A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him and then holds his hand tight. She tug him along until they find peter. "Peter...we have a bit of a problem." She said and then looked as Peter looks at Fower. She looks at Dante. "Dante was bitten by a vampire and um..." She wasn't given a chance Peter had Dante held by the neck in seconds. Peter tired to force dante's mouth open.
Peter looks at flower. "Get him out of here!" he yelled and then turned around.

Flower looks at him. "It's not his fault come on!" she said but peter turned glaring at her before he pointed out. "Vanpires are not allowed so get out." he said and then looked at Dante.

Flower grabs dante's arm. Peter looks at flower and then sighs deeply. She was glaring at him so he looked away. "Fine he can stay if he wishes." Peter said and then grumbled as flower smiled again.
Dante looks at flower" Maybe I should leave." he kisses her head lightly "I'm a dangeer to everyone here."
Flower looks at him. "Shut up." She said and then looks at Peter who probably wouldn't disagree with Dante leaving. She looks at Dante. "I want you here and that's that." She whispered to him and then left Peter's tent.
Flower looks at him and then frowns. "Already?" She rubs her head and thens sighs deeply. "be gentle will you? And no sucking anything dry." She said glaring at him.
Dante frowns "I was just turned, I have to feed a bit. I'll try not to kill anyone." Dante disappears into the darkness, eventually a girl screams
Flower flinches. "He had to pick a girl....That's a bit annoying." She said and then sighed. "Whatever." She looked as a few key holders start following the scream. She rubs her head and then looks as Trinity hugs her again. "Hey there..." She sighed and then looks as Peter glares at her from insicde the tent. She slowly went inside her and Dante's tent.
Dante comes in the tent frowning, he was bleeding form a scratch down his face, he wipees blood off his mouth
Flower looks at him and then sighs a bit. "At least ask or we'll be kicked out for sure." she said and then walked over wiping the blood off the scratch a bit.
Flower looks at him and then rolls her eyes. She kisses him and then wraps her arms around his neck. "Just be careful ok? Those fangs may be sharp but I think your mind needs some work." she giggled a bit and then kissed his nose.
Dante smiles and kisses her neck, barely being able to keep himself from feeding on her, he snaps his mouth closed and kisses her cheek
Flower frowns slightly. She looks at him. This was going to take time, he was a vampire. Not only that but she couldn't gt close to him without him almost biting her. She looks at him and then slowly backed off. "Well um..." she looked down and hen back at him. "Want to take a walk?"
Dante shakes his head "No, I'm tired." he lies down on the floor and looks up at her "I'd think it would be safer if I was down here."
Flower nods and then leans down kissing him on the forehead. "Are you sure? It can't be too comfortable." she said frowning at him.
Dante sighs "Fine" he climbs in the cot next to her and hugs her loosely "I'm scared I will hurt you."
Flower looks at him with a bi of sadness. "I know...you need control." she slightly smiled. "I'll be fine...I heal easy." she said and then put her hands on his.
Dante looks at her "I don't lack control, you're just delicious." he kisses her neck and pokes her with the tip of his fang playfully.
Flower looks at him and then grabs his fang. "As much as you probably are the better judge of that you still need to control yourself." she said and then nipped at his nose after she let go his fang.
Flower looks at Dante and then lightly blushed. She smiled and then rested her head on his. She rubbed his arm slightly.
Dante shivers as she touches his arm, he puts his fangs against her bare neck "Just one bite." he was almost mesmerized.

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