A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

"Bite me again Sho-kun." The girl said as Sho opened the door. "Pleeease! I'll pay you, just bite me again."

Her words were slurred and then she passed out with the same stupid smile Harumi had on her face.

"Does she look dead to you?" Sho asked with a harshness in his voice.

Blood was on his lips and teeth were sharper. His red eyes seemed to glow with power. He felt amazing and for the next week, he could not be killed. Sho picked up the girl and blood dripped from her wrists onto Sho's chest as he was no longer wearing a shirt. He put the girl on the disk and she disappeared. He then when back into his room looking for a shirt before going to take a shower and brush his teeth.
"oh i guess not.....why didnt you do that to me..why not just dich me?" she asked 'who am i any difrent from them?' she thought and walked into the living room.to clear her mind she turned the music back on and dug threw her bag and pulled out a sketch pad with a pencil.she started sketching as she layed on the couch.soon falling asleep and her sketch book fell out of her hand and on the floor.it was open so if he wanted to he could take a look at what she drew.it was a perfect sketch of him carrying the bloody girl.it had the blood on his chestt and her stupid smile as well.it had no color but t was still good.she shifted in her sleep she lloked peaceful in her sleep her hair draped over her face and her arms where crossed.
Sho didn't care to look at what the girl was doing. He threw the black disk on the ground and appeared somewhere else. He was at home in his planet. They were welcoming him. He was a hero. Oh how they praised him. He partied with his people until midnoon the next and returned with a piece of paper with writing on it. His arms had a lot of foreign lettering on it, but he wouldn't tell Agile what it said. He sat outside on the balcony smiling. Sho was doing well for a general. It felt funny to think about. He was a general. Sho was now allowed to start his own team. He could be apart of the invasion of earth when it took place. He could blow everything to oblivion and he would be praised for it. There would be no consequences, just the sweet cheers of his people and the taste of human blood.

Sho dreamed of it all. He deserved all the respect he got. He had suffered for it and sacrificed almost everything had. However, there was a hole in him that wasn't filling up, but perhaps it would fill up once he was fighting along side his people invading this insignificant planet. The girl would have to leave today. He couldn't entertain an earth girl much longer. She had cost him too much time and Agile wanted to be fed upon. HA! What a silly thought. Why on earth would he want to feed on her? He could not think of reason better than "she was willing." but then again, most girls were when they found out how pleasurable it was. Sho chuckled to himself.
Agile awoke screaming.it was nothing new she always had nightmares.she was sweating and she rubed her eyes.'it got worse.' she sighed refuring to the nightmare.see that her notebook droped she picked it up closeing it be fore he saw and set it on the table.she looked around to see if he even cared enough to check on her.
"What a delicious scream of horror." Sho said slyly.

Sho didn't care and stayed standing out on the patio. Agile was not his responsibility. If the girl wanted him to care, she'd have to find someone else to cater to her needs. Sho had much to do.

"Did you want your questions from last night answered or were they rhetorical?"

Sho smirked at his remark. He was wondering why this girl was so interested in him in the first place. Agile had only just met him yesterday. He had more errands to run today and he didn't know if the girl would survive through these and he really didn't want to protect her. That was just too much work. He sighed. What was with this earth chick. And he wondered how she would react if they ended at Harumi's again. She appeared to be jealous or rather trying to compete with Harumi. Sho chuckled. He didn't even like Harumi. Harumi was just in love with him. She would do anything for her Sho-kun. To Sho, Harumi was just a tool. And Harumi knew that, but she hoped anyway. The fact that Sho even bit her means she will stay attached until she dies. Why? Because he was her Sho-kun, the one she was obsessed with.
Agile walked outside with him.she had cleaned herself up and looked very nice in the morning sun."where are we going today?" she asked looking up her hair flew back cause of the wind and she smiled."your not from here are you?now this roves i have no life but you have stuff humans dont your allys are calling me earth trash so you have to be from some other planet out somthing unless your human and just a weird freak..." she said not looking at him."let me guess your takeing over the world just like in the moives?" she asked with a slight chuckle."well good im on your side if you havent looked around humans are tearing this place apart you know there used to be forests and hourses but now its violenc and over priced gas..." she said looking sad."you want to see what i mean?"
Sho laughed.

"I don't really care what you earth beings are doing to your planet." Sho smiled a sinister grin, "And you're right I'm not from here, but what does it matter. You couldn't turn me in if you tried. Now back to my previous question, did you want your questions from last night answered or not? If not, I'm done here."

Sho was done entertaining this girl. He had better things to do and this girl was really slowing him down quite a bit, but fortunatly her slumber allowed to get back on schedule. He was able to make it to his party. Sho looked down at the people below. He could jump from this thirty foot distance completely unharmed. Humans had such fragile bodies. They can barely jump twenty feet and live. He smiled. What a poor excuse for a life form. The earth beings were making his job that much easier and it wasn't oil they were interested in. The earth beings were a source of food and his planet was going to invade and harvest them. It would be a grand feast of the best food in the known galaxy. Sho licked his lips. He couldn't wait.
"uh yea sure.." she wasnt really expecting him to tell her he wasnt from there but she liked his truthfulness.she had forgotten about what she asked him last night and found it strange he kept asking about it she looked at him.she never wanted to be bit but she wondered why he never did it to her.
"You want to know why I don't bite you? Because you haven't agreed to it." Sho said simply. "And why do I keep you around and not ditch you? Hm you don't want to leave and i have ditched you already haven't I? Well now that's over. You can come with me to run more errands, but if you blow my cover again... i'm leaving my people to eat you."

Sho jumped down off the balcony and into the crowd of people who didn't even seem to notice. He waited by the entrance as waiting for Agile to jump.

"I might catch you if you jump." He yelled with a smirk on his face.

Perhaps this girl trusted him enough to jump. He wouldn't be surprised if she didn't nor would he be offended. He didn't even trust himself sometimes.
Agile watched him jump she thought about his words then calls back"hey blowing your cover wasnt my fault they have overly good hearing!" she growls and smiles as he says jump.she loved falling from high places it was fun but when you land on your head not so much.she trusted him and jumped she even trusted him even more by turning around and falling backwards.she felt like she was flying as she jumped the air felt amazing as it went by she closed her eyes and waited to see what happened.
Sho caught her of course.

"There all is well. Don't expect me to do it again however." Sho said with his signature smirk appearing across his face.

He was serious. Last night's party had put him in an extremely good mood. He couldn't wait for his next mission which was very close by. He set Agile down and walked at an incredible speed through the crowd. He made several sharp turns down alleys. He eventually stopped at what appeared to be a dead end. Sho pulled out a mirror and looked at it. He counted. One, two, three... four? They were getting serious. He had to be extremely careful. This was going to be a very messy fight if he was not careful. He might actually lose some blood this time. However, thanks to his blood intake he wouldn't be dying. That was something Sho was thankful for.
Agile smiled as he caught her."nice catch...hey wait up" she complains following him once at the ally she looked around"why are we here?"it was stupid to ask since she already guassed it was to fight more but this time she wouldnt tou what ever creepy thing went after him this time and she sttayed close behinde him.
Sho could smell them. A horrid smell. It was so rank. He crinkled his nose. Sho could see them, but barely. The oozes had transparent bodies and ate metal. Luckily Sho would be fighting them bare handed. He kicked one and he seemed to end up inside the being. He could dared not inhale their toxic fluids. He moved with grace and speed and pulled out a rock he chewed it and his eyes became a bright red. The ooze exploded in a toxic mess. There were three more and two of them rammed him into the side of the building. He grimaced as he hit brick. Sho got up looking rather irritated.

"Okay now you've pissed me off." Sho muttered.

The two oozes that rammed him threatened to do it a second time. Sho was watching them carefully and as they got closer he side stepped as the oozes splattered on to the wall behind him. He was covered in there fluids, but that was the least of his worries for the fourth ooze had turned purple. It belched a purple orb of light at him. Sho was hit in the ribs and there was a huge gash on his chest his shirt now ripped off him. Sho cursed under his breath. He pulled out another rock and his eyes burned an even brighter red and the creature boiled and burst into flames before fizzling out into a heap of ash. Sho was bleeding, but that didn't matter. He had only killed two of the oozes as the other ones had just splattered, but he had to kill them or else his reputation would be tarnished.

"Come on, I know you're still alive." He yelled.

Sho was infuriated. These things were annoying and he was hoping he wouldn't have to fight them again.
Agile looked at what he was fighting.'......how the heck do you fight slim?!' she looked over at sho seeing he was hurt she became worried and knew she had to help other then hide in a corner."sho how do you fight them?!" she called grabing a gun,tazer,lighter and a can of spray paint.the lighter was for her father since he smoked,the gun/tazer was for him to.her father always abused her since she was 5 because he didt even want her he just wanted the one night stand with her mother but since her mother die he had to take her.the only up side for him was he didnt have to pay for 'it' anymore he just used her.the silver spray paint was used after he had beat her up and did his business.she needed to let it go some how and Agile was not the one to cry so she used graffiti.she ran by sho's side."im gonna at least try to help." she insisted takeing out the lighter and spray paint make likea homemade flame thrower and burning the next one she saw.
"Do me a favor and don't help me!" Sho said coldly, "You'll just get in the way!"

Sho ripped off the ooze that was attached to his skin. He could see burns where the ooze had started to eat through his skin. The ooze itself was reforming into an even bigger ooze. Sho was watching this and was becoming blind with rage. The ooze rammed him with four times the force and managed to push Sho through the side of the brick building. Sho was hurt pretty badly, but he didn't seem to notice. He yelled and black flames were released from his mouth. The ooze let out an ear piercing shriek as pieces of it burned and turned to ash. It kept burning until there was nothing left of it, but a fine ashen powder. Sho collected the ash and put into a jar. He would send it home. There was more than a few gashes in his arms and chests. There was a scratch on the side of his face. He honestly looked like he had been to hell and back.

He rushed off past Agile leaving his torn up and partially burned shirt behind. He didn't look back even once. Sho then threw the black disk on the ground and disappeared.
"n...not help?! but look at you!" she yelled back at him she was shocked at how stubbern he was and looked at all the cuts.she really didnt care if he wanted help or not the fact was she wanted to help but why does he alway push her away? she wondered and watched him leave for a moment she was worried about him a stranger she didnt even know and she was worried.she ran after him steping on th disk puting everything back in her bag wondering where he would go next hopeing it was back home so she could help clean him up.
Sho looked back to see that the Agile had followed him. On top of being annoyed he was pissed.

"You followed me?" Sho said coldly, he was clearly in no mood to see anyone.

Could he get some time alone to himself? First off, he wanted to clean himself off and secondly, this girl was getting on his nerves. He entertained her for ONE night and now this girl acted like she was infatuated with him. What in the world was wrong this earth girl? This time without throwing the disk on the ground, he disappeared. There was no sign or trace of Sho anywhere.

Sho of course had not left. He had just become invisible in hopes that the girl would leave. He needed some time to clear his head. Sho didn't want to cater to an earth girl anymore. She was getting in the way with her incesistent blathering. If he wanted help, he would have brought people from his planet, not some weak little earthling. Maybe this is why Sho's people said not to interfere with humans. They get attached to you and then there was no getting rid of them.

On Sho's planet, attachment was looked down upon. To be attached to someone was a sign of weakness and an insult to one's pride. Sho was a warrior or a hero on his planet. Getting attached to anyone or anything would be an insult to his entire race. To be honest, his planet had offered to kill this Agile girl, but he had spared her because he took full responsibility for actually deciding to entertain her. He would be fine if maybe she knew how to be less annoying and not in the way all the time. The fact that she had even offered to help him was insulting enough. Sho was powerful didn't she understand that? Didn't she understand that if he wanted to let her die, he could do it at anytime? This girl owed him and Sho had every intention of collecting that debt.
Agile looked around.she sighed looking down she droped her bag taking out sheets of blank paper andplaceing them on the floor to where they slightly over laped but not much.Agile looked at the know huge spot on the floor filled with paper thinking he was gone she was gonna let lose.she begane talking to herself out loud and sprayed red spray paint on the paper trying to make somthing."why does he hate me?why..what am i doing rong? cant he just tell me or does he just hate me that much.." she said and grabed another can out of her bag.
Sho just groaned in annoyance and reappeared.

"If you paint on my floor, I will burn you where you stand." He said hotly.

Anger was flowing through him in incredible amounts. Blood from his wounds dripped on the floor.

"Secondly, why do you insist on being here? Why are you so attached?" Sho emphasized the word attached.

Sho was covered in black flames. It didn't hurt him and luckily it didn't seem to be burning the floor just yet. He couldn't even think properly. He was just so angry at everything. Sho was hoping the girl would answer his questions. He wasn't in the mood for her rhetoric. He had more questions and he wanted answers. Plus she had a debt and she would pay it. Even if she would end up serving him for the rest of her endless life. He didn't care. That would be the equivalent of his protection.Those oozes would have killed her if he hadn't fought them off. Paint and a lighter? What was she trying to do, make them harder to kill?
Agile droped the can in shock turning around."iim sorry i wont i was just spraying the paper....and im not attached i just dont have any were else to go." she looked at him and started to clean up the papers to show him the paintdidnt get on the floor wich it didnt but she wasnt gonna try it again not knowing when or what he heared.she put everything away and stood infront of him."um y-your hurt um can i please take a look?" she asked walking a bit closer to him she reached on hand out to the fire not careing if it burned her or not it was black and look freaking cool.
The flames on Sho intensified.

"Don't... you... TOUCH ME!" He yelled.

He watched as the flames started to burn her skin. Sho turned around as he saw Harumi had teleported to his home.

"Sho-kun, you know I love it when you're angry!" She said happily and then she glared at Agile, "What the hell do you think you're doing!? You can't touch him when he's like this, he'll kill you! On top of that, you should be honored to even be in his presence! He's famous where I come from."

Harumi pushed Agile away from Sho.

"Oozes got you again Sho-kun?" Harumi asked playfully, "Do you mind?"

Sho shook his head. Harumi stabbed him and Sho blacked out. The flames instantly went away and Harumi was able to catch him. Harumi laid him down on his bed and began to lick his wounds. Steam emitted from them. The gashes and cuts he had started to close up heal. Sho didn't look like he had been in a fight at all. Harumi smiled, obviously proud of her handiwork. She turned to look at Agile.

"He will wake up soon, keep an eye on him. If you leave him while he's like this and he dies, I will kill you, you little piece of earth trash." She said sternly.

Harumi threw a pink disk on the ground, preparing to leave.
Agile sighed she was used to geting pushed around and just brushed it off.she watched the girl stab then lick him in shock.'...um ew and weirdo?' she thought and looked awayaway in disgust.when the girl threatned her she felt like hiting her but kept her cool some how "im not planing on going any where....alien trash" she muttered the last part and looked in sho's room before closeing the door.Agile sat on the couch and looked at the tv wondering what to watch
"How dare you insult me!? You're nothing! Sho helped you and allowed you to stay here! What have you done to help him? Absolutely nothing..." Harumi said before teleporting away.

Sho could feel his wounds had healed. Harumi... he grimaced. He was thankful for her however. He had calmed down some. He was no longer angry like he was before he laid on his bed wondering what to do. He had the rest of the day and tomorrow to himself. Sho didn't know how he would spend it. Possibly here. He could use a little rest and relaxation. Sho was too lazy to rummage through his closet and put a shirt on. There was no point in that. He was going to need to wash his sheets and take yet another shower. Sho could hear the t.v. on in the next room. She was still here. Then he remembered, her debt. She owed him and he was going to make her pay that debt.

Sho opened the door, ignoring the fact that he was shirtless.

"How bad do you want to stay here?" he said, a smirk spreading across his face.
Agile was cleaning up th blood off the floor and taking looks at the tv ever once in a while.she was almost done when he asked her how bad she wanted to stay."ha..i would do anything to get away from my father...if you have seen my back you know what im talking about" she looked over at him before going back to cleaning.
A sly smile worked it's way across Sho's face.

"Even serve me until the end of your life?" Sho smiled.

If she agreed, he would more than enough for her to do. Sho pulled out a contract from his pants pocket. Anyone who read it could see that there was no way out. If Agile signed this contract, she would be serving Sho for all eternity. However, he had given her a choice hadn't he. And if she rejected she could leave and return to her father. He watched as she cleaned up his floor. It was about all she was good for. She was no match for any of the monsters he would soon have to face. Sho was half-tempted to torment her... He could easily do it. Or perhaps, lead her on... Pretend to be the perfect boy and then when it mattered most, break it down slow. The pain she would endure would almost be worth it. Or better yet... He could make her promise not get attached and if she did admit that she cared for him, he would leave her where she stood. Sho wouldn't care where he would be at the time, he would have meant exactly what he had said to her.

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