A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

Agile stood and walked over to him grabing the paper and reading it slowly."hmmmm.........anything beats him" she said and signed it.she looked at him then turned walking over to the bar makeing him a drink and puting it in his hand before cleaning the floor in silents.
"Fantastic." Sho whispered.

The contract disappeared. Sho looked at the drink and completely ignored it.

"And while you are serving me, you can't get attached OR fall in love with me as was in our contract, break either of those and I will leave you where you stand. Are we clear?" He meant every word.

Sho left the drink there and went to his room to grab himself a t-shirt. He headed to the bathroom and started to take a shower. The warm water felt nice against his tender skin. He could light shining through on his arm. His true form had almost been revealed today. That would have been the worst thing. He would have had no choice but to kill the girl where she stood, but luckily he needn't do that. Sho was pretty happy. He now had a servant for eternity, not that he didn't have plenty of those. Perhaps he could use her for feeding when he wanted. No, he would make Agile curious and want to be bitten before he would himself to drink from her veins. Besides, she already knew how biting felt from his previous examples.
Agile sighed and nodded 'why would i fall for a jerk like him?' she asked herself before trowing away the paper towles she used to clean and she looked at his bloody bed "..." she shook her head and took off the sheets replaceing them with clean ones and washing the dirty."hey sho do you think i could go with you on your next girl catching run?" she asked him reffering to to when he needed to feed on a girl she wanted to see how good she was at picking them up for him.
Sho laughed.

"Good Heavens no!" He chuckled, "Which reminds me..."

Sho had lost lot of blood from the fight and was in fact going to get another girl. He had returned no later than five minutes. This girl was pretty too. Sho didn't bother feeding off of women who were unappealing. He could get the best earth women available with his looks. The girl followed Sho into his bedroom and he closed the door behind him. Sho was excited. He would get his fill on more than just one girl today. The girl of course was excited and had no idea that she was in for a quite exhilerating feeling of ecstacy. However, it was simply two bites and nothing more and only once did he ever bite the same girl twice. He would never do that again unless it was Harumi.
Agile looked at him and rolled her eyes.'jerk..' she thought before siting on the couch and watching tv since she cleaned the whole house already. she wondered if you is always like this or was it just an act she looked at sho and the girl she was slightly thakful that he refused to bite her so she wouldnt have a supid smile on her face she flips the channles and stops on mtv.her #1 channle to watch jumpstart.
The girl had made the most thrilling of sounds. She had called out to Sho a number of times before finally smiling luckily, her smile wasn't so stupid. Sho opened the door shirtless again and the girl was staring up at Sho as she was in love.

"Marry me! Please!" She said.

Sho shook his head no and set the girl on the black disk. Blood dripped down the side of his face and on to his chest. He didn't really care what Agile thought of him. Sho really was just a jerk for the most part and getting him to be nice to you was almost impossible. However, he could be nice on the rarest of occasions. The girl disappeared and Sho went out to the patio. His wounds had completely healed. That girl's blood had been especially tasty. Sho licked his lips. He had done a great job. The girl disappeared on the teleporter and went back to wherever she lived mumbling Sho's name making all sorts of sounds.

Sho loved the way girls looked when he bit them. It was like they were experiencing the best time of their lives. It was even more thrilling to know that he usually never saw the girls again and they never remembered him after he sent them on their merry little way. Sho's bite didn't wipe memories, the teleporter did that if he so desired someone to forget him. It was quite a handy feature. This way he wouldn't have a ton of girls lying in wait for him. That would drive him insane.
Agile got up and looked at him she walked over and joined him on the patio looking up.she smiled slightly as the wind blew her to the side.it annoyed her some times when ig did that but not to night.she had a diffrent smell today she smelled like honeysycle not the fake kind but the real flower kind of scent she looked over at him and swallowed."do you want to know anything else about me?"
"The last time I tried to ask, you wouldn't tell me. Do you remember that?" Sho said harshly.

Sho liked the scent, but it was all that interesting to him. Sho didn't care about this girl's life, but was willing to listen. He couldn't promise that he would remember anything, but he had done something polite. He didn't like getting mixed up in other people's lives. Things just got messy that way. Sho ran his hands through his hair. It was warm and he liked warm. Cold was to him was the worst part about this planet. This is why he loved his planet. The temperature was always nice and it never changed, even at night the temperature was warm.

Sho was wondering what his first task for Agile would be. It could be a number of things and maybe he would ask questions. This way, he would know a lot about her and her nothing about him. It was funny realizing how little she knew. Sho chuckled to himself. How much she would never know. At any time he could make her forget or at the same time he could make himself forget about her. That would be cold wouldn't it. Especially if she had grown attached regardless of how much of a jerk he was. It was Sho's nature to be cruel, but isn't that what made him attractive? Or was it simply his mysteriousness? It could be both.
Agile giggled remembering it."yeah sorry i get a little touche about that but its ok now" she said and looked at him with a charming smile."so what now?" she asked before fliping her hair to the side.her teal colared eyes shined brightly and she yawned."oh and i will need to pick some things up from home if thats ok?"
"By all means go pick up your things. And while you're gone, pick me up another girl to feed off of. I'm hungry." Sho's voice was stern.

He could understand very well why he was hungry. That battle had been quite an unpleasant one. The fact that the girl was leaving made Sho quite happy. He'd probably invite Harumi over and discuss his planet's next plans along with other things. Sho was looking to have some fun with Harumi. However, he had no intention of making her his permanent mate. That would be a horrid nightmare. He cringed at the thought.
Agile nodded and left.se returned with 2 girls both overly drunk and falling all over the place even Agile seemed drunk but she was just acting and she was doing a very good job."oh Agile is that him?" one asked she had short blonde hair wearing a skirt that was way to short and a leopard printed tank.

"y-yeah like he is to die f..." Agile suddenly triped bringing both girls down with her.she looked up at sho and winked before geting up.the other girl had red hair with a pink bow she was wearing a knee long dress.
Sho raised his eyebrow in interest. He decided that Agile had not done bad for her first run. He took both girls into his room and shut the door behind him. He had no idea why Agile had to act drunk all she needed to do was convince them to come here. Sho had taken longer than usual with his feed, but he had eventually come out. He was finally satisfied and both girls had stupid smiles on their faces. He loved that look. It was priceless. He allowed himself to smile just a little before sending them home on the teleporter.

"Are you curious Agile?" Sho asked slyly.
Agile leaned back on a wall crossing her arms."about what?" she asked hopeing he wasnt talking about being fed off of him but she had a feeling he was.

she had always wondered what they felt or saw but she really didnt want to end up like all the others and have him look at her as every other girl that beged him for more.to add to that she hated the look on there face after he was done it annoyed her so much she felt like sawing ther lips off every time.
"About what it feels like for me to feed off you?" Sho laughed.

The girl knew exactly what he was talking about, but he decided he'd humor her, just to make sure she understood. Sho always thought Agile might be curious, but that didn't mean he'd feed off her. He didn't think she deserved the pleasures that came from his bite, but perhaps he could try to explain it to her... or perhaps Harumi could explain it. Yes... if she asked for an explanation, he would call for Harumi to explain it. She had experienced it a few times. It was only natural she would be the best at explaining such a feeling. Sho chuckled. He was going to have a grand time tormenting this girl and perhaps even tempting her in numerous ways. If only she knew what she was in for. The poor girl.
Agile looked at him shaking her head."not intrested you will only saw you refuse to do it and thats good cause i dont care.." she said stubberly and looked away.she really didnt want to care but it buged her no knowing but she wouldnt tell him."what next?" she asked walking over and bowing
Sho chuckled. If she wasn't curious then, it was fine with him.

"I have my day off today. I don't have anything planned as far as excitement goes." Sho said coolly.

Sho jumped off the patio and down into the crowd. He was just going to take a walk and perhaps have some fun. He didn't know what to do. He had so much freedom. Perhaps he could engage in his favorite past time in tantalizing the men of this planet. It was a possibility.
"just leave me why dont you!!" Agile welled and sighed feeling a bit lonley"that man will be the death of me....." she mutters and looks away.she wondered what to do for a moment and walked around.'why did he have to leave me...'
Sho looked up at Agile.

"I don't have ALL day! Are you just going to stand there?" Sho yelled furiously at Agile.

Sho was getting impatient. He really didn't want to wait for this girl, but he might need her for something. She was supposed to serve him until the end of her life. Sho smiled. What a cruel person he was, but he didn't really care. He then realized that he had forgotten to put on a shirt before he left, but that didn't really bother him. The worst it could do was make girls stare idotically at him. He quite frankly didn't mind if they looked as long as they didn't talk to him. That was when things got really annoying.
Agile turned and looked down at him."chill out im coming!" she yelled back and dug trew her bag to get a change of clothes she rushed into the bathroom changeing before she she came walking out of the hotels doors she smelled like mint this time and had new highlights with clothes to match."ready?"

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Sho was really tired of waiting. He really didn't want to wait around for this girl. Just what was she doing. He stood there waiting for her to jump not saying anything. He looked as two girls dressed in Gothic Lolita walked past him. Gothic Lolita girls were always something that interested him, but he never went for them. Sho figured that they were just eye candy and they usually spoke his favorite language... Japanese. Yes, Sho spoke Japanese, but that was because he first arrived on Earth in Japan. It reminded him a lot of his planet, but that wasn't of much concern to him anymore.

A few more months was all he had left on this disgusting planet. He couldn't wait to dine on the crimson sweetness they called blood. It would be served in goblets to the noble people of his planet and sold to the middle class people and possibly donated to the poor. Yes, everything would be perfect on his planet after the takeover iniated. Just a few more important enemies to kill and he would be ready to make the call. Sho also couldn't wait to show off his new servant. Perhaps while he was here, he could get a new servant. Wouldn't that just be grand? Two free servants that he can feed on at anytime... He'd be envied by his peers and he would wallow in their jealousy.
Agile jumped and when he caught her hopeing he caught her would jump out of his arms fixing her hair rather annoyed the wind messed it up when she just got it all nice and pretty."stupid wind..." she growls and looks at him"where to n..." her phone rang and she looked down puting up on finger as a sign of 'wait' Makoto was hungery and wanted Agiles blood now."um sho where are we going next my friend wants to see me" she said with a smile and beging eyes.she always loved Makoto and came to her every beck and call.she covered the talking part of her phone and nuged sho to tell her.
"Your friend wants to see you? Why?" Sho snapped.

He had her bound to him. Agile wouldn't be doing anything without his say so and she broke the contract she would die. Why? Because Sho was cruel, but he could be nice sometimes. He had every intention of letting Agile see this friend, but he wanted to know why. If it was something he didn't approve of, he could stop it. Agile was his servant if you will. Sho also had people to see. Ryoma Kikuchi was his close friend and second in command. Ryoma was now under Sho's command and he had every intention of rubbing it in.
Agile thinks for a moment then puts the phone to her ear asking why."she said she missed me and needed me...but she wont tell me what for" Agile turned to him."so....i know the way to her house it's not far." Agile beged looking at him with puppy eyes.Makoto rolled her eyes.she was siting on a white sofa with black pillows that had the corset kind of look on them.he growled wanting Agile to hurry up.she messed with her fangs a bit and sighed laying downher home was black and white gothic styled but had no mirrors in any of the rooms.she liked it dark so she had black out currtens up."can you tell him to hurry up and let you go!" Makoto shouted at the phone .she thought this guy Agile was talking about may have been her boyfriend or somthing either way he was ticking her off and she WAS gonna feed on Agile one way or another.
"Okay, if you're going to lie, go. And don't come back. You won't see me again, ever and when you come to my place, I will no longer be there." Sho said coldly.

Sho could smell lies a mile away. He knew many humans and most of them lied. He knew the signs the attitude and he didn't care for it. Now that Agile had lied, he wanted nothing more to do with it. He was going to leave her there on the spot. Sho waved her good-bye and walked off. There was no reason to entertain liars. He walked until he disappeared at the corner of the street. He had teleported elsewhere. To where, no one would know. Ryoma Mogami on the other hand was expecting his company and he waited patiently in his house. Ryoma wasn't even on earth. He was in another time in another space. Yes, Sho's device could travel to the future, but never to the past. That was not created because so many things could go wrong if someone was to go to the past. It would tear a hole into the space time contium, making everything cease to exist.
Agile looked confussed."L-lie i didnt lie thats what she said i swear!" Agile was geting worried and she grabed his arm"please you can come with me!" she insistsor more like begs.she let his arm and looked at her hand."im sorry i just..." Agile felt a little scared now that she touched him but shes his servent now he wouldnt hurt her...right?

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