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Futuristic A New Life

I meant interest check. But it's good to know notifications are working!

Edit: Oh hey, you took out the progress bar.
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Also, while I'm at it, she's shooting by instrument panel, yes? Not actually looking, just observing camera and scanner feed?

And if I may rage for a moment.

1. Please make sense. nonsensical explanations make me crazy.

2. Please state attacks, but not results.

This has been a request from your friendly neighborhood giant robot, please have a nice day. *clank*
and to justify my own post- That was all one attack. I mean, Operator can still win this. In...theory? I mean, if someone can hop on a keyboard and manually re-locate the files the computer is now 404 ing, then everything comes back. In theory.
Your post is very hard to read as a programmer myself xD

Still trying to determine what I want to allow, and what I do not. But, FYI, I saw a completely workable way of getting into the ship, given what I had told you about it. Valkyrie's "human" error of not blowing you to smithereens would have given you time to eject from your ship and physically jump to the hull of ours, at which point your passive would have given you a nice in with your BCI, and you could have taken as long as you like. Remember, the cannons are programmed to avoid friendly fire :P

Give me some time, but please stand by for changes.
Okay...wait, you know code? Okay, I ran a program that looked for pointers to the Gun control firmware. I changed them, thus confusing the kernel as to WTF the files went. It can no longer operate the guns, as the firmware is "missing". I then used the system registry to find out what else the system is plugged into that could be an offensive device, and bumped more pointers. This then disconnected the dangerous stuff from the system until someone goes in and tells the kernel where the driver files are. Last, i sent a dozen half copies of myself ('Macros') in to keep operator busy...basically, bot scripts performing DDOS attacks, while looking for the shield hardware files. And yeah, I considered that, but figured it would put me on limited life support to eject, and I'm already using my passive to move my transport-meaning I could jump across broad-band broadcasts if I got close enough without having to leave my warm ship and step into cold space.

how's all that? Anyway, no biggie. I can revise. It's very tricky playing warlock right, so no problems if it snagged.
Alright, the cannons. Think of flying through this... but MORE:


A 3-meter change to the targeting of a proximity-based air-burst explosive isn't going to do much to dissuade it from taking you out.

A fire response of 2.5 seconds feels reasonable, but that the guns would only begin tracking after you arrive in range is not. The perimeter described is the zone in which the shells used still have useful accuracy on their fuses. There's no reason the system would not fire at you before you even reach the perimeter, if your projected path would be taking you into the danger zone. Then the shells would be there to meet you as soon as you get in range.

I'm unsure how your wireless-spectrum signals would have knocked out the ship's cameras or tracking software.

Code teacher sidetrack! Have you ever tried hacking under Windows by just reading/writing into memory you don't own? You get lots, and lots of errors. Index out of bounds, nullpointer exceptions, etc. etc. Add onto this the fact that Windows gives you a random starting address, and all addresses that you access are relative to that, and you're in big trouble.

You also say "The AI reacted, but needed to change directories to chase him." This is complete hogwash. The AI need not even have an understanding of the data, since every disk read, every register swap that you do has to happen on the AI's hardware. He sees things literally as soon as you access them... and that means that he sees what you're doing literally before you do, given the latency of a wireless connection. That is, if you're connected remotely, rather than uploaded directly onto the AI's systems and executing on his physical hardware, which you were for much of the attempted hack (though not this portion specifically). Even then, since the AI operates at a deeper level, closer to the hardware, than you do, things go through him first before getting to you.

Finding pointers in other people's code is possible if you injected a DLL, causing your own code to run within the memory space of the software that is running. However, you would need to do this for each individual program that is accessing this pointer, and on top of that, you would have to refind the pointer in every instance, since there's a virtual memory layer between you and the physical memory. Even though they point to the "same thing" each pointer would be redefined in its own memory context, and actually would point to different instances of the software, entirely. The closest thing to what you are describing would be if the weapons were connected to the rest of the system through an unsecured network, and you blocked off the port in the systems, which has nothing to do with pointers.

Regardless, flipping bits in pointers would almost assuredly cause the software to not only not find the proper thing it was looking for there, but also for the program to index out of bounds and crash horribly. Given the shoddy programming of the system that you are hacking in this post, that would probably have a cascading effect that would kill all the programs that in any way rely on one another. Probably including the program that is keeping the derelict tethered, causing it to float off into space or crash around the hangar, breaking the flywheel in the process. So now Dhampir is going to kill you in many horribly ways. Good job breaking it, hero!

A DDOS attack is a Distributed Denial of Service attack, emphasis on Distributed. Since all of the copies of Warlock that are attempting the attack would be coming from the same place, namely his spacecraft, any reasonable DDOS protection would quickly blacklist his method of entry and block every single one of his clones, and him all at the same time.

And all of this, especially the part saying "It seemed a backdoor had been left open for him, how dull. As if. walls existed only as long as their bolts held. Take them out, and everything was a door," makes an assumption that I pretty clearly disagreed with before that post was even made. Dhampir says to Operator: "Blacklist serial model 629, known hacking methods as described in his file. Leave open the Candid backdoor." There's a dossier on Warlock's methods, Operator has that dossier, and Operator has been instructed to stop Warlock at every turn except one. So yes, he would have a hard time hacking into this system.

And, given the superior processing power of Operator than even Warlock and his ship put together, I'd like you to respect that Operator would make things hard when it's told to make things hard. The point of this task wasn't for Warlock NOR for Valkyrie to breeze through it. The point is to keep you two occupied while the rest of us interact with the derelict ship, to give you both a chance to do the stuff that your characters are good at, and to help Warlock prove that he has something worthwhile to bring to Dhampir's table. Gotta give you guys SOMETHING to do.
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Okay, no worries. I'll scrap the post and do it over. sigh, bit of shame. Though I do appreciate you bothering to duel me like this. Most people just groan and walk away.
I like RP's as collaborative writing. This is my first time GMing a more-than-two-people RP, though, so good to have useful criticism if anyone has some :P
well, it's embarrassing to screw up, but I'm not too proud to know when somethings busted. I have about 160 pages of screw up on my computer right now, and still going. Hey, while we're talking....how long can an operative survive the vaccuum?
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Quite a long time. They don't need to breath, though they can overheat, due to how good an insulator the vacuum of space is (counterintuitive when you've been told "you'll freeze to death in space!" your whole life, right?), and do need to make themselves permeable to "drink" Juice. That's when things get nasty and bits and pieces of your insides float out into space.

So... a day? If you're not doing too much computation?
In warframe, you can function only a few minutes in airless void, so I was using that as reference and didn't want to leave my ship for that reason. But If we're THAT durable, ejecting would be totally acceptable. Also, what's a BCI?
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Dannan said:
In warframe, you can function only a few minutes in airless void, so I was using that as reference and didn't want to leave my ship for that reason. But If we're THAT durable, ejecting would be totally acceptable.
Warframe doesn't know what it wants: shoot out glass? You die. "Life support" runs out? You die (well, almost).

Just eject yourself into space and strap on a glorified jet pack? WHY OF COURSE YOU LIVE!
FancyKiddo said:
Warframe doesn't know what it wants: shoot out glass? You die. "Life support" runs out? You die (well, almost).
Just eject yourself into space and strap on a glorified jet pack? WHY OF COURSE YOU LIVE!
Jetpacks are futuristic duct tape confirmed.
Aight, edited it a bit to take the bunny accident out. Still pretty much the same deal though

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