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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Character Applications

Name: Andrea Crawford
Aliases: Ann, Annie
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Human, Half-Orc
Class: Warrior/Fighter

Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A fierce but reclusive woman with a chip on her shoulder.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Richard Crawford (Father, Biological), Nhala (Mother, Biological),
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes
Personality: Andrea feels like she doesn't belong anywhere. She can't fully integrate in her Orcish home, and she puts up barriers within the presence of Human companions. She finds it hard to commit to relationships and bonds and prefers to be her own woman. She isn't a loner by any means, she just prefers not to fully trust others without a lot of work to get there. Hard work doesn't dissuade her. She will give people a piece of her mind when she feels like it. She feels she is a good person, but her morals can often times be misguided and selfish.
Backstory: In the southern region of Gael, a small Orcish village stood near a crossroad just outside a valley. Travelers weary from travel would often times find themselves at the village's primitive inn for a drink and a night's stay. The young barmaid, Nhala, saw to many various people and heard countless tales of adventure and fortune. While most of them only came in once through their journey, a few people came multiple times - mostly traders or mercenaries. One such man, Richard, had business that required him to come every few months. And every time, he would be served by Nhala. They quickly became familiar, and soon entered a secret relationship. He was much older and human, and her father owned the inn, plus she was an Orc.

When Nhala found out she was pregnant, she considered multiple options. Would she run away with her lover? No, she couldn't leave her father's business for it would surely fail. Could she have the child out of wedlock? The stigma would be too much, especially for a half-Orc kid that would never be accepted. It was decided that the child would have to go in the care of the father, Richard. One night in secret, after Nhala and Richard left to a near by town and had the child. Nhala asked that Richard never return, especially with the child as to not appear suspicious. Richard, heart broken, understood and rode back to Albion to his home.

He gave Andrea the name of his grandmother and his surname. Richard raised her alone. She was given a formal education and taught how to fight. As she got older, so did her father. Around the age of 12, Andrea became his caretaker and would do the upkeep for the house. The year she became an adult, her father passed away. Andrea decided that she could no longer stay in the house, as she wanted to live life to the fullest. Plus she needed money. With the coin she got from selling the property, she set bought supplies and set out on her own adventure, eventually finding the Guild of Heroes.

6'2" in height
Weapons & Armor: An iron breastplate, leather gloves, iron arm bracers, iron horned helmet, leather gloves, iron broadsword.
Items & Personal Belongings:

  • Whispers of the Wind - A book featuring poems that describe natural beauty. Written by George R. Smith.
  • Hair ties - Cloth, elastic bands that are used for her hair.
  • Dye and paints - They are made by her for use of painting her face.

Skills & Abilities:

  • Physical - She is strong, much like other orcs. It comes naturally to her. She finds it easy to run long distances, lift heavy objects, and endure pain that her human counterparts might find difficult.
  • Mental - Unlike some of her Orcish brethren, Andrea has a high mental capacity due to being part human. She can learn and retain information well.

Spells & Magic: N/A


  • Fear of magic - Magic scares her. She does her best to stay away from the wrong side of a spell, and trusts spell casters very little.
  • Insecure - She does not feel as smart nor as normal as those around her. Her insecurity manifests into bitterness.
  • Selfish - She is self-driven, but that means she mostly cares about herself first before others. That can come off as cruel and selfish to others.
  • Can't swim - She never learned to swim. Simple as that.
  • Awkward accent - Her speech is somewhat brutish, due to the horns on either side of her mouth.

Hobbies: Painting, dancing, listening to music, hunting, reading, fighting.
Quote\s: "Knowledge and power go hand in hand." "Want to spar?"
Theme: WIP
: Mora

Aliases: M

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Phobia Manifestation. (Monophobia, fear of being alone.)

Explanation: There are more manifestations like her, (Example Glitch). Though they are technically genderless some of them tend to prefer male or female pronouns. These manifestations just popped out of no where, they're not completely evil and don't require to eat food, only souls. They need to gain a certain amount of trust before taking someone's soul.

Class: None

: Biromantic, asexual.

High Concept: The girl who will sass you into the next century, but is still able to be a social butterfly.

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Relatives: none

Organizations\Affiliations: The Guild (Later)

Personality: She can be very sarcastic, and may come across as rude. She can get angry very easily and it's best for her to stay calm. They sometimes can be very distant but when you get to know them Mora can be very clingy.

Backstory: She hung around Oakville for a while before taking to traveling back and forth from Bowerstone to Oakville. She passed the guild a few times

: She has curly brown hair, which is shoulder length and most of the time pulled back into a bun. Mora has light skin and blue eyes, she wears white tinted goggles most of the time. She wears brown shorts and a white blouse and mostly uses sandals, she also has a coat when it gets cold.

Weapons & Armor: Bow and arrow for long distances and dual swords for weapons. Mora goes Greek and sticks with a chestplate and helmets.

Items & Personal Belongings: A small piece of paper that's burnt at the edges with a rose inked on. A bag carrying clothes and toiletries. A book on magic.

Skills & Abilities: Lock-picking, Climbing, Knowing which plants are poisonous.

Spells & Magic: Self-healing, Fire immunity, Seeing in the dark (Makes her eyes glow), camouflage.

Weaknesses: Mora needs anger management. She closes herself off when something is bothering. She bottles her emotions and is afraid of making a mistake.

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: Reading, Annoying Glitch, Playing the piano, singing. Looking at plants.

Quote\s: "Trust me." "Screw human beings, screw humanity."

Theme: Clear - Pusher (Shawn Wasabi Remix)
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Name: Riley Holden
Aliases: None known.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Gambler


Sexuality: Riley is a bisexual dude.
High Concept: Human Gambler who is always looking for people to sit down and play a game with.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: Well there is his mother, who was also a fellow gambler and passed down these awe inspiring dice down upon him, which yes she is still alive. His father, who left after he was born since he never wanted this man since the only reason why he agreed to do it is because he lost a bet to Riley's mom, and other people who he doesn't care about and vice versa.
Organizations\Affiliations: Mother, ever since she gave him the dice he has been forever loyal to his mother, no ifs ands ors nors and buts about it. Viktor O'Ronmon, Viktor is the man Riley lost to, miserably. Viktor is the man who belittled Riley and told him to search for a new place to call home. The Guild, hopefully this is his new start.
Personality: Riley is the type of person who would try to lighten the mood up by cracking a joke or retelling some of his self proclaimed funny tales of mishap. He rarely has a serious side and when he does, it is shown in combat, and even then he is a little witty. With that, his fatal flaw comes through, he hates if the only resolution to a fight is duking it out with the opponent. He would much rather sit down and try to convince the opponent that the thing or things he or she or it is doing is wrong. Or just roll some dice and see if they can come to a agreement on that. And the other flaw is Riley isn't much of a smooth talker, he usually tries to pick up a lady or even a good looking man from time to time, but usually falls flat on his face, mentally or physically.
Backstory: A man that is usually that people want to strangle or slice since he beat them in a fair game of chance, Riley has been on the run for awhile. He was born to a mother and father, which after ten minutes of birth, Riley's father left with no intent on coming back ever. Riley was never told of his father, since his mother cared only for her only heir's survival. But with no one to teach Riley things only a father could, Riley's mother taught him the only thing she could, charm. So, from that day forward, Riley was taught how to smooth talk to people in his own way, humor. He also taught himself some self defense mechanism stuff like using a dagger and shooting a sling. So, when Riley grew to the age of 15, his mother gave him the magical Dice of Power, and sent him on his way to destiny. He had gone to multiple towns and cities, charming people into giving him money to live on and than being shortly kicked out for messing with some ruffians and actually winning against some big guy. Fast forward to when he just turned 27, and he lost the his biggest bet yet. The bet was against a dwarf by the name of Viktor, if Riley won, he would be built a mansion and live the happy life, if Viktor won, he would spread word that Riley is a disgrace to humanity and spread rumors he was not a fair man. Viktor won, and now Riley is on a quest to start a new life, one with a lot more promise than his old one he hopes.



Weapons & Armor:
Clothes & Armor: Riley has traveled all his life with only three sets of clothes and no armor under such cloth. Those three sets are common clothes, traveling clothes, and incognito clothes which make him look more of a noble than anything.
Weapons: Riley carries a iron dagger with him at all times, which is readily strapped to his belt if ever the cause comes for him to stab a opponent. Other than that, Riley doesn't carry much else that a regular human being would classify as a weapon.
Items & Personal Belongings:
Dice of Power: These two six-sided magical babies are what make Riley stand out from the regular mook or bandit. The Dice of Power are an heirloom passed down from generation to generation that empowers the user with some sort of magical power for roughly ten minutes. These dice are bound to ones soul until the user both verbally and physically gives them to another user. The drawbacks to these things are A. They can only be used four times per day and B. They drain a lot of energy from Riley. Another unique thing about the dice is that instead of one to six black dots, there are colored symbols on each side representing a type of enhancement that help Riley in any sort of trouble he would get into. After the ten minutes, the enhancement goes away and the dice go back to normal. The symbol are as followed.
  • Blue Shield: If one die rolls onto a shield, the dice turns into a iron shield ready to be picked up by Riley. If two dice roll onto a shield, a suit of plate armor forms around Riley in a swirl of magic and the sort.
  • Red Sword: If one die rolls onto a sword, a iron rapier with a iron hilt appears in Riley's hand, ready for him to swing. If two dice roll onto a sword, a two handed steel sword falls from the sky and lands right in front of Riley for him to pick up and start hacking away at his enemies.
  • Green Clover: If one die rolls onto a clover, luck seems to work with Riley and gives him slight improvements to his agility and awareness of surroundings. If two dice rolls onto a clover, luck works against people in a twenty foot radius of Riley, since they will be more clumsy or stumble on words more than they usually do. And yes, that includes Riley.
  • Purple Bow: If one die rolls onto a bow, a longbow appears around Riley's shoulder and a quiver of twenty arrows appear strapped on his back. If two dice rolls onto a bow, two hand crossbows appear in Riley's hand and came preloaded with a bolt. A bag of fifty crossbow bolts also appears on Riley's belt.
  • Yellow Coins: If one die rolls onto a coin, a bag of twenty silver coins appear out of thin air and placed at Riley's feet. If two dice roll onto a coin, in a five foot radius of Riley, cooper coins start to rain down from the sky, no matter the weather.
  • Orange Skulls: Definitely the weirdest one since if only one die rolls onto a skull, nothing happens, but it stills drains Riley. But if two dice roll onto the skulls, three skeletons rise up from the ground with only one carrying a weapon, which is a rusted sword. These skeletons are only under the control of Riley, unless of course, a lich or necromancer comes around and convinces them otherwise. The skeletons understand common but only listen to Riley in common.
Skills & Abilities: He is good with rapiers, slings, hand crossbows and longbows. He can also pick locks, pick pockets, pick fights with the wrong people, and sometimes convince people to do other things.
Spells & Magic: Other than the dice, none.

  • Fears: Anything bigger and way uglier than him, being relied on, something stealing his dice, and creepy looking old people.
  • Inabillites: Can't use two-handed weapons, can't talk to girls, can barely move in plate, can't pick up a date at all most of the time, can't pull himself to harm children.
  • Inexperiences: Dates, drinking, drugs, swinging a big weapon, any other magic than the dice, tasting medicine, never kissed before.
  • Emotional Issues: He hates being put into the spot and being forced to talk to a large crowd.
  • Mental Issues: Can't seem to say the right things to a woman.

Hobbies: Plays games either by himself or with random people, comes up with jokes to tell, thinks up stories for people he meets.
Quote: "Can't win all your rolls."
: Solem Umbra

Aliases: The Black Sun, Dark Star

Age: Technically ageless however last he checked Solem was over two millennia, however he has lost count.

Gender: Male

Race: Celestial - A species that exists in the most remote regions of the physical world and flourishes beyond it they are akin to gods of varying degree. Biologically immortal and exceedingly difficult to kill many of Solem's people has been worshipped as gods when venturing out into the physical world.

Class: Godslayer - a title bestowed upon the fiercest and most accomplished of the warrior Celestials these individuals are well-versed in all forms of combat from psionic to arcane. A title which has been formed from deeds.

: Bisexual

High Concept: Empty individual seeking substance.

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

Relatives: None

Organizations\Affiliations: Currently unaffiliated, though curious about a certain Heros Hero's he has heard of.

Personality: Solem is a quiet individual, with keen observation skills and immense intelligence. Emotionally distant he enjoys relating to others yet will happily keep those he has spoken to at a comfortable distance. Ironic given that he has a strong belief in community and has a strong desire to be in one he feels well suited to. Solem is distantly compassionate, while simultaneously maintaining a kind apathy.This poses an issue as he may not always act when one may want him to. As he continues to learn more about humanity he has reasoned he will learn their social cues and behavioral habits. Until then he shall follow the lead of his....allies. Determination is a key factor in Solem, he is one to see his endeavors through and will continue to work relentlessly.

Backstory: To understand Solem's past, one must understand the story of that which he is...the Black Sun. Imagine being a singularity no matter where one would "look" there was absolutely nothing else. For all your might, knowledge, and ideas there was no one to share it with. So you exist...alone...until you have an idea. You clearly have more than you need so why not break yourself down to make others. And so it happened, star after star, celestial after celestial formed in their own time. Yeah ultimately non were like the black sun. For all their immense number and the various group you were still alone even amongst so many. For incalculable time you make it work do your best, prove your worth. And after so long gain acceptance after being the first of a new group. Just as things are going right a new change comes, leaving you once again on your own. You decide It is time for a change..one of your own volition, and so you leave to find a place in a new realm.

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Natural state (Combat ready)
Natural state
Mundane state (Combat ready)
Mundane state
After entering the physical plane Stolen noticed his presence was rather..disturbing to those around him. Standing at 6'2" his figure wasn't to imposing yet the way energy rolled off of him and pushed against others, as well as the danger his unshielded gaze held. Brought to his attention the need for a..dampened form. while still allowing him access to his armaments.

Weapons & Armor: Godslayer armaments- The fabrics of Solem's clothing while soft to the touch and light are actually woven out of a material much like Mythril called celestial steel. It is enchanted by the masters of the celestials for fit and function. Along with enchantments that enhance its impressive strength, there are other that allow for it to shift forms according to Solem's will even rearranging its composition to change density. It has also been attuned to Solem's magic forms including his Samadhi flame, taking on it's properties . Solem's Gauntlets allow for quick casting of spells and the easy materialization of his weaponry from his mental arsenal. The runes on his pauldrons can project a shield out of his latent energy without costing him mana. Lastly his visor, serving multiple purposes such as blocking others from seeing where he looks, to giving him information about his environment, are primarily to protect others from the ill effects of his unprotected gaze.

Items & Personal Belongings: Aside from his disguised armor and a few gold pieces he procured from a rather confused man, Solem does not carry anything with him.

Skills & Abilities: Language acquisition is a fairly unique skill even among Celestials, simply by hearing or reading a language he will begin to learn it by som inexplicable means.

Strength/durability is something natural to celestials, despite their size and various builds almost all are disproportionately strong. Such that even in Solem's mundane states he can punch through standard armors and withstand blows from things such as giants with minimal detriment to his health.

Speed is another area in which Solem excels in moving in a streak of black at his fastest rates. This combined with his greater stamina make him rather formidable.

Mental, from his intellect comes a high aptitude for strategy and deception. In or out of combat Solem can think his way through a majority of situations without skipping a beat.

Mana generation, Solem has a rare condition that causes him to generate mana quickly.

Dark star's gaze - Solem's gaze has twin effects on an opponent giving them the sensation of burning in time the mind will react as if the body has been burned dealing unseen damage. If intensified Solem's gaze will spark astral flame that will eat away at the persons mana and spirit.

Spells & Magic:
Samadhi flame - Black flame that flows into a crimson lightning and back into the flame. It is a substance that works like Arcana in that it bends to the will of user. However, No matter the spell it always has it's electrifying and burning qualities. Samadhi flame has the add quality of being able to burn through spells using the mana as fuel and this dissipating the spell. Difficult to time and harder to perfect Solem still has trouble doing this.

Weaknesses: Dealing with people is a struggle he know that his goal is to protect and do good but he can mix up who to do such things for and who not to. The individuals he does allow in are instantly a weakness as well as he will set everything else aside for their sake. He will not always follow a plan if he believes that he has found a better way which makes teamwork strenuous. Weak sides of a character. Solem quite literally fears nothing which will lead to the occasional underestimation of another be it friend or foe. Relationships will be difficult as well since they have not been present in Solem's existence before. Most critically is the flow of his mana while he generates it quickly tampering with its flow will seriously affect Solem for some time unbalancing his spells and leading to self harm due to spells misfiring. Moro it can lead to him using too much at once which would overload his system.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: As a Godslayer Solem is dedicated to continued practice and mastery of his skills aware that even he could lose focus should he not maintain his training regiment.

Smithing is another skill he secretly takes joy in crafting wondrous things when so inclined.

Quote\s: "Tseyesci alver denea valre."



Sexuality: Heterosexual, although the chances of mating are next to none. He knows this fact. Instead of showing his feelings- Only to be rejected- He'd simply bottle it up.
High Concept: A lost soul caught in a spiral of conflicting thoughts and moves.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Father: A very lucky hyena that managed to find love. He was a brave warrior- and planned to share his knowledge with his kids. The tribe could always use more warriors. (Deceased)

Mother: A very kind yet stern leader. She had found her love in the midst of battle.
Oldest brother: A very gallant and skilled fighter, sharing much of his father's blood and physique. He was known for his insane ego.
Current loc: Unknown. (Deceased)

Older brother: A very smart and quiet hunter with a heart of gold- and a sense of humor to match. However, The brother was extremely stubborn and incompetent with fighting.
Current loc: Unknown. (Deceased)
Younger Sister: A cute and sweet pup with a wild imagination. She was interested in artistry and crafts and had the talent to amaze her family.
Current loc: Unknown. (Deceased)

Organizations\Affiliations: None.


A hopped up little tool with a wildcard of a personality. He laughs at the face of danger and thrives on the thrill of the kill. He is a manipulative, agile, yet fragile snake that will strike without warning.

This, while flattering for him, couldn't be further from the truth. This Hyena is anything BUT another thrill seeking murderer. He can act awkward and almost incompetent when it comes to social interaction. This screws him on multiple tasks as well, as he sees himself as the incompetent coward that he was told to be.

The laughing part is actually accurate, but for the wrong reasons. He may laugh at the face of danger, but that is only due to instinct. By instinct, "Laughing" usually occurs when the kaftan is in distress or scared. Of course, The kaftans adapted laughing in the same way as humans later on, but the urge is still stuck in their minds during times of distress.

He does not prefer murder as his first action. He finds it unnecessary and unpleasant most of the time. Instead, he prefers robbing or scavenging. Of course, exceptions can be made.
Hunger can quickly change that...

something else lies behind the twitchy eyes of his...

The early life of this bandit was indifferent from the normal Kaftan child hood. Early life was the easiest time for every Kaftan. They ate, slept, and played throughout the day, and usually had a higher priority for protection and care than the other ages. During this time, he grew further and further from the group. His social skills were lacking and his general behavior of a goofy- over energized- pup turned into an annoyance for those unfortunate enough to be near. This kept haunting his mind later in life- and soon this radical "phase" caught its own voice.

Eventually, his peers and his parents had enough...

He quickly learned to bottle his urges and acting calm seemed to follow.
That never lasted long before he began to show weird behaviors again. He began twitching and wandering aimlessly- and when either of his brothers had arrived back from a hunt or a brawl, he'd just follow them around. No words. No expression. He just Eerily stalked his brothers. This chilling form is what he strives to be once more- as it was the least harmful.

When he was questioned about this behavior, He stated that he was curious to find out the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. He didn't know what to do- Like he felt trapped. So he decided to observe and copy others.

Now: His emotions have caught up with the kaftan. His mind was split into two personalities that never seemed to go away. His calm was bombarded constantly with these twitches and urges. It wouldn't stop.


Armor: This is random. He will commonly loot armor and weaponry from the nearest thing he could find. However, he does have a certain preference.
In his possession, he carries a certain cloak that can hide his Kaftan features and make him look *more* human. He usually hides himself using

Items & Personal Belongings:

He carries a small coin purse around his waist and a small bag on his back that contain random objects that he collects.

Skills & Abilities:
Stealth and other manipulative trickery were always his. Playing with the mind of his opponent was always fun. He is skilled in Both hiding in the shadows and hiding within a costume.

He is also quick and agile. If he doesn't outrun you, you may find yourself struggling to even catch that darn bugger.

Much like his armor, his weaponry was most likely "found" laying on the ground. He has no training with any weaponry, however, he often doesn't use it. The stolen weaponry is just a piece of the costume in his mind.

He does carry a few actual weapons:

This small dagger found its way into the Kaftan's hands during his first encounter with a poacher. It's light, easily concealed, sharp, and SHINY.

"Bone-crushing" Teeth.
spending most of his life eating the bones of corpses. From eating the scraps of the tribe's meals (Which many other kaftans do) to eating the bones that he may find on his aimless travels, eating bones was a natural development for him. His bite can break through flesh and possibly break the bone. This only works with a fleshy and unarmored target- any armor (any even cloth) may heavily impact this attack.

His emotional stability may be...questionable...
with constant conflicts of reflection and self-loathing thoughts off of the same vein as an over-dramatic recreation of his peers, he seems like a wreck. This can make him:
A, less resilient to magic or abilities that target the mind of the opponent.

B, less socially active or confident.

C, more critical of other opinions of him. Even during his crimes, he may try to push a sense of intimidation to the victim, which he fails poorly...

Hobbies: Talking with various items...
Yup, you read that right. He talks with various items to pass the time. He uses those times to reflect- as if he were talking with a close friend.

Quote\s:"YES! I-wait what?" "I...Uhh... I don't know what you mean." "Who am I talking to? myself? Eh...that makes sense."
Theme: (Musical theme)

A Nameless Bandit.Name: N/A
Aliases: Bandit, Scoundrel, Or various insults.
Age: 3...Yes. that is the mature age for kaftans and hyenas.
Gender: Male, although his figure can look a bit feminine.
Race: Kaftan: A humanoid-Hyena like species. They are known to be extinct.




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: El Zafiro Riviera.
Aliases: A man like him needs no nicknames for he is El Zafiro, the man of every woman's dream! Although, some men try to make a mockery of him by calling him 'The Riviera Kid' as a why of trying to make him seem more immature and undesirable to women - not that it works, of course.
Age: 23.
Gender: My gods is he a male. He is the male-iest male that ever maled.
Race: Human.
Class: Spellsword, technically.

: Lucky for all the ladies, heterosexual.
High Concept: The most handsome, interesting and lovable guy that ever lived. At least, to the ladies.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Relatives: He is an only child, who's mother died while very young, and who's father is an old 'loony' scientist.
Organizations\Affiliations: The Guild.
Personality: Zafiro is a very confident guy. He doesn't believe himself to be the best man to ever live, but he certainly believes that he is on the higher scale of it. While he radiates masculinity and power, he does display more delicate and subtle traits too. He, despite what first appearances may hold, isn't really big headed or snobbish - he often acts out of charity or to help people out. He is respecting of women, despite his capabilities, as he wants women to love him for who he is, not for what he can make himself be to them. So far, he has not found a woman that he finds attractive, as he prefers beauty of the mind and soul over the beauty of the body (not that he would refuse a beautiful woman, of course). He does flatter and flirt a lot, yes, but it doesn't tend to be very serious. He is also surprisingly intellectual and while he couldn't rub shoulders with the smartest and wisest of mages, he knows how to open a book and interpret its meaning - no matter how complex. In any case, he could probably convince someone to help him anyhow.

In short, a surprisingly pleasant man.

Backstory: Zafiro was born under fortunate circumstances. He was born to a wealthy and successful family, with all the amenities that a king would enjoy. While his mother died due to sickness while Zafiro was very young, he was fortunate enough to be so young as to not remember any of it. Despite his father's grief, he worked diligently to take care of his son with the wealth he had built up from his years of magical research and thaumaturgy advances. While his father was a master in his field, however, in his older years he could not explore as many places as he could and as a result his latter theories could not be proven, or he himself could not disprove them while others could. As a result, he became known across the field as a doddering old fool who was losing it in his latter years. With one final sigh, Zafiro's father hung up his hat as his latest theory of the origins of elemental magic was simply labelled as 'a lunatic's ramblings'.

This upset Zafiro, as he knew that he was still as sane as any other man his age. Therefore, one night, he took his father's sword, a small portion of wealth and his father's latest research notes and left a note saying that he will prove everyone wrong for him. Within just a few years, his research was already proving to be accurate as he managed to track down what the ancient books referred to as 'the embodiment of water magic' - a beautiful water spirit named Deja. Zafiro found the water woman fascinating, but not as fascinating as the water woman found him - she had never seen a human male before. The pair got to talking, first starting off with confirmation of theories and other more academic questioning, but soon got into more...private conversation. Zafiro soon worked out what Deja wanted and politely shut her down, simply stating that 'it could never work between a human and a god'. Deja agreed, to which Zafiro felt guilty, but as he left she gave him one last gift - the gift of water mastery.

Despite his better nature, Zafiro still brags about being able to seduce what was effectively a god. Soon enough, he found himself at the Guild, and after eventually working his way in (that had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the recruitment desk was currently ran by a woman at the time) he became a full time member where he could easily research what he needed, while still being helpful to society itself. There is one famous incident, one of the few first proper jobs he was put on, where he accidentally charmed a powerful witch who was terrorizing the town (to distract her while the rest of the crew dealt with everything else) who then charmed him back so that they would be in love forever. While the witch never attacked anything again, Zafiro didn't return until a week later completely exhausted, his clothes torn to shreds, and from that very day Zafiro never leaves the Guild without his necklace of resist charms on.

Weapons & Armor
: Under his illustrious uniform he wears a special mail made from the scales of a quicksilver dragon. Not only do the scales look beautiful in the light, further amplifying his own beauty, the armour provides Zafiro with a comfortable, unrestricting suit of average defense with a nice bonus that is helps provide resistance against magic in general - useful when you want to get close to the mage of the group to stop them attacking everyone. However, the armour itself also cannot be enchanted or magically buffed in any way. He also wears a necklace that provides excellent resistance against mind based spells - especially charms. Don't want a repeat of the 'incident'.

He also owns a beautiful sword, brutish in nature yet elegant and intricate in its own way, named the Eversword. Originally his father's, the sword was rune enchanted, which glow green in combat, to be completely unfazed by any sort of magic that could alter it, like telekinesis, heat metal, magnetism or anything like that while also being indestructible. The blade itself is made from a very rare steel made from meteoric iron, giving it a strange sheen like no other sword has, with the hilt itself being made of an otherworldly astral silver, used by beings from the Astral Plane such as githyanki and so on. The sword itself, including the enchantment, is easily worth a good 50,000-100,000 gold pieces from a collector's point of view. Zafiro believes it to be so beautiful that no scabbard in the world could match its beauty and as a result he usually keeps it on display on his belt - which he has no worries about as it glows green and makes even the most adept of thieves clumsy as sh*t if they touch it (the effect of which is provided by the githyanki silver hilt).

Items & Personal Belongings: He owns several coin pouches, more likely to be filled with gold or even platinum pieces than coppers or silvers - heck, he even has a pouch dedicated to gemstones as they are a way of carrying hundreds of gold pieces worth easily. He also has one of the larger safes in the Guild private quarters for his own convenience. He is rich, in other words. However, he also owns a tatty old journal, of his dad, that contains odd ramblings about theories of magic and the like, and is often seen with books cross checking the information from it. Of course, he also owns the standard backpack of adventurers - not that he wears it all the time.

Skills & Abilities: He is fairly adept at swordplay, not at a master level but definitely better than the average bandit, but his real skill is in charisma - it's how he makes so much money these days. He is an expert in the fields of barter, talking to women (and men if he really has to) and can adapt his own personality to suit another's to make quick friends. He also knows everything there needs to be known about water magic.

Spells & Magic: Zafiro has basic elemental manipulation (as of writing this, he has just water) and as a result can control it, produce it and even reflect it in an area around him. He cannot change the properties of the element (at least, not at the time of writing this) but can manipulate it as he pleases. However, his main feats involve his mind magic. He knows telepathy, various charms to persuade, intimidate or anything, but his main skill is something he calls the 'Zafiro Charm' - an oddly powerful charm that can provide everlasting effects after Zafiro has concentrated on the charm for long enough.

Weaknesses: He can sometimes underestimate foes a bit, and he absolutely refuses to use his abilities without his necklace at hand. He is somewhat weakened if the foe is a man, as well.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Preening, chatting up the ladies, etcetera. However, he does have a secret academic side and can be often seen late at night in the Guild Library doing research.
Quote\s: "You are attracted by the appearance, but you fall in love with the detail.", "A wise man says little, for a wise man knows what to say." and his personal favourite - "You must be an amazing thief - I did not even feel you steal my heart."

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Hananya Thirío
Han, Beast (derogatory) any other shorter variation of her name.
The Kéwan are a more primitive and beast-like race who live off the land. Males are typically taller than females who typically hunt and tend to youngsters in the tribe, males are more solitary and some leave their home to meet others. Highly sociable, they live in tribes with a matriarch and are monogamous, mating for life. As carnivores, Kéwan typically hunt daily and need a large amount of meat to eat to survive. They are excellent fighters, primarily using strength, size and wit to overcome their enemies. But they can also use swords when the situation arises. Some could see the Kéwan as brutal or barbaric in their methods of hunting and how they are typically unwelcoming to other races in their territory, being highly protective of their clans.


Bisexual but is not hopeful of pairing as it is unknown how many Kéwan there are left.
High Concept:
Stoic and loyal, Hananya may not be one to seek out others’ company but once her loyalty is earned she will not back down in protecting those close to her.
Character Alignment:
Chaos Neutral
Novak- Father (Status unknown)
Kensue- Mother (Status unknown)
Navid- Older Brother (Status unknown)
Mariam- Adoptive Mother (Alive)
The Flinthead Tribe (formally) The Guild of Heroes (potentially)
Uncommon to her species, Hananya is a reclusive individual who does not seek out company and seems unwilling to interact with others other than her adoptive mother, who she has undying loyalty towards and would protect with her life. Not much of a talker, she prefers her own space and does not wish to seek people out. At least that is what it seems. A lonely individual, Hananya does hold a desire for companionship but feels pressured by both her race and past which holds her back. But if someone does earn her trust and loyalty, she will stand with them regardless of circumstances.

Despite her anti social and grumpy tenancies, Hananya is an avid fighter and can hold her own in a fight and her heightened sense of smell and hearing would make her vital for tracking or watching for predators. Hananya can be pretty snarky and will make sarcastic comments if annoyed or irritated by people. Though she will hold her tongue around her superiors. She does have a higher tolerance for younger or more innocent creatures, mainly becoming annoyed with ones who should know better.

Hananya loves nature and spends a lot of time outside in trees or wandering through the woods. She also has a love of flowers, having a patch of roses which she looks after religiously and will become angry if anything happens to them. She has a strong emotional connection with roses due to her past, something she gets upset over if it is brought up by anyone. She also has the red blanket that she was wrapped in as a baby, using it as a comfort object and will panic if she misplaces it.
Hananya doesn't know much about her past. She does vaguely remember her parents and her tribe, but only just. The events of the first few months of her life are a blur and the only thing that is fully clear to Hananya is the strong scent of roses. This was because, when she was three months old, her tribe was hunted under the accusation of killing cattle from a nearby farm. To save Hananya, her mother had hid her in a patch of thornless roses wrapped in a red blanket before running away.

After some time, a wood-elf came across the young Hananya and, after being unable to find her family, took her in as her own. And while Hananya did have a nice childhood, her adoptive mother wouldn't let her leave the forest in worry that she'd get hurt, given what happened with her family, whose fate is still unknown. Although she was happy, it was a rather lonely existence with only her adoptive mother for company along with her pet cat.

Nowadays, Hananya lives alone in a forest, accustomed to being on her own. One thing that does worry her is that she hasn’t seen another of her kind after losing her parents, causing her to become worried that there might not be any others. Over time she had come to learn about the Guild and does have a level of interest but does not know how to approach the guild. She does not have much of an interest in interacting with other races but feels that she must step out and see the rest of the world rather than remain alone.


Stands at 8 ft



Weapons & Armor:

Hananya does not have any armour besides a pair of silver shoulder blades and a plate that runs down her back, typically used while hunting to protect herself from anything that could be hunting her.
A long and silver sword

Items & Personal Belongings:
A red blanket she tends to keep around her neck and a small packet of herbs.
Skills & Abilities:
Hightened hearing and smell,
Strength similar to a bear,
Spells & Magic:
The ability to communicate with other predators such as bears and wolves which can either ward off danger or have them as allies.
with combat,
Low self-esteem,
Hair-trigger temper at times,
Can be impulsive,
Does not like being controlled

FLUFF (Optional)

picking flowers (roses specifically)
“...Y’don’t know anything, do you. What do you expect? Me to eat you? That’d be typical. Make our image worse. Cause that’s all you know and the thought of it being otherwise is scary so you want it confirmed. Typical.”

Birdsie Birdsie
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Name: Ross Wicke
Aliases: Some people call him Rossie..
Age: 22
Gender: Dude
Race: Human. (Nothing special about him.)
Class: Archer - Relies on his bow, and his keen HEC to take down targets.

Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: When compared to others, most would classify Ross as "average" in almost every way. He's not insanely courageous, and he isn't exactly the smartest, but he gets the job done. What really sets him apart is his good will, and determination to do his duty.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: He's an only child, and his mom and dad live together in a small house
Organizations\Affiliations: As of right now, he's a lone wolf. (Figuratively... >_>)
Personality: Referring back to the "high concept" part, Ross is fairly average. He's not too clever, and he's not the bravest, but he knows how to get a job done... On his own terms. Ross thinks of most things very logically. He tries to do what's best for the majority of people, even if that means everyone else has to suffer a bit. (Completely changing the subject here...) Ross tends to feel pretty useless when compared to his other, more mystical allies. After all, he's only human. But that's also a positive for him-- He knows his limits. If he's getting into a fight that he knows he's not gonna win, he's gonna walk.
Backstory: Ross grew up pretty lonely. Not having too many friends and being an only child, his parents were his real best friends. His mom treated him like a baby until he was about 14, when she started treating him his age. That being said, he's still a bit immature. Ross's parents never really thought of him as violent, until one day, they saw him "playing" with his father's bow, shooting arrows at deer in the forest. This gave his father an idea, and the next day, Ross started learning how to hunt. He hunted and hunted and hunted almost every day, tweaking and perfecting his skills with a bow. Now that he's almost 25 and living alone, he uses these skills to find himself food, and may even save his life one day.

Appearance: Ross has emerald-green eyes, and straight brown hair, which is never neat. His hair is always all-over-the-place, and in his face, which can sometimes be detrimental when trying to aim his bow. He doesn't have the most attractive face, but he's definitely not ugly. Like I've said many times, he's pretty average. One of the only things that's not completely average about his appearance is his height. He's really short. Like, 5'6" short. However, he uses this to his advantage in combat, or while hunting, by easily hiding in trees and bushes.
Weapons & Armor: Well, being an archer, he obviously has his bow. He has a fairly large quiver that he has slung around his shoulder, filled with all different kinds of arrows. (I.E, poison-tipped arrows, flammable arrows, even explosive arrows) He keeps his armor very light, only wearing his regular clothes to protect him. But he also does own a homemade ghillie suit, which he doesn't use too often.
Items & Personal Belongings: His mother gave him a ring when he left to go live on his own, which is his most prized possession.
Skills & Abilities: Ross has unmatched hand-eye coordination, and is a master archer-- Which is surprising, given the fact that he's only been... Arching? ...For about 10 years.
Spells & Magic: Nothing. He's completely human.
Weaknesses: He's terribly afraid of losing family members. He also has a fear of snakes, for some reason.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: He spends most of his free time hunting, really.
Quote\s: Nothing for this one.
Theme: ...Or this one.
Name: Dillian Graysten
Aliases: The Abyss Watcher, Captain of the Eldritch (Stripped)
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Knight

Sexuality: Asexual
High Concept: A once-noble captain who had seen the darkest depths of the universe, exiled from his land under accusations of mental instability, now proudly fights alongside the Guild.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Ferris Graysten and Marigold Graysten
Organizations\Affiliations: Once the captain of the Seekers for Truth and Penitence.
Personality: A stoic and friendly man, Dillian is a man of great respect for himself and others. Under his need for honour and display of bravery, however, is his resentment for being saved or helped. Dillian always finds a way to take responsibility for himself, silently shunning those who would want to help him.
Backstory: Dillian was a proud knight who always had someone to best. Crawling up in the ranks of the Seekers for Truth and Penitence was no easy task, for it was a militant group housing only the most exclusive knights of the land of Estoria. Only through his family ties to a legendary knight of their land and his prodigious combat skills was he able to join.

He faced many fighting styles during his time serving. However, the greatest battle he ever fought came not from a distant land or from close enemies, but from his very own kingdom. In a suspicious accident a tear of darkness was formed where only the sick and most twisted creatures leaped free from. The battles raged for days at a time with almost no rest in between, but with each battle, Captain Dillian Graysten stood tall and strong, leading his men into battle against an army nobody had ever fought. When the battle was over, there was hardly a kingdom left, they lost an estimated 70% of their population in five days.

While Dillian was widely celebrated, granted the titles of "Abyss Watcher" and "Captain of the Eldritch", some, even his own men, came to question his sanity. While he had no recollection of the events, he was reported to have been speaking to himself in odd languages and acting rather out of character with violent outbursts. Eventually he was confronted and given an honourary retirement. Dillian was violent, attacking others over his withdrawal, but again, he remembered none of it. He was cast out of the kingdom after allegedly killing a man who mocked him. Upon leaving, his first instinct was to search for and join the Guild of Heroes that he had heard whispers of.

Weapons & Armor: Longsword & Parrying Dagger. His armour is his official captain's armour, albeit stripped from its captain sigils and ranks.
Items & Personal Belongings: He always keeps a small dagger with him, although he never uses it. The dagger was scavenged off one of the Eldritch, and was the only enemy weapon they managed to find in the battle. It has been his personal trophy ever since.
Skills & Abilities: A very charismatic man, Dillian strives in making others follow him, this also allows him to barter extremely well. He is very skilled in close-quarter combat, and trusts his quick wit over all else. Dillian also has a unique fighting style that is a mix of clean, graceful slices and strong parries.
Spells & Magic: The only spell Dillian ever learned was to project an ethereal shield that could block most magical and Eldritch abilities, its extent is not yet known.
Weaknesses: Due to his prolonged exposure to the Eldritch, it could be said that Dillian is haunted. Strange, albeit minuscule, things are said to occur around him. (i.e. when he drops things, sometimes they are known to shoot away from him about 10 feet in a random direction.)
Although never officially documented or diagnosed, Dillian may also have been driven to madness from his exposure. While he remembers nothing, it is clear in some battles that there may be a darker force inside him.
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: Fallix Cloudtail
Aliases: Fox
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Race: The Shinzoku, or better known as foxkin, are a fairly rare subspecies of beastmen that usually set up secret villages in deep forests and either kill or brainwipe intruders, making them difficult to find and even more difficult to track down. Similarly to how tieflings are descendants of demons, the foxkin share the blood and powers of ancient kitsunes. This allows them to cast more magic consuming illusion spells as easily as a warlock may cast a cantrip. Being forest dwellers at heart they are naturally agile and show great hunter prowess, yet their kitsune blood gives them an average intelligence greater than men - despite most of them being locked away from civilisation. All Shinzoku know all languages off by heart and are naturally crafty and strategic individuals. They only can produce a single child, as their culture says so, simply because they can live for thousands of years at a time. As a result, they know that if they have too many children they would become a threat to the human race due to sheer numbers.

However, should they die unnaturally, they have one trick left up their sleeve. If they should 'die' of unnatural causes, like stab wounds or fireballs, their kitsune blood kicks in reviving them in a brilliant display of golden light. Their fur glows gold with age old magic, as several tails emerge from their standard one, healing all fatal and major wounds, magical debuffs or other negative effects and natural poisons or disease all while increasing the power of their magic. However, this feat can only be achieved once a day and does not heal all wound the user may have suffered (in a D&D sense, puts them on around a third HP). Some foxkin have also been known to be able to communicate with their kitsune ancestors, allowing the user access to great fonts of knowledge, but most kitsunes were tricksters and as a result they may provide incorrect or cryptic answers.

Class: Frontline support/enemy disrupter.

: Heterosexual.
High Concept: Crafty and cunning as a fox, mainly because he is one.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good. While he tries to stick to what may be considered as Lawful Good, he isn't afraid to do what most Lawful Good won't.

Relatives: His father was a great general over 200 years ago, nicknamed Okubein (or Orc-Bane), as he famously outwitted a massive army of 10,000 orcs that would've destroyed and plundered half of the world. He took his small army of 1,000 human men and led them to victory by using his superior cunning and strategy to outmanoeuvre, outrun and eventually take down the army. He died a couple of centuries later, however, due to a natural illness that had festered in him over the centuries.
Organizations\Affiliations: The Guild (and various foxkin villages, as if he would reveal where they are).

Personality: Fallix, or Fox as he prefers to be called (he tends to not use his actual name), is a very crafty individual. He can usually come up with strategies to all scenarios which usually end up in success with minimal loss. He isn't afraid to use dirty tactics to get a win, despite judging looks from other people, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He is a fairly quiet individual, rarely talking about himself and never about his family or village, and can often become distressed in large groups of people - in which case, he silently removes himself from the area. He broods fairly often and can often be found on his own looking at drawings or mementos of his father.

Backstory: Fox had a fairly troubled upbringing - from a young age all he remembers about his father were his stressed breathing and sickly coughing. His father used to regale tales of his youth, of his time as a great general, but Fox never really cared about it all - he was young, and didn't want his father to die after all, and it was clear that speaking was becoming harder and harder for him. In his final few years he could barely talk, barely eat and barely see. As he died, as if he suddenly gained a great amount of energy just to speak one final time, he grasped Fox's hand and looked him deep in the eye and told him one thing that stuck with him forever - 'help the world. If you can do that without expecting payment, you'll make me proud...my son.'

Taking his father's final words to heart he took off from the village, and after days if not weeks of travel he had heard of a 'Guild of Heroes' - sounded like the perfect place to start his goals. From there, the rest is history.

Weapons & Armor
: Since he relies on his magic more than his weapons, he only carries a dagger and wears no armour.
Items & Personal Belongings: He owns an odd flute like instrument, despite not knowing how to play it or having the urge to learn how, as it was his father's and it brings him solace. Other than a few standard belongings, plus a small blue magic focus, he tends to travel light.
Skills & Abilities: He is naturally stealthy, even without his invisibility, and barely makes a sound even when running. He can leap off of walls with great ease and has agility comparable to monks. He is faster than most, but also more intelligent too. He is incredibly strategic and great at working out problems, so is very useful in most situations. He can also see in the dark. He also has a fair few bestial traits, such as sharp retractable claws and pointed teeth, enhanced smell and so on.

Spells & Magic:-

- Language Mastery - he knows, can write and read, all languages (except long ancient ones).
- Innate Illusion Mastery - he can cast illusion spells as 'cantrips', meaning that he doesn't spend as much energy to cast them. He also doesn't need materials for them, but other restrictions of the spell still apply.
- Illusion Magic - He specializes in illusion magic, and as a result can cast spells like invisibility, projection spells, blur spells, mindfog spells and so on.
- Fire Magic - he is also fairly competent at fire magic, should he wish to go on the offensive.
- Final Tactic - should he ever die of something not natural, such as a sword or magic, he will be reborn in a blaze of golden light that enhances all of his illusion spells to the point where they are indistinguishable from the actual thing. They will feel real (to the target), look real, act real and sound real. To the target they have a physical form and can even hurt them like normal things can (even though they aren't actually doing that). Not even magic can distinguish them. It also heals him quite a bit, but can only be used once per long rest.
- Help from a Trickster - in the most serious of situations, he can call upon his long ancestors for help. The ancestors are smart to know that in dire situations seriousness is needed, but in not so serious cases they will try to trick or deceive Fox. Since he can never truly trust them, he rarely calls upon them for aid.

Weaknesses: Fox can often become paranoid of new people, and even then does things cautiously. He isn't very imposing, either, and his 4'7 figure isn't very brawny. He isn't beating anyone in a test of strength anytime soon.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: He likes to read on his own, or perhaps go into the nearby forests to hunt. Even though he, and his species, are fairly dignified all members of his village were required to at least know how to hunt and gather - besides, he finds it somewhat relaxing.
Quote\s: "What? Who are you?", "Leave me be!" and "You'll never see me kill you!"

Name: Jewel Caffrey
Aliases: Artemis
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Demi God- A human with God like powers and physiology
Class: Beast Master Ranger

Sexuality: Asexual
High Concept: Prefers the wilderness as a hunter. Makes a small pact of friends and is loyal to them. Very protective.
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)
Organizations\Affiliations: She's a hunter she protects other hunters and the wildeeness
Personality: She idolizes Artemis' mythology and lives her life as she believes Artemis would. She feels that in order to do a justice to Artemis' name she must live by lifestyles of one of her fabled hunters. She has sworn to remain a virgin and punishes anyone who threatens that oath. She feeling comfort front meeting other hunters and befriending them. Her spectrum of friends is not limited to hunters however. Anyone she sees as worthy she protects and makes them a friend.
Backstory: As a child her father told her the stories of Artemis when they went on hunts. It was from her father that she learned how to use a bow and to hunt. After years of hunting her reputation spread through their village and quickly became the best in their village granting her the nickname Artemis. She felt nothing but honor upon receiving this title and carries that title with pride. When she turned 17 she left the village hoping to explore the world and hint it's many beasts. She followed the moon in her travels believing it would give her the strength to keep going. Years later she has reached her goal and became a master of the hunt and wild beasts. Aftwr returning home and telling the tales of her travels she left again after hearing of the hero's guild. Her father had convinced her to go and help those in need. Her sense of justice may not be that of a perfect hero but it was her sense that she would take pride too.

Weapons & Armor: Her bow and arrows are her primary weapons. Poison that she uses on her weapons. She also uses animals bending them to her will and have them fight either for or with her. And a hunters knife she uses for emergency situations.
Items & Personal Belongings: A mecklace fiven to her by her father that has a present moon on it.
Skills & Abilities: Master of hunting. Can see perfectly at night.
Spells & Magic: Can speak to animals and beasts and bend them to her will.
Weaknesses: Her skills rely on being unseen or at a distance. Although she can fight in close combat anyone with an ehnaced sense of close combat can defeat her.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Hunting and camping
Quote\s: "Anything and everything can be hunted."
Theme: Music scares away the prey

I hope this is good I've always wanted to do a character like this.

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