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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

How I expect to the dragon to be now...

Neat, so the dragon is in the Black Forest, yes? I can start Svala around there and meet you guys.
Very pushy! :P
Damn, the whole CS made me sad as fuck.

Wendigos are one of the first, I think the second, monster that Sam and Dean hunt in Supernatural. And the whole episode probably inspired Until Dawn, lol. I remember the first season. Back when everything was mysterious and scary and stuff. It's not that I dislike where the series was taken by the recent seasons, but nothing and I repeat: nothing will ever have that same "oomph" that the first season of Supernatural had. No other TV show or movie can accomplish "that feel," it had.

Now it's a bit more of an adventurous, action-packed series where they fight off constant supernatural threats with special guns, but I still enjoy it because the characters are awesome.

Ever seen an Angel of the Lord who needs pie?
Damn, the whole CS made me sad as fuck.

Wendigos are one of the first, I think the second, monster that Sam and Dean hunt in Supernatural. And the whole episode probably inspired Until Dawn, lol. I remember the first season. Back when everything was mysterious and scary and stuff. It's not that I dislike where the series was taken by the recent seasons, but nothing and I repeat: nothing will ever have that same "oomph" that the first season of Supernatural had. No other TV show or movie can accomplish "that feel," it had.

Now it's a bit more of an adventurous, action-packed series where they fight off constant supernatural threats with special guns, but I still enjoy it because the characters are awesome.

Ever seen an Angel of the Lord who needs pie?

I love that show so much! I still need to catch up on the last two seasons, though... I still like the show a ton, but the first few seasons were so amazing, and I definitely miss that a lot.
Haha, I remember showing my friend the wendigo episode in the first season of the show...she had nightmares and refused to watch any more of the show after that xP
I love that show so much! I still need to catch up on the last two seasons, though... I still like the show a ton, but the first few seasons were so amazing, and I definitely miss that a lot.
Haha, I remember showing my friend the wendigo episode in the first season of the show...she had nightmares and refused to watch any more of the show after that xP
I know right.

Also, you'll like the new seasons. Let's just say Lucifer... well... boy... Let's say Lucifer really likes going into holes you shouldn't go into. One day, you will understand what I mean.
I know right.

Also, you'll like the new seasons. Let's just say Lucifer... well... boy... Let's say Lucifer really likes going into holes you shouldn't go into. One day, you will understand what I mean.
*Walks in, hears that, then walks right back out quickly.*
Alrighty well, I'll make my first post in the morning or late afternoon as I have work tomorrow and need some sleep. I look forward to adventuring with you all.
I love that show so much! I still need to catch up on the last two seasons, though... I still like the show a ton, but the first few seasons were so amazing, and I definitely miss that a lot.
Haha, I remember showing my friend the wendigo episode in the first season of the show...she had nightmares and refused to watch any more of the show after that xP
Also, if she's fond of children, she should join Robert and Nalnux on their quest to babysit the Mapleburns.

Just imagine this white-haired homunculus and humungous lizardman trying to babysit these little babies that go to the most dangerous places possible when left unsupervised for two seconds, and they tire themselves and get hurt in the process, and then the babies just crawl into her arms as the two "heroes" slide across the ground with barely any energy left, and she goes: "What are you two doing?"
Also, if she's fond of children, she should join Robert and Nalnux on their quest to babysit the Mapleburns.

Just imagine this white-haired homunculus and humungous lizardman trying to babysit these little babies that go to the most dangerous places possible when left unsupervised for two seconds, and they tire themselves and get hurt in the process, and then the babies just crawl into her arms as the two "heroes" slide across the ground with barely any energy left, and she goes: "What are you two doing?"
Yes! I want that to happen haha
Also, if she's fond of children, she should join Robert and Nalnux on their quest to babysit the Mapleburns.

Just imagine this white-haired homunculus and humungous lizardman trying to babysit these little babies that go to the most dangerous places possible when left unsupervised for two seconds, and they tire themselves and get hurt in the process, and then the babies just crawl into her arms as the two "heroes" slide across the ground with barely any energy left, and she goes: "What are you two doing?"
They don't get hurt in the process, they cause the pain XD
Melaina with children would be a terrible idea. Literally she would think about just freezing them in place to keep them from causing trouble. Her mother would do that for time out if she tried some crazy shit, so naturally why wouldn't she think to do it? :P
They don't get hurt in the process, they cause the pain XD
What I meant was that Robert and Nalnux get hurt trying to protect the babies from danger. The babies go all around the city and they need to catch them and save them from danger.
What I meant was that Robert and Nalnux get hurt trying to protect the babies from danger. The babies go all around the city and they need to catch them and save them from danger.
Ah. I had imagined them tossing cursed amulets around the city and spawning Zombie Hordes
I imagined a Tom and Jerry episode.

I would love that! :D
What I meant was that Robert and Nalnux get hurt trying to protect the babies from danger. The babies go all around the city and they need to catch them and save them from danger.

God... I was just thinking that maybe the Kids like Nalnux but they don't like the look of Robert and just try to ruin his life while Mama Nalnux tells them a story about how he once killed the Hunchback Dragon of Notre Dame.
Man...busy day and so much to return too!

Kinda feel lost being rather ignored by Kylesar1 Kylesar1 ...I guess the game of petty revenge begins and the notice me game...after the dragon quest. Concentrating too many of my characters in one spot won't end well.

Hanarei Hanarei I wanna ask before I post. Would you be ok with furthering the references by having Emel be once employed to Ri- I mean Mariana? I think it would be funny to have something like this play out.

(Squeeling like a fangirl) Oh this is why I love the SHirou x RIn pairing. Although I wished Rin would've showed more maturity when they were in London. She's an adult, why can't she grow out of being a spoiled brat?
Well meet Tom and Jerry's Chinese Knockoff.
*Imagines Robert going up to a few babies and going all: Kawaii desu ne! and they toss a cursed amulet at him, which causes him to fall through the floor because of the planks suddenly breaking*

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