Nubs McShouty
ME: Im mos7ly friend2 wi7h my group
ME: Bu7
ME: A few i don7 like
ME: E2pecially a cer7ain heire22
ME: If your plane7 ha2 flarping
ME: 7hen don7 do i7
ME: 7hat2 really all i can 2ay on 7hat ma77er
ME: Bu7 im in good 7erm2 wi7h mo27 of 7hem
ME: Apparen7ly im very likeable
ME: Id men7ion 7hem all bu7
ME: 7here2 a lo7 of u2
ME: Bu7
ME: A few i don7 like
ME: E2pecially a cer7ain heire22
ME: If your plane7 ha2 flarping
ME: 7hen don7 do i7
ME: 7hat2 really all i can 2ay on 7hat ma77er
ME: Bu7 im in good 7erm2 wi7h mo27 of 7hem
ME: Apparen7ly im very likeable
ME: Id men7ion 7hem all bu7
ME: 7here2 a lo7 of u2