone, no matter who it was. It was in his nature to help out those around him with whatever efforts he could muster. He didn't want Alix to think he was putting Finn on some sort of high pedestal above everybody else in the world. Finn, in his opinion, was now an acquaintance, someone he could make attempts to befriend. Part of being someones friend was doing things to them right? To be there for them when you needed them?

Elliot put his hand against the wall, bringing himself to an uneasy stand. He glanced towards James and Henry patiently as he dusted off his clothes. "I can go talk to him. Or at the very least see if he wants to talk about what's bothering him." He explained, slowly moving over towards the door and giving it a gently knock, speaking to Alix through the door. "May I come in? I can talk to you about what's upsetting you. I mean, that's what friends are for right? To listen?" He suggested, waiting for the response. He was prepared to be rejected. It was likely that with the other being angry at them that he wouldn't want to have a conversation. It was weird that he'd just made friends and seemed to have just gotten into a fight with one of them in the very same day.

"What happened to making lots of friends?" James called out to Alix as he watched him stormed back into their room. "Sorry about that" He said to Finn. He knew this had to make her more uncomfortable. What was Alix's problem? He sounded a bit... Jealous? He thought he would finish talking to Finn and then go talk to Alix, If they were going to spend the rest of the year basically living together he definitely wanted to stay friends. "Well, i better go see whats wrong with Alix" James said to Finn "Do you need any more help?" He asked politely.
Crawling onto his bed, Alix hugged a pillow to his chest. His green eyes switched to the door, hearing a few quiet knocks. He heard the person speak through the door, 'That's Clutz isn't it...' The purple haired male sighed and tore his gaze away from the door, not wanting to respond. He just didn't feel like explaining himself. Alix didn't think anyone would understand his feelings so he thought there was no reason to even talk. The tall male sighed again and stayed quiet, 'I'm so selfish...'

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