A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life


Junior Member
(Character: Sho [bio in blog])

(Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, potential romance, Action, Supernatural ( + )

Sho sat in a bar. His black hair glistened in the low lit bar light. His sparkling red eyes glimmered beautifully as he scanned the scene before him. His whit t-shirt was torn and his black skinny jeans hugged his legs. Sho was gorgeous to most, but not to all. He was keeping to himself or rather he was trying to keep to himself. Women kept popping up out of no where and guys were giving him scornful looks. Sho just wanted some time to himself. On most days he would be enjoying the sport of seducing women and tantalizing men. He looked like an ordinary person, but Sho had more to him that meets the eye. Finally a woman's boyfriend approached him. He looked rather angry and started asking Sho if he had touched his girl, but Sho hadn't even known the woman let alone knew she had a boyfriend. The guy kept standing over Sho. Sho cringed as this guy had a foul smell and a potent stench of alcohol.

"Excuse me sir, May I help you?" Sho said playfully.

Sho thought he could hold it in, but he loved the way these earth men reacted to sly remarks. Sho didn't look tough, but no one ever knows what he's capable of until Sho gives them a good kick to the head or good punch to the face. Earth men were weaker than the average female on his planet. Sho stared at this man. He would be a pretty good warm up by the looks of it.
(im useing Agile from train to hell but shes 22)

Agile fliped her black ,teal highlighted hair as she entered the bar.she was by for the most beautiful girl there since all the others where so drunk they couldnt tell there hand from there feet.she had a sliver cross in her mouth that was part of her necklace.Agile sighs looking at the about to happen fight and wanted to save every one the drunken fun of a bar fight.she walks over and taps the boyfriends shoulder."i'm sure this man did nothing clearly it was your badly dressed girlfriend who flirted with him first beside's your just atough guy wannabe." Agile said leaning on the bar she was messing with her teal colored tie wich matched her darker blue shirt and plaid black and teal short skirt.
The guy's girlfriend gasped at Agile's insult. She looked extremely offended and ticked off. Sho had to bite his tongue to hold back his laughter. He loved the way humans interacted with each other. It was priceless. The guy on the other hand didn't even take the girl's crude remark into account. He just laughed and stared her up and down. Then he turned back to Sho who was sitting at the bar with a smug look on his face. The guy finally blew a fuse and grabbed Sho's shoulder.

"てを どけて よ!Get your hand off me" Sho's voice was so cold that ice seem to drip with every word he said.

The guy's girlfriend looked frantic. She didn't know who to pay attention to. She was mad that her boyfriend didn't even acknowledge the fact that she had been insulted and Sho loooked as though he really could kick her boyfriend's sorry butt. What a mess she had created and who was that girl to tell her she was poorly dressed. The girl said "Plaid is so tacky!"
Agile glared at the girlfriend and sighed shaking her head."you are gonna regret that" after the few words she took her hair wraping it around her hand and banged her face on the bar counter.she let go and soon jumped on and slide across the counter throwing bottles at her.after she ran out of bottles she tackled her to the ground hard climing on top of her she put her hands on her neck choking her." say you give up say it!"
The girl was struggling frantically. "I give up! Just tell your boyfriend over there to keep his eyes to himself!"

Sho looked as his drink fell to the floor. The man had let of Sho and ran over to fetch his girlfriend who getting the spit kicked out of her. The other guys in the bar were yipping like drunk animals. A few of them yelled some inappropriate slander. Sho looked and saw that his drink had fallen to the floor. He had just paid for that drink and now he wouldn't even get to drink it because of that girl. It ticked him off, but he didn't say anything. He really didn't feel like expending the energy to yell at a girl, a beautiful one at that and he had other business to attend to. He started to get from the table but another woman approached him. By now he was getting extremely annoyed and he looked over at the two women on the floor. Sho had to admit it was quite a site. He personally liked people with a temper as bad his.
Agile smiled and stood up puting one of her boots on the girls chest showing she won and looked at the other girl who walked up tohim she walked over and looke at her."beat it!" she growled before siting down and geting a drink.she seemed pretty proud of what she just did and ignored all the drunken men's stuid comments about the fight.she found it funny that she saved one fight just to get in another herself.
The girl that jus approached Sho backed off and nodded obviously frightened.

"You seem pretty proud of yourself. Do you often put on a show like that?"

Sho smirked. He didn't bother buying another drink seeing as his previous one had fallen to the ground. With his luck, it would just spill again. His shirt was soaked from the beer and wine that had been spilled from the rather short fight. Sho cringed his nose. The smell was rank. He headed off to the back entrance of the bar. He needed to get this smell off him. Sho needed to be scent free if he was going to catch his target. This target was a rather tricky one to find. The fact that Sho had found him in this city was pure luck. Earth wasn't as big as his planet but it was large enough that searching for one person would be a major set back without proper information.
Agle shook her head 'no' and watched as he walked away.she really hated fights but loved it when she won.she looked at mess she had made and felt bad."this is why i dont fight..." she muttered and helped the staff pick up broken glass shards,wipe off the counders of the stick mix of spille drinks and clean the floor so no one trips but with the people being drunk it was just gonna happen anyway on a wet floor or not.
Sho looked at the girl. He was hesistant, but she looked like she could use some excitement. He turned on his heel and crept up behind her.

"If you'll excuse my smell, would you like to run an errand with me?"

He didn't dare tell her, he was going to kill someone. However, even if Sho did tell her what was really going on, he gave her a choice didn't he? And so therefore, the girl was her own responsibility. Sho was just being generous. This was a rare occurence and he was not likely to offer something like this again.
Agile jumped and turned to him.besides the fact he just scared her half to death she was bored and wanted to see what he was up because she was just nosey like that."sure" she hoped out of her seat fixing her skirt so she didnt show anything off and followed him where ever he went .she didnt care if he was a stranger or not she may not trust him but she does however like his style.(and not the clothes kind)
Sho gave her smile. He made note that her skirt was quite short, but he wouldn't say anything just yet. He was wondering why a girl would go off alone with a guy like him, but it didn't matter. This girl seemed quited capable of handling herself. Even if her methods were a little rash.

"Shall we go then? I have to make a stop and change out of these clothes, but after that we'll be on our merry little way." His voice smooth like satin silk.

He walked towards the back entrance of the bar once more, expecting the girl to follow him and keep up.
Agile followed close behind.she wanted to get out of the bar that smelled like sweat and drunk idiots.she rush a head of him taking a breath of freash air happily.she looked up and shighed finding the sky so beautiful.she spun on her toes turning to him wich sent her smell and a small gust of wind his way.she had the scent of fresh jasmin and she looked at him waiting for him to show her the way.
Sho caught the scent. It permeated the air around him. This girl had a nice smell. It was a little too nice. Sho was hungry and he had a feeling this girl didn't want to know what he ate. He followed the girl out and then seemed to disappear for second then reappearing a little ways ahead of the girl. He was already standing at the entrance to his hotel. Yes, Sho lived in a hotel. He didn't quite mention that to the girl but she would figure it out when she got up here. Sho closed his eyes. He could hear the screams inside his head. His perfect plan was already in motion. In a few moments, the people on his planet will recognize him for accomplishment in all of history. And he would be alive to love through it all. Yes. That is exactly how he wanted this. All the respect and recognition all his for the taking... It was all running so smoothly.
"you stay here?" Agile asked as she stoped staring at the hotel sign."you need a home not a trash can to live in besides you pay to much for crapy service at hotels." she said and walked inside with out him taking a look around.she hated hotels they always riped her off when she stayed in one.she turned and walked back next to him."can i see your room?" she asked holding onto his arm leting him escort her there or where ever else he wanted to go.
Sho smiled at Agile's comment. Sho's hotel room was the penthouse. And he was in fact not paying at all to stay here. Sho lived here because he moved around a lot and to him, earthling money was expendable. It was means by which he could simply roam the planet as he wanted. Since one of his home planet dollars is equivalent to 50,000 dollars. He was slightly uncomfortable with the fact that this woman had grabbed his arm. Perhaps she had gotten the wrong idea. He didn't think much of it however. A lot of women were doing that sort of thing to him. On the plus side, Sho didn't exactly hate this girl. He wasn't sure what to think yet. But it didn't matter. He was going to blow this planet to kingdom kung. As the earthlings put it. He deserved to have a lot of fun.

"Don't count my little home out yet. And if you're going to insult my way of living... Well"

Sho pointed to the door, "the exit is right there." he finished.

He made way to the glass elevator. This was one of the finer earth establishments he had stayed in. His home planet had glass elevators in museums. He wondered how the humans had gotten something so old to look decent.
Agile let his arm go and looked around amazed at what she saw."wow" she smiled spining around spreading her smell every where.she stoped and rushed to the livin room looking at the larg tv."how many channels?" she asked and bent over the coffee table looking for the remote or guid.she kept tuging on her skirt pulling it down so hopefuly he didnt look.
Sho didn't know how many channels the television had. He didn't watch T.V. Sho just liked the room for view and the reception. He liked the way the city looked down upon it. He noticed the girl had been adjusting her skirt. He smirked. This girl was tease for the most part. Then again, weren't most humans? Sho had lived such a long life, but he was still a child on his planet. Sho stepped into his closet looking for some fresh clothes. He didn't have much. He decided that the black beater would suffice for what he was going to be doing in the next few minutes. Then he ripped out some faded skinny jeans and headed to the bathroom. Sho closed the door behind him and showered before returning outside. He was happy that he no longer had the foul stench of alcohol on him. It was a most offensive stench. This reminded Sho of how he hated attending bars for this reason.

He folded the clothes and set them on the end table near the door. He figured a maid of the hotel would get it and clean them. Sho didn't like the way the people washed their clothes here, but he had no choice if he wanted to stay disguised. He wondered why the girl had become taken with him... Usually his crude personality scared them off, but she will learn how crude he really is after this errand. Sho closed his eyes again. The screams were louder... He was close.

"Well if you are done staring at this contraption, shall we take our leave?" he said, not even trying to hold back the sly smile that slid across his face as he said it.
"huh?" Agile poped up thinking over the words he said."um it's just a tv....we all watch it." Agile said and looked at him.'he couldnt just say tv? what is with this guy is he from mars or somthing?' she thought as she walked to his side."i get to come back and watch tv right?" she asked with a smile not really thinking he would say yes but a girl can dream right?it saddened her she had to leave she would give anything just to stay one night here.
"Yes, I do know what it is and I happen to know that it is popular." Sho replied a bit coldly.

Does this girl think I'm stupid? Sho thought. The nerve of these earthlings never ceased to amaze him. She had even asked to come back and watch this infernal abomination called T.V. He thought about it. Didn't she earlier call his place a dump and now she wanted to come back to it. Well, that's if she wasn't scared off. She most likely would be. He didn't really want to extend such a curtesy, but he decided that he would play pretend. Unfortunately, this woman seemed like she would slow him down, but then he thought, She had asked to stay... Which means she will take care of herself...

"You can come back and watch that infernal contraption. And if you get tired, there's the bed. Don't expect me to stay here. I don't have time to babysit. You will have to take care of yourself." He emphsized that last bit.

Sho didn't have the time to host an earthling woman.

"Now if you'll please step here." Sho threw a strange black disk on the ground.

The disk eventually grew big enough for them to stand on. He stepped on it and disappeared.
Agiles eyes widened."what the...?" she said it took her a while before she steped on it.'what is this and what is it gonna do to me?!' these words kepted runing in her mind as her head spins from all of her confussion she sighs trying to shake it off before she suddenly left the hotel with him."where are we now?" she asked looking around slightly untrusting of him now.
Sho took pleasure in the girl's discomfort. He was surprised she even managed to step on the disk. Sho picked it up and it shrank small enough to fit in his pocket. This time the screams had stopped. He had arrived right on time. The girl didn't know where they were, but that was okay. Sho didn't need her to know. She couldn't say anything to the police if she didn't know where she was. Sho walked ahead of her. They appeared to be an alley. It was deathly silent. Sho walked out of the alley. A person stood before him and started talking in an unknown language. Sho looked pleased and responded the person.

"It is time you know." Sho said slyly giving off his signature smirk.

"I knew you would come for me! Who are you!" The person screamed.

"For now, I'm errand boy and my leader wants his enemies taken care of. Do you understand what I mean?" Sho said quietly.

The man started shouting. Sho quickly grasped the man's mouth and covered it. No sound escaped even when he let go. The man was obviously in shock. He shook his head frantically and started taking money out of his pockets. Sho just put his finger to his mouth amd shook his head. He had searched for too long for this man. It was time for him to die. Sho pulled out a strange neck collar and place it around the man who was now struggling to get it off. Sho pulled out a remote. He then let a cruel laugh.

"Remember how you kill my people? Well this is how it feels..." Sho said coldly.

The man appeared to be screaming in pain, but no sound was being emitted. Sho smirked and watched. This was his favorite part of the job.
Agile walked over beside sho and watched.no screaming for help no 'stop hurting him' in fact she seemed to enjoy it deeply.she fliped her hair to the side trying to hide a smile.yes she found this very funny and soon clutched her stomach laughing..she was laughing so hard it started to hurt."he is in so much pain...i...i just." she was cut off by more laughing and didnt seem to stop long enough for her to finish.
Sho smiled. He didn't seem to pay attention to the girl. He started mocking the man who was screaming. Sho knew every word this man was saying.

"NO, please stop I'm sorry." Sho mocked.

He laughed and finally the pressure that had been building inside the man exploded. His head splashed along wall. Sho remained clean as not a drop of blood had touched him. He wasn't sure if the girl was so lucky, but no matter. He carefully took the bloody collar off the man put it back in a bag he had been carrying. It was then that Sho realized, the girl was laughing. If he hadn't been on business he might partake in such laughter. However, Sho understood how this man must have looked. It was humiliating beyond all reason. Everyone laughed at you until your head exploded before your eyes. This was how this man killed many of Sho's people. He had watched it happen to his friends and family, but there was no reason to tell this girl that.

Sho walked away from the man and then asked suddenly, "When you are done with your incoherent laughter, would you mind telling me your name?"

Realizing that he hadn't even asked the girl her name. However, usually he never got the chance to. Most girls ran off screaming and that was what made Sho buckle down in what seemed to be endless laughter. He was such a cold man or was he really just someone who enjoyed justice? It was perhaps a little bit of both.
Agile soon slowed down her laughing and followed him."are we going to your home now?" she ignored what he asked she had a lot of fun until she felt blood run down her face."oh come on...butthat was so funny i mean it's just like in the movies 'oh please please dont kill me i will do anything'" she giggled as she mocked the tv shows and movies where people beged for there life."can we do it again?" she asked wiping blood off her face lucky for her it never stained her outfit.
Movie? Sho thought. And she completely ignored my question. Sho stopped abrubtly. He didn't quite care for people to blow off his questions. We? My home? Sho smiled to himself. So eager to return and this girl wanted to do it again. What movie shows a murder? Sho shrugged off the thought. He continued with the task at hand.

"If you want to stay as long as possible, I'd answer my previous question." Sho said coldly.

Sho had more business to attend to here. He was actually considering sending the girl home for his next task. There was more to come. His enemies were sure to have the explosion. They would be coming for him and Sho would have to fight. Not that it would truly be a fight. It would be more of an exercise really. He could eat after he was finished. His stomach had begun to protest from the lack of nutrients. Sho hated eating earth food, but judging from how things were going, he would have to stomach it. He sighed. A small set back indeed.

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