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Fandom A Game Of Thrones - NOW OPEN

Appearance: [ No Anime PLEASE. ]

Name: Owyn Stryder

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Nicknames / Titles: "Khal of Westeros", and "The Harvester"

Marital Status: Single

Personality: He is a very scholarly man, intelligent and understanding, but managed to mask this with seemingly peramanent cocky smirk and arrogant tone. Having spent time in the Free Cities and further parts of Essos, he is able to speak in the various Valyrian dialects with great precision, mimicking the accent of a regular citizen perfectly. His sharp tongue (and sharp weapons, which he is always eager to pull out) often land him in hot water, though, regularly insulting the King and Lannisters. However, his confidence and charisma seem to melt in the presence of the women who he is attracted to, stumbling over his words or attempting to avoid eye contact. He often switches between intelligent and reckless, almost at random, going from a compassionate, understanding and intellectual person to a rash and unreasonable one.

He is a keen fighter and trains with several weapons to high standards, making it a priority to train at least once a day. Having spent a large part of his time in the Free Cities in Lys and their brothels, he is used to the company of whores and paramours, and does not seem to comprehend the idea of traditional marriages

Biography: Owyn is the son of Martyn Stryder, a minor vassal to House Stark. His father ensured that he was made to do work from dusk till dawn, train and fight, and do tasks that small folk would do in order for him to grow into a tough man. However, at age 18, he journeyed across the Narrow Sea against his father's will, and began fighting in competitions and tournaments. From these he managed to win a small fortune, a great reputation in the nine cities and win the hearts of the women (especially the whores), due to his overall strength and unorthodox technique. His ventures however were cut short after the death of his father, and he returned to his father's castle to replace him as Lord of Blade's Edge Bastion.

Others: His now extravagant lifestyle often leads him across Westeros, and he says himself that would rather live in The Reach or Dorne due to the hotter climate, food, wine, and most importantly, the women.

He often brags about the noble women he has bedded, but it is unclear if these encounters are true.
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[QUOTE="Sean Of The Living]((Continued from last post)) Often leads Him across Westeros, and he has said before that he would prefer to live in The Reach or Dorne, due to the food, wine, climate and most importantly, the women. He also brags about how many noble women he has bedded, but it is unclear if this is truth or not.
He is called "Khal of Westeros" due to his use of a pair of sickles in competitions and single combats.

He is often called "Prince of the Brothels" in Lys.

You can just edit you know that right?
[QUOTE="Sean Of The Living]I only just realised that. I'm very new to this.

Well it's alright, i know how it is but i just think it would have taken up space and we don't want that.
[QUOTE="Sean Of The Living]So... Am I allowed to join the rp?

I don't own this that's WanderingJester's choice. I'm just OCD xD


Name: Avilus Aurelius

Nicknames: The Bull Elephant, The People's Champion, The Smoking Sword.

Titles: Nobilis of Volantis, Patrician of Volantis, (former) Triarch of Volantis.

Gender: Male

Age: 50

Marital Status: Married.


Avilus Aurelius, son of Avitus Aurelius, he who's lineage extends back to the Ghiscari Wars, is a man renowned for his knowledge and political might. Being a true son of Volantis, descended from the Valyrian Freehold, Avilus protects the ancient ways ruthlessly, slavery especially. In Westeros and less civilized parts of the world one might do battle with a sword, but Volantis is different. Rhetoric cuts down more opponents than even valyrian steel, and no man wields a sharper tongue than Avilus. Engaging debates between Avilus and political opponents have been known to last hours, in the streets and forums of the city, with Avilus gradually wearing down his foes. He's a patient man, understanding the importance of gradually installing new legislation rather than force it. Coincidentally, Avilus is a seasoned Cyvasse player.

Capable of understanding the tones of different environments with a high percentage of accuracy, Avilus knows what to say and when to say it. Whether to be quiet and stoic, or loud and bashful. In the privacy of his slaves and family, Avilus is a demanding man, seeking only the best. Both for them and from them. As a master, Avilus isn't cruel, working under the conclusion that harming your property is a waste of your resources.

Arrogant and prideful, Avilus deems himself and all those of the old Valyrian blood to be nigh Gods on the earth, but isn't cruel in his delivery. Avilus offers occupation for the poorer immigrants among his own personal guard or villa staff, sometimes recommending them for other esteemed patricians of Volantis. Loudly and often will Avilus throw charity events for the poor, poor lesser beings in Volantis. This has made him a popular celebrity, which helped fuel his political career. Avilus has been called the Bull Elephant for his blurred stance on War and Prosperity through Peace. Officially Avilus counts himself among the Elephant party, but has supported Tiger principles. He's received aid from both parties due to his middle ground approach, with more conservative members of each party criticizing him.


Avilus grew up outside the city in the ancestral villa of the Aurelius'. There he was tutored by wise slaves from Meereen on geography, mathematics, law, alchemy, economics, and several other lesser subjects until the age of sixteen. Avitus Aurelius gave his son command of several merchant galleys and vendors along the Rhoynar, testing what Avilus has learned and seeing to it that he gains experience early on in his life. The young Avilus met the task head on, succeeding in almost earning the same income as his father had when in command of the merchants. Accepting to blunder greatly, Avilus surprised Avitus with his success, and in just under a year he managed to match what his father brought in from the merchants.

As years went by Avilus' skills grew considerably. The name Aurelius ascended from that of lesser nobles to one of the wealthiest in the Volanti city-state. Through his many dealings, Avilus himself gained fame in Volantis and with envoys from other major trading hubs. From beyond The Sorrows to Slaver's Bay was his name known as an up and coming nobilis. At the age of twenty two he officially joined the Volantis army, though his accomplishments were little and are often glossed over. He commanded a cohort of freed men who patrolled the roads, safe keeping them from brigands. Avilus did this for five years before retiring. It's said he lost money as a soldier, as compared to what luxuries he held earlier in his life. The move was purely political, gaining the attention of the people as a man willing to do his duty to Volantis, but he eagerly leapt back into trading exotic goods after his service was finished. It wasn't until Avilus was thirty that he entered the politics of the city, as per the law states, forbidding younger eligible men from doing so. Avilus took to the political scene in Volantis rapidly, debating on behalf of other Triarchs and serving lower positions in the government such as management of traffic throughout the day, to a role not unlike the Master of Coins in Westeros.

By the age of thirty nine Avilus was known for his political ferocity, secured knowledge in economic fields, and being a patriot to Volantis. He ran for Triarch for the first time, succeeding his election through a landslide. Avilus would go on to be a Triarch of Volantis six times after that, reluctantly agreeing to part with the position after his seventh reign. Many of the patricians and political rivals saw him as a foreboding presence, a man too well established to win against. With his life in earnest danger, Avilus retired from politics and returned to the villa outside Volantis. While still a Triarch, Avilus petitioned for a war of gold against Braavos, declaring them enemies of Volantis. The youngest of the Free Cities cutting off possibly extensions to the slave trade, especially to Pentos. The supremacy of the Iron Bank stunted the growth of smaller institutions, including the bank of Volantis. Another reason he wanted Braavos defeated. Sanctions and added taxes were placed on goods arriving from Braavos, but little more then that was done on the matter.

In the four years since he's retired, Avitus offered council and support to new and old Triarchs, along with meeting lords of other Free Cities and merchant kings in their own rights. For his wisdom he is honored, and for the strength he gave to Volantis he is respected.


There's almost no statements given on Avilus' ability to use any weapon. In fact, it can be noted that whenever a battle of considerable size takes place, he finds himself far from it.

Avilus has been accused of several crimes, some including bankrupting political rivals entirely, forcing them to sell family members into slavery and shoved out of political power. But thanks to the importance Avilus had during his time as Triarch, no man could bring up those claims and hope to win against him.

A not so avid follower of the Red Faith, Avilus will make sacrifices and offerings often, only to appease the masses who worship R'hllor.

Avilus has approximately one thousand Unsullied guarding his estates throughout Volantis, with sellswords and other slave soldiers a common sight in their ranks. Like many wealthy nobilis of Volantis, Avilus flaunts the power by having large processions whenever he enters the city.

Despite his rivalry with the Free City of Braavos, Avilus has used a Faceless Man before, selling off several artifacts from the Valyrian Freehold his family had to pay for the contract.

A man of knowledge, Avilus has drifted throughout all of the Free Cities, the Ghiscari Cities of Slavers Bay, Qarth, and even to King's Landing and Oldtown.

Avilus is one of the few in the city allowed beyond Black Wall, gaining the hidden and lost dragonlore from the Freehold.​


Name: Lord Dolar Umber

Gender: Male

Age: 54

Nicknames / Titles:
Lord of Last Hearth, The Northern Giant, Dolar "Bear's Bane" Umber.

Marital Status: Married

Personality: Dolar, is best described as a simple man; despite his freak size, he is a kind, compassionate, and unwaveringly loyal subject to House Stark. A true man of justice, and a zealot of the Old Gods. He is a competent enough commander, with a decent mind for battle tactics - and is an incredible diplomat, his intimidating size but kind nature complimenting each other with intimidation and persuasion.

Most would peg the warrior as a blood-lusted madmen had they only witnessed him in battle, but he is perhaps one of the gentlest people in the North, a loud man; no doubt, like most Umber's Dolar has no qualms with engaging in heavy drink - and due to his size, he's never once been hungover in his life. Similarly, despite his old age the man seems to be as fit as any prime warrior.

Despite his basic life of content in the North, Dolar is a force to behold against any his liege Lord would do war with - he fights like a berserker, or a bear as some put it - no mercy, no holding back. Those who speak to the towering Lord are shocked to find how friendly, and easy to talk to he is - the man being incredibly social, and enjoying casual talk with people of all faiths, or regions.

Lord Dolar has always lived a simple life, barely ever leaving the constraints of the North, even at a young age. His father raised him like most Umbers, to treasure loyalty, honour, and justice, but in battle show no mercy, and fight with the strength of the Gods themselves. Yet it was clear to all that Dolar was a "freak of nature" even from being a mere boy, by the time he was nine he already stood at 5'8, and the number gradually increased; at 13 he was 6'3, at 16 he was 7'1, then upon hitting the age of twenty the Umber was standing at over 8 feet tall.

Lord Dolar's kind ways, and legendary size earned him a reputation among the whole of Westeros, but in the North he was something of a living Legend. And for good reason too - when the man was thirty years old, the Umbers and Karstarks had a hunting competition with all the other Lords of the realm - and different members of both families were to defeat a beast of their choice. Dolar... Chose a bear.

...And he killed the Bear with his bare hands. As opposed to his wisdom now, back then he was a prideful, competitive, egoistical boaster. Highly gregarious, and very confident in his abilities. The man threw his weapons down and lunged for a bear head on - guarded only by light chainmail and furs. That day, a large host of many Northern Lords witnessed as Lord Dolar Umber was able to snap a bears neck, and come out of the encounter with only moderate cuts...

The days since then, however, were quiet. And Lord Dolar soon found he didn't want adventure, but to settle down at home - with the love of his life, Maya Karstark, and their five children.

He is a literal "Northern Giant" 8'1 and 466lbs, this man could wrestle a bear (again) into submission despite his age. His otherworldy strength and size is what makes him ferocious. Dolar has little finesse or skill at actual swordplay. And though he is faster than any man of 8 foot has a right to be; he doesn't come close to smaller fighters in speed.


[ No Anime PLEASE. ]


Name: Lord Egyll Frey

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Nicknames / Titles: Lord Egyll the Lone Lord, The Toll Thief.

Lord of The Twins, and the Freylands. High Lord of The Crossing.

Marital Status: Married (For now)

Personality: This man is quite the specimen... Selfish, beyond imagination but a man of significant intelligence, and incredible cunning. Lord Egyll is a master of the game - he understands how the cogs of the throne turn, and how to make them turn to benefit him - to underestimate this man, is a terrible mistake. Lord Egyll's ambition is nigh-insatiable, and his drive to reach the top stronger than Valyrian steel. Egyll is not an evil man, he is an opportunistic man, he has no honour code, nor preference of justice. He has one loyalty, and only one. To himself.

In addition to his incredible intrigue; Lord Frey is also a masterful steward, and since his rule over The Crossing the region has prospered, and the commonfolk adore him, even if Lords everywhere despise him. Yet any man with plausible political skill, and good intelligence can see that Lord Egyll is potentially one of the most dangerous Game-Players in Westeros. He cares not for the judgment of others, and only for his own positioning in the realm.

Biography: Before the birth of Lord Egyll, the Freys were nothing special; disliked, and unknown, Egyll's father was nothing more thn a lap-dog for the other Riverlords, the man lacked any sort of spine and was nothing but a slave. It could only be described as unfortunate when the man lost his footing atop the walls a few days after Egyll's 17th birthday. This meant Egyll was then the rightful Lord of the House, and he made many, many changes. Anyone who wished to pass the crossing had to pay a heavy toll - which richened Egyll greatly, this money was then used to increase the Frey army up to 7,000 soldiers, and was put back into the lands of the Crossing.

The towns and villages of the region prospered under their Lords newfound wealth, and many grew to resent Egyll - both for the toll, and out of envy. For this reason, the Freys are generally looked down upon; and have little allies, despite Egyll's brilliant facade of kindness to all he meets, many would describe the man as a "pleasant and smart" man. The former couldn't be further from the truth. For years now, realm was in relative peace - and The Crossing continued to develop, yet Egyll always wanted more - and with Westeros now embroiled in Civil War, his chance to rise from the ashes of others has arrived.

Has no skill in combat, and whilst he is no master strategist; he is more than capable of applying intrigue, and deception in battle.
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Tai Fang

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Nicknames / Titles: Young Phoenix

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Tai is a very laid back man even in the harshest of situations, steming from his training in composure as a warrior priest of Yi Ti. His calming nature is only matched by his sense of adventure and hate for his homeland. Since leaving Yi Ti he has opened up greatly, easily being able to drink among the men on the ship and crack jokes even in the midst of battle. The only thing able to bring forth his wrath is to simply speak poorly about the gods he so strongly believes in.

Biography: Tai was born the youngest son of a YiTish prince in southern Yi Ti. As such Tai he was rarely visited by his father in favor of his four elder brothers, making sure all of them were close and capable of ruling while Tai was cast aside. It was at the age of six that Tai's father finally grew tired of his existance completely and sent the younng boy off to a far away temple in the eastern edge of the Bone Mountains to live as a monk. It was here that Tai grew up, learning from the priests about The Lion of Night and his teachings. It was here that Tai formed his belief that death was the most important time of ones existance, believing that to die in the service of his god to be the most honorable death he could obtain, just as many of the other priests believed in the temple.

It was also here that Tai learned to fight, day in and day out he would be put through harsh exercise and sparring to assure that his body was honed for combat just as all the other priests were. They were not taught tactics, math or science, only how to read so that they could understand the word of their god, speak so that they may convert those of another faith to their own, and fight so that they may protect their temples and themselves so that they may continue to spread the word of The Lion of Night. It is in this gauntlet that Tai was forged for battle and worship believing one day he would sacrafice himself in the name of his god. And for a time he believed like all others in the temple that their place was only within the temple that Yi Ti peasants so often visited. But Tai eventually began to believe that travel was the best way to spread the message of his god, and thus he preparred himself to leave Yi Ti in secret.

Hiding away food and supplies Tai would eventually leave his temple in the silence of night, journeying hundreds of miles, hungry and alone to the Jade Sea. It was in a small port that Tai would meet a bearded man who looked nothing like any of the men he had met before, his features far different from the men that lived in his home country. It was through this man that Tai gained passage to any land he required to visit, so long as he would work for the man and kill his enemies. Luckily for Tai he had no problems with such a thing and would readily kill, though he believed he did so not in this mans name, but in the name of his god, for it was his guidance that lead Tai to this odd looking man and thus set him upon such a journey to find new lands.

It has been nearly a decade since Tai had met the man he now calls captain and Tai has learned many languages and seen many places in the process. He has also killed many men from these lands and hardened his already brilliant skills through harsh and deadly combat, for he now lives among pirates.


Tai is an extremely skilled archer and staff wielder as the only skills he posesses are that of speech and reading outside of combat, though he knows many languages due to speaking with a great deal of people from many different lands. His prowess in combat is so great that he is able to fire an arrow through the visor of a knights helm from 100 yards, even splitting his own arrows and defeating a half dozen men single handedly using his bow as a staff. It is due to his speed and strength in combat that he was given the nickname Young Phoenix as many in his temple believed he was simply impossible to kill.

Tai carries with him at all times a goldenheart bow that doubles as his staff, famed to be soaked in dragons blood as not even steel weapons are capable of leaving a mark on it. Though in reality the bow was simply made of an absurdly higher quality than even the best of goldenheart bows, making it capable of shooting upwards of 600 yards and easily capable of blocking steel weaponry. (essentially on par with a quarterstaff made of steel when used to block weaponry)

Tai is an odd man to most individuals, believing greatly in his god, even refusing to kill anybody during an eclipse due to his belief that it is The Lion of Night coming to claim lives personally and that he has no right to do so himself at such a time, regardless of how bad his current situation is. Tai's belief is so strong that if he ever met a man he believed to be an avatar of The Lion he would throw himself upon a sword without hesitation if he was told to do so.

Stands at an unimpressive and unintimidating 5'5ft though his body is lean and muscular, allowing him to fight at and maintain highspeeds due to his stamina.
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Lupin Stark





Nicknames / Titles:

Marital Status:



Lupin is definitely not a fighter or someone that would needlessly take risks. He is sensitive and very quiet, almost mute. He prefers to keep his head down and stay out of trouble, but as he constantly follows his sister trouble seem's to always find him. He doesn't like violence or being away from his sister but one usually follows the other. Though he may be sensitive he won't hesitate to protect his sister and has proved to be a charming manipulator and liar. But usually he is very kind and honest.


Lupin and Luna have always been very sickly and so was kept sheltered inside Winterfell. Growing up they were barely allowed to leave their chambers in fear of catching any disease of flue that could kill them. When they turned 7 they where finally allowed out after their father realized they could die without seeing the world. Where's Luna immediately began to explore Lupin has been slower to come out of his shell.


Lupin is more sickly then Luna and has random coughing fits.





Luna Stark





Nicknames / Titles:

Marital Status:



Luna is the more outgoing of the twins. She doesn't seem to be able to think ahead to the consequences of her mischief unlike her brother and is often getting into trouble. She is very curious and rebellious. Always up to breaking the rules. She is also very hotheaded and doesn't seem to recognize her own strength. However she feels responsible for her brother and is very protective of him. Always feeling guilty when she pulls him into trouble that hurts him.


Same as Lupin's


The twin's tend to keep most at a distance and rely on each other more then others

they are both small for their age


Swain Thackeray

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Nicknames / Titles: "Black Eyes"

Marital Status: Unmarried

Personality: Swain is for all intents and purposes a horrible person. The only things he has shown even the slightest bit of care for are gold and some of his crew, namely the ones that have been with him the longest. He will frequently abandon newer crew members to die if either it gets him more gold or saves his hide from another injury. Aside from the horrible actions that define him, he is somewhat skilled in charming people in first impressions, this generally being how he gets new crew-members outside of the Basilisk Isles or the Stepstones.

Biography: Swain has been a pirate since before he could even remember, his parents both being from the Stepstones and being somewhat successful pirates themselves. He grew up learning how to sail and where to be at what times to most effectively convince people to hand over their gold. He was also taught how to fight well enough to handle himself in a bad situation for those times when they weren't so easily convinced to give over their life's work. It were only when he turned eleven years of age that his parents finally keeled over. And by keeled over, I mean they were caught and hung at the gallows for their crimes against pretty much everyone in the known world. His parents were absurdly old for being pirates, thinking they were going to die years ago. This led to him being less surprised when they were caught than when they evaded capture. Since it wouldn't look good for the leaders of whatever town they were in to be hanging children who for all they knew had nothing to do with the pirates, they took him in and made him live in an orphanage.

The place was a shit-hole, even worse than the ships, which sometimes actually had shit-holes depending on what kind of boat they were on. Simply put, Swain was not going to be living there and so in the middle of the night took a knife from the kitchen and killed the people running the place in their sleep. He wasn't exactly sure why this was an integral part of his plan, but it made sense at the time, and even more-so when he came to terms with what type of person he was later in life. That night, he left the orphanage and after some sneaking, the town. A few weeks of travel and survival later, and he found himself back in the Stepstones, his only real home in his opinion. Bloodstone was the place which he believed to be the physical place of his home, but that was really only because it was the biggest and most pirate-riddled of all the islands. It weren't long before he found himself a crew that would take him on. He served with a shitty captain on a small carack meant mostly for fast trading for about five years until he and a fair portion of the crew mutineed, killing the captain and whoever wasn't a part of the mutiny at night. This was the mark of his first time being a captain, and a hell of a time that was.

Swain made the first mistake of celebrating his victory until they were out of supplies, forcing them back onto land with what little gold the previous captain had acquired over the years. A decent number of the crew left with their cut of the plunder then and there, leaving Swain with just a dozen crew-members to raid and pillage as they liked, or at least as they could without dying. Spending everything they had left on food and ale, they were back at sea and looking to pirate passing trade-ships. With his parents' training and a fair number of years under his belt already, they quickly started to see their way into wealth. It took Swain just a few months to make what the last captain did in five years, both showing how horrible that captain was, and how good Swain was. Most of their success however had been attributed to Swain's sailing skills. Even at such a young age, he was among some of the best sailors the pirates of the Stepstones had ever seen. After a particularly great raid on a trading vessel which happened to be trading in exotic goods, a long-since petrified dragon egg was taken into Swain's possession, which was almost immediately sold for the highest price available. This was enough to really kick-start Swain's pirating career, getting him a custom-made ship along with enough gold to hire a crew to man it some 120 men strong. This custom-made ship would stay with Swain for the rest of his pirating life, having four decks and measuring 200 feet in length. It was by far the largest pirate ship any had seen in bloodstone, most of which believing it to be too large to actually function like a pirate ship should.

Through the coming years, Swain would lose a pretty fair amount of his body here and there, but the most important to his visage was an especially strange injury to his eyes. While raiding a far-off ship from Asshai and pretty easily murdering everyone aboard, Swain kicked in the door to the hold, where a crazy old man threw a flask of some chemical in his face. It didn't actually have any effect aside from making his eyes feel odd for a few minutes. Of course, after a cold stare and the old man getting more terrified than people normally are by that, Swain cut him down. Coming back up to the deck and telling his men to take anything valuable, some of them just stared at him oddly. It was only when one of them asked what happened down there that he went over to the nearest reflective surface and stared into his newly blackened eyes. His reaction was different from what most people's would be in that he let out a loud "Yar har har!" before claiming he had finally killed enough people to become a demon. He in fact genuinely believes this to be true, and tries to rub it in the face of other pirate captains.


- Swain is a magnificent sailor, the likes of which pirate-kind hasn't seen in centuries

- His most piratey features are his peg-leg, hook-hand and comically pirate accent.

- Swain's stache is hidden on Bloodstone, marked with an X, and containing the majority of his acquired wealth over the years, which is a lot.

- Predicting ship routes is second-nature to Swain, and as such he is almost always the first pirate to show up to a loaded ship.

Appearance: He wears armor and robes under his wolf fur coat, the regular wears he prefers.


Tadhg Stark



Nicknames / Titles:
Lord Stark, Tadhg Stark

Marital Status: Married

Usually peaceful and a great family type guy, even a great lord at that. He takes responsibility for almost everything, jokes with his men and treats everyone he can as an equal.


Tadhg Stark is the head of House Stark. The North is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms, and House Stark is one of the Great Houses of the realm. House Stark rules the region from their seat of Winterfell, and Tadhg also holds the title Lord of Winterfell. In addition, he is the Warden of the North.

Tadhg is married to a lady of House Tully. Though they barely knew one another when they wed, they formed a strong and loving marriage. They have a few children as well, Laura and Lupin, along with 3 othes. Nevertheless, Tadhg is well respected by his family. Lastly, Tadhg is a stoic, dutiful, and honorable man and is considered to embody the values of the North.

: One of the few to still wield a Valyrian Steel sword. His brother is father to Hadar and Timos.

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Appearance/Armor & Clothes: Black leather gauntlets, a belt that wraps around his waist and a bit of his abdomen. His more noticeable clothes are his black cut-off hood, with the Stark House symbol on the back, and his travelling wolf coat that he wears almost all the time.


: Hadar Stark

: Male

: 28

: The Black Wolf

: 2 black, steel, daggers that are curved (ones in the picture). Not his first weapons of choice but he still uses them for they were a gift from a friend in Westeros during his many travels there. It is not known to him the origins of these weapons but he has his suspicions. His other weapon is a Sword with an odd black blade he likes to carry on his back, crafted by himself to his own design.

Marital Status
: Single

: Hadar is kind of a solo guy, always travelling yet not entirely known to every House. Some say he's not a man to be reckoned with but in all honesty he is a quiet person, always keeping to himself and helping out those who need his help. The last thing you would want to do would be to aggravate him because once he is tempered he is like a wolf, he'll fight as fearsome and ferocious as you've ever seen a man.

: Back when he was younger, Hadar was always fascinated by wolves and the snow, always spending hours outside. His family encouraged him spending time in the snow, which was a good thing because he found the companion of a life time. Once on a mid winter day he had wandered off a little ways outside of the Kingdom, almost getting lost. As he ran around trying to find his way back he heard them. Wolves. At first he thought of it as an adventure but when he heard some of the wolves growl it worried him, except for one. It was a little wolf that had wandered off as well, almost like the 2 were one in the same, alone and cold. From that day forth the two have been best friends, always travelling together.

With travelling Hadar went on many a hikes along the mountains and some of the other kingdoms of the land, exploring the world the way he saw fit and not having anyone question the way he did things. He considered himself a risk taker whenever he tried out new things, thinking he can take on the world. By now he is known as the Black Wolf throughout a good lot of the kingdoms.

Skills: Some of the skills Hadar has involve very advanced survival techniques since he's always travelling, not to mention his prominent skill in hand to hand combat. Whenever he fights he makes sure to knock down the other person first before they get a chance to hit him.

Pet: He has a pet wolf named Kota and may very well be the only Stark to have a pet wolf. Kota is the most reliable companion a man could ever have, being quite intelligent for a wolf and even though wolves are more hostile Kota is more friendly.

Other: Nephew of Tadhg Stark, Lord of Winterfell
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Name: Edmund Reed

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nicknames / Titles: "Lord of Greywater Watch" , "Lord Maester"

Marital Status: Null


Edmund is a reclusive man and remains in his quarters for long periods at a time , but he realizes the need for making friends especially at such uncertain times if he wishes to dispel rumors of crannogmen being frog-eaters and bog-devils . He also displays great loyalty towards his liege lords the stark's .


Crannogmen are a tough and fiercely independent people , they had to be in order to survive , the neck was no place for weakness , but little Edmund wasn't really given a choice you see not only was he a crannogman but he was also the then lord Jojen Reed’s first and only child the problem was that he was born sickly , not even 2 weeks had passed since his birth that Edmund caught the ‘greywater fever’ some say that it was a miracle that he survived , Edmund thought of it as a curse considering the common occurrence of ‘shaking sickness’ that plagues him even to this day .

Edmund was short , thin and frail he barely could lift a longsword let alone fight with it , as you would imagine he wasn’t exactly the heir every crannogman would rally behind . but what Edmund lacked in strength he made up for through his intellect , with the help of his mother he would collect books on topics ranging from geography to astronomy and much much more , not a day went by that Edmund didn’t have a book in his hand which earned him the nickname “little maester” , there were no maesters , knight’s or men-at-arms in the Neck hence the seemed flattering and since he couldn’t become a maester he would settle for being called one .

On his 16th name day Edmund asked his father to allow him to take up administrative responsibilities as steward of the lord although it required a great deal of convincing he was given the post , on the condition that he would continue military training . Edward immediately set out to improve conditions in the Neck by rationalizing taxation systems and encouraging the construction of roadways and waterways in order to make the Neck more accessible .

Soon after Edmund's father passed due to a nasty case of grayscale and here our story begins with the Lord maester coronation as the Lord of Greywater Watch only time will tell how house Reed fares under Edmund's leadership.


Edmund has experience as a steward and administrator he is also well versed in military strategies tough not especially trained in personal combat . Suffers from 'shaking sickness' resulting in frequent seizures.
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Appearance: http://www.beacheswoodstock.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/AG-Man-with-beaches-logo.jpg

Name: Cayden Martell

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Nicknames / Titles: The Viper of the Sands, Prince of Dorne, Basalisk

Marital Status: Single

Personality: One of the princes of Dorne some might think that he might be angry he was just beaten out of Rulership of Dorne but he has never felt that way. A joker and given to flights of fancy Cayden is rarely seen serious with a joke on his lips and is the kind of man to let insults roll off his back. He loves his sisters (some of his opponents outside Dorne even sneer that he loves them to much like the Targayans loved their sisters after he smashed the balls of a Lord who was a suitor he said took a wrong look at one of his sisters) and his other siblings whether sand or martell and will take no insults on their behalf. Impulsive and decisive he has caused some headaches for house Martell by getting into fights and brawls and always seeming to stumble into the wrong woman's bed. He has a penchant for trouble though he's usually smart enough to get out of it. He loves to ride and sail and can shoot from horse back as well as any of the Darthraki and can fight as well on a rocking ship as solid ground. He has a goal to become the next Sea Snake planning to go even farther then he had and rarely looks back at the past and instead wants to see the next horizon.

Biography: Born into the privilege of house Martell Cayden never lacked for anything growing up but he was never satisfied with the trappings of ruling though he was suited for it. With a quick tongue and a clever mind he used his privilege to call teachers from around the globe. He was quick to change his mind at times but when he liked something he coukd focus on it with relentless force and many of the guards earliest memories of him are training in the courtyard under the hot summer sun till his hands bled around his spear he trained with.

As he grew up handsome his favorite activity took into shape around woman. From maids newly flowered to sunspear paramours he found to his liking from the second he became aware of his sexuality he took to it with the same enthusiasm he did everything else. He was once reported joking that it was a good thing he was born Dornish or he would have had to ignore all his bastards. Despite all his relationships he's never let himself get tied down. A few of tried but he's as slippery as a snake in that regard and any attempt to tie him down usually ended badly.

However one of the most defining things his life is his love of the sea and adventure. Most people who know him agree that sometime when he was a child he heard the story of Nympheria's 10000 ships and he began his love affair with the sea. He spent great amounts of time on the docks of Sunspear questioning sailors and feeling the salty spray of the sea. When he was 12 years old he snuck onto a sailing ship as a ship hand and was missing for 6 months much to the grief and fury of his parents till he was found in kingslanding by one of the Brovosi. He was chagrined by the fury of his parents but stayed in Kingslanding for two years after some negation under the tutelage of the Brovosi sellsword who found him before returning to Sunspear. When he was 18 he left home in another ship to fight in the disputed land and attempt to meet one of the legendary faceless men of Brovos but recently the seven kingdoms got a letter that the prince of Dorne was returning. Before he came back he would stop in Pentos.

Other: Skilled user of poisons tjough he does not use them often many of his weapons are usually poisoness though his legendary spear is usually not.

Likes to sail and is actually quite bookish compared to many other fights of his day. He also see's woeing a woman a noble task though perhaps jokingly and while he will accept every insult to himslef many men have been killed insulting Dorne or his sisters in front of him.

While he mostly sleeps with woman he seems to have no qualms sharing the woman beneath him other men especially those he trusts.

Expert archer and spear fighter but he tires quickly in extended engagements due to an infection in his lungs (A mild form of asthma) as such he never wears armor and relys more on a quick and extraordinarily lethal fighting style and his thin but strong frame is atypical to a knight so he rarely fights with brute force.

When entering a room he had a tendency to announce himself even if theres already a crier announcing who enters or even when entering a deserted room and when knocking he tends to knock 3 seperate times in a succession of 3 knocks due to an unknown reason that amused him greatly
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