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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes: Song of Champions

[div class=fyurifauxtabs]Veth | Cyrus' Study | Birdsie Birdsie [/div]
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[/div]Veth, once she confirmed she had found the correct room, entered the room cautiously. She gently closed the door behind her, before turning around and her eyes taking in the study curiously. It contained a great many unusual things. A theme of the study was that it seemed to have been vacant and unused for some time; well parts of it anyway. She wondered how such a room would have gone completely unnoticed by the current guildmaster.

When the wizard identified her as the 'huggy one' her head lowered slightly and she wondered how long it would take for that scene to be forgotten by those who had witnessed it. She couldn't have predicted his sudden appearance and she had truly expected to win the wager. This was an important lesson for her; never again include alcohol into a wager, ever again. She had become cocky and this was a reminder.

Veth paused in her approach when he spoke in Elvish. She shouldn't have found it unexpected due to his age to know multiple languages, but it has been so long since she had heard the Elvish tongue. There was a pang of homesickness, but she pushed it down to the back of her thoughts. It was a foolish thing to feel. Veth wasn't sure it would be polite to decline his offer of food, and she doubt he would poison her, so she nodded acceptance of the offer of stew.

She set down her belongings and sat down at the small table in one of the six chairs, folding her hands into her lap and sitting perfectly straight. "This one will make no excuse for her earlier behavior that you witnessed earlier. This one accepts the consequences of her unwise decision and do wish to apologize for the horrible impression she has most likely left upon you. This one also understands why you would not see her as one fit to be a member of the guild."

It was strange to speak Elvish after nearly three years, using her high formal tongue to display respect to the elder wizard. "This one has a humble request to prove herself more than a drunken fool. This one still have much to learn about this world and had hoped she would be able to do some good while she learned."
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Ellis | Great Dining Hall | Noble Scion Noble Scion

Ellis squared a look in Bem's direction. His eyes were incapable of focusing one on spot, tired. "I'm Ellis," he introduced himself, not having enough pride saved up to do so with his usual fancy introductory speech, not after Veth crushed it all. "And that guy hasn't made pacts with demons. He'd be a warlock in that case, but he's a wizard. There's a difference."

"Not that I'm protecting him," he clarified hastily. "Magic is bad business, I agree."

Cyrus of Trostenwald| Cyrus' Study | Fable Fable

He laughed at her response; a genuinely heartfelt and amused laughter came from him. An old man's laughter, so good-humored that it could cure sadness like a remedy cures sickness. He turned around, placing a pot on the middle of the table, then he walked back to get two, modest, pewter bowls. He placed one in front of Veth and poured her some stew with a ladle, then gave her a spoon.

Cyrus sat down and poured some for himself as he answered her, "Cormlle naa tanya tel’raa, Veth -- your heart is that of a lion, Veth." He leveled a smile in Veth's direction, perhaps leaving her a little dumbstruck at his knowledge, as they didn't share a proper introduction yet.

He took up his spoon and blew some air onto it. The stew had bits of potatoes, vegetables, and spices, with a creamy consistency and cornsilk color. Its taste was smooth and very filling. As Cyrus moved the spoon to his mouth, he said, "But your head is that of a lightweight in more ways than one." He began to eat.

"Your first mistake was to assume a bard can't hold his drink," he explained neutrally. "Bards are interesting; many write them off as mere minstrels, but that's perhaps their biggest strength. It is the consensus that they are weak. You made that assumption and paid the price. Of course, that doesn't excuse his incompetence and ego. People like him can't be helped."
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Volkmar von Steinhäuser
Location: Forest Somewhere near Castle Black
Interaction: Isabelle Thorne( FireMaiden FireMaiden )
“Hang on...”
Volkmar said, turning his helmet back and glancing at Isabelle, before turning forward to spur on Daisy, who took off again forward towards their distinction.
On the way, Volkmar decided to start a bit of conversation...
“You haven’t told me whatcha doin’ need with the Hero’s Guild? Last time I checked you were busy with family responsibilities!”
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Isabella Thorne
Loction: Somewhere Near Castle Black
Interaction: Volkmar Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

c5cbd4ac240bf7e7937851a9cb53da4e.jpg She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his waist moments before they set off. It was nice to be riding, since her feet admitably did hurt a bit, and more importantly, it was nice to be riding with him again. But his question somewhat soured her mood, leaving a minute or two of tense science before she finally answered. "This is a family responsibility, and one for work as well," she stated, "The Nightingales and my father wasn't me to join the guild so both have ties. My father, if course, wants more money and possibly exploitable allies, whereas my superiors want a partnership what benefits both. I have to speak with the Guild Master once we arrive, or at least someone who's roughly in charge," She told him. There was no point in lying, and she knew she would speak freely with Volkmar. The distaste for her situation would be ever so present in her voice, but it would soon disappate as she changed the subject as they grew closer to the treeline. "What about you?"

Volkmar von Steinhäuser
Location: Forest Somewhere near Castle Black
Interaction: Isabelle Thorne( FireMaiden FireMaiden )

Volkmar had initially thought this assignment was a going to be more of a solo op for him, of course he'd make friends along the way, but...let's just say he felt extremely happy to have Isabelle along.
However, what she said kinda made him being there...made him a bit concerned.
"You know, this probably sounds hypocritical coming from me, considering why I'm here, but you know..." Volkmar said, turning his head back to glance at Isabelle as they both continued to ride. "...least have a better reason for being here...I mean, you do want to be here right?"
Volkmar then turned his head back forward, leaning forward in his saddle as he rode.
"I'm here cause of the Order, that's true, but at I choose this assignment...turned out the old geezers in the inner circle thought I'm ready enough to ride alone, but I figured this would be a fun assignment..."
The sound of nothing galloping filled the air, before Volkmar went on, but in a softer tone.
"...but...for what it's worth....I'm glad that your coming to be here with me on this...adventure..."
Bem the Apianian
hip to fuck bees.png
"Wizards.. Warlocks... They’re all the same. Magic is magic, and if the demons use it, it must be wrong.” Bem frowned as she continued wringing out her clothes. “Nice to meet you Ellis, want some honey?” She asked casually as she reached into her small, yet wet bag and produced a small glass jar filled with a golden liquid. Bem popped the cap off of it and raised the glass up to her mouth before allowing her small and delicate tongue to lap some of the golden ooze up. She placed a second jar onto the table with one of her other arms in case her new conversation partner decided to say yes. Honey still didn’t taste quite as nice since she had tried the royal jelly, but Bem doubted anything could ever taste quite as nice. “As long as you don’t use magic, I’m sure we can be friends.” She said jokingly with a soft grin as she turned her head towards him, one of her antenna twitching in an action reminiscent to winking as sher slipped off her scarf and began squeezing water out of that too, her spear crossed over her legs, ever ready, just in case.

“What do you think of that Cyrus bee?” Bem rambled on chattily as she lapped up some more of the golden liquid. “He turned a man into a newt in a mere second.. so I’m not very keen to get on his bad side and want to stay around him to make sure of that.. But at the same time, I Don’t want to stick around him because he’s dangerous! But.. He could help me learn about the world.. I’m in a bad spot, zzt...” she bumbled to herself, initially addressing Ellis, but slowly drifting off into her own mind
Birdsie Birdsie
Balthazar Bellanthriel
Dining Hall
Not interacting with anyone specifically

Balthazar, seemingly unaffected by the whiplash of learning that Turenval had risen, slipped through to the map that hung on one wall of the dining hall. He kicked a portion of the wall that sat directly beneath the map, and cold, bluish-gray mist began rolling out. It took a few seconds for the guild members remaining in the dining hall to take notice, but when they did, everyone (minus the player characters unless they so choose) backed up towards the edges of the room.
"It's pretty wild, all the seemingly mundane stuff around the place that has wicked enchantments," Balthazar said, as the mist formed a shimmering map of Albion on the central floor of the dining hall. "Anyways, I was thinking we should make a plan of action. Given that the man issuing this quest is an accomplished but possibly slightly senile archmage, he may not be liberal with the details and a bit whimsical, as the stories go."
"Aaaaaaanyways, this map is probably not super useful since we know we're headed towards the largely-unexplored dark forest, but I felt like activating it. But if anyone has some suggestions to deal with the most powerful necromancer in history other than, y'know, holy magic and pyromancy, just... Say it?
[div class=fyurifauxtabs]Veth | Cyrus' Study | Birdsie Birdsie [/div]
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[/div]Veth remained as she was, even as the man laughed. She wasn't sure what he was laughing about, whether at her words or at her, or something else entirely unconnected to the current conversation. Her posture and expression didn't change, even as he commented that she had a 'heart of a lion.' She wasn't sure how he knew her name and wished to question on the matter. She also didn't understand what he meant when he said her head was a 'lightweight.' Veth wasn't sure if he was meaning to be insulting towards her or not with that phrase. Still, she sat there silently as he consumed some of the stew he was sharing with her.

She took her own spoon and scooped out some of the contents of the bowl, holding it steady for a moment and waiting for it to cool somewhat before taking an experimental taste. Finding it rather pleasant in taste and texture, she ate the rest that was on the spoon. "May this one inquire as to how you know her name? This one does not recall speaking it to you," she asked in a steady tone. To some it was probably rude to not inflect their voice in a more submissive manner, but it was how she spoke when trying to sound as neutral as possible.

"This one admits she made a mistake in her wager, not including the drink the smuggler had already consumed gave the bard an advantage. This one assumed the bard was weak of alcohol tolerance based on his physique and pompous demeanor. This one agrees that her assumption was incorrect on the bard's tolerance, and that he suffers from an inflated sense of self."

Veth paused to take another sip of the stew, managing to keep her eyes trained on the wizard properly. "This one will assist you in the Dark Forest should you determine she is of use. If you find this one has no use, she shall accept her revoked membership to the guild."
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Isabella Thorne
Loction: Approaching Castle Black
Interaction: Volkmar Elekta Kount Elekta Kount

c5cbd4ac240bf7e7937851a9cb53da4e.jpg "You know, that wasn't much of an answer," Isabella replied, "What reason would the Order have with the Guild of Hero's? They can get anything that want, and have more than enough support and numbers, there no reason for then to send anyone out here under any kind of assignment," But she paused, sighing, "However, it will be nice to be near a familiar face. I do have my concerns though." She would refrain from voicing them, but she was concerned. What did the Order want with the Guild of Hero's? Surly there was some other meaning behind their choice of sending Volkmar out here, when any other missions would work for his first time riding alone or whatever. And she was always distrustful of The Order, so while she was a bit bias against them, she could just be being paranoid. Reguardless, she was pulled away from her thoughts as they broke the tree line, and Castle Black came into veiw.
Location: Dining Hall
Interacting with
Bianca Reinhardt Reinhardt
Risa glanced about looking over at the others as it seems things were starting to settle down a bit more. As much 'insanity' as it might be played up as, truthfully it wasn't really that crazy. The guild had been known for some rather wild occurrences in the past. It just happened to involve what seemed to be a supposed founder of the guild. Naturally she wasn't one to 100% believe who he said he was, but it was highly likely in her mind given what he did. She couldn't discount the idea of an elaborate ruse just for the sake of being careful. A .01% chance was still a chance after all as unlikely as it could be.

Risa turned her head looking towards Bianca. She was a bit surprised to see her just now. She would of expected for her to be around and about after all of the commotion that went on, Risa hadn't left the Dining hall for that long of a period of time to take care of her 'business'. She simply shook her head, not seeing much need to relay all of the information that went on with Cyru's appearance. She was more then certain others might be more then willing to relay in much more directly just what had happened.

"A visit from an old wizard being overly verbose asking of a favor from the guild alongside a dire warning. The truth of his claims are difficult to tell if they hold any weight, it is possible he is simply senile." She spoke being quite blunt with a bit of a shrug. She tended to always lead in with an air of pessimism with things she couldn't be fully certain of. "None the less, if what he says is true and Turenval has really returned it is something truly concerning for the Guild, or more so the entire world." She spoke quite casually as if not making a big deal about it all. It was much better to keep a level head about things after all.

"If you really wish to know more, it would probably be best to question Cyrus of Trostenwald in the study, although it seems a few curious individuals are already keeping the old man busy. I'm sure you will find a chance to pitch your hat in to help him on his mission at a later time. He didn't seem to be in that big of a rush despite saying he had arrived a year late."

Volkmar von Steinhäuser
Location: Forest Somewhere near Castle Black -> Castle Black Entrance
Interaction: Isabelle Thorne( FireMaiden FireMaiden )
*Chuckles* You really haven't changed a bit, Isabelle."
Volkmar turned his head back again.
"Why else? The goals of both organizations align, only nature that an alliance of back scratching be formed." Volkmar said in a matter-of-fact tone. "What my Order strives is to see to the peace and justice of these land besides, and between you and me, our numbers are not what it used to be...we'll take any and all help we can get, we're not that proud....At the end of the day, long as the evils that threaten to harm these lands are eradicated, we have little qualms on who we are working with."
Volkmar turned around, gazing upon Black Castle as it was approaching the two of them.
Though, only the trained could hear Volkmar sigh a little.
"We're spread thin as is, but the old geezers found it important enough to send me as an envoy, so I suppose this has to be of some importance... I guess ya gotta start earn trust somewhere, and that's what I'm here to do."
It wasn't long before Volkmar and Isabelle reached the entrance of Castle Black, to which Volkmar began to slow Daisy down to a trot, observing for anyone at the entrance of the castle...​
Auriel's Banner.png

Auriel -- Dining Hall -- Open For Interaction ( CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse )

The fallen angel stared blankly as she watched the entire ordeal of an idiot guild member charge at the wizard, who was supposed to be Cyrus of Trostenwald. Any sane person who was even slightly educated would have known not to try attack somebody such as a conjurer as well-known as he, but this guild had its fair share of idiots, Auriel supposed. Sighing to herself, she swiftly returned to her seat, reaching underneath the table. Popping open the cap of her fifth bottle of ale, Auriel began drinking directly from the glass bottle. She had only begun to enjoy this warm, fuzzy sensation until Cyrus decided to make everybody sober.

Downing about one-quarter of the ale in about four seconds, Auriel lifted the ale away from her lips, gazzing up into the ceiling, the bottle of ale and her arm dangling to the side. Reflecting on her actions earlier today, Auriel already began to feel bad for the golems she had beat up, even despite knowing they probably had a self repair function. She had never expected golems to actually have feelings.

Taking another drink out of the ale, Auriel immediately went back to gazing at the ceiling. "I just signed up for a suicide mission..." Auriel whispered quietly to herself, contemplating whether she really made the right decision of walking into the Dark Forest with a band of adventurers. The last time Turenval decided he wanted to kill some stuff, it took one whole William Black and his companions to defeat an evil demilich. And only a William Black would be able to smack Turenval's minions around like flies- Auriel doubted half the members of this guild could stand up to one lich, let alone an army of high-level undead. How many of these merry fools would die fighting to save the world? Continuing to take occasional sips out of her bottle, Auriel waited for something else to happen. After all, there wasn't much to do after a guildie gets turned into a slippery little amphibian by an angry wizard.
Ka’sha Stonejaw
Dining Hall

LostHaven LostHaven

Ka’sha could not believe what she had just done. Oh sure, at the moment it sounded like the logical and correct decision, but now that her emotions had gotten less, well, passionate she just realized that she had just volunteered herself to go to a place where even the most powerful man she’d ever known had almost died himself. Not to mention that she’d be going there with a powerful wizard that has a penchant for turning people who attack him into newts, though it was understandable really, but Ka’sha now knows to steer clear of the wizard’s bad side since she prefers to remain the way she is.

With her legs shaking and her confidence shattered, Ka’sha unsteadily made her way towards the nearest table, nearly crashing through it before managing to catch her balance. She didn’t notice the occupant of the table until after she almost collapsed on it, which of course just had to happen. “S-Sorry, I-I j-just need to, to, um, to take a seat, sorry.” She rambled, stuttering more than usual. After managing to barely take a seat on a chair not made for someone of her size, Ka’sha started to fumbled through the contents of her bag. After a few moments she pulled out a what looks to be a jar of some kind. The moment she opened the lid, a strong smell of alcohol wafted through the vicinity. The smell was definitely strong, almost to the point of being acrid.

S-Sorry about the smell, b-but I really need a drink right now.” She said to her newfound acquaintance as she gulped the entire content in one gulp. Now, just a gulp from this thing would knockout a normal man but not before making him feel like his throat, lungs, and stomach were burning up, but this is exactly the thing Ka’sha needs if she needs to get even a little bit drunk. Her kind’s constitution prevents her from getting through on normal alcohol, so the type they brew is seriously strong. In an instant Ka’sha’s face becomes flush as her usually blue and tan face took on a crimson hue. “The name’s Ka’sha by the way, Ka’sha Stonejaw. May I ask for the fine lady’s name?” Ka’sha asks her companion, her voice once more devoid of her usual hesitance and is instead replaced with a strange confidence. Ka’sha leans over the table with the jar still in one hand, the table audibly creaking as she did so.
Ellis | Great Dining Hall | Noble Scion Noble Scion

There were clerics and paladins that used their magical powers for good, but Ellis' desire to be logical was out-matched by his burning ire toward magic. He callously nodded as he responded, "Of course it's wrong. By using magic, you openly admit to considering yourself better than other people. Mages are hungry, desperate for power."

He spoke from the heart, his view formed by experiences as was made clear by the conviction in his voice. So long as no one opposed it, he could remain confident.

He seemed to take up Bem's offer, as Ellis took the jar of honey and prepared to consume the contents. He took off the cap and eagerly partook in what he could only assume was a traditional meal for her. He knew honey was messy, however, so he was careful.

"He's not a bee, though. He's a human," he corrected with a bemused smirk. "No matter how heroic he is, for using magic he's heavily flawed," Ellis asserted, not realizing how hypocritical he sounded, not being an angel himself.

Cyrus of Trostenwald| Cyrus' Study | Noble Scion Noble Scion

"Oh, no," Cyrus denied her words calmly. "I don't want you to leave the Guild. You, the merry kobold, and that gunsmith I met stand out as paragons. In you, I see the biggest potential for becoming heroes. I don't know yet about the rest yet, and only time will tell. I will donate my time to helping everyone in the Guild better themselves, but those willing to follow me to Turenval's doorstep take priority... ...And those willing to sit down and eat stew with me, I suppose..."

Cyrus took off his hat and placed it on his lap. There seemed to be a tangible darkness in it; obscuring its insides, making it impossible to see inside. He reached inside and pulled out what looked like a sword all the way to the crossguard. Cyrus shook his head, mumbling, and put it back in.

He repeated the action, pulling out a small, flat stone with two sides - like a very small tablet. Several, small runes were sketched on both sides in two rows. "Take this, it's something I give to people I trust. It will allow you to call me at any time, from across any realm, be it for advice, for aid, or for stew. Consider yourself to be friends with a wizard."

He finished his stew.
Asterin Blackblood

Location: Castle Black - Cyrus’s study

Asterin blinked, but it was the only sigh of surprise she showed, keeping her face blank. She hadn’t been attempting to intimidate the strange smelling man, although flashing her teeth usually got people talking quite fast. His annoying unflinching ability on his delayed answer allowed Asterin to take a step forward, ready to split him open and gut him on the spot until...

Turneval. How quaint. Her teeth and claws retracted, and she listened intently, once again her blink the only surprise she showed. The more he spoke however, the more she lost interest. Let the mortals play war, she wasn’t a hero, and she had no remorse for those that would perish. And nor could she find it in her nonexistent heart to care. She turned to leave, an expression of boredom planted on her beautifully immortal face, as she began to walk off, still tempted to rip this “Cyrus” open, despite him being a founder. she found his preaching painfully annoying.

She stopped at the door of the guild hall as Cyrus mentioned thousands dying. It was her responsibility to prepare her clan for any future battles that may insue. If this Turneval would become an threat to any of the clans for that matter, it was her duty as Heir to help defeat Turneval.

A strange, foreign weight settled on her shoulders as she stalked out of the Guild Hall and heading for the direction of outside, where Braxon was relying on the forest somewhere, feeling oddly conflicted and uncertain for once in her long immortal life.

Interaction: None
Mentioned: Cyrus Birdsie Birdsie
[div class=fyurifauxtabs]Veth | Cyrus' Study > Great Dining Hall > Outside looking for the newt | Birdsie Birdsie > Open for Interaction/ Swire Swire [/div]
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[/div]Veth's strict posture seemed to become minutely less rigid the moment he said he didn't wish for her to leave the guild. She probably should have felt flattered to be seen as one with potential, but she wasn't sure what it was exactly he hoped or saw. However, she would accept this assessment of his. "This one hopes she is able to meet your expectations," she stated.

As he took off his hat and began to rummage into the curiously dark void, Veth ate the rest of her stew. She'd barely gotten to eat anything in the dining hall and needed sustenance. She wondered how exactly the void worked as she would like to have something useful like that herself. Having to lug around her belongings here and there got tiresome and even troublesome should she encounter trouble. If she could just deposit her items safely into something like the void, she'd have less hindering her when she needed to move quickly or travel.

She set the spoon down next to the bowl just as he pulled out the small flat stone. She took the offered item, turning it over a few times to inspect the runes. It wasn't overly large, fitting easily into her hand and also would make it easy to store hidden on her person. She looked up from the gift and at the strange wizard, "This one thanks you for your kind gift, your friendship, and the lovely stew. This one shall excuse herself and await further instruction."

Veth gave a small bow of her head, stored the stone into a small hidden pocket on her left hip and picked up her things. Later she may ask about the storage void once they were more familiar with each other. Before she stepped out of his study, she gave him one last look with a head bow and closed the door behind her, turning to make her way back to the great dining hall. There was a renewed feeling of shame as she entered, wondering how many were going to laugh about her drunken antics and decided that perhaps it was best she continue outside for now.

The man turned newt was probably either at risk of harm or at risk of harming others, so she decided to be useful and seek out the creature. She left the dining hall and headed outside, going around the building to the window where she had witnessed the newt being tossed out of. She dropped her things against the stone wall under the window the lizard had been thrown out of. At first glance, she spotted nothing that seemed to be the newt. "If you are here, you should best speak so you may be located," she called out. "This one will not waste her time searching for a lizard who does not desire to be found."
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Bem the Apianian
"Hiding behind some circles and other shapes is no way to defend and protect those close to you. A warrior should put their life on the line for the queen, and work together to get the job done! Like the hive! Yes?" Bem smiled softly as she continues drinking out of the jar, a light grin adorning her face as something in common seemed to have been found, even if it were for different reasons. ".. But I suppose magic-users and warriors such as myself have some things in common. Better equipment means more effectiveness! And at the moment.. I seem to just have my old spear I've been using for a few years.. I need a new one." she hummed as the thought came through her mind. "We'll see how well this goes. I'm not even a part of this place, whatever it is, although I heard some of you 'humans' call it a fort. Good timing, I suppose, zzt." she continued quietly as she leaned back on the table, content with leaving the awkward, yet comfortable silence of the conversation to do its work, her mind flicking through a dozen questions, yet saying none of them. Bem didn't want to overload her new friend the same day she met them, she could always ask later.
Birdsie Birdsie
Jason Crowe
Cyrus’ Study
Birdsie Birdsie

After seeing Veth leave, Jason stopped flipping his knife and sheathed it. Seeing as both people before him were in the room for a while, he believes Cyrus to be in there. Quietly making his way to the door, he knocked on it once and then went inside.

“Hello there,” Jason greeted with a lopsided smile to the wizard. Closing the door behind him, Jason surveyed the room. He’s a little surprised he’s never found this room. Very arcane, Jason thought. Befitting of a wizard.

This made Jason want to explore all the numerous doors littering the halls. Who knows what valuable trinkets have been left behind over the years. Not that this room didn’t have its value. But he won’t steal from the old man, lest he wants to be turned into a small animal as well.

Yet, anyways...

“You sure have caused a stir,” Jason offered to the old man. “It’s not every day someone claims we’re all doomed to die,” he told him, waving his hand in the air. He extended a hand for Cyrus to shake, smiling at him. “Jason Crowe, at your service.”
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Ellis| Great Dining Hall | Noble Scion Noble Scion

He stayed quiet for most of the conversation, letting Bem speak over his quiet thoughts. His mind lingered on the reality of what Cyrus told them. He nodded every now and then. "Yup. If you need a new spear, Bowerstone has plenty of shops."

Ellis drank more of the honey and found himself liking the sweet taste. He didn't get to savor it often in his life, having consumed such an article no more often than maybe once or twice a year, though more often in the form of mead. He supposed the friendly bee-woman had the pleasure of indulging in it much more often than him. He felt almost slight envy, but not enough for it to matter.

"Are you gonna go with Cyrus to the Dark Forest?" he asked, as he didn't pay much attention to other people rising their hands earlier. In a way, Ellis was shell-shocked; his hypothesis about magic came true before his own eyes - Turenval uses magic and he's evil - yet, he was not happy about it.

Cyrus of Trostenwald | Cyrus' Workshop | Noble Scion Noble Scion

The wizard looked as someone else entered the room, not very surprised. He seemed to smile when Jason reached out, and he gladly shook his hand, then invited him to the table. "Would you like stew? It's still warm, and very filling," he offered, sitting down himself in his previous spot when he spoke to Veth.

Cyrus schooled his features, to a professional demeanor. "So, how can this wizard be of assistance, young one?"
[div class=AvaFlex] [div class=AvaImage] [div class=AvaTitle]Avaline Leonne
de Blanche[/div] [div class=AvaMentions] Character Sheet
Blanche Mansion
[/div][/div] [div class=AvaContent]The smell of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air. The sound of a page turning could be heard every now and then. Beyond that, the sound of daily live and the winds of the mountain echoed in the background. Upon a white balcony of the Blanche Family Mansion, Avaline Leonne de Blanche sat, reading through a book. This was one of the rare opportunities for her to not be engaged in her work, and instead enjoying herself with some literature. She had just returned from a trip to a Laurellian city beyond the Sarafan Mountain Range. Negotiations went smoothly, and as per usual, trade rights and security details were reaffirmed between the two. The Sarafan Mountains are Fairfax's domain, but even monsters can appear and threaten the safety of travellers.

Her butler walked in and placed a document on the small table beside her. As he walked away, Avaline reached for the document, not letting her eyes leave the fantastical words held within her book. Slowly bringing it before her, the document blocked her book. After a few moments, she frowned ever so slightly. This might be concerning. She stood up, bookmarked the page, and walked back into her mansion.

"Get me information about Cyrus of Trostenwald and get me the latest on Abdival. If that Cyrus is the same Cyrus of legend, then we need to know what's his intentions." Saying this is a cold and clear voice, she walked down the hallways toward the entrance. "Sebastian, I'll be at the training grounds." "Very well, my lady. Take care." The moment the sound of the closing door echoed throughout the mansion, shadows and silhouettes leapt out from dark places and ran to do their master's bidding. The butler could only watching and reminisce about his former master's own informants. [/div][/div] [class=AvaFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=AvaImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; background-image: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/c6426c0402663ebd35677dbbb1de8119-jpg.36300/full'); background-size: 100%; background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 5px; [/class] [class=AvaTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 2.5px; width: 100%; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; color: #e5e5dd; font-size: 20px; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative'; text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px black; [/class] [class=AvaMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Philosopher'; color: #e5e5dd; opacity: 0; background-color: rgb( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=AvaMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=AvaContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Philosopher'; [/class][/nobr]
Jason Crowe
Cyrus’ Study
Birdsie Birdsie
“Sure.” Jason accepted the offer and sat down, taking a quick bite of the soup. It tasted good, but perhaps Jason wasn’t the best judge in regards to food. He’s learned when he was a child that is isn’t smart to be picky about what he should eat.

Jason took a few more bites of the soup before he set it down. “I have a request, if you don’t mind,” Jason starts. He folded his hands together. “I signed up for your suicide mission, if you recall my volunteering. I did so because but I possess various skill that could be useful to you. One in particular being shadow magic.” Jason lifts up a shadow tendril to display. He held it up for a few seconds to admire it, then quickly dispersed it.

“I can form armor, use it for restraining or attacking, and can melt into it to hide myself from others and damage, as you hopefully saw when Abdival attacked you.

“However, that is about the extent. I am self taught from a discovered tome.” Discovered in a mage’s bag that he left behind, but Jason digresses. Unimportant info. “After your display of stopping that fireball without any damage to the guild or anyone. I figured that you could show me a thing or two for magic. I’d imagine it’d be beneficial to both of us that I improve my magic, if you so choose me to go to the Dark Forest.”

Jason took a large slurp of the stew. “You’re a powerful mage and I’m a willing student.” Jason summarized. “Care to teach me?”
Receptionist desk
Interacting with: Alteras Alteras
Saia sighed as she saw the people leave, "Way to go me. Choosing to be awkward. Well best find the receptionist and get signed up." Saia muttered as she looked around for the receptionists. A minute or so passed by as she had to deal with navigating crowds before finding a desk that she hoped was were the receptionist was "Um excuse me, I'm looking to register as a guild member." She said trying to muster up some courage as she spoke up to the person behind the desk. In truth nervous as could be but she couldn't let that show. Not here, not now.
[div class=EmilyFlex] [div class=EmilyImage] [div class=EmilyTitle]Emily Chevalier
Guild Receptionist
[/div] [div class=EmilyMentions] Location:
Guild of Heroes Reception Desk

Saia Baku Baku [/div][/div] [div class=EmilyContent]Emily Chevalier was quite bored at the desk. Sure, some stuff happened, but nothing of interest to her. She simply continued to file her nails while reading through the recent reports that the messenger brought in.

When she caught something of interest in the reports, she heard the voice of a fairly nervous girl. With a plain look on her face, Emily looked up to the girl. With a momentary pause, she pulled out a clipboard and a pen from under the desk, took a moment to make a smile, and looked at the girl. "Hi and welcome! I can fill out the form for you right now, if you don't mind. Just tell me about yourself! Stuff like what you do, your class, your strengths, etc." [/div][/div] [class=EmilyFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=EmilyImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; background-image: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/3822838135964a2c83e4ec0027-1499767526_waifu2x_art_noise3_tta_1-png.36357/full'); background-size: 120%; background-position: center 6%; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 5px; [/class] [class=EmilyTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 2.5px; width: 100%; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; color: #3ba6dd; font-size: 45px; font-family: 'Great Vibes'; text-shadow: 0px 0px 15px white; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); [/class] [class=EmilyMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Philosopher'; color: #e5e5dd; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=EmilyMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=EmilyContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Philosopher'; [/class][/nobr]
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Abdival(newt version)
Location - Castle Black

After being thrown out a window Abdival just laid on the grass outside the dining hall, reflecting on what happened. Slowly the anger subsided and he started to think clearer. Perhaps attacking him was a bad idea...Come to think of it, Cyrus does sound familiar. He really hadn't taken the time to think about the man's name. One of his many fatal flaws. "welp I should probably find a way back." he said standing up, being a lizard was weird. Leaving this place would be a bad idea. I would have nowhere to go. Additionally, there are people within the guild that probably would turn me back, even if it's because they don't know what I did.... Abdival ran, with his tiny legs, over to an opening in the wall and crawed through it. I'm lucky he didn't KILL me. Or maybe it wasn't luck. Abdival thought as he ran through the inside of the wall looking for an opening back into Castle Black.

When he found an opening he jumped through. "AHHH ha! Looks like the living quarters. There must be people he----""MEOW!"

Cat CS -
Name: Fluffules
Aliases: CAT
Gender: MEOW
Race: CAT
Class: MEOW

Sexuality: other cats
High Concept: A magic CAT
Character Alignment: Neutral MEOW
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of heroes...CAT
Personality: Like to eat food
Backstory: a stray cat that showed up


Weapons & Armor: Think furrrrrr
Items & Personal Belongings: cat toys
Skills & Abilities: can sense food
Spells & Magic: some cool magic stuff
Weaknesses: its a CAT

FLUFF (Optional)
Quote\s: "MEOW!"

Above him stood a terrifying monster, to a poor small lizard, this beast was more horrendous and evil than even the darkest part of the dark forest. Whether it wanted food or it wanted to slowly play with Abdivals limbs, until he didn't have any, there was no time to find out. He stayed still as the beast towered over him, it was blocking his way back into the hole, he'd have to find another way. His first and
most logical move was to....RUN.

"I can still use magic if I need to--""MEOW!" ROARED the creature behind him as he ran as fast as he possibly could. 'One of the DOORS! I can slide under the door and it can't follow me!' he thought RUNNING toward the door but...I'm not going to make it...think think you can still use magic!' The echoed sound of the predators cry followed behind him. "MEEEOOW!" Abdival focused as much black fire as he could bear into his tiny lizard legs and tail. "I'm not going to die! BLACKFIRE BOOST!" he said slamming his tail into the floor creating a mini explosion that threw him forward, fast enough to outrun the cat and make it under the door into some random person's room....There was no sound from the Felis catus on the other door. He took a moment to breathe, sitting in the middle of the room exhausted."That was too----No impossible you.." During Abdival only moment of relaxation, his hunter appeared. As the air grew cold, Abdival couldn't believe his eyes, the thin eyed mammal was fazing through the door! As if the door was butter pushed its way from one side to another leaving the door unharmed. And its terrifying eyes loomed over him. "meow!"

Abdival turned around as fast as he could. ANYTHING! ANYTHING! 'AN OPEN WINDOW!' he would have to make it out of the window, by creating enough of an explosion to send him flying, right after doing that other boost. It was his only choice. He concentrated every last ounce of energy into his all his feet. The furry tiger saw this, running straight after him. Abdival released all the energy and...."NEWTON BLAST!" A large enough blast of fire poured from his tail and feet. Senting him flying straight for the window. He briefly looked back for a moment as the cat tried, and failed, to catch him. It jumped in the air as one last attempt. Freedom! he thought as he passed through the window. But it was not over. As he turned around he noticed distorted black particles....The body parts of the feline disappeared from its original location are reappeared next to him. IT CAN TELEPORT?!' "MEEEEEEOOOOOWWWWW!"

It was over, as Abdival fell through the window with the cat chasing after him, he would fall right into its trap....he turned away from his doom chasing after him, as he did he saw someone he recognized. One of the people standing next to the wizard. Perhaps she would save him, or would she leave him to die?
Fable Fable
[div class=fyurifauxtabs]Veth | Outside where newt was last seen | Open for Interaction/ Swire Swire [/div]
[div class=img]
[/div]Veth did no get a reply to her inquiry regarding the newt's presence or desire to be retrieved from the outside world. If he truly wanted to attempt getting back into the guild without assistance, that was his choice. Just as she turned to gather her things once again she heard a feline's yowl. She glanced around the grassy area trying to locate the source and spotted the familiar newt fleeing for his life. It seems she came at the right place and time.

She knelt down upon one knee and rested her hand on the ground, palm upward and awaiting the newt to step onto her hand. Should the newt take the offered assistance, she stood up before the feline would be able to reach its prey. She looked down at the strange cat, "The newt is not food or a toy, go hunt the mice or rats." She wouldn't harm the cat and it knew it wasn't going to get to the newt while in Veth's presence. The cat's tail twitched as it stared down the newt, it's slit eyes reading a promise that it would find him and eat him before teleporting away.

"Now then," Veth began, looking down at the newt, "Before this one takes you back into the guild, she requests you swear to not burn, singe, or harm her person. Additionally, this one shall say you are a foolish man for using violence against one who was not a threat within the guild grounds. It is behavior most unbecoming and put others in danger. This one does not agree your punishment fit your crime. You should make efforts to beseech that the Wizard Cyrus return you to your natural form, lest you find yourself alone and vulnerable to that feline."

Veth leaned over to grab her things, still holding the newt in her palm, though not grasping at him. He could choose to leap off her hand, she wouldn't restrain him. She made her way back into the dining hall at a moderate pace.
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