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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Mai heard the rustle of wings outside the barn, the young scientist rose from her barn of hay and looked outside a panel window- seeing the playful shadows soaring in the sky. The violet haired girl watched the lights of the farmers house finally flicker off until everything in the night was consumed darkness - only the stars sparkling in the sky.

With a light beat of her wings the scientist left her things in the barn as she flew into the sky- flying high into the nightly clouds to look at the moon and stars closer, one day wishing to reach them.
Kale sat down on what little land there was left to sit on, elbows on his knees, hands holding his face up, eyes on the sky, yet there was something In his eyes as he looked upon the sky, a deep and revolting blood red washed In the midst of his eyes, the whites of his eyes turned Umbral black, while the Insides became completely Blood red. Ya know kids, I don wanna get you kids In danger, so when we get to the Capitol, If I seem to... Shake uncontrollably, I want you to run or fly away, take the Scientist with you, take her away to safety, cause there are some things, not even I can control, don get me wrong, I say I am weak, but even though I am, there's somethin, deep Inside, something so vile and wretched, not even your father could control It. So, heed my warning, and flee once you spot It happening. He said quietly to Skylar and Tony, his words were soft, yet firm, his eyes when he looked at them, were strange and foreign, although, familiar, for the last time they saw those eyes, was with Damien on the Island, between his own world and theirs, when he almost drew himself Insane.


@Skylar Black
Skylar frowned. She despises the idea of fleeing of her friend was in danger. But if her father would do it, so would she. She nodded reluctantly. "Alright Kale. But will you be alright?" She asked softly. She wished she understood why ancients were so mysterious and secretive. She wished for a great deal of things, her father being on of them.
Don ya worry bout me Skylar, I'll be fine, It's everyone around me that ye should worry over, the first time It happened, Damien was In bed for almost a year because of the pain, and he can't even die. . . . . He said with a pained expression, his features were sad from the memories.

@Skylar Black
Skylar frowned. "Alright. But only if you're sure." She said and yawned. She'd barely gotten any sleep and looked up to see it was almost dawn. She swayed a little, practically asleep on her feet. She stumbled on her feet, almost falling to the ground in exhaustion. Her version became blurry and her limbs went weak and limp.
Kale reached up an caught the sleepy girl before she hit the ground, picking her up as light peaked Into the star enmassed sky, he pulled Tony along with him as he took them back to the farmhouse, putting Skylar to bed, an sittin Tony next to her before going out an callin out to Mai, Tellin her It's time to come In.


@Skylar Black

Tony looked panicked as Skylar collapsed, and hardly needed to be pulled along, as he limped after his friend obediently. The boy's feathers were ruffled, even as he settled beside Skylar in his wolf form, and snuggled close to her
Skylar slept peacefully and snuggles closer to Tony unconciously when she felt him by her. She smiled softly in her sleep. She dreamed of being on Damien's home planet again. She saw herself grown up, along with Tony. She saw two kids sitting on Damien's lap as he told them stories. She smiled and rubbed her swollen belly where her soon to be third child was. She'd dreamt this often, only to cry when she awoke and realize it wasn't real.

Mai flew high and far through the night away from the barn, looking over the land. There wasn't much over the forest but sparse trees near the horizon- where in the darkness even miles in the distance she could see the bright illuminated lights of the smoggy human Capitol. Flying helicopters soared about in the densely packed city, Mai flew near and land on wires gracefully, looking about as guards and sniffing, myth-hunting beasts patrolled the outside of the city. It would be near impossible for any creature uninvited to wander into this labyrinth, even if they knew the area. Though it wouldn't be too difficult for the young scientist since she helped design it all. Betrayal in one way, boredom in another, the possibility of slight chaos excited her nerves, but breaking of the peace would destroy her pact with both sides of the war.

Suddenly she took off as a bullet shot through her feathers- immediately soaring back to the barn with the scent of gunpowder following behind her.
Kale stood outside of the barn, watching the pink scientist make her way back hurriedly, he cocked his head and grinned a strange grin.

So the Capitol Is that way huh? Who woulda guessed It was so close to me? He said In a deep and hoarse voice, his black and red eyes glazing over with delight, a sight that could have very well made the girl shiver with either fear or excitement.

(Azeeel >o<; Purple- not pink)

Mai blinked, gritting her teeth for being caught even in the silence of the dead of night. The scientist fell clumsily onto the grasses, quickly flapping loose and broken feathers from her wing from the bullet. "...I suppose I was caught. " she paused with a sigh "But before I bring you- I request a weapon." The scientist looked at his eyes in curiosity and excitement, leaning in close to his face to see him closer " My rifle was left in the Capitol a few weeks back, and if I return with a character without a defensive weapon it would be suspicious."

(She's still pink In my eye- not pink-eye!)

I do have a weapon, but can you carry such a thing? I've heard most people can hardly even lift It, who woulda guessed people were so weak nowadays? Anyways, stay here a sec. He mumbled quietly, before walking down the hill Into the forest, and moments later returned with a VERY large case, he opened It up and steam rose up from within It, as It opened to show an anti-matter sniper rifle, It looked to be a monster of a weapon, Kale, lifting the gun with ease, aimed It at the sky, and let out a silent fire, a beam of Umbral black shot forth Into the sky, opening up what seemed to be a black hole, before disappearing once more.


(Btw.. My d key broke, so now I have to use copy/paste ;-; . . )
Mai stared at the gun eagerly, eyes widening as she let out an excited sound at the silent blast. Her hands went to her hips as she let out a whistle, standing on the edge of the hill as she watched the black hole dissapear. "Kale! This is an amazing piece of technology! " The rifle enthusiast wandered quickly and close to Kale, grinning happily as her long bangs swung back and forth with her movements "Knowing the nature of your weapons...and your drinks....I probably have little to no strength to even pull the trigger...." Mai sat down in the grass with a sigh. @AzelFang
Honestly, this Isn't one of my own weapons, I found this In a village near my current home, my personal arsenal of weapons consist of blades rather than firearms. Though, when dealing with this world's problems, I find that firearms are far more efficient with dealing with... Certain situations. Especially since people don laugh at you when you hold something like this up at them.. He said Informantly, noting that even the "Villagers" near his home are far more efficient than most of the Capitol's people, If he had to say, he'd go with the fact that they're to scared to put weapons such as these out, In the case that their people would have a mutiny of sorts..

Mai nods, looking up at him. "Interesting, usually villagers have sickles and cows, not anti-matter black hole rifles. " She stated with a laugh, trying to imagine the world again "This will definitely catch some attention, and with this...I'll definitely be able to dissect it's secrets and learn some valuable things for my research." with a humble smile Mai stood back up excitedly, quite ready to carry and fire the weapon- to know more "Tell me more of these villagers. " @AzelFang
Just your stereotypical Village I guess, though, compared to some other villages, this one had fully armoured homes an the like.. So I guess It was different, to say the least, they could hold their own In a war... Them vs the world I guess.. He said quietly, thinking of what It was like when he an Rak went to visit them... Speakin of, where was Rak anyways? @Nekoni
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Mai inspected the weapon as she listened, running her fingers through every nook and crevice of the the item, trying to discover it's secrets by observation. "Kale...You must take me to these places. My wings have shown me many things, but they can only travel so far. " Her eyes glinted bright green " I want to explore those realms- for the pursuit of knowledge. " hums quietly " And n exchange...I'll allow you to peek into the central hive of the Capitol." @AzelFang
Whether or not you follow me on my Journeys, I will still go there, for I now know the way, and although you might try to stop me, there Is no longer anything that stands In my way, as It Is, the way I am currently, you've noticed my eyes, If anything tries to stand In my way, I would be unable to stop myself, I will, try to settle things with the leader of this Capitol, and If I don get what I want.. I will take It with force, of course, I will do my best not to kill the people that live there.. But there are some things not even we Ancients can control... He said with a haunted tone of voice, his eyes watching the sky, no longer was the night sky an ocean of stars, now, It was Just a light shining over the peaks of nature, saying Its greetings to everything good or bad...

Mai raised her eyebrows "Oh...The commander? Well...if you're going there to slaughter the person who holds together the lives of the humans in the largest city, then I may have to question your decision. " The scientist hummed 'this...is not good...but those eyes- if he were not so strong I could research them a little more...an army probably would be swept away like ants...' Mai pushed a strand of hair over her left ear "Why do you desire this type of audience? Revenge? ....Bloodlust? " her eyes brightened excitedly @AzelFang
I do not plan to go there to eradicate them, I only want the land that was promised to us by the first Lord of this land, however, due to something unexpected, he died, and we never got what he promised, so how I'm trying again. And the reason? Only that It was a promise that has yet to be completed... He said, It was obvious that he was hiding some things from her, his eyes saddening when he mentioned. "Us"... @Nekoni
Mai balled up a fist and punched Kale in the arm to wake him from his faded daze "Who is this first lord you speak of? Another ancient?" She asked in extreme curiosity as her feet skidded on loose grasses as she stepped onto her tip toes- causing her to trip. @AzelFang
Kale caught the child before standing her up correctly. If you must know child, the First Lord was the one to conquer this land, the ONLY one to fight bravely Into the world, claiming the land as he went through, he was the first Royalty to step foot upon this land, It's why I'm going to the Capitol, and not Just taking It from under my own two feet. He said quietly, watching her face for any sort of reaction. @Nekoni
"I'm...not a child Ancient, I drink too...it would be best if you at least recognized me as an adult. "Mai grinned at the new info, quickly sketching it down into one of her journals with a Phoenix feather. The girl stifled a laugh "Humans do not have the life span or memory to remember something like that Ancient, even the pages of our books don't last that long. Ever since the Great Fire in the Capitol years back caused by a ninetailed myth, we've lost almost all history before that. " the scientist hummed, swaying back on her feet "Even with your power...they may think you're just mischievous lying creature wanting to take part of their homeland...that wouldn't do so well for your quest with peace with the humans, would it? " @AzelFang
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Hobestly child, my quest Is not solely for peace, It's to get the land from which we were promised, It's what we've always wanted.. He said quietly, still saying we when Mai didn't know anything. Tell me, If you plan on followin me, will you take your husband and son with you? He asked quietly, he seemed to start to sway, goin back n forth, he seemed to want to go to thr Capitol more now than he did earlier.

Mai stared at the man curiously as he said "we", at first only believing he was referring to other Ancients. "Of course not. They're myths. Once I enter those gates I must take the side of the humans if I want to keep all my materials and access to restricted areas for the sake of my research. " the young scientist tilted her head, keeping a careful eye on which direction Kale was looking, even now he seems more and more like Damien. "But that's none of your concern for the moment. And...this we...please explain." @AzelFang

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