A Message from the Goddess, Final Fantasy ~RP~

"well, we did just meet after all. none of us were at all prepared for this. one doesnt simply expect to be sent on a perilous mission by the Goddess." she walked over to where the group was gathering. she began carefully tending to each persons wounds, despite her own exhaustion. she didnt care if they were ragtag, they had to have been chosen for a reason. she always put others before herself and she feared it would someday be the death of her.
Korin sighed, rubbing his neck. "Well, we shouldn't bicker among ourselves. My name is Korin, Korin James. May I ask yours?"
"Faith" she answered, her amber eyes glowing as she mended each person, her exhaustion faded a bit, and was replaced by a sense of accomplishment.
Aryah managed to stand, "Thanks Faith," she said, "And nice going there slick" she said jesturing at the man that destroyed the undead
Faith sighed, and flopped down in the grass next to Aryah. she had a long way to go before she became a White Wizard as her mother had once been, but she was happy she could help people in pain.
Kaze finally stood up and nodded to Aryah in response. After that he started to walk into the woods while he downed a potion. He didn't like the company at this moment so after the third tree-line in he shoved his sword deep enough into a tree and then sat on his sword while leaning up against the tree. He looked up to the sky to see the light shining through the trees.
After completely unraveling the cloth around his hands, he looked around the clearing towards the people about him. Most of them were young. Quite young. Some bearing swords, knives, spells, some even miniature explosives. Korin sighed, examining those around him. He knew that he had to help them, but naturally, he didn't wanted to come off self righteous. He had to choose his words carefully.
Faith grabbed her bag and flipped through her magic tome. "So, how long have you been studying hand to hand combat?" She asked the Korin. "It seems most of us here are still growing out abilities, and while I think about it, I never caught your new mage."

( [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] )
"My entire life, really. I was born in raised in an academy. Honestly, the only thing I know is honor, hand-to-hand, and empathy."
"seems.....lonely." she frowned. "i grew up knowing compassion and the warmth of a home. at least for while." her mother had died when she was 10, leaving her to fend for herself. she was the type to get easily lonely, but she decided it best not to show how eager she was to be part of a group. "anyway, i think we should rest for a little while, we cant have everyone fighting if they are sore." she said this bit loud enough for the group to hear. they had a long journey and definitely needed their strength.

((once everyone is back on the same page we can move along and do some more butt kicking. oh and Robin, please dont be too OP, the point of Final Fantasy is that the characters grow in some way, not that they are kick arse right our of the gate.))
(Honestly, I'm not trying to be OP. In fact, Kaze was the one to kill off all of the last bones right at the end. Don't point fingers at me.)

(Secondly, just for clarity, my character is two things; he thinks that he's a great leader, but doesn't want to exactly say it in fear of being seen as self righteous. The second attribute is that although he was raised in an academy, he's not necessarily OP. He's basically been bottle fed nothing but solitude, hand-to-hand combat, and lies his entire life. He's never quite seen a real fight... ever. Sure he might be able to take on a solid human or two, but against were-wolves, dragons, vampires, giants, skeletons, and whatever else you can make up, he's nearly clueless. He's only ever fought humans, so how does he fight anything non-human?)

(I'm trying to take an angle on my character besides the generic duo; "Emo fighter dude that can take on anyone" or the "Modest lover boy that can take on anyone." Sorry if that doesn't fit your status-quo)
Jonah was wrapping his own wounds trying to spare the healer a bit of magic as he lifted his shirt up making the bandages wrap around his waist themselves. Once he was done he noticed the young healers question and smiled putting the bandages in his storage room of a hat. "Well my name is Jonah" he said tipping the sword into the hat and back onto the top of his head. "I'm known as a traveling Magician leaving smiles behind and on occasional times killing things off like that and missions" Jonah finished leaning against one of the nearby trees.
((Jeez, i didnt mean it like that. i was gpoing to say something to kaze about that, but otherwise, i was just pointing it out because you described us as disorderly and such, and you character made the point that we would have died when i figured if someone got injured thats part of growing in strength. besides, if everyone just bans togetther and gets along perfect it kills the plot. can we please not fight?))

Faith smiled, "well it was kind of you to help us. we are actually on a long journey givin to us by the goddess, though im not sure about the sword weilder or the monk here, as i havent properly spoken with either yet." she checked his bandaging, "are you sure this will be fine?" she asked with concern, "i would certainly not want you hurt for our sake."

@kaze @RobinDenstro

Jonah smiled checking his bandaging again and decided he would be okay for now "Sure I will be fine right now" he assured her patting his wound confidently. "Now this goddess thing sounds interesting itself" he said thinking to himself for a second before looking back at faith "Any room for a lone magician like myself" he asked curiously.
Faith nodded, "most definitly, im the only mage so we could probably use another magic user." she finally got around to healing her own wounds, but felt a bit dizzy. she had used a lot of energy healing everyone else so she was rather tired. she healed a few cuts, but had to stop. she didnt have the energy to do any more spells at the moment.
(I'm not trying to fight. I'm just clarifying. Aaaaaaaaaaand BACK TO THE GAME

Korin stood up right, sighing as he did so. He looked away from the White Mage, trying to figure out anything else odd about this circumstance. Shards of bone were laid out all over the ground, all from the enemies that they had just faced. The magician was now stating his name, officially declaring who he was. Although there seemed to be a few thieves still about, it appeared that a few of the group had left. Notably, the warrior.

Faith got up and brushed the grass from her healers robe. "I'm going to look for stuff to make something for everyone to eat, anyone want to come with?"

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