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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay


Hydro would jaw drops as he is slap in the face and looks at her as he rubs were she slap "Hey i dint do anything she was the one ho got in the pool ok!"
Hydro would feel betrayd as he looks at the two womens as they walk away as he was in the midle,as he would sigh and say too himself "I hate mi life"He says as he would make his way towards the kitchen and eat somthing too get what happend off his minde
Charlotte shifted into Bell. Her face was sporting a very deep blush. "Charlotte! Why'd you do that?" She paled. "No, I would not like it if you kissed Damien, blegh." She exclaimed before heading to the kitchen in search of wine.
Hydro would be scavengin the Frige as he wuld hear foots steps and open the trap door and look upm and see her again as he would rolle his eyes and close the trap door and clime down again as he serchers around for Fishes lots of fishes and only sees haging meat and Fishes as that was he was looking for
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(Isac, ya know the fridge is a room made of stone and ice, under the kitchen... It doesn't have a door, a trap door leading down to it maybe, once they leave the planet, they can go back to modern technology...)

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Damien looks down from his post, eying the child from were she stood.

Hey kiddo, what's up?

He asks quietly.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Skylar shrugged. "Nothing, just bored." She smiled at him. Suddenly, storm clouds covered the sky and a small tornado of shadows appeared. "Uhh, Dad?" Skylar said, backing away from the shadows. "Dad?!" Suddenly, out of the shadows appeared Blake and Asheroth. They were both grinning evily.
Damien leaned back, only to bring his head forward, roaring at the two, launching them off the Island, he changed forms due to pure agonizing hatred, and flew after them, kicking them farther away from the island, summoning his sword he flew towards them once more.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Being shot at by black magic was just as bad as ripping his organs out, just as painful, he slashed at them with his sword, trying to harm them mortally...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Blake dodged and so did Ash. They shot at him again. "NO! DAD!" Skylar cried and flew towards the battle, the winds slowing her down and throwing her off course.
Damien ripped a hole in Ash's shoulder, and kicked Blake in the face. Taking more shots, they were stronger than the last! Damn! It really hurt...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Blake got back up again and Ash healed faster. They shot dark magic at Damien at the same time and then threw black poisoned daggers at his heart.
(Well genderbender here for Hydro...reson...like Neki is gone for some time i whant too see her reactio and you guys aswell ^-^...dont worry he will go back....in a long time *Presses Gender Button*)

As Hydro would come out of the Underground Storage he would finish his fish and would start too hear screams outside,as he would rush his way towards the noice he would start too feell kinda dizzi befor eating that Fish but he would chake that off and makes his way towards the noice
Damien dodged the magic, but took the daggers full force, in pure agony, his body shifted, going back to berserk mode, he would kill them, if it was the last thing he'd do...

Run baby girl. Run away, be safe, go, be with Tony, be happy, for Crystal... And for me... Goodbye, Baby Girl...

He said, as he changed, he screamed out it pain, as a white void erupted from his eyes and mouth, turning him, tearing away his skin, the light growing brighter and brighter, burning the air, distorting space, pulling in Ash and Blake in, a bright light erupted, ripping apart the atmosphere, tearing apart Ash, Blake and Damien, the light explodes once more, spewing blood all in different directions. As the blood hit the floor, a Dragon appeared, and it slowly began to grow larger.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
"DAD!!!" Skylar cried and ran over to where it happened. "no... daddy please don't leave me... you can't leave me...." Skylar fell to her knees and screamed in agony before breaking down, sobbing.
The small Dragon roared softly at Skylar. Nudging her softly with its head.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Hydro would reach were the noice is coming from and see Blood everywere and a dragon geting biger and biger,as he would see sky and the dragon as he would stay still in Shock as he dint know what the hell happend,as he was geting even more dizzy each time but he would hold it
Skylar ignored it and continued to sob. She had seen the first person ever to care about her besides Tony die before her eyes, and she did nothing.
I can only stay for a few days, after that... I myself will be forever lost. And I will be but a simple Dragon, I want to see your wedding before you go, can you do that for me, baby girl?

He said softly, his mind being eaten away from the death of his main body...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Then please, baby girl, stop crying, I'm not gone just yet, I don't want my last memories of you to be sad, I want them to end with you being happy, I want to end it all, where you're happy, not sad, happy. Come, let us return to the others... I've still yet to give you that special dress, when you see it, I hope you'll like It...

He said calmly, as he flapped his wings, waiting for her...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.

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