A Message from the Goddess, Final Fantasy ~RP~

The man in black glared at the people helping him for a second and then a Bone charged at him sending him flying back a couple of feet landing on his back, temporarily unconscious. after about 5 seconds he slowly got back up but not without using his left hand to hold his right side. The only thing said was a furious growl at the Bone's as he readied his big sword for a renewed attack.
Jonah was not acting as lightly as he was slashing and defending as the bones kept attacking back. He heard a sound which sounded like a whimper and made an upward slash sending a small gush of win to send the 3 bone on him back a few feet as he lifted the cape above him and was suddenly gone and reappeared in front of Faith standing in front of her tilting his hat to her and began defending.
Aryah was being bambarded by the creatures, "Help!" she shrieked, "I cant and most definatly WONT die because of some people that were to stupid to die right the first time!"
Faith managed a small smile as the other mage defended her. she sat up a bit and put her hand over her wounded arm. there was a white glow and her wound closed part way. she really wasnt the best at her spells, but she wouldnt let that get her. she stood up slowly and picked up her staff. she stood next to the magician and put another weak barrier, this time in front of both of them. she let his spells pass through so he could continue attacking.
Kaze shrugged off what pain was possible to get rid of and threw his sword at the bones attacking Aryah, the blade plunged itself deep into the nearest tree. He then used his fists to knock a couple of Bone's down as he ran to get his sword.
Aryah colapsed to the ground mobed by the undead, what am i doing? she thought to herself,i can escape inprosonment by thieves but i cant kill some lousy bones? Aryah took a deep breath and escaped the confines of undead combat chiping at legs before leaving compleat danger
Jonah smiled down as he saw her heal himself but regretted it when he got a slash to his side which finally ticked him off "You have seem to have gotten blood on my cloths he said slashing down a bone and immediately taking the offensive against the other 3 that were trying to game up on him. Jonah said a quick spell which made the creatures hands freeze at first which allowed him to break their hands and slash them all down. "This is harder then I remembered" he said panting.
"Get them in one central group!" Kaze yelled as he ripped his sword out of the tree causing the tree to fall away from him. He then readied for one massive attack as he concentrated.
Aryah was in to much pain to help, what was i thinking?! she droped to her knees, why didnt the goddess just kill me if im going to die on thie stupid quest anyway
Faith held her shield and carefully made her way over to the injured girl, "where does it hurt? how can i help?" she asked, continuing to focus on keeping them sheilded. the sheild was almost like a blue bubble as it surrounded them.
"Right here" Jonah replied to the lady patting his side causing himself to wince before looking up surprised at the bubble and smiled back at her glad she could form this good of a barrier.
((you derp i was talkin to Aryah, or didnt you read properly xD ))

Faith looks up at him, "i will help you in a second. she needs attention first." she said with a worried expression. "could you guard? i have to let my shield down to perform my healing spell."

((there i fixed it.))
Jonah sighed figuring she was right that his injury could stay longer then The girls over there could. Upon hearing her request he nodded and stood in front of the girl securing his feet in the ground to defend upon the upcoming bone soldiers.
Faith rolled up her sleeves and held her hands directly above the girls injuries. a white light radiated and the wounds healed, but only partially. Faith stopped with a quiet gasp. her breathing was a little fast now, healing always exhausted her since she wasnt well practiced.
Korin, trudging through the town, couldn't help but notice the conflict that was erupting only a few blocks from his location. Swiftly, he made his way to the combat as fast as he could. When he arrived, he immediately noticed the details; A few skeletons were picking on a rag tag team of adventurers. A few of them were injured. Although the combat still seemed to be a toss up, Korin always was a sucker for helping out those in need. Sighing, he took in details of the conflict. One or two of the party members are attacking from above the conflict, an ivory skinned magician of sorts was protecting an injured ally, who was being healed by a white mage. Wrapping a few strips of cloth around his hands, he mutters; "Manus manum lavat..."
Kiki took out a few more, noticing that some of her companions were injured already. "Great choices here, Goddess." she muttered. These weren't even the hard monsters. What would these guys do when they came across something even more dangerous!? She let out a sigh. Guess she'd have to babysit them... She knocked a few monsters away from her injured party, glad to see that most of the pack was starting to go away now. They couldn't stay here all day, so it was lucky for them that the enemies were becoming more sparse.

((Seriously, we can't stay on one fight forever :P ))
kaze said:
"Get them in one central group!" Kaze yelled as he ripped his sword out of the tree causing the tree to fall away from him. He then readied for one massive attack as he concentrated.
Hello anyone?
Korin entered the brawl, two bands of cloth wrapped tightly around his hands. With a quick flurry, he started wrestling with one of the bones. Two other bones, not yet fighting anyone, also came in from behind to take Korin off guard. Trying hard to shrug them off, Korin yelled and broke the first skeleton's skull with his fist. Turning, he took on the other two at once.
Faith finished her healing of the other girl, and nodded in acknowledgement of the guy with the sword. she produced a large defensive bubble that engulfed the remaining Bones. she shrank the bubble tilll they were condensed into a small group and released the shield just at the right time for him to strike them all down.

Kaze leaped into the air with all his strength. He then slammed his sword deep into the bubble causing a massive earthquake inside the bubble destroying all of the bone's making them completely disappear. He then was on his right knee with his sword on his shoulder.
Faith panted as she dispelled the bubble. she was on her knees trying to catch her breath. she needed to practice more on her spells, that was for sure. she sat there, completely exhausted as the dust cleared.
Breathing lightly, Korin looked around the clearing, unimpressed by the warrior's attack. He started unraveling the cloth strips on his hands as he spoke. "You all need to be much more careful. If it wasn't for the White Mage's bubble spell, some of you could have died before the battle ended." After completely unwrapping his right hand, he started unwrapping his left. "Please tell me that you have someone actually competent that I can speak with."
Faith frowned, "well excuse me, he was trying. he was on his own till we got here." she said quite calmly. "i think we are all compitent enough. what is it you wish to say?" she stared sternly at his through her exhausted yet wise amber eyes.
"I only wish to say that your rag-tag group of 'friends' here are unorganized. If a true threat were to present itself, you wouldn't last five seconds." Korin stated coldly. "I'm not suggesting that you get a leader. All I wish to say is that you all need training."

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