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Fantasy A mermaid rp ooc

I was pretty sure about that=))) . When i read that i was just 'The king surely doesn't care, does he?' Such a wonderful thing indeed lol
Anyone that can just swim up to Kyoya and just feel up his shoulders has clearly done it before. And she clearly sees no need in hiding that they have been....close.
Lyn is just an idiot 😂 but she did flirt with him openly. Now who initiated that sequence? That’s the real question
These are some serious things that would better reminded unanswered but still make me curious =)). Ariel needs to be GONE 😂😂
Maybe the Queen could chase them away, or maybe you can pull the kings interest else wear. Or maybe blue can pull Ariel’s interest. There are options but I won’t tell you which ones work. 😂
I like the idea of blue pulling Ariel's interest, but i would feel sorry for him after =)). I'm afraid the queen won't be able to do much and maybe just Ariadne finding a good opportunity to set up a romantic dinner for the king and queen and leave=)). She just needs help at this point, lol
Well your choices are, Leo, blue, gan, and Anne. Maybe your made can get a better understanding of the deal with Ariel and lyn.
I can clearly see Gan scaring them, tbh =)). Ariadne will probably discreetly ask all of them and the best wins =
....I haven't been getting notifications for this... And I've been sick :c
rpn hates you, gosh dang it everyone is getting sick. If you don't want to do all the reading you have the purity charm given to you by kohei and it needs to go to the king, also your princess is trying to fix your marriage XD
Ah shit I forgot to color code my post, okay imma edit real quick
If this RP goes on for a while, I should start drawing art and stuff. I really need to make Pelag looks like the way I want.
Ooooh She is trying to get bit ain’t she, coming after miko like that. Meaning garlan is going to have to fight him and then the prince is gonna have to deal with her trainee getting hurt which means y’all are gonna have to deal with the Queen, which really means y’all are gonna have to deal Jewl.
You know I can’t tell you to much about what kind of queen kiva is going to be, sweet or her mother, or even worse than her mother. But it is possible that she will start a thing of the role as executioner, well it’s not knew but she might bring it back. And one of you unlucky two are up for it.
You old would post all at once now I got to pull out my lap top

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