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Fantasy a nice, quality and very funny rp for the MEMES xd

[[apologies guys, left for a writing conference in champlain, it was super super fun

anyway we might as well get to the tavern since ive been away for so long]]


"ohh ye i think i saw him go that way." u point that way.

"oh ok thanks my dude" he says and he and his boyband finally leave u alone

ok now u actually get to go to the tavern so u start walking and in one way or another u finally find one and go in. u sit down at the bar and the bartender goes like "what drink u want"

>write-in i dont want to think of an alcohol rn
[[waiting on some more people to respond until we actually get more than 1 vote per alcoholic beverage ( or death @Fezzes )]]
> I'll vote for rum because I only want to kill the protag when there's something more important about to happen > :D

"ill have some rum"


u get some rum

>search for harem

>look around u

>start a fuckin fight

>talk to bartender

>m o r e a l c o h o l

[[oopsies forgot about this lmao]]
>start a fuckin fight!!!


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