A Message from the Goddess, Final Fantasy ~RP~


Cupcake Fairy
Info: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3739-A-Message-from-the-Goddess-Final-Fantasy-info-and-questions

Character sheets: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3740-A-Message-from-the-Goddess-Final-Fantasy-Character-Sheets

Faith sat at the Inn at her hometown of Cornelia. she had received a message from the Goddess that the world was slowly falling apart. the wind was growing stale, the currents slowed the earth decayed and fires were but tiny embers. she was to meet her first traveling companion at the Sleepy Sheep Inn, but she had no idea who to look for.
Kiki barged into the inn, shaking her wet head like a dog and wiping her boots on the mat. She shut the door, stopping the rain from pouring in behind her. Her pink hair started drying as soon as she rung it out. She scanned the area, wondering who in the world she was supposed to meet here. She crossed her arms over her bare stomach, which was paler in comparison to the limbs that had seen so much more sun. She finally spotted a girl sitting alone, and eyed her curiously. She was cute, but was she the person Kiki was meant to join up with? She wandered over to the girl. "Hello," she said sweetly. "What brings you here on such a dreary evening?"
Faith looked up from where she sat. there was a pink haired girl, obviously a theif by her lack of clothing to hold her down. she was wet from the rain. "im meeting someone, you?" Faith took a sip of the water. the Inn keeper was nice enough to feed her while she waited, but she had been done eating for awhile.
Kiki tried to hide a grin. This had to be her new companion! "Uh.... Me too." She said in a bubbly tone. "Are you by chance here because of a message?" she asked. She wondered if it would be terribly rude of her to sit down at Faith's table.
"well, if its a message from the Goddess youve got yourself a new companion." Faith smiled knowledgeably. she motioned for her to sit down. "my names Faith. nice to meet you."
Kiki let her smile surface and took a seat. "Kiki," she introduced herself. "I'm glad I found you, rather than looking like an idiot going around to each person!" she grinned and ordered a drink from the innkeeper. "I wonder why the Goddess chose us?" She asked thoughtfully. "I mean I know there will be more of us eventually. There's no way it will just be the two of us, right? Either way, we got this!" she grinned.
A young girl with a black and red cape blown by the rainy breeze approached the inn, carefully glacing about the new area. She narrowed her eyes as she stepped under the protection of the slanted roof, unbuttoning the heavy cloth and shrugging it off her shoulders. She flashed her bare limbs with pride, but enough shame to wear slight covering for the sake of moving around with ease. The girl popped her neck, both sides, and opened the door. Inside, things were slightly quiet but the inn seemed quaint and friendly all the same. She shrugged, grazing her eyes across the small crowd. Another girl, in white robes, was speaking to a girl in similar garbs. The girl remembers the message than she had recieved about the world falling apart, as well as gaining traveling companions. This girl does well on her own, feeling as though others could slow her. But a fellow theif and a mage? That could be promising, assuming that is what the two girls are.

The girl with brown curls tied up in a simple ponytail simply stood there for a minute or so, watching their interactions without hearing them. She smirked, flipping one edge of her scarf back and snuck around the room, quietly as possible not to disturb them. Finally, when she had been near enough for her presence to be known the girl jumped into a chair, leaning on her hand just across from the both girls.

"Hello travelers, you seem bored. I'm bored too. Did you happen to get a message about the world getting screwed and companions and all that shabam?" The girl gave them a confident smile. "My name is Yaya Yuki, a theif and loner, I'm guessing you are a White Mage," Yaya motioned to the large hooded cape one of the girls was wearing, "and another theif? Or a warrior who wears theif clothes, I guess." She slid back in her chair, putting her feet up on the table. The lights dimmed a bit as the rain steepened. Yaya didn't pay much mind to this as she was more interested in the other travellers, who seemed to be interesting, at least for the reason they were chosen as well.
Faith was slightly taken aback,"well yes, might you be one of our companions?" she grimaced as the girl put her feet on the table. she hadn't any manners, that was certain. Faith was not uptight, but was still a girl of docile nature
Yaya gave her a sly look. "I would suppose so," She leaned her chair back, balancing on two of the legs. Looking around the room, it seemed like there were not many others around, like the air and space had cleared and they were surrounded by nothing. A bored look was placed on her face. "So what's your damage," She said without looking at her, then turned and grinned. "Everybody has a story. So why'd you two get chosen by the Goddess? I'm not sure if I'm particularly famous," She narrowed her eyes, "Or infamous in this part of town." She said, slightly saddened.
"i dont think the Goddess cares about who we were, or what our stories are, but more so who we can become. she probably picked people she knew would be able to endure such a journey." Faith said, thinking back to an old tome she had once read, "there will be a day when the sky crumbles, the currents slow and the earth decays. when such a day comes the Goddess will choose the Heros, the Warriors of Light." she recited.
Yaya met her with a blank stare. "You don't think I know that? I get your drift, I'm just thinking there should be more of us. I mean, three people can't do the job." She sighed, looking around for a new point of interest. The rain outside, still beating down. The room was empty and quiet. Yaya turned to the other girl. "You seem quiet. What's up with you anyway?" She stared her down, trying to figure her out.
Kiki took a drink then crossed her arms. "What's up with me?" she asked. "I assume the same thing that's up with either of you!" She rested her head on her hand. "How are we supposed to do this with three people?" she thought aloud. She sighed. "I'm Kiki, by the way."
"Hmm, what's up with me?" Yaya laughs bluntly. "Well there's a lot to tell, but I'll spare you the details. I cheat, I steal, I kick ass. Thet's pretty much how people see me nowadays." She says, thinking about how things were before, a look of sadness spreading across her face. She turned to the window, watching the rain pounding down into rooftops, people and other things. Without a word, she sat straight up in the chair and rested her elbow on the table, weight of her head on her hand. I guess that's not all there is to tell about though... Yaya narrowed her eyes at Kiki. "Of corse we don't just have three people, that would be stupid. There's more people coming. Just wait."
"we should have more companions, but i feel maybe we should get moving once the rain passes. i assume our companions are not all going to miraculously be in one town." Faith pointed out.
Aryah walking into the inn mumbling to herself "great timing stupid god lady, why do have to do your stupid quest with-" she looked up and realized she was being listened to, a group of girls in the inn talking, "umm are you posably doing a quest for the Goddess?"
(dististik, i wish you would have let me Approve you before you jumped in, the character classes are seriously unbalanced and i was planning to meet others after we left. oh well. you jump on board at the inn and we can figure it out from there.))

Faith turned as the girl spoke, "another theif? good Goddess what was she thinking?" she sighed, "pardon me, it was rude of me to say that. yes, we are here to restore the world to a state of balance, my name is Faith and these two are Kiki and Yaya."
Faith looked from girl to girl, "lets get going. we dont have any time to waste. the Earth is falling apart as we speak." she got up and led them out of the Inn. they went around town making sure they had supplies before making their way through the ornate stone gates out into a small feild bordered by forest.
Near the edge of the forest a Man dressed in black with a huge sword with what looked like an eye and black roots surrounding the handle was fighting bone's for every one he destroyed 2 seemed to take its place. soon he was surrounded on all sides with what looked like at least 20 bone's.
Faith spotted a large amount of bone's nearby. "whats that?" she spots a person surrounded by them, "we have to help him! come on lets go!" she shouts before running towards the circle of undead.
Jonah was trotting along the path his mind wandering about his last performance at a child's birthday party. "That was a nice smile" he said out loud to himself as he thought he heard a sound and automatically became alert to a large gathering of what seemed like little bone people. "Whats going on here" he thought trotting over casually to see a boy a little older then him fighting the creatures and a Girl rushing into the fray. "Oooh do you need help" he called knowingly catching the attention of a few of them as he tipped his hat into his finger and reached in pulling out a sword that was made out of solid steel and seemed impossible to fit in such a small object.
Faith glanced over at the newcomer, "a mage i see?" she put up a weak light barrier around herself. she frowned when she remembered she still hadnt found a tome for the spell Holy there for had not mastered the only offensive spell she was capable of. she swung at one of the bones, taking its head off with her Moonstaff.
Aryah jumped to the trees and made throwing knives with what was left of what the guild had done to her less important weapons, throwing them at the bones hitting almost every time
Kiki joined the other girls and the two new boys in fighting off the creatures. She only had a few grenades and they weren't the strong ones she usually carried, just small ones. Shrugging, she took one out and pitched it into the infestation of Bones and made sure no one was near them when the explosive went off, taking out a rather large group for such a small bomb.
a bones slammed into Faiths barrier, breaking it and sending her flying back. she was tossed into the side of a tree and slumped down onto its large roots. she let out a quiet wimper as her arm was gashed by the rigid bark.

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