A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

Strutting down the halls in search of his room, Alix lugged his heavy bags over his shoulder, "They said it was...room 316??" He blinked at the many students getting settled in and carefully maneuvered past them, "S'cuse me! Sorry!" Alix's bright eyes widened as his gaze fell on his room, "Ah! Here then??" He opened the door with the key they entrusted him with and pushed it open, shuffling inside with his bags. Taking a look around, the purple haired male hummed and smiled, "Not too shabby! With a little redecoration, this should be nice~!" Setting his bags on the bed of his choice, Alix released a small, quiet breath, 'Wonder when my roommate will get here?' He shrugged it off and plopped down on his back onto his bed with a sigh, 'Patience!'
James reached the courtyard. There were still alot of students standing around talking, some were making there way into the various different buildings. James had no idea where his room was, He grabbed his suitcase, opened it and took at an information booklet that he had recieved from the school a few months ago, he was pretty sure this had his room on it. He skipped over the "School policies" section and soon found his room, room 316. "Where could that be?" He thought to himself. He looked around and saw a middle age woman walking through the courtyard not far from him, she looked like a teacher. He went up to her and said "Hi , Do you know where room 316 is?" He asked politely "Just over in that building she said" She replied. "Ok, Thanks". He walked off into the building. The hall was quite narrow and packed with many students also searching for their rooms. After squeezing through the packed hallway and going up some stairs he finally found room 316. He turned the handle, it was already unlocked, His roommate must already be in there. He opened the door and walked in, lying on a bed he saw his a boy around his age with long purple hair and wearing a tshirt of some goth band. Although James didnt show it he thought to himself "Oh Great.." The boys appearance was quite a shock for him to look at since he grew up in Hollywood where everyone trys to be perfect. "Hi, Im James" He said smiling not showing any shock or distaste.

(OOC This is only James's first impression obviously it will probably change when they get to know eachother better)
Alix blinked wide green eyes at the sound of the door opening. He pushed himself up on his forearms to gaze up at who his roommate would be. The purple haired male paused before smiling warmly and giving a small wave, "Hello~! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" He held out a hand in gesture of a handshake and gave a small nod, "The name's Alix, and I hope we can make this living arrangement work, yeah~?" The tall male gazed at the obviously good looking male before him, 'Hm.. That could be a problem.. I don't want to run the guy off...! So..no flirting! Even if he is...super duper cute~~!' Alix shook the thought away, his smile staying on his lips.
James shook Alix's hand. "I dont see why we couldnt" James replied smiling. He looked around the room and noticed that it was partly already set up, there were 2 desks, a couch. It was basically like a small apartment. James put his bag and suitcase next to the only other bed in the room. he pulled his laptop out of his bag and put it on one of the desks.
Humming, Alix smiled, "Right." The purple haired male dropped his smile and frowned slightly as he turned, eyeing his things, wondering if he should go ahead and unpack the few things he brought as well. He breathed in deeply before unzipping his largest bag, digging out his medium sized amp and placing it next to an outlet which was adjacent to his bed, "I hope you don't mind, I'll be practicing every now and then on my bass." Alix then pulled out his actual guitar, setting it to lean against the wall next to the amp, "I can keep it down if you'd prefer." The tall male then turned towards the small dresser the two of them would have to share, placing his hands on his hips in thought, 'I only need one drawer really.' He hummed softly before pulling his bag of clothes over to the dresser, opening the top drawer and just dumping the clothes in messily, "There! I can tidy it up later!"
After setting up her PC and venturing a little further in her game, Anna cracked her fingers. She glanced around at the empty room and wondered where her roommate was, or if she even had one.

Either way, she was probably going to have to unpack her things at some point. Groaning, she stood up from her deskchair, stretched and moved over to her bags.

Careful to pack neatly in case a roommate arrived at some point, she transferred her clothing from duffelbag to closet. She sat in front of the closet on her haunches for a while, thinking of the next possible thing she could do. She could organize her books.. Or make a trip around the school.

Standing up and grabbing her parka off her chair, she chose the latter and entered the hallway.
Henrys hands hovered over his section of the room, his bed and accessories where all set up as he wished. His notebooks and whatever books he still had set up on the shelf which hung above his bed. It all set up to his desire, if anything where to be moved an inch it'd all be incorrect weight and length wise. It was a small thing he had picked up from his father, it was always the small annoying things.

Flicking his orange bangs out of his face he took a seat on the pirate styled chest standing at the edge of his bed which contained many of his most important possessions. He wouldn't leave before meeting the roommate which he had been assigned to.
After James had set up a few things on his desk he decided to relax so lay down on his bed and pulled out his iphone and started texting his friends from home. "So what are you studying this year?" He asked Alix.

Elliot's mental debate came to a conclusion after what seemed like half an hour, although it had only been about ten minutes. He finally decided to just head back to the dorm room, noting how the area around him was his nearly deserted, absent of any other students. He didn't really want to get lost on his first day and end up having to search for his form the rest of the night, so he just retraced his steps back towards where he'd came from.

He wore a smile along his lips as he walked through the halls once more, greeting students in the same warm manner he had before. He approached the door to his dorm room, gently grasping the doorknob and turning it before sliding inside the room, bringing the door to a close. His gaze shifted towards the pirate themed chest where his roommate was sitting. Realization shifted across his expression as he realized it was the boy, Henrith, from earlier. He tipped his hat, allowing his smile to grow slightly wider.

"Hello, I'm Elliot. You're the boy from earlier at the assembly, right? Henrith?" He asked, taking his hat off after a moment and hanging it off the coat rack once more before stepping over towards his bed and sitting down on it's edge.

Henrys posture improved when the door creaked open seeing a fedora wearing boy, black hair and a charming smile planted on his face. Holding out a hand once he believed the other had completed his current statement, internally groaning at his whole name.

"Nice to meet you Elliot, and just call me Henry. Henrith makes me sound like a medieval slave or something." He stated his own opinion as he fixed his scarf with his free hand.

The boy in front of him from his outside appearance seemed like a polite but playful character and hoped his suspicions where correct. The last thing he wanted was to be roomed with a high strung male who went to bed early.

A small thump sounded under his bed before a small white rabbit hopped out from within the depths of the room under his bed.

And a rabbit allergy.

Elliot blinked a bit at the sudden surprise that popped out from beneath Henry's bed before slowly sliding off his own bed and looking at the rabbit thoughtfully. "Oh, sorry. I understand what you mean about the whole name thing. Well, deary, you can call me Eli if you feel like it." He averted his gaze from the rabbit to look at him. "May I ask if this little fellow has a name?" He tentatively reached out to pet it, not wanting to scare or unsettle the bunny.

"Also, what are you studying here?" He added on after a moment or two, flicking his bangs out of his face as he examined the orange haired boy a few feet away from him. He hoped he could get along well with his new roommate. He'd never actually gone through the process of sharing a dorm room with another before. It was a nervous form of excitement that washed over him at the idea of going through the experience. What if Henry didn't like his personality enough to share the room with him? What if they ended up at conflict with one another over something petty? He didn't want that to happen at all.

The small rabbits beady eyes widened with interest before cautiously moving closer sniffing the tips of Elliots fingers before rubbing into his hand.

"This little lady is Beth, she'll only bite if you have anything orange. Which I'm very fortunate of having," He stated jokingly hoping to ease any of the growing tension within the room. Then looked up with his blue crystal like eyes at the question of what he was going to be mostly working on this year,

"What I've been studying for the last couple years, acrobatics and singing. You?" There weren't many people who found his flexibility and skill of doing what those in the circus perform count as talents. It caused him to quietly sigh and lean forward resting his elbows loosely on his knees, silently pleading that at some point they'd grow comfortable around one another.
The halls were dense and looming, and Anna desired to navigate her way out of them as quickly as possible. Leaning against a door, bright light and fresh air drenched her skin. She stepped outside, scanning over the deserted grounds. Sighing, she plopped down on the lawn and fumbled with a few blades of grass.

Likely, everybody was meeting their roommates. A part of Anna had hoped to have a room for herself, but now that the situation threatened as such, it seemed dreary at best.

Standing up again, she entered the Main building again and went searching for a Common Room, which she found with ease thanks to the aid of a few unfriendly-looking signboards. Cozying herself in an armchair, she felt herself drift into a light slumber.

"Acrobatics, eh?" Elliot asked, perking up slightly at Henry's response. His gray orbs widened slightly in awe and fascination at the other's words. His parents used to take him to the circus, where he'd seen people performing various stunts of acrobatics. They were amazing, things he could only dream of doing. It would be his luck that he'd trip himself and likely cause a large scale accident. "Would you mind showing me sometime?" He asked, hopeful that his roommate would agree to his suggestion.

"I'm here to study acting and art. I really want to hone the ability to play various parts, to inspire others with a performance they'll never forget. I also really want to enhance my drawing ability. It was actually a pretty hard decision on whether I wanted to study art or music, but I chose art." He was rambling, of course. It was an odd habit of his that he couldn't exactly get rid of. He did it when he was anxious. He looked down at Beth, continuing to pet her gently. "Sorry. I don't mean to talk too much. I suppose I'm just worried about how things will go....I definitely don't want something to go wrong so that you won't let me call you a friend, deary."

Henry perked up at the tone the other boy spoke in, heightening his spirits with his positive outlook on his own talent. His tightly pinned hair loosening a bit when he nodded in agreement with the other boy, before pausing listening intently to the other boy explain his motives of what he chose to attend the school with. It always intrigued him when people explained themselves and their reasons, you learn such small details when you just allow someone to speak. Henry enjoyed it, before waving away the boy as if dismissing the idea of him apologizing for rambling.

"It's just fine my good sir, and I like your spunk everyone I've seen through out my life usually say 'I came here to be famous'" He spoke in a strained groan,

"It's a total drag, no reason to be nervous around me I'm no one you need to impress. As long as I like you we're friends, BFFs, pales, buddies, any any other friendly terms." He stated with a playful smile.
Alix turned and smiled, emerald eyes brightening, "Oh! I'm going to be studying drama, music, and vocals!" He chuckled softly and ran a hand through his messy purple hair, "I'm hoping to join some clubs and stuff as well! Supposedly there's a whole bunch to choose from." The purple haired male hummed and tilted his head a bit, sitting down on his bed, "What about you??" 'He looks pretty fit, no doubt he's in some athletic sport?' Alix held his bass in his lap, strumming it quietly as it wasn't plugged up to the amp. He put his ear closer to it, tuning the strings to what they should sound like, "What classes are you taking?"

Elliot was greatly pleased to hear Henry's reassurance, nodding quietly. "I honestly don't see being famous as something I'd pursue. I really just want to make people smile by doing what I love. Then again, I suppose everyone does to some extent." He gave Beth one last pet before putting his hand on his bed and bringing himself to a stand before dusting imaginary dust off of his clothes.

"Well, I'd love to be friends. Making friends is always nice on the first day. I suppose the only question is; do you like me? If you don't, that would definitely ruin that dream." He jokes, chucking softly to himself as he tilted his head at the other. It had only been a few hours since he'd arrived at the school, right? Even after such a short time period he felt as though he was already making friends and getting close to the people at the school. Or at the very least he was having an agreeable time with his roommate. "Might I ask what your ambition is? Like, what do you want to do with your talent?" He asked as he returned Henry's smile with wide grin.

James looked away from his phone to look at Alix, "Cool, im doing Drama and Music too! and also Cooking" He said. Suddenly his phone started ringing, it was his Dad, he answer it. "Hi Dad" he said, not as cheery and happy as he was since he arrived at Prudice. "Yeah, its pretty cool" He said again. "No, I havent seen your new movie yet" he talked to his father for a about 30 seconds more before his father had to go "Ok bye" James said and hung up.
Alix blinked a bit before smiling warmly with a nod, "That's great~!" He hummed as James' phone went off and nodded to himself, 'That's a pleasant surprise...!' The purple haired male kept quiet as the other male was on the phone. He breathed softly and eyed James as he got off the phone with his dad. Curious, Alix set his guitar down on his bed, "So...your dad makes movies?? That sounds amazing~!"
"yeah well, he directs them" James replied sort of half shrugging. "I guess its pretty cool.. i dunno really, i dont really have much to do with his work and stuff" James said. James continued to text on his phone.
Henry listened unable to hold himself back from leaning forward in interest on how the boy spoke. His choice in vocabulary and how he presented himself somewhat caught Henry a different.

"I like you if you like me." He stated truthfully before leaning backwards onto his hands,

"That's a good way of thinking about performing," He complimented with a nice smile sweeping bangs from his blue gaze.

"I guess I'm doing it for the same thing, I remember going to my mothers circus and seeing her perform. She made many children smile and look upwards in awe, she was never that talented in cooking or anything really but there was one thing and it was her acrobatics. It's what people came for, and she was so happy. I guess I'm doing it to sort've live on her legacy and to be happy myself." He dragged before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as Beth jumped onto his lap quietly sniffing his shirt interested in his new scent.

"Now I'm rambling." He chuckled biting his lower lip.

"I like just about everyone." Elliot admitted, glancing out the window thoughtfully. It was an honest statement, really. Elliot loved meeting new people and befriending them, no matter what their personality was. He was fascinated by everyone he seemed to meet, and he was constantly driven by this desire. A part of him believed everyone was worthy of companionship of some kind, that no matter what other's thought it was only right to take the risk. Another part of him told him he was just being too gullible. Elliot tended to not listen to this part of himself.

Besides, Henry was amazing. He seemed friendly and kind, welcoming the opportunity of friendship with open arms. The boy had definitely caught his interest. He wanted to learn more about him, to see their friendship grow. He hoped this would happen, at the very least.

"I think you'll achieve that dream, so long as you keep working at it. It's beautiful, to me, how the dreams of those close to us can become our own. How we can strive to live up to the image they created. No matter what happens, I think you'll make her proud." He said, joining into the other's chuckling moments later as he flopped down on his bed, folding his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. "I won't get upset at you rambling if you won't get upset at me for doing the same. Besides, rambling is nice. Wouldn't you agree?" He glanced over towards Henry from the corner of his eye, a cheerful grin having formed along his lips.

Henry crossed his legs twirling a strand of his orange hair lazily with his index finger, his chuckling slowly fading into the silence as he listened to Elliots words taking them to heart.

"Thank you for your words, they mean a lot." He spoke truthfully in a distant voice, Henry always attempted to reach everyone's standards secretly trying to please his father. To make him proud. But the aspect of doing everything for him sort've changed with Elliots words. They made him feel slightly lighter like a burden was released from him.

Henry glanced at his worn treasure chest before turning his attention back to his new comrade.

"I agree," He stated with a nod approving his own statement, before standing up tightening his small pony tail.

"I'd love to inspect your art sometime or to hear you play then I can show you my 'crazy' circus skills." He stated his smirk growing in a joyful grin as he fixed his collar. And began towards the door opening it up to be met with two male voices from a cross the hall, looking back over his shoulder with an amused glare he questioned with a raised brow,

"Want to see if we can make friends with the people a cross the hall?"

"I'd love to show you either of those things, anytime you want to see them." Elliot responded before sitting up, listening to Henry's suggestion of going across the hall. He could feel the corners of his lips twitching upward even further, his grin somehow widening just a tad bit more as he climbed out of the bed and approached the coat rack next to the door. "I'd love to head across the hall and see what our neighbors are like. It should be a fun experience." He added on as he reached over and grabbed his black fedora, placing it on his head and adjusting it before dusting at the grass stains on his pants from earlier when he'd fallen.

He gestured for Henry to exit before him, a hand shoveled into his pocket as the other was gently placed on the door, prepared to move to the knob to close it on his way out. He eyed the door across the hall, almost nervously. Of course, he let the anxiety slip away when he remembered how Henry and him had become such fast friends. Surely everyone at the school was kind enough to give the people they met a chance at friendship. Despite this, he allowed himself to breathe out his next words as a mumble. "I wonder what they're like...." He said it more to himself, but he doubted the other had heard him at all. "Oh, can I knock?" He asked, looking at the other hopefully. He loved knocking, oddly. It was nice to tap your clenched fist gently against the door and wait, feeling the anticipation that came before the door opened to reveal who was behind it. It was almost like a mystery, and the door creaking to an opening would be like the resolution.

Henry smiled anxious to see the current extent of his friends musical and illustration abilities, his freckle coated cheeks indented with his hidden dimples. Nodding a thanks as he stepped outside of their room and towards the one a cross the hall, his pony tail swaying with his steps until he halted in front of the other oak door. The numbers 258 engraved into a sheen gold plate hung on the wooden surface identical to their own except for theirs being 257. Prepared to knock he raised his hand but his movement ceased when Elliot questioned if he could knock. Stepping back he presented the door with open arms shaking his hands as if to emphasize his neutral opinion on whoever knocked.

"Do what'chu wish," he simply stated eyeing the area around them as he awaited for the sound of a knuckle on the door. He mentally pleaded that his father wouldn't turn the corner suddenly, prepared to scold him on his rather unprofessional entrance in the assembly as he knew he'd put it into the type of words which would cause the conversation to remain somewhat civilized. But all that filled the halls currently where teens much like themselves who where scattered through out the corridor hoping to form a group before the beginning of classes.

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