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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC (2.0)

What is Ambrose's plan? Raimi will appeal to his self-interest as a businessman as well as his sense of self-preservation.

His infrastructure, whatever that may have been, is likely decimated. He'd have to either handle all of the corpse gathering himself or hire new people like Lewis to do it for him all over again. Further, with the wizard resurrecting his followers when they die, he can't start his business in Dalania again selling corpses. Even if he could, his clientele would consist largely of goblins, which are not the most pleasant people to do business with considering they're stupid and also mainly known for being pirates who take what they want instead of paying for it. His status as the "corpse holder" might protect him for a while, but who can say how long the goblins will be content with that excuse to leave him alone? How can he be sure all the goblins will care? Seems risky just to rely on that for an extended period of time knowing as little as he does. If he intends to stay in Dalania, he's going to have a rough time of it. I would want to leave if I were him.

Let's say he does intend to leave; great. He can probably get out the gate like all the other merchants leaving, but what then? It's long leagues from Dalania to any other major city or town and he's one old man. Who knows how many bandits, highwaymen, wild animals or beastly monsters he would encounter along the way? If it's just him, he'll likely die. So, if he DOES want to leave, his best shot of getting anywhere outside the city alive would be to have a group of stalwart warriors to protect him along the way.

Thus, Raimi will suggest, the best hope for Ambrose if he wants to both live and restart his business in a place that would be more friendly to non-Kruziik-supporting merchants like himself is to play along with their plot. He helps the group escape, the group sees him safely to Fenwood or Askary or wherever he would prefer to go to. Quid pro quo.

This also gives Ambrose a good reason to stick with the group for a long time. Lots of things could happen on the road as well, giving you a lot of opportunities to develop him as a character.

All of that said, I think it would also just be a fun scene to write, Ambrose having to fast talk his way past the gate guards carrying a cart full of refugees posing as merchandise.

Pretty much this. Since his two trusted employee's are dead, he's pretty much alone in the business now. His plan was to get all his shit and leg it. It wouldn't be that hard to convince him, really, just say that in exchange for getting them out, they'll take him to the next major city (or if the gang is going to go city hopping several times to get support, then it can be one of the latter big cities so that there's more time for character development so that I can make it so he stays with the group by his own volition). Just as long as they don't end up stabbing him in the back, he wouldn't care about travelling with them. Beats ending up as wolf food.

Yet he has already shown he doesn't care if he dies, why would they take that risk, just saying I'm not sure if every character will be on board with the plan

That was a different situation. Back then he literally had no chance of getting out, he couldn't fight nor talk, so he chose to die a stubborn ass rather than a coward. This time there is the possibility of getting out alive, so telling him "oi, help up or we break your neck" is gonna get you the desired result.
Okay, so I'll have Raimi knock on the hatch, come in, and she and Armandio can explain Kruziik's speech and the plan to escape.

We might have them debate about it a bit. If no better ideas crop up, Raimi will get her cart ready and we can go with this. Everyone okay with this?
Raimi has an idea to have everyone hide in her cart and have Ambrose pull the cart through the gate so they can get safely out of the city. He would use his status as the "corpse holder" to get through without the guards checking what's inside the cart.

There is concern that Ambrose might not want to help because he is old and a little mean. Raimi intends to convince him by appealing to his self interest as a businessman and his desire to get to another city alive.

There is also concern that some characters will not want to use this plan because Ambrose might say he wants to go along and then betray them.

So there will be debate in the next few posts about whether this is the best idea to escape or if there are better ones. We'll have to convince Ambrose to help and anyone who disagrees with the plan to go along with it. That or leave the detractors to themselves to find their own escape route or stay behind to side with Kruziik.

I think that about sums it up.
He's 200 years ahead feelsbadmang
Yep, I gave the bad guys muskets. Run. Gives our engineer some incentive to do cool stuff.

Fun fact: Abbondanzio was my character from the original A Nation in Havoc. He invented muskets and was supposed to be a bad guy, but he ended up being a nice guy who fell in love with party’s elf healer. Now he’s been reborn. Evil laugh.
Yep, I gave the bad guys muskets. Run. Gives our engineer some incentive to do cool stuff.

Fun fact: Abbondanzio was my character from the original A Nation in Havoc. He invented muskets and was supposed to be a bad guy, but he ended up being a nice guy who fell in love with party’s elf healer. Now he’s been reborn. Evil laugh.
"What the heck are they carrying?"
"Shit! Why didn't I think of that!"
"What the heck are they carrying?"
"Shit! Why didn't I think of that!"
“Did I hit them?”
“Nah ya missed!”
“Damnit! Give me a full minute!”
“A full minute!?”
“That’s how long it takes to reload!”
“Why did you think this was a good idea!?”
“It made a boom sound!”
A wizard's portals like those Kruziik and Nico made combined with muskets or canons would make a horrifyingly effective combination. Put a row of gunners somewhere secluded. Have a wizard open a portal near enemy. Gunners fire through portal. Wizard closes portal before enemy can retaliate. Gunners reload in safety. Rinse and repeat until enemy is obliterated.

...I probably shouldn't be giving the enemy nasty ideas like this.
Lol, I just started watching Boku no so I'm really keen to do an rp on it, but reeeee adfsafsdfasfd
I started reading the manga XD
I have regrets...
But. I got bored in class and decided to do it using my other OC from RWBY.
Just you know... tweaked a bit.
I don't like making many characters so I tweak them to fit various universes.

Don't judge me I'm lazy.
I started reading the manga XD
I have regrets...
But. I got bored in class and decided to do it using my other OC from RWBY.
Just you know... tweaked a bit.
I don't like making many characters so I tweak them to fit various universes.

Don't judge me I'm lazy.
*Judging intensifies* Does she have cat morph powers then
A wizard's portals like those Kruziik and Nico made combined with muskets or canons would make a horrifyingly effective combination. Put a row of gunners somewhere secluded. Have a wizard open a portal near enemy. Gunners fire through portal. Wizard closes portal before enemy can retaliate. Gunners reload in safety. Rinse and repeat until enemy is obliterated.

...I probably shouldn't be giving the enemy nasty ideas like this.
All ideas are filed away for future use. Muahahaha.
We are still going to have the group split up right?
I'm looking interest in my own RP because I'm stuck in a cellar.

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