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Futuristic A New Age.

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)
Over the many years, technology and the quality of life has advanced. Were once one had to put up with having rudimentary prosthetic limbs, they can now easily and cheapily get robotic limbs that work like they were the original. And it is all thanks to the Shogun. Through military and political might he has managed to get all of the clans to peacefully co-exist and allow him to rule. The Emperor dealt with matters of religion, helping those seeking guidance along the proper path.

Yet the Shogun, Minamoto Sho, is growing weak in his old age. The clans, no longer respecting him, have once more taken up arms. But instead of fighting over pointless things that had been settled decades ago, if not further back, they fight for the title of Shogun.

You are part of the Hanran. An amalgamation of those that have been exiled or otherwise left their clan. Your daimyo wants the title of Shogun, and it is your duty as Samurai of the Hanran clan to help him achieve this title. So, will you help him achieve this goal, or will you fail and allow another clan to take it instead? The decision is yours. A katana and a bow lie before you. Take them, and fight for your daimyo.
Gareth stood in fron of the new recruits, who were all kneeling in rows. "To prove your loyalty," he said loudly, "the Daimyo has decided to send you on a mission. The Imagawa have been encroaching on our land for a couple weeks now. They are most likely trying to muscle us out early, and why wouldn't they? We are seen as weak and unworthy of even being considered a clan. Prove them wrong by striking them deep. A high ranking Imagawa officer is visiting the edges of their territory. Without him, they will falter and will be left open for a larger attack. Success for this mission means you can be trusted, and you shall become full members of the Hanran clan. Failure will lead to you wandering the streets with the world knowing that not even the Hanran will have you. I shall leave the planning to you. You have two weeks to complete the task, more then enough time." And with that done, he left them to it.
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Heoni did not like kneeling in front of this man. He seemed like he would crush anyone who tried to oppose him, which just made her want to do just that. As soon as he had left, Heoni rose from her position on the floor, sweeping back her short cut blue hair. Having slid on something a bit more presentable that morning, she felt a little out of place in her own skin, or nice pants and shirt rather. She looked around at the other new recruits she was going to be working with. Some obviously had mechanical parts, others weren't obvious, but most had mechanical parts. "Well then," She started off, breaking the chilling silence, "We should probably get to know each other, skills wise and name wise so we don't get things mixed up. If we are going to work together, might want to know each other's names." She said, looking around. Formulating a plan wasn't exactly her style, but at this point she didn't have many other options with her skills. She could be a regular mechanic, but that was no fun. Heoni tapped her foot and waited for someone to talk.
Takeshi stood up as well at turned to face the rest of the group. "That sounds like a good idea, I guess I'll go first." He cleared his throat and stood up straight, snapping his hands by his sides "My name is Takeshi Hanzo, I'm originally from the hojo clan. I fight by using my incinerator cannons in my hands and my superhuman abilities and senses, I also specialize in hand to hand combat." He took a deep breath and relaxed his posture, looking at the rest of the group "Who's next?"
Samuel didn't move an inch as the man spoke. Deep down he hated kneeling before someone like this, but he had no choice. There were no options left for him and his family. Without this they would be destitute and forced to disappear in history for good. At least their orders sounded simple enough. Only problem now was to figure out how to deal with the other recruits.

As soon as the man finished addressing them and left Samuel let out a deep breath and stood up. Some woman was the first to speak up, great..introductions already. He waited for one man named Takeshi to finish before he cleared his throat. Looking around the room with a firm, calculating eye, analyzing every face. "Samuel Varcolac from the Date clan. I specialize in sword arts."
Heoni smiled as she looked at the fellow people that stood up. Placing a hand on her hip, she smiled and looked around. "I'm Heoni. I specialize in on the move combat. Any vehicle you need I have, and I can shoot from." She said, grinning. "It looks like we have some variety of talents, which is good because that way we can get a plan down accurately." She added, smiling at those around her.

  • Kiyoshi Yukimura


    Kiyoshi absolutely loathed having to kneel down to another man, but it's not like he had much of a choice. Once the man had finished speaking, he stood up immediately, not wanting stay bellow him anymore. One of the females around him stood up as well and started asking everyone who they were, and what was their specialty. Kiyoshi walked over to a nearby wall and leaned up against it and folded his arms. He stayed silent and listened to some of the others talk before he felt it was time for him to speak up. He cleared his throat before finally saying, "I am Kiyoshi/My aim is unmatched by all/I live for the kill" in the form of a haiku.

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Aiko yawned to the side as the man before them blathered on about their mission. A search and destroy mission to prove some loyalty, we get it already.. Aiko already knew she didn't really like this man, but she also knew this wasn't the time or place to worry about that either. As all of them stood up from their kneeling positions, they began to introduce themselves. She stood up and cracked her knuckles before looking to all of them. “The name’s Aiko. I'm an expert when it comes to blowing stuff up.”
Man, what a boring old man. Hikaemena thought while stretching his metal leg, with these, kneeling isn´t such a taxing task to him even if last for hours. But a man has his pride and such a man like him has a even bigger pride. As such, Hika by no mean is a normal man but as he think of himself, the strongest and most noble samurai, and with a man like that these formal things is nothing but normal chores that need to be done to show his respect and modesty.After all, with great power come great responsibility. While losing in his noble thought, others started to introduce themselves. As his mind came down to earth, Hika starting to evaluate his new comrade. Eh, he thought, there not much to say when you are the best. He said loudly "I say it is good to meet you all here. While some of you must have heard of my reputation, some may not, therefore I shall let you know the name is Hikaemena Miyamoto. I won´t spoil you all with all kind of things i can do, but you may know that my blade of horror here does not show mercy to any enemy across the battlefield, there you will witness what I capable of . For that much of a reason you all can count on my blade" His speech, full of confident and awesomeness, must have done what words must. He was sure of it, looked around and waiting for their respond.
So many here seemed to live for destruction. At least that's what Samuel got from most of their introductions. Especially the latest one to speak. He pitied him and watched like he was listening, but couldn't help but yawn. Guess it didn't help that he had quite the impressive reputation as well, for the most part at least. Made it tougher to be impressed by much. "So, where do we start off with this plan? Where to start, where to go what to do?" He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked around the group. He had a few ideas of his own, but was going to wait until he heard others for some fresh ideas.
Takeshi's brow furrowed at how arrogant Hikaemena was and the confidence he had in his abilities. 'I doubt he's all that. I could take him, easily.' He thought to himself, not realizing how big his own ego was. Takeshi thought of challenging his status right then and there but instead he closed his eyes took in a deep breath, slowly exhaling 'No.... Its best to make friends right now.' He thought to him self. He e haled and looked the man who just spoke "Well a good start would be to find out who he is and to get a name along with the face. Our next best bet would be to find out exactly where he is and how many men are there with him." Coming from a clan that use strategy to cripple the opposing clans forces and bring their foundation on top of them, this was leaning towards his expertise.
"He's from Imagawa, isn't he?" Aiko said in her usual, somewhat grumpy tone of voice, "We visit their border, look around the edge of their territory, and we'd most likely find him. It's even possible that we won't even have to cross the border, since the Imagawa are taking portions of our land so eagerly." Aiko may have loathed the lecture from before, but that never meant that she wasn't paying any attention. "And if he is just visiting an encampment outside their border, then it wouldn't be that hard to infiltrate, since it'll be more makeshift than something inside the land. But that's only something we can hope for... For all we know he could be in some kind of fortress watching over their borderline. But traveling in that direction is probably the best lead we have."

  • Kiyoshi Yukimura


    He silently watched everyone around him think up different plans for killing the man, but none of them even knew his exact location. He thought that the man known as Gareth wasn't telling all that he knew about the situation. He turned his head to him and said, "Oh valiant leader/Do you know where he is based/If not, we'll find out." Then he turned to the rest of the group and said "We should observe him/Find out what his weakness is/Then utilize it." before going back to being silent once more.

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Heoni snorted quite loudly as the man with the almighty pride finished his valiant speech. "That kind of attitude is the one that will get you killed. A sword can't protect you from being run over with a car." She stated plainly, before looking around. "I say we observe him, figure out his weaknesses, and plan an attack. I say plan now because I tend to be a little bit of a reckless driver. Stealthy isn't really my thing." She stated, looking around. "I can analyze his weak points if I get a good look at him for a few seconds. Depending on what it looks like we might need more fire power, or a faster attack. If we need grenades, I am hoping Aiko will have us covered." She said, letting her arms relax by her sides. "If they have any vehicles with them, I might be able to salvage some parts if we are quiet enough, maybe cripple a car or two by taking out their emergency break, or their battery, or a cooling unit."

@The Endergod @Kwillz @HumphryOmega @Sitahra @Axel1313
Hikaemena displeased stared at the girl named Heoni, but then forced himself back to the problem at hand. "Observe them, huh? If that's what you want I will give you just that. I say we use the oldest trick in the book, the decoy tactic." He looked around the room and stated as if it can't be more obvious "I will lead a team to face them head on, meanwhile you can observe and analyze all you want. And when you guys have done counting their teeth, throw them a surprise party, of course, given that I haven't annihilated them already". His eyes stopped again on the Heoni "About you, Mrs. Cocky, for you to judge me so easily and consider yourself so highly, such naive moves will one day come back to haunt you. But don't misunderstand me, I'm not holding any grudge against you for that one bold line. Naive people make naive moves, but for our sake, learn some modesty will you?"
Heoni groaned again at his attitude and she pressed her hand to her face. "The only one being cocky here is you. You may have your sword skills but I would have to see it to believe it. If you were really that great I would have known." She said, looking at him. "I am no better than the rest of you. We all have our areas of expertise, so when you try building a car from scratch and having it beat one of mine, feel free to gloat all you want. All I am saying is don't count all your chicks before they've hatched." She pointed out, leaning back against the post. "If I was really trying to judge you, I would say something along the lines of what you look like. And I haven't done that now have I." she said, crossing her arms and glaring at him

"Wait wait wait. Who gave you the go ahead to be in charge?" He turned to face Hikaemena with a cold stare. He could tolerate many things, but some braggart putting himself in charge crossed a line. "I'm not about to blindly follow some punk or be doing anything until we put it to a vote." He grumbled. "We need to get some sort of idea of how we work together and what strengths and weaknesses we each have as well so we can properly balance out teams if we plan on splitting up. That way we can compensate for anything and leave little to no openings for our enemies."

@Sitahra @IceQueen @HumphryOmega @The Endergod @Kwillz
Hika shrugged "Fine. I won't take your words seriously until the time come. Like I said, I'm not the petty kind to pry every single word neither will I let these unprofessional stuffs get in my way, much less to argue about them. But I may demand your respect in the future as there's a chance we will have to work together for long" Hika said calmly to Heoni, he isn't the type to settle things with words. But if that's what she wants, he's waiting for a chance to show them his skill with the sword. Turned to the man with cybertics arms, he said "I have never said I will or want to be the one in charge but simply give you the best course of action. It's your call to decide what is good for you or not. But don't expect me to wait for the target to die of old ages while waiting for your planning section.
"Finally." Gareth almost growled to himself. Almost, but it could still be heard. "His name is Hitomo Imagawa. He was adopted into the name, no blood relations to the Imagawa family. As far as I know, he frequents the 'High Five' bar. Nice place, don't go ruining it." And with that, he goes back to standing in silence out of the way. He had only told them a relatively small amount of information on their target. But that was all that was asked for. As he saw it at the moment, they were all to full of themselves to worry about how he fought or his guards. And now that they knew where to find him, they'd probably quickly hash together a plan then go off and attempt to take him down. Most of the new recruits were predictable like that.
Takeshi shook his head at the bickering before him "We'll never get anywhere at this rate, and I don't think any of us are in the position to be picky right now." He snapped, glaring at the three of them. If there was one thing he could not stand it was teammates arguing, and about their egos at that. But I guess you couldn't really call this a team could you? "Now what we need to do is get a sturdy plan together. If we don't, not even this clan of outcasts will accept us. Is that something any of you want under your names? because i sure don't."

  • Kiyoshi Yukimura


    He nodded at Gareth before saying, "A bar named High Five/ That is a rather weird name/Thanks for the info." Then he overheard three of his comrades arguing about something as trivial as cockiness and modesty. He practically shouted at the group, "Just stop bickering/Fighting will get you nowhere/A plan is needed." God, it's like I'm working with a bunch of spoiled children. that thought ran through his head as he observed everyone in the room.

"You just did by declaring yourself a leader of a team to take them on and ordering us to observe." He grumbled again and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Why must he have to work with such arrogance. "I believe I just stated that but agree. We need a solid plan." He turned back towards the rest of them. "So, why don't we all sit down, shut up and get something done!" He barked.
Aiko had attempted to keep herself composed with in an annoyed face palm. She nearly hit her peak with these people as the yelling grew. "For god's sake, do you people even know how to think?" She said loudly, though not shouting, "Because you sure as hell don't think while arguing or even yelling at people to take a seat and make themselves comfortable: because guess what- that's not how the brain works. I guess some of us need that redrilled into our skulls, huh?" She let out a long angry sigh before continuing, "If this is going to work we need to know as much as we can about this guy before we leave or even think of something to do. We can't go off some crazy assumptions and send a group in there. That may as well be considered a suicide mission. This may be a clan of outcasts but that doesn't mean all of the people in it have to be idiots. Sometimes you have to know what your working with or someone'll lose an arm, and I'm assuming some of us want to stay lucky with the two they still have."

She turned to the man in the corner from before. "If we know where he hides there's got to be more that you've gathered on him. Anything: How high up is he in their system, how many men he brings around with him, any noticeable behavioral patterns, what he fights with... Killing a high-up isn't exactly easy if we don't have the information we need, y'know.."

@Beowulf @Axel1313 @The Endergod @IceQueen @Sitahra @HumphryOmega
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"He is fifteenth in line to becoming the Imagawa Daimyo. That places him well above any common soldier, but he's still near the relative bottom when it comes to the familial hierarchy. He is efficient in most sword arts, and is a decent enough shot with a pistol from what informants have seen. His guard consists of four men at all times. There might be more, but at the core it is always the same four. We do not know their fighting style or proficiency." he told her. At least a couple of them had the mind to comb the person that gave them the mission over on information. Guess this group would be different, however slightly that may be.
Hikaemena crossed his arm as the samurai told them about their target. He was trying to keep his cool, it wasn't necessary to make a bad impression to his employer, he joined this clan for a living not just to fight. Nonetheless, he won't hesitate to give that man a lesson if he has to. Just give me half a reason and things will get more interesting. He thought. Still, he forced a calm voice. "I take it that this officer isn't just a fat goofball, but four men or more isn't much since we can somehow outnumber them." He glanced at the cybertic arms guy "You people must have lots of ideas, but can we agree that to avoid needless casualties we should lure him out of the bar with or without his guards?".

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