• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

A homestuck fanventure

ME: Im mos7ly friend2 wi7h my group

ME: Bu7

ME: A few i don7 like

ME: E2pecially a cer7ain heire22

ME: If your plane7 ha2 flarping

ME: 7hen don7 do i7

ME: 7hat2 really all i can 2ay on 7hat ma77er

ME: Bu7 im in good 7erm2 wi7h mo27 of 7hem

ME: Apparen7ly im very likeable

ME: Id men7ion 7hem all bu7

ME: 7here2 a lo7 of u2
ME: Wha7

ME: Aderyn didn7 2end you i7?

ME: Ok wha7ever

ME: Le7 me 2end you a copy

-- mellocremeExplosion [ME] attatched file 7hi2game2uck2.exe --

ME: 7here

ME: Wai7

ME: Who 7he hell2 going 7o be your 2erver player and clien7

ME: No idea who 7he fuck your 2erver will be bu7

ME: I don7 7hink your clien7 2hould be a 7roll

ME: You 2eem really 2kep7ical 7hat we aren7 human2

ME: If you 2ee one of u2 youll be like

ME: "Holy 2hi7 7hey are alien2 af7er all wow 7hey look 2o ho7 i wi2h i wa2 cool like 7hem 7oo bad im ju2t an ugly human"

ME: 7oo fucking bad for 7he ugly human2

ME: I 2till don7 under27and how you all have 7he 2ame blood color

ME: If your all cerulean2 ill lo2e my preciou2 individuali7y

ME: Don7 be cerulean2
IC: Well it just seems silly to me that an other alien species or whatever would try to contact us just for shits and giggles. You must have some reason to deal with our annoying race of idiots because despite being a human myself, I'd say that pretty well describes us. As for my server player, hopefully that turns out to be CP. He says he knows a lot about the game already. Do you know who yours is going to be?
ME: 2o maybe mo27 of 7he rea2on i2 7o be like

ME: "Lol you 27upid alien2 we are 2o much be77er 7han you"

ME: Which i2 7rue mo27 likely

ME: 7he o7her rea2on i2 7hat auran7 keep2 nagging a7 u2 7o

ME: He kind of freak2 me 7he fuck out 2o

ME: And aderyn i2 all on board to "making friend2" wi7h 2ome o7her 2hi77y 2pecie2

ME: 2o ba2ically now im having 7o do 7hi2 7oo

ME: I7s no7 like i have much el2e 7o do anyway 7hough

ME: I could alway2 flarp bu7 hell no

ME: Having
one eyeball in a jar i2 creepy enough

ME: A2 for who my 2erver

ME: Mo27 likely ei7her 2elini or alayli

ME: We haven7 all figured every7hing out comple7ely ye7
IC: I suppose that makes sense. I'll ask CP about it soon.

IC: Speaking of which, the little bastard is pestering me now!

The pesterlog popped up with seth's chumhandle and a wall of text from him:

comicalPandemonium [CP] began pestering intellectualCynical [IC]

CP: can you listen to me for two seconds?

CP: helloooooo?

CP: oh my fucking god

CP: you know i know more about that game then any stranger you happen to meet, right?

CP: and yet you continue to sit there and completely ignore me as i type this

CP: why do i even help you

CP: doesnt seem you need it

CP: oh yeah because i need a FUCKING CLIENT

CP: what are you and that guy even talking about anyways?

CP: i know every time i press enter it beeps to notify you that i'm tryna talk to you.

CP: and that makes it even more fucked up

CP: the very fact that you know i'm trying to get your attention

CP: and you just continue to sit there and pretend i'm not even there

CP: like a fucking frog and a fly

CP: your the frog just sitting on a log looking at a stream or some shit

CP: and im the fly buzzing around you trying to get your attention

CP: but no you just continue sitting on your ass

CP: but then you notice me finally

CP: and then you eat the fly

CP: you know why?

CP: coz your a fucking frog and frogs eat flies

CP: why the fuck would a frog give two shits about a fly unless its hungry

IC: Hmm?

CP: oh god there you are
hyperactivePhantom [HP] began trolling mellocremeExplosion [ME] at be:e2

HP: Has the Mage 0f V0id. Inaugurated the game.

ME: Oh god no7 creepy-a22 ghos7 guy again

ME: Bu7 no

ME: I 7hink

ME: I2n7 7his "mage of void" or wha7ever 7he fuck your 7alking about 7he 2arca27ic human?

HP: They are telling me. T0 be m0re vel0cious pertaining to it.

ME: Do I even wan7 7o fucking a2k who 7he hell "7hey" are

HP: The eldritch g0ds.

ME: Yeah I really don7

ME: Do you wan7 me to whine a7 7hat human girl to get off her a22 and play 7he game

HP: C0rr0b0rative.

ME: Fiiiiiiiine

HP: The Mage 0f. V0id, Maid 0f Breath, Mage 0f Space, and. Witch of Heart must. Begin.

HP: It is. Kismet.

ME: Yeaaahhh

ME: I have no idea wha7 youre 7alking about

HP: The game. Must begin.

ME: Ill go nag a7 7hem

ME: Don7 ge7 your 2pec7ral pan7ie2 in a kno7

[ME] ceased trolling hyperactivePhantom [HP] at 2spo:oky4u


Tiomba sighed, getting bored from all this ghostly game nonsense. She clicked open the pesterlog between her and the pink-texted human, and began typing.

ME: Yo

ME: Ge7 7he game quicker

ME: Dead guy i2 ge77ing creepier

ME: 2ome7ime2 i wonder if he 2ay2 all hi2 2pooky non2en2e ju27 7o creep me ou7

ME: 2pare me 7he awkward pe27erlog2 and make your friend2 ge7 7he game
Isabella continued pestering Seth:

IC: I haven't even been gone that long. Why are you being such a wet sack of balls about this?

CP: it just gets annoying when were talking and then you go 'oh oops some random asshole is pestering me ill have to drop everything like it was made of the hottest shit on planet earth and answer them, who fucking knows when i'll answer you again.'

IC: Okay I admit that I do in fact do that a lot. But if I don't answer these dweebs the second they start pestering me then more and more of their friends will start spamming me and then I can't get rid of them for months. Plus this is the first time they've ever said anything about sburb and it seems fun, or at least funner than if I didn't play it. Because what else would I have to do?

CP: what a great excuse

CP: do you even know how to get the game

CP: i already have it and need you to connect okay

IC: Yes, I've got a copy of it and will do so now. What about your friends?

CP: we already got this all figured out

CP: i'm your server player

CP: thats all you need to know for now probly

CP: although i will tell you that we cant start till you do

CP: so put that shit in your computer and fire it up

IC: Alright, fine.

She clicked the file the troll had sent her, and soon it displayed a starting page with a loading screen.

IC: There, it's up. Do I just let it load?

CP: yeah just let it do its thing

CP: so just tell me when youre in and we'll be off like a herd of turtles that just touched hot lava

CP: and then they realized that that shit is hot as fuck and they need to get away from it

CP: so they hop on their little turtle skateboards and they skateboard the fuck out of there

IC: Hey

CP: what

IC: Shut the hell up okay

CP: f u

[CP] ceased pestering intellectualCynical [IC]

She clicked the tab still open which displayed ME's pesterlog.

IC: Alright, the game is loading as we speak. Seth said he'd get his friends to play as soon as I connect to him.

IC: I assume that also means he's already in the game.
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ME: Good

ME: Becau2e 7his dead limeblood freak2 me 7he fuck ou7 when he goe2 on abou7 eldri7ch god2 or de27iny or wha7ever

ME: 2ome of my friend2 are beginning to connec7 7o 7he game a2 we 2peak


The limeblood looked around, his white eyes faintly glowing. He spotted a tall sunflower, its thorns leaking a glowing poison that could kill even a highblood in mere hours. This posed no threat to him, however. You can't kill a ghost. He slowly floated over to the flower, time having lost meaning to him hundreds and hundreds of sweeps ago. He had managed to stay existant as a ghost this long through his only two remaining, faint emotions; Frusturation and a love for all non-troll beings.

His telepathy allowed him to speak either verbally or telepathically to all animals, plants.. Every living being that was not a troll. Anything and everything. This, of course, included sunflowers.

AURANT: Shal0m.

JESSICA: Sup bro

JESSICA: How's your ghost shit goin

AURANT: I have been rendered. Numb. T0 all em0tion despite anger.

JESSICA: Im a motionless plant

AURANT: Adequate.

AURANT: H0w are the. Seeds.

JESSICA: Shits cool with them

JESSICA: Chloe started to blossom yesterday

JESSICA: They grow up so fast

AURANT: When was. Yesterday.

JESSICA: Yesterday


AURANT: Eric get 0ff. Jessica.

ERIC: why

JESSICA: Your a caterpillar you are literally eating me

ERIC: guess im

eating you out





ERIC: im sorry ill go

Seth's POV:

Seth took a bite out of the only food he'd had all day, a small mcdonald's cheeseburger with a side of fries, as he scrolled through his chumroll. He had lots of gamer friends on it, but today he only needed to chat with one person. He clicked on a dark brown name and started typing.

comicalPandemonium [CP] began pestering occupiedGenius [OG]

CP: hey

CP: i got izzy to connect

CP: is everything ready on your end?
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OG: yers ive bene multittaksing ati t

OG: its laoding

OG: i swaer thsie game isa watse of time

OG: not to emntion my autn dosnet want me on tihs prorgarm

OG: letse juts make this siht qiuck
CP: it's not a waste

CP: well, maybe it is but

CP: it wouldn't kill you to take some time to play this game

CP: it's a badass game
CP: k

CP: mine's almost done too

CP: i'll get back to you when it's loaded

CP: maybe later idk

CP: something tells me i'll be dealing with Izzy's shit for a while though

CP: has EG connected?
CP: alright cool.

CP: hey it loaded for izzy

CP: hang on

intellectualCynical [IC] began pestering comicalPandemonium [CP]

IC: Seth

IC: I've entered the game. Not much is happening. What do I do now?

CP: ok

CP: ive loaded too

CP: ok first of all, i guess we'll start by putting in some essential stuff

CP: like a cruxtruder.

IC: The fuck is a cruxtruder?

CP: again, another thing that is irrelevant for you to know.

CP: i'm putting it in your bathroom. go hit the top of it with something and tell me what happens.

IC: You just expect me to do that without any explanation whatsoever? You're out of your mind! How did you even put it there?

CP: it's to help jumpstart the game.

CP: just do it okay? we can't play unless it's done.

IC: Fine. Give me a sec.

Isabel's POV:

She got up and walked to her bathroom in which now sat a large machine. She guessed this was the cruxtruder. She thought Seth had told her to hit it with something?
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The seadweller looked at the Microgrub Paint window he had opened on his husktop, looking over the poorly drawn "chart" he had open. In listed all of the names of him and his friends in a circle loop. He glanced quickly over a few of the names, Selini, Myrtac, Sagara, Dabala, Eirian... It all looped perfectly and everything was placed correctly. He had trolled a few of them to make sure they weren't placed in any client-server connection that might result in both them and their client getting pissy at eachother. Of course, he had known fairly well not to put Team Massacre with Team Melee, as they were idiots and would most likely stab eachother to death, as he'd say.

He looked back over at the blank trollian window he had open. He highlighted the text, set by an otherwise anonymous 'DS', whatever the ancronym stood for being a mystery to him, revealing a link to a game that, unbeknownst to him, would cause the deaths of him and his friends, many times over.

After rereading a bit of a short walkthrough to the game, short being a stretch, the writer, (tentacleTherapist? What kind of username is that?), being a bit too wordy for his taste, he clicked back to the trollian window.

He had already sent his friends copies of the download, aside from a few, along with four extras for Aderyn. Of course, he didn't know nor care what she was planning to do with the copies.

His cursor neared the original download link for this game, before clicking.

The Bard of Life began his quest.


occupiedGenius [OG] began pestering empathicGlacier [EG] at hO:nK

OG: os im in

OG: no idae watht to do mow tho'


OG: ydse u mronon!!

EG: English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

OG: oh my god

OG: jsut

OG: ugh

OG: i shuld have askeed seht wat im suposed 2 do now

EG: He is your client player.

EG: You have to stop whatever lame bullshit you're doing that is making you eternally type like a drunk toddler,

EG: And plop down some fucking
machines in that bitch,

EG: While my game finishes loading,

EG: So that I can do some machine-plopping so that you can start.

EG: Basically, we are going to be eternally plopping machines in eachothers' homes in an endless paradoxical loop.

Machine plops of space and time.

OG: ignorign that yur an idoit

OG: im gona do taht

OG: this gaem loks like the fuckign sims

occupiedGenius [OG]
ceased pestering empathicGlacier [EG] at pen:is


Aurant floated in front of his cracked, floating grubtop, of which was faintly leaking grubsauce, the ghost's expression blank. He clicked on the file for SBURB, and began trolling his "friend" in the meantime.

hyperactivePhantom [HP] began trolling mellocremeExplosion [ME] at HEREIT:GOESAGAIN

HP: I am. D0wnl0ading the game.

HP: Are the. 0thers d0wnl0ading it withal.

ME: Why can7 i7 be 2omeone el2e

ME: Bluguguhugghghghghhhhhh

ME: Bu7 ye2

ME: 7he o7her2 are downloading i7 "wi7hal"

HP: G00d.

HP: I want t0 instigate. This as quickly as c0nceivable.

HP: F0r reas0ns 0f. My 0wn s0licitati0n.

ME: I didn7 know you had 7he conceivable abili7y 7o wan7 some7hing

HP: It is a. New em0ti0n.

HP: N0t as unfamiliar as. What I will feel. After I finish this machinati0n.

ME: Youre creeping me ou7 again why did i no7 expec7 7his

HP: Naiveté.

ME: I 7ake offen2e 7o 7ha7

HP: D0 y0u kn0w. What av's server/client chart is.

ME: Ye2

ME: Do you no7

HP: I d0. It is just. It will be null s00n.

ME: Dare i a2k why

HP: 0nce again. F0r reasons 0f. My 0wn c0ntrivance.

HP: I w0uld. Prefer. That y0u d0 n0t. Tell av.

HP: He may pr0ve. Vexed. At this revelation.

ME: 2o, ba2ically, youre making a plan behind avaro22 back 7o fuck over hi2 2erver/clien7 plan for no rea2on o7her 7han you wan7 7o?

HP: Yes.

ME: Oh

ME: Cool

ME: 2o who am i s7uck wi7h?

HP: Selini. Myself. or Dabala.

ME: Why 7hough

HP: First 0f all. I d0 n0t want. T0 have an heiress. Wh0 w0uld m0st likely. Have an instinct t0 kill me. After I return. As my server.

ME: I can agree 7hat 2agara is a bi7ch

HP: If y0u want. T0 put it that way.

ME: Wai7

ME: Re7urn?

hyperactivePhantom [HP] ceased trolling mellocremeExplosion [ME] at CL1FF:H4NG3R

ME: Oh my god

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▪A few moments later▪

IC: Alright, I've done everything you've told me to do so far.

CP: did you hit the cruxtruder?

IC: Yes.

CP: started the countdown?

IC: Yes.

CP: made your artifact?

IC: Yes seth, I have in fact done all those things.

CP: did you use the artifact

IC: Seth.

CP: you need to use it in some way

CP: so you can not die

CP: in the game probably

IC: Seth.

CP: oh i see your artifact is a ball

CP: wtf thats so basic

IC: Seth.

CP: ok just

CP: take that shit and slam it against the wall as hard as you can



IC: Thank you for informing me on what to do with the artifact, but I don't think I'll be slamming it against the wall.

CP: why

IC: Well for one thing, I could break something valuable to me in my room.

CP: just roll it really hard

CP: or dont roll it hard i dont care

CP: just do

CP: ball-y things with it

IC: Seth, I'm taking this ball outside and boincing it.

CP: theres no time though

CP: your timers running out

CP: just do it in your room

IC: No! I refuse to break anything in this room!

CP: just forget about your precious pieces of useless shit for a sec

CP: hurry

IC: They are NOT useless!

CP: just do it!!


Isabel then picked up the ball, threw it at a wall as hard as she could out of frustration and then fell to the floor as she was blinded by a huge light outside her house.


comicalPandemonium [CP] began pestering occupiedGenius [OG]

CP: aight shes in

CP: lets get this show on the road
OG: im alos in

OG: waitngi for axsis

OG: but
for nwo

OG: im goign 2 put a wahtevr tahe fukc this thign is

OG: over hree

She then attempted to put a cruxtruder in Seth's bedroom. It couldn't fit. She made room, accidentally chucking something through the wall.


OG: uh

OG: yaeh thers the

OG: crutxurdre?

OG: uhh

OG: yeaah i hav no idae wher your bed wetn

OG: sorry

OG: uh


Following the limeblood's new server/client plan, which included specific trolls around him and everyone else doing whatever the fuck they want, several trolls began the game.

Following the Bard of Doom, the Heir of Life, Knight of Life, Witch of Breath, Knight of Void, Maid of Hope, and Witch of Mind began SBURB, with a few more to follow soon.

hyperactivePhantom [HP] began trolling intellectualCynical [iC]

HP: I d0 n0t. Have an interest in. Speaking with 0r tr0lling the humans.

HP: H0wever. Aderyn appears t0. S0 I will ask.

HP: Preferably. Bef0re I G0dtier.

HP: Have y0u. And y0ur friends. Entered the game. And the medium, Mage.

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CP: oh

CP: ok well

CP: i may need my bed to like

CP: sleep

CP: when i get tired

CP: guess ill sleep on the floor now

CP: thanks though


IC: Uhm, I guess. I've been teleported to this weird floaty place. I suppose that's part of the game? As for Seth I'm sure he's getting his friends into it as we speak.

IC: He sorta just left me to fight these little black guys that are randomly in my house now and are getting into *all* my shit.
Aurant looked at the floating, ominously glowing orb infront of him. He had talked to his server, Selini, having told her to place various machines in his general vicinity. After she had completed her task as assigned by the limeblood, he had trolled Sagara to tell her that she would be the next in line for the server/client connections, as he had regained a small bit of his knack for causing shit. He remembered that he was trolling a human, and continued the pesterlog,

HP: It is. A part 0f the game.

HP: I w0uld rec0mmend that. Y0u kill the imps.

HP: They will pr0duce. Grist. F0r y0ur server. T0 use.

HP: When he. Returns. He sh0uld build. Up y0ur hive.

And now, with a cracked iGrub in one hand, he was prepared to perform the most important, and most rewarding, part of his plan. A plan fueled by the ever so slight drive to revive, and the faint, dulled emotions that come with it. However, he needed to prototype something as in the orb beforehand. He looked at the group of animals that eternally followed him, choosing a small, housecat-sized catbird. He pet the catbird, before telling them to go into the kernelsprite,

AURANT: Can y0u. G0 int0 that 0rb.


AURANT: Because 0rb.

MITTENS: rebellion

AURANT: G0 int0 the 0rb


AURANT: G0. Int0 the 0rb.


AURANT: G0 int0 the 0rb











MITTENS: idk im a cat

AURANT: Y0u are. A catbird.


MITTENS: fine omg

After the first protyping of CATBIRDSPRITE, and after activating his artifact, the Heir of Life entered the medium onto the Land of Stars and Wild, or LoSaW.
After a few brief moments of sneaking around from one side of his house to another to avoid his parents, Seth proceeded to get his artifact: a marker. There was just one problem. His mother would never allow him to mark on anything in his room, and not being one that liked to draw or write, he had no paper. Well he had to use it some way, he decided, time was running out quickly. So he got one of his school trophies with the little mirror in it from his dresser, sat it on his bed, sat in from of the mirror, lifted his shirt, and began to write 'YOUR MOM WAS HERE' on his stomach and drew an arrow pointing downward under what he'd written. He then entered the medium onto the Land of Bubbles and Clouds.


Meanwhile Isabella decided she needed a more mobile way of communicating, her laptop was becoming a pain in the ass to drag around everywhere.

And since the alchemizer was still here, albeit crushing the TV in her living room, she decided to take her laptop and a pink slap band and made a handy pink slaptop. It's a good thing she did too because soon the imps decided to pick up a heavy pot and break the window on her bedroom door with it! Now the little buggers where climbing into her room through the window. She hadn't had time to alchemize much other than a penerf gun created by combining a nerf gun and a pencil. She then began shooting small waves of imps as they wiggled their way through the window in the head to earn grist.
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Aurant decided now was the time for the second prototyping of his sprite. He proceeded to shove himself into the catbirdsprite, creating ""CATAURANTBIRDSPRITE"".

And now was time for a nap.

hyperactivePhantom [HP] is now idle!


Everything in his sight was made of vines. Of course, all he could see was the inside of the prospit cocoon. He happily flailed around inside of the vine cocoon, until his horns had managed to rip open enough of a hole for him to pop out, and land several feet away after being airborne for a few seconds. Either way, he smiled, floating upwards.

That had been the vine cocoon that had kept Aurant's dreamself alive for over 1,000 sweeps. After freeing himself, it seemed like a good idea to fuck around for a while, cause some shit, maybe have a telepathic conversation with the White Queen. After many wacky hijinks, he finally decided now was the time for strategic suicide.

He flew across miles of golden towers, to reach his quest recuperacoon. This would be where he would ascend, and be himself in his normal form as well. After sitting inside of the recuperacoon, however, the main question was how to commit suicide with a flail when you do not want to bleed out for a few hours. He could try to knock off his head and hope he doesn't end up in the previously mentioned bleeding out situation. Or he could just pick the spiked part up and just sort of flail it around a bit?

Suicide proved to be very difficult.

He proceeded to chuck the flail in his own general direction, in which the handle hit himself in the face, and the spikey bit went behind him. He proceeded to flop backwards.

AURANT: Ow! This is!! The shittiest pillow!

After an hours worth of awkwardly throwing around his flail, spiking himself with it in various directions and occasionally smacking himself in the face with the handle, he finally had managed to die on the slab, most likely from all the lime-colored blood that has covered the entire general area.


Aurant woke up, fusing with his dreamself, godtiering.

He was still on his planet, however he had a new appearance.

He was wearing a tan outfit with a very, very long hood, a green Life symbol in the middle of his shirt. From his sprite catbird fusion, he had slit pupils, talons, feathery wings in place of a regular godtier's insect wings, his normally blunt teeth had grown catlike fangs, not to mention he had a furry white tail. He quickly decided that everyone ever must know about this. Every single trolltag or chumhandle he knows, whether or not he's ever trolled them before.

He realized he was still trolling
intellectualCynical, and decided it was time to continue the conversation.






This looked like a good enough way to continue a pleasant conversation.

There were still more to troll, however.

hyperactivePhantom [HP] began trolling typhloticLawfulness [TL]



TL: What


TL: Uhhh


TL: I don't


hyperactivePhantom [HP]
ceased trolling typhloticLawfulness [TL]

TL: What the fuck ghostboy

hyperactivePhantom [HP] began trolling comicalPandemonium [CP]




hyperactivePhantom [HP]
began trolling aristocraticCorpse [AC]


hyperactivePhantom [HP] ceased trolling aristocraticCorpse [AC]

AC: uhh

hyperactivePhantom [HP] began trolling plumedActress [PA]


PA: mEw


PA: mrOw


PA: cAw


PA: mEOw


PA: mEw


PA: mrOw


PA: cAw


PA: mEOw


PA: mEw


PA: mrOw


PA: cAw


PA: mEOw

This bullshit went on for like an hour, until Aderyn fell asleep. Aurant proceeded to continue spamming bird and cat noises, vibrating slightly, with a big stupid grin on his face.
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After a while if fighting imps, Isabel stopped to type on her slaptop. She asked the random kind troll who pestered her earlier what to do next, only to get meowed and skrawed at repeatidly.

IC: Hello?

IC: Why are you doing that? What do I do now that I've got grist? Seth still isn't answering me.

IC: Will you please stop that?






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