A New Kind of Force [Inactive]


Evil Mastermind of the keyboard
A dark figure sat atop the hill, waiting. By having his apprentice reveal her location, the Jedi would no doubt dispatch a small squad, or maybe just a team. Either way, the figure mused, they would be obliterated. So many times the Dark Side had tried to make a come-back, but ever since the fall of the Empire, it's failed. But now, after a few generations of learning and watching, it was time to start weeding out those foolish Light-wielders, and thus pave the way for a comeback.

His apprentice, stood on the opposite hill, a cloak draped around her to keep out the cold. The planet they were on wasn't necessarily cold, it was just the sharp winds that blew about Tetras 9. She cast another Illusion spell, making sure it rippled through the Force, something the Jedi would surely feel. It felt good to let out some of the rage and hatred she kept inside of her, but her master had warned her to save her strength. Her two dogs roamed the countryside, and she concentrated. All at once, she was viewing the world through their eyes. A small village sat nearby, nestled in between two tall hills and a river flowed next to it. She snorted. If the Jedi didn't arrive soon, she knew what she was going to do.
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Ydrenna frowned, pulling out her blaster and shooting the man in front of her. "Well..." she mused, "my mission is complete, and i can finally get off of this barren hellhole that they call a planet. Dar'Losh!" she finally yelled, a small green ship, similar to a jedi fighter, and she hopped in. A hologram appears on her screen, projecting her next target. "What?! A sith?! i thought that they were extinct!" she shot out of the atmosphere. "Ha, and they look like they could be strong, maybe i will face a challenge. Mission Accepted!" She began to set the coordinates. "Now, if i can just get the money..." she sat back, arming weapon systems and setting the vessel onto an auto dodge auto pilot.
Mondas stood staring into the distance. His dark brown cloak billowing in the wind. He took a step forward. He thought he saw someone in the distance. He started walking toward the man.
Selaser stood indigently on the palace's landing platform, watching as his cargo was removed from his ship. He was reduced to this, he thought to himself, a former jedi reduced to fly poached animals and plants as much to fill most of his considerable hull. All that just for the kings dinner tonight a fact he only found out on his arrival. He sighed at himself. What desperate people do for a few lousy credits. Next to him, a noble who's weigh only rivaled the kings himself ticked off the items in his list.

"Excellent work, young man, the king would be pleased with the delivery."The noble said excitingly."His majesty has allowed me to invite you to the dinner tonight as a thank you. Should you wi..."

"Not interested."Selesar said bluntly, his annoyance notable even through the flat tone of his voice synthesizer. "Just give me the credits owed and i will be off, i dont want stay here anymore then i need to."

"R...Right...Wired as we speak."

"Thank you."He said rushing back to his ship. However he stopped barely halfway inside the ship, felling a familiar tremor in the force. He turned back to the noble his eye now showing glint of worry."I have reconsidered... I need to see the kind straight away."
The noble frowned, such a request was against proper edict, after all. But Selaser was doing them a favor..."Well, I'll ask if you can." He headed off into the palace, presumably to speak with someone higher up than him. After a few minutes, he came back out, shaking his head. "I'm afraid his majesty is busy, and cannot be disturbed at the moment." He smiled cheerfully. "But perhaps you can speak with him during the dinner!"

One of the dogs spotted something, and Cielo immediately could feel it through her connection with them. She quickly activated a link, and saw a cloaked figure approaching the pair. She frowned, and opened her mouth to call out a warning to her master, but he raised his hand, indicating that he already knew. Cielo nodded and continued to observe the person, urging her dog to get a little closer.
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AS Mondas approached, he saw a dog come near him. The Jedi averted his course toward the dog. He approached it peacefully, putting out a hand to let it sniff.
He signed frustratingly, he opened his mouth to complain but reconsidered it as a waist of time. Besides what he though of was more effective.

"His majesty wishes to see me"He said suggestively with a slight wave of his hand."You well lead me to him."
The noble's eyes went blank, and he nodded. "Of course, sir. I will lead you to him." He walked into the palace, motioning for Selaser to follow.

Cielo grinned. The stupid Jedi had walked right up to Diablo! As Diablo wagged his tail and sniffed the Jedi's hand, Cielo allowed his other senses to flow through her, and she grinned. "He's a Jedi. Strong, but not as powerful as us." She couldn't see Jagat's expression, but he spoke as if he were smiling slightly. "Yes. I recommend you seal that connection though, lest he learn that your dog belongs to a Sith." Cielo nodded and severed it, but not before she had studied his appearance, and noted the weapons, battle-markings, and armour.
Mondas kneeled down by the dog and patted it on the head. He started petting it lightly. He stared intently at the dogs eyes. "You're in a lot of pain aren't you boy?" Mondas had always had a soft spot for nature. He never let it get past his reason, though. Mondas lifted the dogs paw, it had been limping on it slightly. He found a strange thorn and slowly pulled it out, massaging the area afterward and wrapping it with a bandage. "That's only physical. Your struggle goes much deeper. Let's find your master, huh?" Mondas stared intently into the wind.
Diablo woofed, and ran off into the woods, far faster than normal dogs could. Jagat watched the exchange with mild interest, before stepping down behind the rise of the hill, now hidden from Mondas's sight. "Get ready, Cielo. This will be your first test."

[And no, I'm not planning to end up killing anyone already]
"What did you say?" Klowde asked the Clan Council. He had been called to appear before them for something really important and was just not following what they were telling him. They were all dressed in their custom armors, apparently if you move up high enough Clan you get to have custom armor. It's funny because they don't have common ancestors so they're more like an Order, but they use the word clan primarily.

The Head of the Council and Leader of the Order, who's name was Sirzechs said "The Jedi Council wants you to make an appearence at their temple. They want to check you out to see if you lean towards dark or light, as you were trained by a master from either side.Don't worry the Jedi Order wouldn't dare do anything to start another war between the Mandalorians and the Jedi."

"Ok, now i get it and so when do i have to go." Klowde asked.

"As soon as possible you get to take one person with you and take your own transportation."

"On it sir"

"Make us proud"

Klowde turned and left the room. He suited up in his armor and sent message to the person he had chosen. He also sent a prep request for his Shuttle. This was going to be a weird mission.
There were two things that were known about the black market intertwining throughout the planets. The first was a given, that it dealt with all sorts of illegal trade. The second was that if someone didn't know there way around it they would easily become lost within the dark dealings. How many people had been captured? How many taken from their beds to be slaves upon another planet? To many. Far to many. Of course for those that knew their way around the Black Market it was a beneficial place. Tyla Creel was one such person, knowing the ins-and-outs of the illegal trade system like it was the back of her hand. She spent most of her time working it, she was a smuggler after all.

Today, though, she was functioning outside the illegal trade routes in an attempt to take a much needed break. Having a day off was difficult though, especially when she had more then one blaster inching to blow a hole through her chest. Still the woman couldn't help but be drawn to the temptation of a vacation as she lounged lazily in a bar with her hood pulled up over her fire-like hair. Her emerald green eyes scanned everything, dodging from one face to the next in search of something interesting enough to watch.

"No luck." She mutter, getting to her feet so that she could exit the building. As she moved she felt the eyes following her, as if she was a rare beast that they wanted to capture for their own collection. They knew nothing though, or at least they underestimated what she really was. Appearing very human on the outside, so human that none could truly tell what she really was unless they took a knife to her skin. Zelosian didn't have blood or not the blood that other species had. Hers' was more like a sap, a sticky substance that resembled more of a plant-like fluid. Other than this it was impossible to tell she wasn't human so to the men she was simply an exotic beauty, something that would fetch a high price on the slave market. Tyla had not intention of becoming a slave though.
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As the dog ran off, Mondas whispered, "Peace be upon you oh tortured creature." Mondas looked around. The shadows from before had vanished. He furrowed his brow, looking back over his shoulder suspiciously. Mondas closed his eyes listened intently to the wind. Where most felt it was dangerous because it blocked out other sound, Mondas' training on Glee Anselm had taught him different. His ears were keen, and he listened for angles in the wind, minute changes in pitch. Of course this was no perfect science, but Mondas felt confident of their positions because he had the added force sense. When he opened his eyes, he used force bellow to project his voice over the wind, "Greetings friends! Please show yourselves, I know you're there! I hold no ill will!"
Ydrenna stopped her flight as it took her over a planet, where she saw a lone figure. "Is this the sith? No," she said, after a moment, her eyes reverting to ebony and showing her force strands around her. "that is a jedi." she looked on, mildly interested, as the jedi amplified his voice, watching him pull together a few strands, and blast them. She turned slightly, and saw ribbons of red coming from the base of the hill. "Aha, so that would be my target." she came out of her cockpit, after setting the sith, now visible to her, onto the targeting system of her ship, she pulled on a flight suit, and her sniping blaster. "Oh, hey look! An apprentice too! I bet i'll get a bonus!" And aims at the Jagat. (since he was her target, she does know his name)
Mondas sense another presence in the area. He looked over his other shoulder to see if his suspicions were correct. He thought he caught a glimpse of a small fighter. The kind outfitted in such a way that one could tell the pilot was up to no good. Great, that's just what we need, another head hunter. I can hardly blame these Sith for feeling the way they do because of people like them. It seems all hope of negotiating will be lost as soon as that newcomer arrives. He thought to himself, giving a low growling sneer in the direction he had spotted the ship. I better make this quick. "What brings you to Tetras Nine?" he continued using Force Bellow.
Cielo turned to Jagat and shrugged, unsure how to reply to such a request. Jagat waved one hand toward the ship, having noticed its arrival, but only when he had that feeling that something was being aimed at him. It was strange, he thought, that he couldn't sense the ship through the Force at all. Cielo nodded, and readied her sword, as this could turn ugly now.

Jagat stepped up onto the rise, and spoke, using the force to carry his voice as well. "As always, you're poking your nose into the duties of others. Do you honestly need help finding your way?"
Mondas turned his gaze back to the hill, still looking over his shoulder -- not feeling threatened enough to warrant turning around yet. "I'm not the one who's lost. I have arrived precisely where I meant to. I will admit that your presence here worries me." Mondas' thoughts went back to the ship that had just appeared. "But perhaps this is not the place we should discuss this."
Jagat laughed, a hearty sound, if it weren't for his helmet that distorted the sound, making it sound slightly sinister. "I'm not worried. Although if you are, then you certainly aren't worth much." Cielo tried her hardest not to laugh, but it still came out in a quick giggle that was stopped short as Jagat glanced at her. Inside her head, she heard him speak: "You should be listening well. This is one of the few times that I'll be doing the taunting."
Y'drenna winces, feeling and still seeing the overuse of force, frowning as she calls softly down, barely loud enough to hear, "Oh, yes, he has all reason to be worried. The simple fact that you are not merely demonstrates your idiocy. Would you like to revise your former statement? For perhaps it may be best applied to you, such as how unbeleivably inperceptive you are. I am coming down, if you don't mind." She adds, as she half falls, half flies, down to them. She also comments vaguely, "yes, apprentice, listen to your master, it is his job to taunt today."
When Mondas was insulted by the Sith, he turned around to face the man. This is where his pride arrogance kicked in. "Don't be so confident, Sith. In my presence, it's bad for your health. Just as a soldier alone, I'm ten times the warrior you are, and that doesn't take into account my Jedi abilities!"
Mondas thought he heard something off in the distance from the direction he had seen the ship. In a flash, he whipped his trusty old sniper out of his cloak and raised the scope to his eye. He used the scope as a sort of telescope to scan the horizon. His hood slid off as he turned, revealing his dark red shoulder length hair and colorful face. During his rotation, he did a double take when a glint caught his eye. That was the telltale sign of a muzzle. "Amateur," he whispered to himself as he took a shot slightly below the glint, intending to scare off the unwanted company.
The other dog yelped, and went speeding to Cialo's side, where she patted it before turning to the other girl who had landed behind them. "Though I cannot feel you through the Force, you make enough noise for a Bantha to hear." She kept her sword at ready, though it was not raised.

Jagat nodded slightly. "Of course. Is that why you take pity upon such a poor thing as me?" He didn't say 'we' knowing that the Jedi had yet to actually notice his apprentice.
"I hold no pity for you! You bring it upon yourself for your shameful actions." Mondas quickly swung around, aiming his sniper at the Sith. "What you are is a monster, but that can be changed."

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