A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Yoru jogs up to Rio. "I don't want to break up! I just told you that! Can you give me some time to cool off so I don't snap at you and ruin what I love the most?"

"Thanks..." C.J. gets in the cab with tears still in her eyes. "I'm sorry for ruining this night for you.." She says sadly before the cab driver pulls out and starts driving down the road towards her house.
Rio smiles a bit and shake his head, "I'm leaving like you told me too.." he says. Stepping away from Yoru as he continues walking.

Leo watches the cab pull off before turning and heading back to the car that Rio left behind. Leo gets in the car and sits there for awhile, thinking over the whole week and how everything went wrong.
Yoru smiles and walks away not saying another word.

C.J. makes it home and changes out of her dress and into soft pajamas, leaving her hair alone. "I screwed that up..." She slips under her blanket and falls asleep with a lot of pain in her head.
Leo makes it home and quickly sends a text to both Rio and Lyon. Hoping that there friendship would still be the same when they go back to school.

Rio makes it back home to find both his parents till up, playing cards and drinking. Rio smiles at his parents before going to his room, I want something like that.. he thinks as he changes into shorts and tank top before sliding into bed, not really sleep since he doesn't know what to think.
C.J. stays the same.

Yoru gets home and changes out of her dress and hangs it up. Putting on her pajamas, she lets down her hair and rubs her head. Yoru falls asleep minutes later.
The rest of the weekend fly by quickly until it was Monday.

Leo walks into school, still not heard nothing back from Lyon but at least Rio is still talking to him.

Leo and Rio both walk into their first period class and sit in the back like they normally do.
C.J. walks into her first class not wanting to talk to anybody. She sees that everybody's in her class this time. Well this is great.. Cari sits next to the person who sits in front of Leo and takes out her books.

Yoru peeks into her classroom and sees C.J. She sits next to her smiling as saying hello without speaking.
Class begins, both Leo and Rio give each other looks as the girls completely ignore them.

Rio sighs loudly and puts his head on his desk to sleep before his phone buzz, hoping it's Yoru but see that it's Leo. 'lets ditch this class' Leo texts.

Rio looks at his phone and then up to Yoru, Rio frowns and responds to the text, 'sure..'

Both Leo and Rio get up and head to the classroom door.

"Excuse me, but where do you two think you're going?" Mrs. G ask them.

"Well, I don't want to be in here anymore so I'm going to go.." Leo responds.

"And I'm just bored and unwanted, so I'm going to go as well.." Rio gives a little smile before following Leo out the class, not looking back.
Yoru raises her hand and asks to use the restroom. Mrs. G allows her to leave and she runs out the door to find Rio, being super quiet when she gets to the hallway.

C.J. asks to get a drink and gets up to the hallway, she turns a quick turn and listens to Rio and Leo talk with Yoru.
Both Leo and Rio walk down the hallway slowly, talking about what to do after school when they hear footsteps. They turn around and see Yoru and then C.J. Leo sighs loudly and stops walking, "what is it?" He ask, his face serious and his tone flat.
C.J. looks at Yoru and then looks at the guys. "I just wanted to say sorry again for what I did yesterday. I shouldn't have used being drunk as an excuse but I really didn't know what I was doing. The trust and friendship we used to have is most likely gone, but can we start as new friends or something?"

"I wanted to tell Rio that I'm not as angry today..." Yoru looks at him and smiles slightly.
Leo shrugs his shoulders, "It's whatever.." he says calmly.

"I'm just doing like you asked Yoru and giving you space.." Rio looks away as he says it.

"Now, if you'll excise us, we're going to go get something to eat.." Both of the guys turn and leave down the hallway.
Yoru watches Rio walk down the hallway and she texts him: If you want to talk or anything, meet me behind the school at lunch. Yoru walks back into class and copies down what the teacher had wrote on the board.

C.J. also texts Leo this message: If you want to let anything off your chest, you can talk to me in our classroom at lunch. She jogs back into her seat and wonders if he'll show up.
Both Leo and Rio go to his fathers restaurant, sitting down and ordering there food.

Rio's phone buzzes and he sees a text from Yoru, just then Leo's phone goes off as well.

"Why are women so hard to figure out?" Rio ask as he puts his phone away, "one minute she doesn't want to talk to me, the next minute she wants to talk.." Leo chuckles and nods his head, "I know what you mean bro.."
When C.J. is in class, she looks out the window, trying to spot Leo. "Why won't he just accept it.....?" Cari mumbles trying not to get heard by the teacher or other students.

Yoru hears C.J. saying something and starts getting worried. She doesn't want Rio to think that she doesn't want to talk anymore, and doesn't want Leo to think of C.J. as a slut.
The lunch bell rings an hour later and Leo waits for C.J. outside the classroom, I shouldn't even be here.. he thinks to himself as he waits.

Rio take Yoru words to the heart and keeps his distance from her. Rio goes to the to open field on the side of the school and sits under a tree, his mind wondering if things would just go back to normal, Rio closes his eyes and begins to sleep.
Once C.J. hears the lunch bell, she flies out the classroom and to the one she told Leo to wait at. Cari sees him waiting there and smiles, then makes it go away so she looked serious. "I'm surprised you showed up. I guess you have something on your chest then that you need to release."

Yoru grabs her lunch and jogs outside. "Would he really show up?" She walks around the school until she spots Rio. Yoru gets close to him and whispers in his ear. "Boo."
Leo looks up at C.J. face blank with no expression, "your the one who wanted to speak with me here, so that means you need to get something off your chest.." he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

Rio is sleeping peacefully when he hears footsteps and a soft voice whispering in his ear. Rio smiles and jumps up, tackling Yoru under him, "were you trying to scare me?" Rio ask, looking down at Yoru.
Yoru starts blushing but smiles and laughs. "Maaaybe...you'll never know!" She doesn't push Rio off or move from under him. Being under him, made her feel protected some how.

"The text I sent read, IF you want to let anything off your chest, you CAN talk to me in our classroom at lunch. I never said you had to come here, and I already got everything off or mine."
Rio smiles and kisses Yoru softly before getting off of her. "So, um...how was the rest of your weekend?" He ask, knowing that they haven't talked since Saturday night.

Leo sighs and shakes his head, "alright then.. I guess were done here then.." Leo turns and walks away.
Yoru sits close to Rio and thinks. "It was pretty lonely, so bad? How was yours?"

"Before you go, I just want to say. It doesn't matter what happens, I'll still love you. Don't forget that..." C.J. turns away from Leo's back and starts walking for the roof.
Rio nods his head agreeing, "yeah, I haven't had much sleep since then.." he says, looking at Yoru, "um..this whole relationship thing if that's what were in, it's new to me."

Leo keeps walking, putting his headphones in, he leaves out to the front of the school and lights himself a cig.
Yoru looks at Rio quiet happy. "It's new to me too, you're not alone." She puts her hands on her thighs and smiles at him.

C.J. sighs for not getting a response and heads up to the roof, where she falls asleep in a shaded corner, not caring about school.
Rio smiles and Yoru before hearing the bell ring from the school, "um..can I ask you something?" Rio looks away.

Naomi is standing up on the roof when she sees C.J. "well, isn't this a surprise.." Naomi purrs as she looks down at C.J. "isn't it little miss heart-breaker.."
Yoru tilts her head slightly to the right. "Anything."

C.J. cringes and curls up more as a slight breeze brushes in. She starts dreaming about things that she did wrong and how to fix them.

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