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Fantasy a nice, quality and very funny rp for the MEMES xd

> "eat" him, ifyouknowwhatimean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

By that, I mean eat him with peanut butter and jelly. Who eat plain bread nowadays anyway.

Swoob said:
also it has been brought to my attention that some players, having asked for a harem, weren't exactly expecting the result to be a drawing of a sentient piece of bread as shown above and i insincerely apologize for this
You insincere piece of- bread
>eat him

u get a bit excited and pick up the bread. "hey wait what the fuck u doing" he starts yelling, but its too late. before he can protest any further, u have already swallowed him. not in the sexual way. you literally ate him. do i have to fade to black for this? honestly im not too sure

the tavern goes silent for a bit which you find a little weird. u turn to the bartender so u can ask for another drink but he's staring at u like u just murdered somebody. which u did. asshole.

"YOU KILLED DEREK" he shouts and he grabs a bunch of bottles from behind him and starts throwing them at u. suddenly everyone in the tavern is screaming angrily at u and rushing to attack u. then u realize that he wasn't the only bread there—there are a bunch of bread people mixed in with the humans.


>attack the bartender

>please run

>"what the hell is with u people" (or something along those lines)

>no seriously run
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Swoob said:
>eat him
u get a bit excited and pick up the bread. "hey wait what the fuck u doing" he starts yelling, but its too late. before he can protest any further, u have already swallowed him. not in the sexual way. you literally ate him. do i have to fade to black for this? honestly im not too sure

the tavern goes silent for a bit which you find a little weird. u turn to the bartender so u can ask for another drink but he's staring at u like u just murdered somebody. which u did. asshole.

"YOU KILLED DEREK" he shouts and he grabs a bunch of bottles from behind him and starts throwing them at u. suddenly everyone in the tavern is screaming angrily at u and rushing to attack u. then u realize that he wasn't the only bread there—there are a bunch of bread people mixed in with the humans.


>attack the bartender

>please run

>"what the hell is with u people" (or something along those lines)

>no seriously run
>eat them all (even the humans)

and maybe snatch another slice of bread while at it. Running consume plenty of energy after all.
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right when all the people and bread people lunge at u, u sprint away and barrel through the tavern doors, wondering for what unholy reason u were thrown out of a tavern by angry pieces of bread. after running for a while, u bolt to the side and disappear into the forest. u can still hear the people behind u, but their yelling sounds far away now. crawling up next to a tree, u sit there i guess idk

night falls. spoooky. waking up mid sleep, u squint at the light in front of u. theres a bread person standing right in front of u holding a torch, but he doesn't make a sound. after a weird pause, he's all like "hey, u ok? are u lost? do u have a home? i can get u a hotel room nearby, but u shouldn't be sleeping out here, its dangerous"

>accept offer [write-in]

>decline offer [write-in]

>attack him [write-in]
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[[ok fine ill count that as enough votes]]

>decline offer: "No, how about I sleep in your home instead?"

"no, how about i sleep in your home instead?" u say in a very suggestive tone. the bread doesn't talk for a very long time, then he's like "uh ok r u sure" and ur like "ye" so he says "ok in that case follow me" and starts walking away


>don't follow
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