• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings A Heart’s Mortal Coil [CS Thread]



*Willingly Participates in Self Sabotoge*
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • -Insert FC Or Paragraph of Appearance-

    Character Name/Quoter

    Gender: (Any is fine you dont need to be a Magical “girl” to be a magical girl)
    Height || Weight:
    Age || Birthday: (Any age above 10 is fine)
    Appearance Notes: (Extra Information not covered from FC image, if applicable)

[tabs][tab=Personal Information]
-Insert FC Or Paragraph of Appearance-

[blockquote=Character Name/Quoter] (CHARACTER QUOTE/SONG LYRICS HERE) [/blockquote]

[b]Nicknames: [/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] (Any is fine you dont need to be a Magical “girl” to be a magical girl)
[b]Height || Weight:[/b]
[b]Age || Birthday: (Any age above 10 is fine)[/b]
[b]Appearance Notes: (Extra Information not covered from FC image, if applicable)[/b]

[tab=Magical Girl Profile]
[center]-Insert FC Or Paragraph of Appearance-[/center]

[blockquote=Character Name/Quoter] (CHARACTER QUOTE/SONG LYRICS HERE) [/blockquote]
[b]Appearance [Optional Place to note additional shit]:[/b]

[b]Magical Girl Attunement type:[/b] REAL or ARTIFICIAL
[b]Prefered Weapons:[/b] 
[b]How does your artifact look when transformed and detransformed:[/b] explain

[b]Magical Girl Aspect:[/b]
[b]Description of your bonded artifact spirit:[/b] (lmk if you wanna make it more story relevant we can collab)
[b]Granted Powers:[/b]
[b]Transformation Info:[/b]

[b]Reason for Risking it all:[/b]
[b]Health Issues from Elysium:[/b]
[b]Granted Powers:[/b]
[b]Transformation Info:[/b]

[tab=Family Relations]
[b]Is your relationship with your family good? Why or why not?[/b]

[b]What values did your family teach that you still follow? Why?[/b]

[b]What values did your family teach that you don’t follow? Why?[/b]

[b]Relations: (Optional)[/b]
List Family member, relation: your opinion of them (age)

[tab=Interpersonal Relations]

[b]Where do you feel the most at peace? Why?[/b]

[b]Where do you feel the safest? Why?[/b]

[b]What type of people do you surround yourself with? Why?[/b]

[b]What type of people do you avoid? Why?[/b]

[b]Who are your friends currently? How did you meet and how long ago was this? (Optional)[/b]
[tab=Impactful Moment 1]
[b]What moment made the biggest impact in your life?[/b]

[b]How did it change your view?[/b]

[b]Did it give you any lasting change in likes, dislikes, fears, or goals.[/b]
[tab=Impactful Moment 2]
[b]What moment made the Second biggest impact in your life?[/b]

[b]How did it change your view?[/b]

[b]Did it give you any lasting change in likes, dislikes, fears, or goals.[/b]
[tab=Impactful Moment 3 (Optional)]
Optional third impact moment
[tab=Other Moments]
[b]What’s your happiest memory that wasn’t an impactful moment.[/b]

[b]What’s one of your saddest memories that was or wasn’t an impactful moment.[/b]

Accepted OCs

1) Yamada Yuriko simj26 simj26
2) Saiua Umi The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
3) Nishida Yuko Haze- Haze-
4) Ikaika Delroy Alama The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
5) Fontaine Marisol Nova Anyw Nova Anyw
6) Shima Kiri ATurei ATurei
7) Akiyama Rinka Roda the Red Roda the Red
8) Moscow Bierstadt Coyote Hart Coyote Hart

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    ...A-are you sure about this?
    Saiua Umi

    Name: Saiua Umi
    Height || Weight: 5'6, 96lbs
    Age || Birthday: 18, August 27th
    Appearance Notes: A head of black, frazzled hair topping what more resembles a clothing rack than a young woman. Sauia is a thin, sickly looking girl who can usually be caught fussing over one thing or another. She hides her face behind a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and a face mask, and is usually bundled in several layers of clothing, her body seemingly caught in a perpetual state of winter chill.​
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    Let’s dance, honey.
    Yamada Yuriko

    Name: Yamada Yuriko
    Nicknames: The Witch / Yuri
    Gender: Female
    Height || Weight: 181 cm
    Age || Birthday: 49 || 26th December
    Appearance Notes: (Extra Information not covered from FC image, if applicable)

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    Character Name/Quoter

    Name: Tonalli Ayala
    Nicknames: Nalli, Tona
    Gender: Female
    Height || Weight: 5'4 || 162cms // 135lbs || 61kgs
    Age || Birthday: 14 || February 27
    Appearance Notes: This is a temp placeholder with vibes I want ain't really tooooo close. But at the very least the build's and skin tone's right. (Her hair will probably be diff colors) She will have the tribal tattoos though and probably super short hair (In essence I felt I had to put something for now)

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    C'mon then, show me something worth my time...
    Nishida Yūko

    Name: Nishida Yūko
    Nicknames: The Arsenal // The Usurper || Yū-ni
    Gender: F
    Height || Weight: 5'7'' || idk
    Age || Birthday: 19 || September 9th

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    "I'll take as many as I can with me before I die."

    Name: Akiyama Rinka
    Nicknames: Rin, Hedgehog
    Height || Weight: 170cm (5'7) || 65kg (143lbs)
    Age || Birthday: 19 || February 12th
    Appearance Notes: Contrasting to his gloomy appearance and disposition, he usually wears brightly-colored clothes

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  • Fontaine is a scrawny kid. It can be hard to tell, underneath
    his usually baggy clothes. He has a scraggly mop of auburn hair, and matching brown eyes.
    His wiry hands and arms, whenever he rolls his sleeves up to get to work, are often covered in
    splotches of paint, dried too long to be removed without serious effort. Effort wasted in
    Fontaine's book. His facial features are sharp, but his smile is crooked to his left side.

    Not that anyone sees it, often. He tends to keep a bandana up around the lower half of
    his face, and most of his wardrobe consists of sweaters, slacks, and jackets. All of which have
    had little doodles and scenes painted onto them. None of the imagery is cohesive.

    Breathe deep. Air's good for the lungs, and the mind.

    Name: Fontaine Marisol
    Nicknames: Fonz
    Gender: Male
    Height || Weight: 5' 6" || ???
    Age || Birthday: 16 || January 18

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  • “So...what are you in for?”

    Name: Ikaika Delroy Alama

    Nicknames: Ika, Del

    Age || DOB : 23 || May 19

    Gender: M

    Height || Weight: 5’7 || 160 lbs

    Appearance:Ika’s physique leans into the athletic yet with toned muscles and slightly broad shoulders. He possesses ear piercings, as well as a tongue piercing.
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    Name: Shima Kiri
    Nicknames: Raijin, Kato (no one, literally no one, calls her this, despite her desperation to pay homage to her idol Kurt Cobain)
    Gender: Female
    Height || Weight: 178cm/5’10 || 66kg/145lbs
    Age || Birthday: 18 / March 13th
    Appearance Notes: (Extra Information not covered from FC image, if applicable)

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    "Haha... Can't Keep Up? I Don't Blame You~"
    Moscow Bierstadt

    Name: Moscow Bierstadt
    Nicknames: N/A
    Gender: Male
    Height || Weight: 6ft || 115lbs
    Age || Birthday: 18 || November 29th
    Appearance Notes: White colored dragon-like scales can be seen throughout Moscow's abdomen, legs, and arms. Moscow has a rather fragile look about him.


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