A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at Dante and then blinks. "uhhh...ok..." She said and then looks down. She closed one eye feeling his fangs against her neck. She looks at him.
Dante smiles and starts to bite into her neck but he snaps his mouth closed and sighs " I should leave until morning"
Flower looks at him and then rubs her neck. "If you want..." She said and then looked away. She sat up and then put her hands on her lap.
Flower looks at him and then frowns slightly. She sighed and then laid down. She closed her eyes and then slept for a while but after a few hours Flower awoke. She sighed and then wondered why she suddenly couldn't sleep. She sat up and then pushed her hair back. She must have been worried about Dante.
Dante looks back at the people that were chasing him, they were lieing on the ground motionless, he turns and sprints back to the camp, the sun was rising. He opens the tent flap "F-flower. H-hi." he tries to catch his breath
Flower looks at Dante. She smiles lightly. "Dante..." She stood up and then looked at him. She raised an eyebrow. "Dante you alright?" She asked and then walked over. She wondered why he had been running. She crossed her arms and then looked at him.
Flower looks at him and then nodded. She leaned down and then kissed him. After a while she pulled away and then smiled at him. "But only because you said." she said and then laid down on the cot. She yawned and then looked up at him. "I couldn't sleep because I was worried about you." she said and then lightly rubs his back for little bit.
Dante lies down next to her and kisses her forehead "Just sleep." he closes his eyes and falls asleep
Flower looks at him and then smiles lightly. She snuggles up to him, however she kept her neck covered and away from his head. She fell asleep as well happy that dante was back.
Flower slowly opens her eyes. "huh?" She rubbed her eyes sleepily. "...." She groaned. "I don't want to..." She said putting her arm over her eyes. "Ugh....too late..." She said letting her arm slide down to her mouth. Yep she was awake.
Dante smiles and kisses her forehead "Get upppp" he stands up and slips off his shirt switching into a clean one
Flower looks at him and then sits up. "Ugh..." She pushed her hair back. She watched him and then got up. She blew her bangs out of her eyes and then sighed.
"Yeah yeah, I know you're tired. BBut I'm bored let's go do something" Dante smirks

Damion sits in the forest behind Nick "Hello sir,do you happen to know where the girl you were talking to earlier went?
Nick looks back behind him. "Hmm that depends. What do you want of this girl and what did she look like? I tend to have a lot of girls in my life." He laughed but Deathwish shook his head annoyed with Nick. However Deathwish wasn't going to say anything either.

Flower looks at him and then pushed her hair back. “What did you want to do?” she asked yawning again. She crossed her arms and then looked at him.
Dante winks at her then smiles slyly "Wellll...." He laughs then smiles "I'm kidding, let's go for a walk?"

Damion smiles "She was with a man, she is different then everyone else, I'm sure you know who I am talking about."
Flower looks at her and then blushed lightly. "Where you? oh never mind sure let's walk." She said and then smiled. She brushed out her hair quickly and then stretched out yawning. She slowly started walking.

Nick looks at him and then chuckles. He jumped up in a tree and hung by his legs upside down “Well…she went to the light holder camp.” He said pointing to it. “However I don’t think they will take too kindly to you.” He said and then chuckled, shifting shadows beneath his feet.
Dante smiles as he steps outside, he quickly darts back inside the tent "Nevermind. I don't want to go outside."

Damion smiles "I'll worry about that." Damion walks into the camp, he changes to look like Peter, he walks into their tent "Flower, may I talk to you?"
Flower looked at Darren. "Darren?" she walked over to him and then blinked and looked at who she thought was Peter. "Huh uh sure..." she said and then looked at Darren. She smiled lightly and then walked over to Peter. "What do you want?" she asked him.
Flower looks back at him. "Uhuh....no. I wouldn't believe that...and I certainly am not going to force him to leave." She said and then crossed her arms.
"Peter" Narrows his eyes "Either he leaves peacefully or we force him to leave." He growls and looks her in the eyes
Flower looks at him and then glares. "I will said it once I will say it again...No." She said and then looked back at the tent. Something felt off....she pushed her hair back and then looked at Peter. What was it?

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