A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

"Agile..." she says and looks at him."why do you want to know?" she asked.she didnt really like giveing him her name but she really wanted to stay at his place it was alot better than hers by far.she brushed her hair out with her fingers and looked at him waiting for him to tell her what came next."so what now?" she asked being nosey.
Agile? What an unusual earth name. Or perhaps it was common where she came from. Sho didn't really know what was going to happen next, but his keen ears were kicking in. He could hear them coming. A fight was going to break out soon. He needed to know if this girl really was going to stay or go home.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" Sho asked emphasizing the last word.

They didn't have much time. They would be here to kill him soon and he was sitting duck just standing here talking to that girl. He looked around and noticed an alley. He would have to hide there for the time being. If he could suprise them he would have the upper hand. Agile can fight so she can take care of herself. Sho was no knight in shining armor. He didn't help damsels in distress. If they died, it was purely because of their poor choice of choosing to stick with him.
"sure i will stay...is somthing rong" Agile asked looking at him as she wondered why he said it like that and sighed'men there so confussing somtimes' she thought shaking her head.she had no idea hat was going on and wasnt sure if she wanted to.she tuged on his shirt wanting an answer NOW.
Sho gave Agile his signature smirk and pushed her into the alley. As he did so three silver shards hit the area. They dripped with a purple liquid. Sho put his hands to his lips as if to say "Please don't say a word." He watched as three figures appeared. They were looking around. Their skin was made entirely of silver. They had sockets for eyes and slits for noses. They glistened in the sunlight and their footsteps didn't seem to make any sound, but Sho could hear them. Their footsteps were as loud as thunder to him. He knew Agile would see them and he slowly moved over so she could get a better view.

Sho couldn't believe that they had sent the hunters after him. He was flattered to say the least. That meant he was becoming more of a threat to the enemies of his home planet. He was happy about that. When his final goal was completed. His planet would take over this one. Not that the girl needed to know that.
Agile looked at them and stayed silent as she was told though seeing the sockets as eyes made her really want to see if it would charge her phone.she looked at sho and then back at them.she gave him a look beging him to see if she could walk up to one before they left.'these guys are awsome please?' she gave him a look that kind of told him that and she waited.
Sho smiled at Agile's question. The hunters looked in their direction.

"Looks like you blew my cover? Are you always so loud?" Sho said slyly.

Sho dashed at the first one and kicked it in the face. He tripped the second two. Only two of them melted into puddles of silver. Sho motioned for Agile to come forward. If she was lucky, the hunter would stay down long enough for her to get a good look. If she was unlucky, the hunter would gauge her eyes out. Sho smiled at the thought. He doubted that would happen. The one he kicked in the face was out cold and the only one that hadn't melted. Sho was hoping that they would have time to get away before the other two solidified again. He only got lucky this one time and fighting the hunters head on was a dead man's wish.
Agile walked over and kneeled beside him.she took a good look at his face she even touched it."woah..i gotta try this out!" she said and took her phone charger out placeing it in his eye to see if it really worked like a normal soket.she waited for a moment and looked at her phone.'this is gonna be so coll wait who are they...they cant be human..right?' shethought and looked at sho"hey who are these jerks that so need a shower and then should head straight to the loony bin for even thinking about wearing this."
Sho laughed. This girl was too much. She looked really odd trying to charge her device in such a manner. Sho didn't have use for such a thing. He had more important things to do and besides, carrying around those things was like carrying around a tracking device. He didn't like those devices at all. What amused Sho is that those things attached pieces of themselves to unsuspecting humans. It was how they tracked down people they wanted to get a hold of and Agile did just that. She'd have to cleanse herself and quickly or he'd become the hunted and not the hunter.

"You might want to wash your hands. Their fluids will attach themselves to you." He said this as if really didn't care what the girl did, "And if you really want to be around I'd find the closest place."

Sho threw the disk on the ground again and stepped on it. He once again disappeared. If the girl wanted to follow she'd step on it. Sho reappeared in house that was not his own, but he knew exactly where he was.
Agile looked at her hands."um you can keep it soket eye!" Agilesaid reffering to her charger and phone wich would have the fluids he was talking about on them.she ran after him and steped on the disk.she looked around."uh this isnt home..." she pointed out and walked into the kitchen.she washed her hands slightly scared of the 'fluid' he menioned having no idea if it would kill her she scrubed her hands until they bleed the scrubed more.
Sho smelled blood. A delicious smell... He could feel his instinct to kill growing inside of him. Human fluids were a delicacy on his planet... this would probably be his only opprotunity to taste it... Even if only a little. And then Sho remembered he where he was. He was in Harumi's house. He rolled his eyes. Why would the people of his planet send him here? Of all places... He could here foot steps coming from the other room. He was bracing for the hug that threatened to come.

"SHOOOO!" Harumi screamed, "Is that youuuu?"

A girl wearing a white dress walked in the room. The dress was tight and short. Harumi didn't even notice Agile and rushed up to hug Sho. When she finally saw that her sink was being used, she said:

"Sho, why do you always bring other women here," She frowned, "What do all these earth women have that I don't have?"

Sho looked extremely annoyed. The girl was grabbing his waist a little to tightly and was invading his personal space. He hated that he had to tolerate her. She was a major set back.

"You know I'm only here for information Harumi," Sho said coldly.

The girl groaned and walked away. Sho followed her into a bedroom.
Agiles hand started to burn and she stoped lookinging at her bright red hands.'i think i got it all cause i know i didnt miss scrubing off any skin...' she thought.she loked at the girl who huged sho.she suddenly felt left out and sighed looking away."hey um should i go...." she asked following them sho could tell she felt slightly akward after what the other girl said."oh hey why don't i head back to your place?please." she gave him a flirtly smile trying to upset the other girl.
Harumi groaned.

"You took that Earth trash to your house! Sho you jerk! You never take me to your place!" Harumi complained.

Sho ignored Harumi's remarks completely. Sho didn't really care that Agile felt awkward. She had asked to go and she had deal with whatever happened. He wasn't even interested in Harumi, as he said earlier, he only wanted information. He looked at Agile at rather enjoyed her discomfort. However, it was less enjoyable because Harumi insisted on invading his personal space.

”やめてよ!(Stop it!) ” Sho said coldly. "Give me what I need so I can get the hell out of here!"

Harumi pouted, "Only if you promise to visit me again, without that girl. Or any girl."

Sho rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Yes, yes okay!"

Harumi whispered for what seemed like forever into Sho's ear.

"Here? You mean they...?" Sho asked.

Harumi nodded.

Sho cursed under his breath. He pulled out his disk and threw it on the ground. He looked at Agile.

"So you want to go home?" Sho asked.

He was wondering if he finally scared the girl off. About time. Sho thought to himself.
Agile looked at him."no i don't want to go home...i want to go to your home that way we can do this again later."she insisted.she really liked going on these 'errans' with him.Agile looked at the other girl and paused."wait did you just call me trash?........" that clearly angered Agile and if that girl dared to say yes she was gonna go full on berserker.
Again? Sho cringed. This girl had set him back enough already. Why would he want to take her anywhere else?

"I have another thing to do." Sho replied.

"You haven't eaten yet have you Sho-kun?" Harumi asked playfully and then she gave Agile a sly smile, "Yes I did just call you Earth trash. And I would think twice about laying a hand on me. Sho might just tell you to hit the road!"

Sho laughed, but Harumi was right. He hadn't yet and he needed to soon.

"You can feed off me Sho-kun." Harumi teased, "I don't mind."

Sho thought for a moment. Harumi's fluids did indeed taste like human fluid and he wasn't about to feed off Agile. He had a feeling she might taste a little from all the other women he had fed off. He didn't even want to begin with the effects. However, the effect is what most women came back for, but he had learned not to feed off the same girl twice unless it was Harumi.
Agile just grined right back."ok thats fine." she looked at sho."well now i know your name" she walked out of the bed room."why does every one hate me?" she felt like breaking in half just shooting herself now.she put her hand in her bag taking out a picture of her and a man makeing odd faces holing a small stuffed tiger.she sighs siting down on the couch in the living room."why did you have to go.." she muttered and waited for sho
Sho left Harumi's bedroom with blood on his face. He was carrying her bridal style and set her on the couch. She was mumbling and had a really stupid grin on her face as if she just had the best moment of her life. She was bleeding from both wrists. Harumi eventually passed out. This was an effect of Sho's feeding, but not everyone on his planet had an effect like his.

"Come on were leaving." He then glared at Agile "I swear if you call me Sho-kun, I will leave you!"

He threw the black disk on the floor and stepped on it. "Don't look so down, you aren't the first girl Harumi's called Earth trash. She calls every girl I bring here that."

Sho gave Agile a playful smirk, "By the way, don't expect me to be at my place in the morning. I don't sleep as long as you Earth beings do. Something else you should know, saying my full name will result in pain. Just a fair warning."

Sho was dangerous, but Agile knew that already, but what she didn't know is that Sho had pulled her into one of the greatest galactic wars in history and she was going to eventually have to pick a side. Sho wondered how she would survive if she was forced to live on his planet... She might die or even want to go back to earth, but by then, earth would be obliterated or taken over by his people, assuming his enemy would remain weak.
Agile looked at the girl bleeding.she took out a sharpie and wrote 'dumb a**' on her forehead before grining devilishly and joining him on the disk.she poped the cap back on the blak sharpie and put the picture in her mouth to hold it as she retied her knee high black combet boots.she had the picture faceing to where he could see the image if he wanted to.(guessing they returned to his place if not let me know i will edit this) after they left she took the picture and puting back in her back after looking at it once more.in the light f his home her face looked a little red as if she was cfying slightly at the other girls house.she steped off the disk and stayed silent for the first time.she always made a comment soon after they arrived some where so it was clear she was still upset about somthing.she walked to the bathroom and washed her face.
Crying girls really annoyed Sho. And the fact that Agile had shut up was really a blessing. He noticed the picture and wondered if maybe that was what she was upset about. He really didn't care in the least bit, but he figured he should ask. It's a common courtesy right?

"Is that guy your boyfriend?" Sho asked in his usual cold tone.

Not that Sho was trying to be mean, he just talked that way. He's a cold and heartless person to everyone. Sho was also really bad at small talk. He didn't usually entertain earth girls this long. He picked up the black disk and then walked to the patio, staring up at the stars. Sho was excited. Right now, his home planet was praising him. They were marking his name down in history. Sho is the best agent his people have ever known. In fact, he was single-handedly winning this war. His boss knew it and he knew that his boss was watching with pride. Just a few more months and this operation would be complete. He would be bathing in women from his planet, not to mention tons of platinum and obsidian. Obsidinum is what his people called their money. An oddly rare substance on earth, but worth a lot of money.
Agile walked out of the bathroom."you dont care so im not gonna wait my breath.." she said just as coldly as him.she sat on the couch turning his tv on she stood back up and walked over to the large screen turning it and pluged in her usb.she smiled before selecting a song and the tv loudly started to play break you heart by Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris. she had the musics video playing as well and danced with the girls in the background.she followed there steps perfectly as if she was the one who showed it to them.she even sang slightly but not loud enought to hear.
"Okay then." Sho shrugged. He tried didn't he.

Sho didn't know much about earth music. He didn't care to notice that she was dancing. Sho wasn't interested. He walked past her to the bar and made himself a drink. He took a sip and looked at what appeared to be his cell phone. To him, it was a device that helped him contact his planet, to earth beings, it looked like a normal cell phone. He dialed a few numbers on the strange device.

"Really?" Sho said excitedly, "Their making a statue in my honor? AND I'm being promoted to General. My, this is great news!"

Sho paused, "I understand. How much is being deposited?"

Sho smiled. "That's quite a hefty amount. Are you all partying up there without me?"

Sho laughed and hung up the phone. Everything was going on according to plan. He took another sip from his drink. He couldn't wait to go back home.

"If you're going to insist on rejecting courtesy you can leave. Remember whose home you are currently residing in. So I'd change your tone." He said with ice dripping from every word.
"well you didnt care so to me its rude to ask when you dont care" Agile said as she spun on her toes just as the others did.Agile was always strange in that way most girls would just tell you if you cared or not but she never did unless you REALLY cared.once the song was done she joined him panting slightly."can i have a drink two.anything cold" she said wanting to cool down before starting again.she moved her hair out of her face and looked at him.her deep blue eyes shimmered and her scent passed by him when she fliped her hair.she ajusted her tie to make it lose and pulled her skirt down.
Sho passed her a mixed drink and some water as he was unsure which she wanted.

"Well then don't tell me because you're right I don't care, but why should that matter? It helps to talk about it doesn't it?" Sho said slyly.

Sho got up from the bar and walked toward the glass elevator.

"I'm going to go feed again. Do what you will. Just don't trash the place. And when you're ready to talk, I'll listen."

He then threw the disk down on the ground in the elevator and disappeared. His voice rang in the pent house.

"Should you have an emergency just say my name and I will teleport you to my exact location."

Sho appeared in the city streets. He was at another bar. He needed to taste human again. Harumi didn't quite fill him like he'd hoped. Perhaps, because he hadn't fed in a few days. He thought about feeding from Agile, but she probably didn't want the pleasure people got when he fed off of them.
"um ok.." she watched him and looked at the drinks he gave her"how kind he left me two.." she says to herself after he left.'nothing should happen......right?' she thought taking and sip of the mixed drink.she looked around when her phone rang.she did have two phones she gave slark plug her iphone since it only had games nothing worth taking unless you sell it.she ignored it knowing it was her sister wanting somthing again and it would be rude just to leave what if some one broke in? she looked at the tv.'why am i still here why is he just leaveing me here alone i could steal everything here....and whats with all the weird stuff a disk that makes you go places a colour that makes your head go bomb...wich was pretty cool but still.' she thought she wanted to see what was going on but t knew it would more then likely be useless so didnt.
Sho rearrived at his place with a female. She seemed to be drunk as ever. Sho loved feeding off of drunk women. It was like drinking the perfect wine. The girl was wearing a blue dress and had red lip stick. Her black hair was in a pony tail. Sho took her to his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

"I didn't say I was going to be gone long." He yelled out to Agile.

Sho really didn't think about what he had just done. Only that he was hungry and needed to be fed. He bit the girls wrists and she started making some interesting sounds. They seemed to be sounds of pleasure. However, Sho took no mind of this. He just wanted the blood. The girl finally screamed (and not in horror). Sho sighed. His mouth was dripping with blood and the girl's wrists were bloody. She had the same smile Harumi did when Sho had fed off her. He was finally full which meant he wouldn't have to eat for a while. He didn't open the door but things were suddenly silent.
Agile looked at the door.she wanted to se but that would be rude the door was closed.she keeped an eye on it before walking over and puting an ear to it trying to easdrop but it was silent she paused and walked back to the bar pacing thinking about what to do.'is somthing rong or....' she looked down and sighed before knocking on the door."hey you didnt kill her did you?"

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