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Haelga Greyjoy

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Nicknames / Titles: "The Wandering Kraken", "Kraken of the Lonely Light", "The Axewoman of the East" (To those of Eastern Essos)

Marital Status: Single

Family Position: Second eldest, younger sibling of Conn Greyjoy

House: Greyjoy

Personality: Incredibly apathetic, and quiet at most occasions, most would fail to even so much as notice Haelga's presence. Her quiet, piercing stare would unnerve nearly any man, even without her saying anything. She has never felt truly comfortable around Westerosi, or even her fellow Ironborn. After all, her own father shoved her away at birth, so how could she truly trust any of them, even her family whom she never knew? The only folks whom Haelga has ever trusted, are the Farwynds, just strange enough to understand her, and those of Essos, to whom she can appear to be anyone she wishes to. She has a special fondness for the sea, and the determination and intuition to find her way through any storm. She is driven by her vision for what would make the world better, so that all can live as Kings and Queens.

Biography: At a young age, Haelga was removed from the Greyjoy household by her father, Benjamin Greyjoy, simply because she held too much similar in her appearance to her late mother, Bejamin Greyjoy's wife. Her father sent Haelga away, as far as she could be sent within the Greyjoy's realm, and that meant Lonely Light, home of House Farwynd, reputed to be insane shapeshifters by the other Ironborn. However, Haelga found them much to her liking, open-minded people with a thirst for exploration, which inspired her own.

She was constantly on the decks of a longship, determined to follow the Farwynd family whenever they went out, even for simple things, determined to learn how their ships so gracefully crossed the waters.

In her late teens, she was learning, and had even commanded a longship over a few voyages, making her feel incredibly proud of herself and her skills. On the sea, she felt truly at home, so when some older brother she had never even met came asking for her to head West and retrieve something for him, she was only too happy to oblige.

She left at age 19, and returned six years later, ships laden with exotic goods, foreign mercenaries, and most valuable of all.... the egg of a dragon.

Other: Haelga is infamous for her skill with throwing axes. She is skilled with a shield an axe, but when throwing axes, she has yet to meet any that can truly be her equal.

Whilst Conn is better in naval combat, Haelga is the superior when it comes to sailing and navigation. Thanks to her childhood with the Farwynds, Haelga is a sailor like none other, with her sights set on the world beyond. With her skill in writing, and the quick-minded adaptivity of the Farwynds, she has been able to learn the tongues of those from the Far West, and if all goes well on her journey back to the Iron Islands, she may be able to open trade routes and alliances, all to better her people.


Haelga's Assosciates


(Obviously not in a suit)

Name: Giaou Jiang'Ye

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Nicknames / Titles: Man of Many Faces

Marital Status: Widowed

Backstory: A renowned preformer of dramas in Yi Ti in his earlier years, Giaou learned the art of acting, of pretending to be someone else. He became quite skilled in using a collection of herbs, sediments and "Makeup" to change one's appearance, to the point of making them vastly unrecognizable to others. Giaou and his wife worked together on the stage, acting out various of the nation's more famous dramas for the nobles and common folk alike, until his wife's passing due to a local illness. Giaou grew lost, and without his dearest, none of his performances had much of their appeal anymore. He wandered the lands of Essos, selling his services as a spy of sorts, infiltrating cities whilst under disguise, obtaining info for his masters, or in rare cases, getting his hands dirty for a few extra coins. He was found by Haelga during her journey in Essos, and recruited into her service. He has little strength or combat skill, but his skill in espionage more than makes up for it.

Personality: Not even those who know Giaou particularly recognize many personality traits unique to him and not one of his many disguises. However, he has been noted to be polite and with a passion for acting, although his "acting" has notably taken a darker turn.

Apperance: "A man stood on her right, massive, bear of a man, with a strange, disturbingly realistic metal mask covering his face, a spiked cone-shaped helmet decorated with red-colored horsehairs hanging from the top, and thick lamellar armor covered in small metal plates"

Ravosk is an astounding 7 feet tall, and is built like an ox. He has yet to take off his mask.

Name: Ravosk Kierwolzka

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Nicknames / Titles: Bear

Marital Status: Single

Backstory: A native to the dark, ancient forests of Mussovy, Ravosk grew up in a land that can only be described as "Strange" to those not from it. He became a warrior with a fearsome reputation, his massive bardiche cutting down the "Demons" of the Mussovy forests. He and several of his fellow warriors were exiled from his homeland after a violent confrontation with a few members of his village, and wandered the lands as a mercenary until being recruited by Haelga.

Personality: Being a mute, Ravosk has no option but to let his actions speak louder than his words. He has a calm demeanor, and a staunch loyalty to those he swears himself to, but grows angry easily, and is often unable to control his immense strength.
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Astris Elize Baratheon







The Lightning Girl

Marital Status:



Astris is a conflicted young lady, torn between who she wants to be and who she needs to be. She wants to be her own person, headstrong and able to think for herself but instead she is the poised and calm she’s expected to be. After all, girls are just pawns in this game. Astris has learnt to think before she acts, keeping any issues or feelings bottled up inside while playing the perfect obedient daughter; and now the perfect sister. She doesn’t agree with how the world works but knows what she needs to do to survive it which is keep her head down and do as she’s told for now.


Astris Elize Baratheon was born in a chaotic storm which set the tone for the rest of her conflicted and chaotic life. When she was younger she was wild and free, usually found playing with her brothers as the only daughter of the Baratheon house. It was during this time that she earned her title as the Lightning Girl. Astris was out dancing in the rain when she was hit by a bolt of lightning. Miraculously it didn’t kill her but it left her with a lightning flower scar down her right arm and over the back of her hand. It didn’t stop her spirit but soon after the event she started to grow up and realise what was expected of her. Her role in the game of thrones was to be married off for alliance purposes, serve her husband well and provide them with heirs. So Astris resigned herself to this for the most part and began to curb her behaviour since it was the only way she was going to survive this world.

The young lady took it hard when her father was killed but she did the opposite to her brother. In order to show their great house still cared while Braedon locked himself away, Astris took to the world outside of the castle. She talked with the people and comforted them in the loss of their lord; she did everything she could to make things alright and give her brother time to grieve, understanding that he needed it more than she did. Once he re-emerged, Astris put her faith in Braedon to avenge her father’s death and vowed to help him get it, even if that meant the dreaded marriage that she knew couldn’t be far off now.


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Name: Vladan (Formerly of House Bolton)

Gender: Male

Age: 67

Titles: Grand Maester

Marital Status: N/A


As a maester of the Citadel one would assume Vladan to be cheerful, warm, fatherly even. The man is remarkably cold and one for blacker humors. Vladan is intelligent, were he not he wouldn't be the Grand Maester. He often used that end to support the former king, Maeryn. Whispering into the kings ears about the rumors of his court, the vile serpents, he would call them. The man is as loyal as any other maester, sworn to help the realm and give sound advice to the king who sits the Iron Throne.

While he means well, Vladan is blunt in what he says, more often then not. If he finds a person lying, he will call them out on it. Unless it suits his own ends, naturally. The Grand Maester has a quick mind and a head for strategy, weaving an iron chain in warcraft. It's said that the chain he studied has helped him keep a youthful body, whereas other maesters wither in the years. Vladan is still able bodied and fit, capable of wielding a blade if he needed, though as a maester no such occasion would occur.

Being from some northern house, which isn't clear as all maesters give up their family names one forging their chains, Vladan has a naturally pessimistic view of the world. He is a firm believer in might makes things right, and that the only different between right and wrong is which end of a sword you're on. On this subject he has long since suggested dismantling the Great Houses of Westeros and planting two in place for each kingdom, keeping them fighting one another. Yet his words were often ignored.

Vladan is highly skeptical of the Faith of the Seven and isn't afraid to speak his mind, though rarely will he spare a word, good or bad, about the Old Gods. The Drowned God is also a topic that the Grand Maester rarely delves into, aside from calling it a mummers farce on two separate occasions.


Vladan was born into the Bolton family, being the youngest son of the current lord, Vladan found himself at a cross roads. He could join the Nights Watch or venture south to join the Citadel. The young Bolton made the trek south, hoping to stay clear from the Wall in favor for the warm southernlands. There Vladan was introduced to the order, where he gave up his name and began his work on a chain. Just as a boy, Vladan felt an attraction to the iron chain, and worked towards it. In the years to come he would become a fully recognized maester and spend time in the Reach, under the command of House Florent. In the company of the Florents, Vladan earned their trust, as most maesters do, becoming a close source of advise. The man was visibly broken when he left the Florents to return to the Citadel, where he continued his studies to become an Archmaester.

After studying intensely for ten years and writing a book of his own, Men Wrapped in Iron, a book discussing the advantages of a standing, professional army. Largely based on the Unsullied of Slavers Bay, did he rise to the position of the Archmaester. Vladan felt accomplished, joining the Conclave that would decide who the Grand Maester was, the most qualified man of his own chain as well. Ironically, it would be a follow up to Men Wrapped in Iron that would later make him Grand Maester. The Dothraki War Bow, documenting the destructive power of a strong and mobile mounted archer unit could bring. Though Vladan was an old man by the time he was named the Grand Maester, already a few years into his fifties. Though one might of confused him for a man ten years younger, as Vladan spent hours meticulously keeping his body in shape.

In the present Grand Maester Vladan wholly supports Kuvira as the new queen, going so far as to push for her coronation to be rushed forward. If only to keep the noble houses from rising quickly in any form of rebellion or in anger at a woman ruling them.


Vladan has never returned to the North since he became a Maester, but strongly hints at his heritage. Though few even in the Citadel know who he once was, as is the nature of the maesters.

Vladan's vows of celibacy seem to be taken lightly, as he has bedded several of the servant women and hand maidens in the past. Though he has a remarkable disdain for whores.

Vladan has been tried once for the murder of a fellow maester, and he notoriously requested a Trial by Combat. Assuming that Vladan would fight himself, the accuser, A Frey, brought in a relative to represent him. Vladan called upon a hedge knight Danny the Swift, the battle was one sided, ending in Vladans innocence.

His unnaturally blue eyes often cause people to wonder if he's dabbled in blood magic. Those who ask receive a simple "No." in response.

The Grand Maester as well seems to have a small army of spies within Kings landing and several noble houses. Quite possibly the Grand Maester forcing others of the order to relinquish information to him.

Rowan Tarly

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Titles: Heir of House Tarly, Ser

Alias: The Fair Tarly

Marital Status: Single


Rowan Tarly has a rather naive view about the world, at least outside of the martial experience. His father, the current Lord Helyon Tarly, is renouned for his discipline and martial prowess, while his mother, a gentle lady from the House of Merryweather, is a soft spoken women, as typical as the image of a "Southern Lady" to most people. While Helyon has done much to groom Rowan as a knight and a man of marital prowess, he did not have time to teach Tarly of the skills needed to maneuver within the battlefields of politics. As such, in the isolation of the barracks, training pits, jousting lines and archery ranges of Horn Hill, Rowan grew to think similarly about knights, kings, dragons and other such things as a child or a foreigner of Westeros would.

To Rowan, knights were supposed to uphold honor and defend the helpless. Certainly it was what his father taught to him, and what he enforced within the ranks of the multitude of swords of House Tarly. Dragons were either monsters that hoarded gold or women and needed to be slain, or servants of House Targaryen and the crown. Ladies were to be respected as they were fragile things and properly protected (as Rowan only had his mother and little sisters to learn from). Lords and Ladies of the Houses should look after and care for their subjects' well being. The few times other nobles would visit Horn Hill, Rowan would either be deployed on long range patrols on the Red Mountains or still recovering from his injuries, and thus never had any real exposures to court intrigue before.

One of, if not the, strongest bannermen of House Tyrell, House Tarly's military forces are substantial to say the least. Understanding this, Rowan studied everything from leading troops in battle and marching formations to logistic supply routes and espionage and covert strike force. He just has this childlike innocence about the cruel world in general. If something he sees that contradicts what he thought should happen, Rowan would become very confused at them, not necessarily understanding what's going on but seek out knowledge to explain the phenomenon. He does have on pet peeve though: Despite having been in fights to the death before, he had not sustained severe injuries on his body, and his handsome face often became the subject of jokes from men that assumed him "soft." Even after winning challenge duels against countless of them, the name of Fair Tarly stuck on his persons, much to Rowan's annoyance.


The first of three sons and a daughter by Helyon Tarly and Mariette Tarly nee Merryweather, Rowan was the only child to have been conceived by his father before the infamous "Weasel Purge," when the inhuman crimes of Lord Lonnel Osgrey of House Osgrey was discovered by an escaped slave. The House at Leafy Lake had taken up kidnapping and forming a human trafficking ring to Essos Slavers, along with using the kidnapped as "entertainment" for foreigners and house guests. Among which was Helyon's own little sister, Katleen. With the blessings of the Crown, House Tyrell ordered the arrest and imprisonment of all of House Osgrey forces. Unfortunately for those orders, Helyon had received news of his sister first, and the young lord rode with his full strength against Leafy Lake.

Helyon never spoke of what had happened or what he found when he got there, but rumored had it that Katleen was near catatonic when they found her, raped repeatedly and carrying a undoubtedly bastard child within her. When Helyon ordered a maester to come Katleen suddenly got up from her tower cell and threw herself out of a nearby window. What was known for certain was that the fires that came from Leafy Lake could be seen for miles by the Tyrell forces following the vanguard strike, and when they got there the former seat of power for House Osgrey had been leveled, brick by brick, with no stone unturn, and every living soul of the place sent to the Stranger.

This of course did nothing to smooth the turbulent history in the relations between House Tarly and Tyrell, who had often struggled for the control of the Reach, overt or otherwise. Unhappy with having their order ignored, the leader of the Tyrell forces dismissed House Tarly's forces, along with their Lord. Mariette would later recall that the only thing that kept Helyon sane was the look of his happy son when he returned to Horn Hill. From then on, Helyon always took the time to teach each of his offspring how to defend themselves, and fight to the death, especially his daughter when she was born. Rowan had the responsibility of being a son, the eldest son of a lord, an older brother to two brothers and a sister as well as a warrior saddled on him, and he bore all of it happily. His father taught him to be a good man, and Rowan would do no less to make his father proud, studying and practicing hard.

Rowan was no Mountain Lion of Casterly Rock, or White Falcon of the Eyrie, but he could hold his own against most opponents. He was actually in the tourney where the White Falcon won the main competition and the Martyn Lannister won the melee, and lasted long enough in the melee to make his father proud. Later that day he would have to kill his first man in an honor duel for calling him a "sackless milkboy." After putting up a happy and valiant face to his father and the other bannermen around congratulating him, when they departed Rowan vomited outside of his tent, and caught the attention of his mother. Only Mariette and Rowan knew that the young man cried himself to sleep that night. Over time, the young man became dulled to the act to taking lives with his hands, having to regularly root out bandits hiding in the Red Mountains. Still often when he goes to bed at night, Rowan can see the faces of nearly every man he had slain.

With the Coronation Party happening, Rowan and his parents left Horn Hill to the stewardship of his younger brother, Oswen, the next in line and rode with a band of guards to join the Tyrell convoy up the Roseroad to King's Landing.

Rowan, while inexperienced in politics, is an excellent commander and fighter, having bested many hedge knights that stopped by Horn Hill for a quick job or long term employment under House Tarly. Outside of training however, he has only a basic grasp on social etiquette from a theoretical point of view, and practically no knowledge over the political landscape of Westeros. He has slept with a girl before, one had he fully intent on marrying. However, upon his parent's discovery and the fact she was a lowborn, he was sent back to training and the girl away. This was one of the instances where Rowan had been very confused by his parents actions, as they often told him that his wife should be someone he cared for and treasured, and supported him. To Rowan, the girl had fitted all of those qualifications, but later deferred to his parents wishes after discovering about highborn and lowborn differences.
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(His eyes are the light purple of a Targaryens)

Name: Dandy Blackfyre

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Nicknames / Titles:

Andy/ Side Kick

"Blue told me to say my names Andy because the name Dandy will make everyone want to punch me."

Marital Status: Single


Dandy is crazy! He is very hyperactive with a tendency to ramble on about anything and everything, has very little morels, very little self preservation and is very reckless. Often doing things just because they seem fun but not really thinking about the outcome of them. He is also a little stab happy.

"Blue told me to do it! Or was it Yellow?"


Dandy was taken care of by a servant growing up and never saw his mother or father. He often followed people and annoyed them. One day he followed the wrong person and got them so annoyed they decided to kidnap the brat and sell him. He ended up running away before he could really be sold off but never could find his way home. So he ended up wandering around and learning to steal and kill to survive. After a few years he found himself a stowaway on a boat heading to Essos. He now wanders Essos looking for things to do.


- He's spastic

- He likes to kill people who annoy him

- He rambles

- He has two voices in his head that he constantly argues with. If he agrees with them someone will die

@TheAncientCenturion Keep insisting that you would take any allies offered and I will sack you with him
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Name: Roland Wilds

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Nicknames / Titles: Iron-Blood Knight

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Roland is an exceptional man by all rights, being gregarious and likable to all those who take the time to know him. Sadly however he has neither the patience or scheming mind to put this attitude of his to good use and gain higher standing in the world through manipulation. Instead however he is a warrior and leader in every fiber of his being, having grown up surrounded by Hedge Knights and blood stained battlefields. And much to the frustration and rage of overconfident lords and knights he is a product of this upbringing, easily being among the very top tier fighters in Westeros. Many soldiers even claiming that he could best the likes of Trevir Arryn or Martyn Lannister. Sadly however Roland has had no opportunity to prove such claims and believes himself that Trevir would best him with the lance, but he and Martyn would likely both end up dead if they came to blows on foot, as this is where both of them thrive.

Biography: To truly tell the story of Roland Wilds, one must first look far into the past to understand him. To begin, Rolands ancestor Gilbert Wilds was lord of house Wilds within the kingdom of the reach before Westeros was conquered by Aegon. However, after Aegon's conquest Gilbert's lordship was removed as they had long been enemies of House Tyrell, and when they became the wardens of The Reach they swiftly swiped the lands from their most hated enemy within their new domain. This of course forced Gilbert to move, but unsurprisingly, all of his knights followed with him, all reduced to mere Hedge Knights but still loyal to their lord.

Over the generations however, House Wilds roaming band of honorable knights were reduced to little more than sell swords and so they remain. However at the birth of Roland, his father Colin decided it was time for his House to regain lordship. And thus Colin's father began recruiting commoners and spent nearly all of the wealth the entire knightly force had amasses through the centuries arming and training these new recruits. Now numbering close to a thousand Colin began the training of his young son, assuring that his natural talent would be nurtured until he was among the greatest of knights at only sixteen years of age. Having a substantial size and strength advantage on nearly all of his enemies he nearly matched this with dexterity and grace, able to go blow for blow with up to half a dozen knights at once on foot.

Sadly however, shortly after Roland's sixteenth birthday his father fell ill and died only a few weeks later. Now in charge of the knights his father had amassed Roland began a tour all across Westeros, fighting in the smallest tournaments to the largest of conflicts that he could attend. Gaining not only a substantial amount of wealth, but renown and greater skill as well. Known in the peak of his physical prowess he is unmatched by any but the greatest warriors Westeros has to offer, and his strategic brilliance has been unseen in many lands for generations. Many would be rivals respect him greatly, but even more fear him, as if he only had the mindset for plots and manipulation, he could be a true threat to the throne in his own right.

Other: To describe Roland's skillset would be to describe a knight in its truest form. Not only does he hold the skill to best the greatest of warriors, but he also has the strategic mind to win battles heavily out of his favor. His skill on horse is not to be understated, but it is on foot where Roland shines brightest, able to cut down even elite knights like children, able to best even a dozen knights by himself, though he would struggle heavily to do so and likely not escape without many injuries. The only warrior in Westeros assumed to be of equal skill to Roland on foot is Martyn Lannister, and it is assumed even he would fall to Roland's blade if they came to blows, though this assumption by many is not valid in any way and many say the opposite. In truth Roland believes that they would end up killing each other if they ever fought with killing intent which gives him respect for the younger knight.

  • Name: Arren Tyrell

    Gender: Male

    Age: 37

    Nicknames / Titles: Heir of House Tyrell, Lord Tyrell

    Marital Status: Single

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Tiberius Arryn


"You keep talking like you are a legend. Prove it with your sword, before my steel shuts you up for good." -Tiberius Arryn

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Nickname/Title: The Frozen Wolf. Iron Heart

Marital Status: Single


Stoic, fierce, strict, and a very silent individual. Many state that Tiberius is a very exact opposite to his younger brother, Trevir, which his father believes true as well, and rightfully so. Very much like his father, Tiberius isn't much of a talker, as he likes his actions to speak for him. Always constantly thinking of battle, always being in the face of death. He is known famously, or infamously depending on who you are, for the ferocity he shows in battle. However, he is mostly recognized for his iron will, something passed from his father onto him. However, he is no fool. Instead of talking, Tiberius's eyes are always studying, allowing his brother or father to talk as he is analyzing everything he can. However, he does speak when it involves matter of the family, especially military need. Tiberius was trained to be a leader, and he is a powerful leader at heart, and more so from the training his father forced him into.

Tiberius is, out of him, Trevir, and his father, the largest, and the most built. Standing at a proud 6'0, and 205 pounds, Tiberius is the most physical in the family. Always out and about, fighting, training, making himself as strong as he can. He is very well known for his powerful brute strength and skill of combat, making him a very powerful force on the battlefield. The relentless and cruel training his father pushed him through made him one of the most capable and powerful leader in his family.


Being the eldest son of his father, the head of the Arryns, Gelgin, much was expected from the elder son. And he did not dissapoint at all. From the day he was born, there were many whisperings that the boy has never cried once, not even from birth. After the age of four years old, he was instantly pushed into military education and training. Everyone saw that Tiberius had a strong knack for combat, and easily the most powerful warrior of the Arryns. At a very young age, much like his brother did, Tiberius showed a natural talent and gift in fighting and riding, having tamed his own horse well before puberty. However, years passed on, and his ferocity in battle grew and grew. One faithful winter day, a shipment of supplies for the house was endangered by a group of raiders, then shipment involving many houses. If the shipment wasn't delivered, there would be a war in the East. Gelgin found this as a perfect, and risky opportunity to test Tiberius. At age 18, Tiberius was sent forward to aid the shipment carriers. After a few months, the kingdom that the Arryns sent the cargo to was delivered there successfully. They sent a letter to Gelgin and Trevir, describing Tiberius as a "merciless warrior, blood staining his hands, disembodied raider heads attached to his belt as a gruesome trophy, a fierce and brutish glint in his eyes. The young man is a fierce killer."

After this, Tiberius was celebrated as a hero, coming back home after a few days. A few days pass however, and the leader of the Raiders that Tiberius assaulted came to the gates of the kingdom. The leader demanded to see Tiberius, that he wanted to fight him one on one, a battle to the death. The leader was taunting from the gates, and Gelgin was prepared to have the archers kill the man, as he brought no one, but himself. However, Tiberius wanted this challenge, another way to prove himself as a strong warrior. So, he accepts the challenge. The Raider Leader only lasted a minute before Tiberius slaughtered him, slashing his head off with a ruthless swing of his Axe. Tiberius was then ambushed by the Raiders, who were waiting for him, and now wanted revenge for killing their leader. The ten men were slaughtered, along with their three frost wolves they brought, which Tiberius fashioned into a coat which he still uses to this day, giving him the name "The Frozen Wolf." Being noted for his achievements, many kingdoms have tried to marry their daughters to Tiberius, wanting not only the powerful alliance of the Arryns, but also the recognition of being wedded to the Aryyn family. However, Tiberius has refused every single marriage request, totaling up up to about twenty refusals. Many women in King's Landing and in many other popular kingdoms joke about "Iron Heart" Tiberius, the man that only loves battle. Tiberius has never found anyone he truly loved, and he mostly believes marriage is only for allying two houses together. Nothing more, nothing less, in his eyes.

At the same tournament his brother and Martyn competed, a tournament for his age bracket was held, 21-25. Tiberius was a feared competitor, and most of the crowd betted on him to win. Tiberius was fierce and merciless, almost killing everyone of the people he fought, his brutish and deadly Axe sinking and cutting through flesh. The tournament holders were afraid of the brutality Tiberius was showing, and almost wanted to disqualify him, except that the crowd adored him. Tiberius won the entire tournament, and was asked to name a Queen, just as his brother did. However, everyone was shocked and excited as Tiberius said, "There is no one I would consider here worthy, and I shall not name an unworthy woman as the Queen." This shocked the crowd, many women giving him the name, "Iron Heart". Tiberius has shown himself as an excellent warrior and general, a true heir to the Arryn family.


An excellent and powerful warrior,skilled in horse riding, leading skills, wrestling, and abkento speak five different languages. However, Tiberius is unmatched in close combat fighting, his axe wielding skills boasted to be the best around. No one has truly compared this fierce and murderous warrior to anyone, as no one has truly found him an equal, like his brother ad Martyn. He isn't as proficient in jousting as his brother is, but is definitely the best in the family at close combat, and one of the best everywhere else. He has a strong will and determination much like his father and Trevir. He stands at 6'0 and weighs at around 205 pounds.

@Fezzes @TheFordee14

Name: Lawsen "Pup" Clegane

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Nicknames / Titles: Lord of House Clegane, Pup Clegane

Marital Status: Single


Always being placed in the shadow of his older brother, Lawsen had no choice other than to read or to train with the guards. In books, he found what he didn't have in his life : a father figure. That was, of course, his ancestor, the one that founded House Clegane. Reading more books, he found out how to forge aliances and the map of Westeros, with all the houses in them.

While training with the guards and soldiers, he learned how to handle himself in a fight. He trained to be able to hold a shield and a sword, in this way forging a sort-of tie with the guards and with the people, many calling him afectionately "pup". This made Lawsen mad at first, it being a reminder of him always being in second place to his brother, but in time, it grew with him.

As every Clegane, he was taught to train dogs. This was by far his favorite past time. He grew atached to dogs, these strange creatures. Lawsen grew attached with one in particular, naming him Fang. A black, big dog that looks more like a bear than like a dog, Fang had always been there with him, even when Lawsen was on horseback. He spends his past time near the kennels, where the screams of thieves and deserters never die out.

Lawsen has a sense of duty and of honor, so much so that when his older brother spoke up and got a public humiliation, Lawsen, on the way back, told him "...you are a disgrace and an oaf to a great house of warriors, that is now ruled by an dishonorable drunken pig!". Of course, he got his beating, but not before Lawsen landed a few punches on his brother. "...You are no brother of mine..." Were Lawsen's words, between coughing and blood spitting, a disgruntled expression on his face. It pained him to say it, he was family after all, but his duty was beyond family.


Lawsen did not have much of a childhood. Beeing the second born son was something that Lawsen hated. His father was always out training with his older brother, completely ignoring Lawsen. Some people even speculated this hate was because Lawsen was a bastard, but those rumors soon died out. His mother payed attention to him, sometimes teaching him how to read or how to greet or speak to a person with respect.

Lawsen did not know too much about his mother, only that she was a lady of a noble birth. A few years after he was born, she passed away, leaving behind two young girls, and Lawsen, who now felt more alone than he had ever felt. Taking upon himself to raise his sisters, his sadness soon was drowned in his now busy life, as he had to balance between family and training.

Seeing that his father was focusing on his older brother, he decided to go and train with the guards. At first they laughed him off, naming him "pup" out of spite for him. That led Lawsen to train everyday, to learn how to defend himself. As he started to grow, he felt the need to get out of the castle, and go into the town and mingle with the common people, as his father would say. Lending a hand where he could, and talking to townsfolk, they also started to call him "pup", but this time, the name didn't make Lawsen mad or sad.

One day, his father called for Lawsen outside. The joy on his face was vissible all the way from Dorne, as this was the first time in a while his father called for him. He wasn't happy to see his brother there too, who seem to grow larger by the day, but he had learned how to hide his emotions. That day was the day Lawsen saw the kennels of Clegane's Keep.

Some dogs were larger than others, but from them, a rather little one was standing between two rather large ones. The little black pup showed signs of being beaten and signs that it was deprived of food. As it suddenly collapsed, the kennel master quickly went to the pup and his hand reached out to grab it by the gruff of its neck. It rose up and started to growl, biting the kennel master by the hand. Angrily, the kennel master wanted to whip the dog into submission, but Lawsen could not stand it. Jumping down, even though his brothers asked him what he was doing, he rushed the kennel master and tackled him. The dog growled at them both and Lawsen looked into the dog's eyes, and simply said : "Bite."

The blood that splashed on his face and tunic felt strangely good. Not sickly, not digusted, but a warm sensation. The dog then calmy sat next to Lawsen, him standing still on the body of the now neckless kennel master. His father applauded him, laughing and cheering him. The guards joined him, smiling also and chanting "Pup!".

From that day forward, he named the dog Fang, and took it with him wherever he would go. Fang would not stay in his usual kennel, no, it would stay in Lawsen's room, keeping him safe by anyone who would do him harm.

Of course, with being a lord, comes some vices. As wine didn't show him any interest, the night life sure did. Spending some nights in inns under diferent names, he developed an infatuation with having, well, 'company' so to say. He keeps this a secret, as he would sometimes stray from the 'usual' path.

After his father died, his brother came on teh throne. Every day he would sigh and contemplate an assassination or something to get his brother off the throne. He was an arrogant brute, fit more to be a warrior rather than a lord. Everytime his mouth would open, the stench of wine and of stale meat would escape his large mouth. When his brother dared to insult his lord's sister, and was humiliated, Lawsen was heart broken. Sure, he hated his brother, but it was still his family, his own blood. With a small escort, he started to trek back to Clegane's Keep. Finaly, fury got the best of him, as his brother would add "That whore should keep her knave brother on her leash. Does he know who we are?"

Lawsen's eyes went to his brother. "I know who I am, but you are a complete stranger for me. You know what you are? You are an idiot from a house of noble lords, that now is represented by a drunken oaf who got humliated in front of-" A gauntled clashed with Lawsen's check, sending him down in the dirt. Spiting blood, Lawsen looks at his brother and simply says : "You are no brother to me."

News came of Tiber giving Lawsen the title of Lord of Clegane's Keep. His smile was big, and he was finaly satisfied with himself. His brother dissapeared. Some say, he was fed to the dogs in the kennel, and his blood splatered all over Lawsen, others say he ran and joined the Night's Watch, others that he became a hedge knight. Lawsen did not care for rumours, he had known where his brother went, and decided to keep it a secret. Only one of his sisters, Liana, knows about this.

With his seat in place, Lawsen is determined to establish the military might of the Clegane, wanting to bring honor and respect to this house who, not long ago, was shamed for their leader. Eager to serve the lord that gave him this oportunity, he is willing to give his life for the Lannisters and for the Clegane.

Other: Lawsen prefers company of both sexes, not discriminating. When not in the kennels or planning, he is usualy roaming brothels. Old habbits die hard, or they won't die at all. Skilled with a sword and shield, his skills lies more in diplomacy, although he knows some tactics too.



Name: Liana Clegane

Gender: Female


Nicknames / Titles: Young Princess of House Clegane

Marital Status:


Liana is rather un-lady like. Prefering sword and armor rather than dresses, she tends to let her her fists do the talking, the majority of the time. She still has time to grow, and she knows courtesy, but for the time being, she still has the fighting spirit of a keneled dog, like every other Clegane.

When not in armor, she wears a yellow dress and he hair braided, and she speaks softly and a rather odd accent. She smiles and is generaly upbeat, and has a certain inocence about her, although she often spied on her brother when he took people inside the kennels.

She loves all her siblings, as hate is unknown to her. Her older sister tries to teach her to be lady like, but she sometimes plays dumb, or refuses her advices, leading to her sister nicknaming her "Wild Dog". Her brother, Lawsen, cares for her and taught her how to fight. She holds him in high regards, and being very proud of him achieving the title of lord. With her even older brother she had a close relationship too, as he would chalange her to fights and they would fight and laugh at the end.


Liana was the last born of the Clegane siblings. In her childhood, she enjoyed wandering outside and running around the training ground where her father would teach her older brother. Lawsen would just stay in the castle, reading or looking at maps. She would pass through there and try and cheer him up, him always seeming either sad or worried.

Her mother would urge her to stand still and try and learn to read, or to learn to speak like a lady. She would refuse, and her mother would sigh, shake her head and, with a smile, say : "Wild spirit... I don't know where you get that from.". She would sometimes roll her eyes and accept to learn diverse things from her mother, because she always held her mother dear. But, misfortune struck, and her mother died. She ran away and cried, near the base of the high tower in the keep.

Near her, Lawsen seated himself, looking up at the roof of the tower. He consoled her, assuring her that he would take care of her, and that she is stronger than this. After a heartfelt hug, they both exited the tower. Next morning, Lawsen took her to train in sword fighting, and this was something she took a liking to.

As vices, she did not develop any, although she has a fear of snakes, as she was bitten by one when she was little, leaving a bite mark on her left arm. She spent much of her time on the training grounds, perfecting her sword skills. Her brother still tries to teach her the code of ettics, but she won't give him th etime of day, although she is starting to understand she would have to learn that sometime, but is happy with how much she knows for now.

Her older brother, before leaving, told her where he was going, just so she wouldn't go searching for him or think he died. She keeps her suit clean all the time, spending many hours cleaning it.



Name: Fryda Clegane


Age: 19

Nicknames / Titles:
Princess of House Clegane

Marital Status: single


Fryda is the lady of the Clegane House. She is polite and kind, to an almost motherly extent. But, she is not to be taken lightly. Although she seems friendly, she could turn the page in a blink of an eye. When she considers someone is making fun of her, she turns into a whole other person. Mean, threatening and devious, she could turn the warmest conversations into one colder than the wheater beyond the wall.

She has an estranged relationship with her brother Lawsen as he was present in her youth, but as soon as her mother died, he decided to help her sister instead. And so, Fryda kind of holds a certain restment towards her brother, like Lawsen did for his own brother. Fryda tries to make Liana into a noble lady, but gets frustrated when she refuses her.


In her younger years, Fryda was always in the castle, reading and following her mother around. She found a friend in her brother, who taught her how to read. They would often read legends and tales from far, smiling at how big the world seemed. Her mother was Fryda's role model. Between all the siblings, Fryda knew the most about their mother.

She would often see her mother having short, discreet, bursts of fury, culminating in her calming down, and with a smile, saying something that made everything more terrifying than it should've been. Fryda begged her mother to teach her how to speak like her and how to act like her, so, she gave her books, and gave her oral lessons about this.

When her mother died, Fryda was devastated. But, she learned to hide her emotions. She wanted to cry like her sister, but she couldn't. She had to mentain her posture and her demeanor. Although, she got even angrier when she saw her brother, Lawsen, spending more time with Liana. She again locked herself in her room, practicing singing and poetry, as to appear more appealing.

In her free time, she found joy, like her brother, in the night life. In the night, she often sneaks into town and into brothels. Fryda keeps this a secret aswell, as it would be even a much bigger disgrace than her brother. When her brother became lord, replacing her older brother, she smiled a bit, as she also considered Lawsen a better leader than the former. Nowadays, Fryda could be seen everywhere inside the castle, but she is often on the balcony, looking around.

She has a secret that, if found out, it would rock the whole Clegane foundation. She finds books very interesting, and would often immers herself in tales of old. She tends to write or practice her caligraphy in her free time, and, in the night, she likes to go drinking at a local brothel in town.


Name: Liliana Blackfyre

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Nicknames / Titles: Laila the Fair, The Coquette

Marital Status: Single, has not made a decision yet


The bastard child of Maeryn realized at the ripe age of 18, that she would no longer be part of politics. Having no care for politics whatsoever, Laila has somewhat of a coquetteish personality. An extreme flirt, she likes to get whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Despite not having a preference in politics, all she's been trained to know is that her house must become the ruler if she wants to keep her status as princess. She is more or less the black sheep of her family, and distances herself from most of them. Most of her bed partners state that she is fierce, exciting, and extremely adventurous, but not too adventurous as she is willing to spend the rest of her life in a castle. The reason why she hasn't been married off is due to her past adulteries and her reputation in court. She definitely has brought shame to her name, but that doesn't seem to bother her. Despite being an airhead most of the time, when it comes to stealing another man from a princess, she can be extremely manipulative to get what she wants. Whatever she sets her sight on, she will find a way to get it.


Unlike her family, Laila never bothered to get her father's admiration and lived most of her life without it. Without a mother to raise her with the morals of a proper lady, Laila lived most of her childhood as a carefree spirit. But as she turned 17, she was sent to her father's castle. There, she began her education, but soon grew bored of it and spent most of her time associating herself with the castle guards, a few knight servants, and maybe a kitchen boy or two. As she grew older and matured a bit more, she did catch the eye of a few knights and "worked" her way upwards. She cares not to share most of her life before arriving at the castle, but it's assumed that she lived in a nunnery on the outskirts of Essos


- As stated multiple times, Laila is not afraid to sleep with multiple men, or bring shame to her family. In fact, it's more or less grown into a competition for herself to see how much shame she can bring

- She gives no bother to her other siblings and sees them as equals, even if they don't see her as an equal






Desgran Ordoun

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Nicknames / Titles: The Shadow King

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Desgran is widely considered among the Ibbenese to be the least patient of any in power. This is caused almost entirely by the fact that he doesn't have much time left to live and he knows it. As a result of cross-breeding between his Ibbenese father and Westerosi mother, Desgran is for the most part considered a monstrosity among his people, though the noble families seem to be the ones that care about that the most. His genealogy isn't the only issue for his people however. His physical appearance differs greatly from anyone in Ibben, namely in that he stands a full foot taller than the largest recorded Ibbenese full-blood and has a considerably smaller amount of hair along the entirety of his body. To go with his impatience, Desgran is notoriously careless for the lives of those who aren't his subjects, and encourages sacrifice, both animal and human, through Ibben in the name of progressing blood magic even if he sees the effects of that progress very rarely, if at all. This has led to rumors of Desgran encouraging sacrifice for the sake of killing alone in neighboring nations, which is in some ways true. Desgran hides his demented views from his subjects well, and covers the causes of what he does similarly so, though his people rarely question his actions given his status and how well he treats them in comparison to the rest of the world's commoners.


Ibbenese man meets Westerosi woman. They have a child who doesn't have good insides. Child becomes teen who starts to die. Teen gets medicine and gets huge af. Huge af teen gets taken in by noble to fight in arena. Teen kills people in arena for a long time, gets famous, gets elected. Now older, Desgran (that teen) sees the Shadow Council sucks balls and plots to kill them all. Desgran lets some of the Shadow Council and the Thousand live after killing the rest. Desgran becomes Shadow King, and rules Ibben.

Husband to a murdered wife, father to a murdered son; Desgran's father, a wealthy Ibbenese whaling-ship owner, endured an early-life crisis at the hands of an Ironborn raiding party during an expedition to find good whaling locations near the shores of Westeros. His entire family at the time was killed; that family consisting of his brother, wife, and new-born son. In his eyes it was a curse that he were one of the few to survive the attack, but as time would tell, he were meant to bring another child to this world. One that would change his homeland irrevertibly for generations. Years of sulking about and being sorry for himself later, Desgran's father met a woman in Westeros while drinking himself to oblivion who would numb the pain he felt for a time. They got together and all that good shit before heading back to Ibben together. Unfortunately for Desgran's father, his new permanent place of residence was a small home on the docks since it would be dangerous and impractical for him to have to accompany his wife every hour of the day, lest she be thrown in prison.

Nine months later, Desgran was born with surprisingly few physical impairments given the past history of cross-breeding between Ibbenese and others. Surprisingly few, was in fact none. At least none that were visible. Desgran was born with wildly inefficient organs which essentially left him in a perpetual state of illness. Up into his teenage years he were about the same size as any other Ibbenese. Then, he begun to exhibit signs of dying. Things such as coughing up blood on a regular basis, bouts of irregular weakness, and similar occurrences plagued him for almost a week before his father used what was left of his whaling fortune to hire the Ibbenese equivalent of a maester. He had the hope that his son could be saved and that this were just a disease that were affecting his child. The doctor found that there was not in fact a disease plaguing Desgran, but instead his organs were failing due to a variety of reasons. The payment was enough to warrant medicine, but not enough to last long.

Shortly after receiving the medicine, a mixture of herbs and foul-tasting drinks, Desgran found himself in the best health he had ever been in. In fact, he quickly began to grow in both height and muscularity. In a matter of months, Desgran had grown some two feet and gained well over two hundred pounds. This was of course very painful, but being the sickly monstrosity of a child he was, this wasn't anything he wasn't used to. Soon, however, the supplies begun to run low and his family simply didn't have the money available to pay for any more. This wasn't something Desgran was looking forward to, and thus made a great effort to find work in any field that would take him. He had expected to get hired on as a member of some whaling crew, but to his surprise ended up with a local noble coming to his home once he had heard of Desgran. The offer was simple. Live with the noble and train under him like a squire and his medicine will be payed for. An odd proposal to such a common person of Ibben, though Desgran wasn't common at all. The only real reason that he had caught the attention of the noble was that he was absurdly large and desperate.

Thamdar was the name of the man that had taken him in. A wealthy noble whose name was surprisingly enough unknown among the population. Such a wealthy man who owned an estate like the one he had shown Desgran was sure to be one people spoke of for better or worse. Thamdar wasted no time once Desgran had moved into the estate with him, taking a small room on the ground floor for the time being. He begun to teach Desgran of fighting to the best of his abilities. He admittedly wasn't a great fighter, but Thamdar had spirit enough to get Desgran interested. It wasn't long until he were better than Thamdar himself; only a few months in before the help of a trainer was required. Thamdar made quick work of hiring a skilled trainer in the art of battle, and that was when his training truly begun. His trainer had him choose a weapon from a display of several. Of course, growing up around axes he chose the battle ax; something he were familiar with, but not entirely skilled enough with to be considered a warrior. That decision started him down a dangerously aggressive path of training. His trainer figured that being as large as he was, Desgran would be much more inclined to simply obliterate his opponent with powerful swings rather than defeating them through skilled combat.

This training went on for years of his life until he were defeating his trainer with ease each time they fought, mostly through tearing his shield away and going for the kill-shot. Of course, these were only sparring matches and he had no intention of killing the man who trained him to fight. Shortly after a conversation between Thamdar and his trainer, Thamdar came to Desgran and told him that he was ready. For what, Desgran had no idea, but he was pretty sure it had something to do with fighting. The next day Thamdar took Desgran to a very large building that seemed too extravagant for the part of town it was in. It were a circular building made of carved stone from the outside, but inside it was so much more. Once through the large double-doors which many large men including himself were walking through, he saw that this was something of an arena. His father took him to a place like this early in life, but it were nowhere near as large and half the men at that place stank of piss and alcohol. Thamdar took him to a small room off of the main preparation area to tell him that with his training he couldn't lose and to be as flashy as he could be before sending him off.

The prep area was full of weapons and armor of varying style, most all of it being of leather or fur and the weapons consisting of either iron or obsidian. He took as much leather armor as could fit him and grabbed the largest ax on the rack before he was called up. Thamdar managed to get him to the arena almost exactly as he was scheduled to fight, which wasn't all too surprising to him. In the arena, the cheers from the crowd were almost deafeningly loud, leaving just enough of the announcer's voice audible to hear him claim that Desgran were the largest Ibbenese man in the world and that he had gone undefeated, as if that were supposed to surprise anyone given the nature of the fights. Just as the other warrior were coming into the clearing, the announcer said that the fight had begun, leaving the man in front of him to charge with a hand-ax held high. Desgran very simply sweeped it out of his hand with his much longer ax and kicked him square in the chest, knocking the air out of him and launching him some three feet backwards. At the request of the audience, Desgran then raised his own ax up and put it through the man's chest. All the way through.

With the odd feeling of killing a man out of the way, Desgran slaughtered foe after foe in the arena for months on end, making Thamdar even more rich and earning himself a great deal of fame in the city. Strangely enough, two years into his reign of the arena, Thamdar came to him with an offer. The reason few knew of him was because Thamdar was a member of the Thousand, a group of individuals that elect members of the shadow council, and he wanted to put Desgran up for election. Desgran held no opinion on the matter, but felt it would be a good move for him later in life if he needed it. Little did he know that his election would be almost unanimously agreed with and his position in Ibben would skyrocket so quickly. In less than a year, Desgran was made a member of a small group of governing officials who gave him the responsibilities of military affairs. This struck Desgran as a wildly incompetent move on their part. For all they knew he could lead a failed invasion which left the entirety of Ibben vulnerable, or worse, he could make policies which were not in the least bit favorable for anyone. It was only after his appointment that he discovered most everyone on the council at this point was put there for little more purpose than to enforce the agenda of the nobles or be a figurehead, Desgran being the latter. Desgran, near-furious with what he had learned of the governing body of the whole of Ibben, devised a plan to... resolve the issue. In stark contrast to every other military official that had been elected by the Thousand, Desgran met regularly with his generals and soldiers to make sure they were properly trained for one, and to gain their undisputed trust.

In other military news, Desgran's plans were coming to fruition, and thus it were time to garner support from whoever seemed competent enough among the shadow council, which oddly enough, was a single woman who essentially did public works. An engineer by the name of Belynn. She fully backed his plan, herself being angered at how startlingly incompetent the majority of the shadow council and the Thousand happened to be, though she was unaware that his plan included painting the walls in most all of their blood. When the time came and Desgran gave the order, Belynn was made to stay home for the day while the military marched through the streets to the homes of many of the members of the Thousand, Thamdar one of the excluded. In the palace while the shadow council met, Desgran barred the doors and took up his weapon, executing many of the group without the smallest fight. The few that tried to fight back found themselves much too weak to do anything about what was happening and were similarly cut down. The Thousand had a near-identical outcome before Desgran called out to the people from the palace, proclaiming himself and Belynn the only surviving members of the shadow council, and himself the new king of Ibben. The Shadow King as he called himself. The reaction was mixed among the population, but for the most part they came around to it. Especially when he started his rule by having a grand feast open to all in the palace, or what still stood of it anyway. The place was among the largest structures the world had ever seen, but after the doom of Valyria it had been reduced to little more than ruins. This had to be remedied, and so among other things, Desgran started the reconstruction of the Palace of Ibben.

(Apologies for the abrupt ending, but I felt that there was already a bit much and I was running out of drive for one post)

Desgran is dying due to a series of failing organs and is sterile, though medicine prolongs his life and allows him to act as normal for the most part. Aside from this, he stands at 6'6" and weighs a total of approximately 400 lbs., much more than the height and weight of the average Ibbenese. His preferred weapon in combat is a two-handed ax in one hand and a 25 lb. flail in the other. Both weapons were found in a restored section of the palace widely believed to have been the armory. The ax-head has been confirmed to be made of valyrian steel while the shaft is coated in a somewhat thin layer of iron. Desgran's armor, also found in the ancient armory, is one of very few full plate-mail sets in all of Ibben with a dominating style of craftsmanship, unsettling to many of his people. The ax and armor are believed to have been used by previous god-kings of ancient times.

Reconstruction of the palace from the time it begun some fifteen years ago is 25% complete, the size of it already rivaling the Red Keep.

At present, Ibben's military might stands at roughly 40,000 men at arms after some fifteen years of military growth. These men at arms are for the most part armed with wooden shields covered in leather and fur and hand axes for weapons, though spears and crossbows are somewhat common amongst their ranks as well. For armor, they typically wear a set of leather armor topped with fur to further soften blows and effectively defend against arrows, though by no means making them immune to any attacks. In comparison to the armors of Westeros, this armor is largely considered primitive and is fairly easily penetrated, but allows for a fair amount of quick movement. Alongside these men stand a very elite group of bear cavalry, numbered at 500 men. These men are large and by far the most well-trained members of the Ibbenese military, rivaling any knight of Westeros in skill and outmatching their man at arms counterparts in terms of equipment by a huge margin. A typical bear cavalry member wears a leather set of armor topped with scalemail over the length of their body, on top of that lying treated furs which serves as a weak exterior armor and a very good insulator against the cold. For weapons, they carry a two-handed ax into battle which serves as the primary weapon in close-quarters combat along with some carrying lance, those carrying lances always leading the charge. The bears themselves wear a sort of scalemail armor over much of their body, their claws and teeth being more than enough to warrant no extra weaponry built-in to the armor. The bears are roughly the size of Kodiaks and are domesticated through generations of breeding out aggressive tendencies, many of these bears only ever having a single rider due to the bond that grows between them. Desgran has a riding bear himself, though the two don't quite have a 'till death do us part' bond yet. Bear cavalry almost exclusively enter battle with Desgran or a high-ranking general, adding to the morale damage that a bunch of hairy midgets charging at you causes when joined by their Shadow King.
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Elendithas said:




Desgran Ordoun

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Nicknames / Titles: The Shadow King

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Desgran is widely considered among the Ibbenese to be the least patient of any in power. This is caused almost entirely by the fact that he doesn't have much time left to live and he knows it. As a result of cross-breeding between his Ibbenese father and Westerosi mother, Desgran is for the most part considered a monstrosity among his people, though the noble families seem to be the ones that care about that the most. His genealogy isn't the only issue for his people however. His physical appearance differs greatly from anyone in Ibben, namely in that he stands a full foot taller than the largest recorded Ibbenese full-blood and has a considerably smaller amount of hair along the entirety of his body. To go with his impatience, Desgran is notoriously careless for the lives of those who aren't his subjects, and encourages sacrifice, both animal and human, through Ibben in the name of progressing blood magic even if he sees the effects of that progress very rarely, if at all. This has led to rumors of Desgran encouraging sacrifice for the sake of killing alone in neighboring nations, which is in some ways true. Desgran hides his demented views from his subjects well, and covers the causes of what he does similarly so, though his people rarely question his actions given his status and how well he treats them in comparison to the rest of the world's commoners.


Ibbenese man meets Westerosi woman. They have a child who doesn't have good insides. Child becomes teen who starts to die. Teen gets medicine and gets huge af. Huge af teen gets taken in by noble to fight in arena. Teen kills people in arena for a long time, gets famous, gets elected. Now older, Desgran (that teen) sees the Shadow Council sucks balls and plots to kill them all. Desgran lets some of the Shadow Council and the Thousand live after killing the rest. Desgran becomes Shadow King, and rules Ibben.

Husband to a murdered wife, father to a murdered son; Desgran's father, a wealthy Ibbenese whaling-ship owner, endured an early-life crisis at the hands of an Ironborn raiding party during an expedition to find good whaling locations near the shores of Westeros. His entire family at the time was killed; that family consisting of his brother, wife, and new-born son. In his eyes it was a curse that he were one of the few to survive the attack, but as time would tell, he were meant to bring another child to this world. One that would change his homeland irrevertibly for generations. Years of sulking about and being sorry for himself later, Desgran's father met a woman in Westeros while drinking himself to oblivion who would numb the pain he felt for a time. They got together and all that good shit before heading back to Ibben together. Unfortunately for Desgran's father, his new permanent place of residence was a small home on the docks since it would be dangerous and impractical for him to have to accompany his wife every hour of the day, lest she be thrown in prison.

Nine months later, Desgran was born with surprisingly few physical impairments given the past history of cross-breeding between Ibbenese and others. Surprisingly few, was in fact none. At least none that were visible. Desgran was born with wildly inefficient organs which essentially left him in a perpetual state of illness. Up into his teenage years he were about the same size as any other Ibbenese. Then, he begun to exhibit signs of dying. Things such as coughing up blood on a regular basis, bouts of irregular weakness, and similar occurrences plagued him for almost a week before his father used what was left of his whaling fortune to hire the Ibbenese equivalent of a maester. He had the hope that his son could be saved and that this were just a disease that were affecting his child. The doctor found that there was not in fact a disease plaguing Desgran, but instead his organs were failing due to a variety of reasons. The payment was enough to warrant medicine, but not enough to last long.

Shortly after receiving the medicine, a mixture of herbs and foul-tasting drinks, Desgran found himself in the best health he had ever been in. In fact, he quickly began to grow in both height and muscularity. In a matter of months, Desgran had grown some two feet and gained well over two hundred pounds. This was of course very painful, but being the sickly monstrosity of a child he was, this wasn't anything he wasn't used to. Soon, however, the supplies begun to run low and his family simply didn't have the money available to pay for any more. This wasn't something Desgran was looking forward to, and thus made a great effort to find work in any field that would take him. He had expected to get hired on as a member of some whaling crew, but to his surprise ended up with a local noble coming to his home once he had heard of Desgran. The offer was simple. Live with the noble and train under him like a squire and his medicine will be payed for. An odd proposal to such a common person of Ibben, though Desgran wasn't common at all. The only real reason that he had caught the attention of the noble was that he was absurdly large and desperate.

Thamdar was the name of the man that had taken him in. A wealthy noble whose name was surprisingly enough unknown among the population. Such a wealthy man who owned an estate like the one he had shown Desgran was sure to be one people spoke of for better or worse. Thamdar wasted no time once Desgran had moved into the estate with him, taking a small room on the ground floor for the time being. He begun to teach Desgran of fighting to the best of his abilities. He admittedly wasn't a great fighter, but Thamdar had spirit enough to get Desgran interested. It wasn't long until he were better than Thamdar himself; only a few months in before the help of a trainer was required. Thamdar made quick work of hiring a skilled trainer in the art of battle, and that was when his training truly begun. His trainer had him choose a weapon from a display of several. Of course, growing up around axes he chose the battle ax; something he were familiar with, but not entirely skilled enough with to be considered a warrior. That decision started him down a dangerously aggressive path of training. His trainer figured that being as large as he was, Desgran would be much more inclined to simply obliterate his opponent with powerful swings rather than defeating them through skilled combat.

This training went on for years of his life until he were defeating his trainer with ease each time they fought, mostly through tearing his shield away and going for the kill-shot. Of course, these were only sparring matches and he had no intention of killing the man who trained him to fight. Shortly after a conversation between Thamdar and his trainer, Thamdar came to Desgran and told him that he was ready. For what, Desgran had no idea, but he was pretty sure it had something to do with fighting. The next day Thamdar took Desgran to a very large building that seemed too extravagant for the part of town it was in. It were a circular building made of carved stone from the outside, but inside it was so much more. Once through the large double-doors which many large men including himself were walking through, he saw that this was something of an arena. His father took him to a place like this early in life, but it were nowhere near as large and half the men at that place stank of piss and alcohol. Thamdar took him to a small room off of the main preparation area to tell him that with his training he couldn't lose and to be as flashy as he could be before sending him off.

The prep area was full of weapons and armor of varying style, most all of it being of leather or fur and the weapons consisting of either iron or obsidian. He took as much leather armor as could fit him and grabbed the largest ax on the rack before he was called up. Thamdar managed to get him to the arena almost exactly as he was scheduled to fight, which wasn't all too surprising to him. In the arena, the cheers from the crowd were almost deafeningly loud, leaving just enough of the announcer's voice audible to hear him claim that Desgran were the largest Ibbenese man in the world and that he had gone undefeated, as if that were supposed to surprise anyone given the nature of the fights. Just as the other warrior were coming into the clearing, the announcer said that the fight had begun, leaving the man in front of him to charge with a hand-ax held high. Desgran very simply sweeped it out of his hand with his much longer ax and kicked him square in the chest, knocking the air out of him and launching him some three feet backwards. At the request of the audience, Desgran then raised his own ax up and put it through the man's chest. All the way through.

With the odd feeling of killing a man out of the way, Desgran slaughtered foe after foe in the arena for months on end, making Thamdar even more rich and earning himself a great deal of fame in the city. Strangely enough, two years into his reign of the arena, Thamdar came to him with an offer. The reason few knew of him was because Thamdar was a member of the Thousand, a group of individuals that elect members of the shadow council, and he wanted to put Desgran up for election. Desgran held no opinion on the matter, but felt it would be a good move for him later in life if he needed it. Little did he know that his election would be almost unanimously agreed with and his position in Ibben would skyrocket so quickly. In less than a year, Desgran was made a member of a small group of governing officials who gave him the responsibilities of military affairs. This struck Desgran as a wildly incompetent move on their part. For all they knew he could lead a failed invasion which left the entirety of Ibben vulnerable, or worse, he could make policies which were not in the least bit favorable for anyone. It was only after his appointment that he discovered most everyone on the council at this point was put there for little more purpose than to enforce the agenda of the nobles or be a figurehead, Desgran being the latter. Desgran, near-furious with what he had learned of the governing body of the whole of Ibben, devised a plan to... resolve the issue. In stark contrast to every other military official that had been elected by the Thousand, Desgran met regularly with his generals and soldiers to make sure they were properly trained for one, and to gain their undisputed trust.

In other military news, Desgran's plans were coming to fruition, and thus it were time to garner support from whoever seemed competent enough among the shadow council, which oddly enough, was a single woman who essentially did public works. An engineer by the name of Belynn. She fully backed his plan, herself being angered at how startlingly incompetent the majority of the shadow council and the Thousand happened to be, though she was unaware that his plan included painting the walls in most all of their blood. When the time came and Desgran gave the order, Belynn was made to stay home for the day while the military marched through the streets to the homes of many of the members of the Thousand, Thamdar one of the excluded. In the palace while the shadow council met, Desgran barred the doors and took up his weapon, executing many of the group without the smallest fight. The few that tried to fight back found themselves much too weak to do anything about what was happening and were similarly cut down. The Thousand had a near-identical outcome before Desgran called out to the people from the palace, proclaiming himself and Belynn the only surviving members of the shadow council, and himself the new king of Ibben. The Shadow King as he called himself. The reaction was mixed among the population, but for the most part they came around to it. Especially when he started his rule by having a grand feast open to all in the palace, or what still stood of it anyway. The place was among the largest structures the world had ever seen, but after the doom of Valyria it had been reduced to little more than ruins. This had to be remedied, and so among other things, Desgran started the reconstruction of the Palace of Ibben.

(Apologies for the abrupt ending, but I felt that there was already a bit much and I was running out of drive for one post)

Desgran is dying due to a series of failing organs and is sterile, though medicine prolongs his life and allows him to act as normal for the most part. Aside from this, he stands at 6'6" and weighs a total of approximately 400 lbs., much more than the height and weight of the average Ibbenese. His preferred weapon in combat is a two-handed ax in one hand and a 25 lb. flail in the other. Both weapons were found in a restored section of the palace widely believed to have been the armory. The ax-head has been confirmed to be made of valyrian steel while the shaft is coated in a somewhat thin layer of iron. Desgran's armor, also found in the ancient armory, is one of very few full plate-mail sets in all of Ibben with a dominating style of craftsmanship, unsettling to many of his people. The ax and armor are believed to have been used by previous god-kings of ancient times.

Reconstruction of the palace from the time it begun some fifteen years ago is 25% complete, the size of it already rivaling the Red Keep.

At present, Ibben's military might stands at roughly 40,000 men at arms after some fifteen years of military growth. These men at arms are for the most part armed with wooden shields covered in leather and fur and hand axes for weapons, though spears and crossbows are somewhat common amongst their ranks as well. For armor, they typically wear a set of leather armor topped with fur to further soften blows and effectively defend against arrows, though by no means making them immune to any attacks. In comparison to the armors of Westeros, this armor is largely considered primitive and is fairly easily penetrated, but allows for a fair amount of quick movement. Alongside these men stand a very elite group of bear cavalry, numbered at 500 men. These men are large and by far the most well-trained members of the Ibbenese military, rivaling any knight of Westeros in skill and outmatching their man at arms counterparts in terms of equipment by a huge margin. A typical bear cavalry member wears a leather set of armor topped with scalemail over the length of their body, on top of that lying treated furs which serves as a weak exterior armor and a very good insulator against the cold. For weapons, they carry a two-handed ax into battle which serves as the primary weapon in close-quarters combat along with some carrying lance, those carrying lances always leading the charge. The bears themselves wear a sort of scalemail armor over much of their body, their claws and teeth being more than enough to warrant no extra weaponry built-in to the armor. The bears are roughly the size of Kodiaks and are domesticated through generations of breeding out aggressive tendencies, many of these bears only ever having a single rider due to the bond that grows between them. Desgran has a riding bear himself, though the two don't quite have a 'till death do us part' bond yet. Bear cavalry almost exclusively enter battle with Desgran or a high-ranking general, adding to the morale damage that a bunch of hairy midgets charging at you causes when joined by their Shadow King.

I find it hilarious that every character on this rp is gorgeous in their own way. Nicely going everyone
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]I find it hilarious that every character on this rp is gorgeous in their own way. Nicely going everyone



Corbis stands at 5'4, with a thick, chubby figure. He has greasy, smelly platinum hair, and a ragged beard extending under his neck. He has a bumped nose with a few boils on it, and fat, shriveled lips. His eyes are beady with a murky purple coloring. His skin is often reddish from exertion, and splotched with a few greyscale patches from the disease that nearly claimed him in his youth.

Name: Corbis Targaryen

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Nicknames / Titles: Every foul curse word imaginable

Marital Status: Single (Who the fuck would willingly marry him)

Personality: A foul, cruel creature of the likes of those from the stories meant to scare wayward children. Corbis Targaryen is somehow vile and insane enough that his father, The Mad King, would consider him too unstable to take the throne after him. Corbis takes delight in the pain of others, even being aroused by it. Beyond greed, anger, envy, hate, and other such vile things, he has no recognizably human emotions. He has a cruel jealousy of his sisters, and a hate for his father, and although he is not the one who hired the assassin to kill his father and try and kill his sister, he wishes he did. He seeks to see himself sat upon the Iron Throne, with the heads of his sweet sisters on pikes. He has a love for violence and drug use, indulging excessively in both.

Biography: Corbis was born undersized and sickly, catching greyscale early on that left his skin covered in patches for the rest of his life. He grew up with a damaged mental state that many simply blamed on him being the son of the Mad King. Throughout his childhood, he was raised as the heir to the throne, spoiled and pampered beyond measure. However, with all this power at his finger tips, he grew gluttonous, lusty, spiteful, and even sadistic. He took a secret pleasure in making the poor of Flea Bottom kill eachother in the Dragon Pit during the dark of night, the winner of these "fights" receiving a single golden dragon. He ignored his siblings since his birth, seeing them as below him. After all, due to inheritance laws and Targaryen customs, he would inherit the throne, and marry one of them. Corbis continued along down his dark path, decreeing that all criminals be burnt alive, forcing himself upon the wives of commoners and then executing them for adultery, and even trying to burn the Great Sept of Baelor down with wildfire after the High Septon refused to consider Aegon one of the Seven.

Corbis considered himself above the law, the faith, and even his own father.

Osmund Baratheon was the lord whom lead those calling for justice against Corbis, and eventually, the Small Council was called to decide what to do. Eventually it was decided that Corbis would be denied his inheiritance, although many called this too light of a punishment. When questioned, Maeryn simply claimed that he would not kill his own son, and when Osmund made a particularly brash joke about Maeryn's relations with Corbis, he was executed, much to the delight of Corbis.

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  • Name: Peridian

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Nicknames / Titles: Rat (due to his upbringing, speed and weight), Peridian Flowers (due to rumours)

    Marital Status: Single

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dayne1.png.1cb7a37efffac08ac935c8cba3f1909f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dayne1.png.1cb7a37efffac08ac935c8cba3f1909f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(This was the best I could do, didn't expect it to be so hard to choose a look, also note that his hair would be a bit on the silverfish/whitish side, but I couldn't find any pictures that I was happy with that had that.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dayne2.png.ba2476c70d7ed42b518173be5de0b9ac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dayne2.png.ba2476c70d7ed42b518173be5de0b9ac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I was also thinking his armour could be like this except a a dark purple instead of black and the Dayne sigil instead of the antlers. Also ignore the battle axe please.)

Lord Ash Dayne

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Nicknames / Titles: Sword of the Morning, Starfire.

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Ash has a tendency to keep to himself but he is by no means an introvert as he has many friends which he speaks to regularly and likes to keep good relations with the people under his banner (especially the household guard.) Ash does not drink alcohol often but he is not afraid of the odd flask of wine. As the Sword of Morning Ash is extremely gifted with the lance and sword and he is proud of it, he tries his best to not look down on his foes and respect them, he also prefers to be honourable but he is not bound by it. Ash is not very fond of diplomacy and sees it as a drag, he is not very good at it either sure people tend to like him and respect him but he is not very good at diplomatic matters as he tended to heavily focus on martial training however he is not a complete dunce.

Biography: As the first born child of Austin and Elise Dayne and the heir to Starfall Ash had a lot of responsibility and expectations resting on his shoulder during his childhood. The one thing Austin Dayne wanted his son Ash to achieve was being worthy of the Sword of Morning thus he groomed Ash into a fine warrior from an early age. Ash was a quick learner and soon showed potential but he was hot headed and a bit to confident, because of this Ash's father decided to take a break from the training and attempt to teach Ash what it meant to be a knight and more importantly Lord of Starfall. It did not take long for Ash to respect and understand his fathers morales and he even decided to adopt a few like honour and benevolence. Ash soon simmered down and held himself with more respect and dignity and so the martial training continued until one day Austin had no more that he could teach Ash, but he still felt that Ash was not ready so he decided to invite one of his old essosi friends, Ash never actually learnt his name and so referred to him as teacher. The essosi man took notice of Ash's extraordinary swordsmanship so he encouraged Ash to try other weapons, with his teacher he practices with a variety of lances/spears and bows. Ash grew to love the lance/spear and even it even became his first choice although his skill with it was not even close to his swordsmanship, Ash had a rather painful experience with his Archery and still has bad memories of it today, he absoluteness refuses to use it and hates it with a passion. This is most likely because Ash was so used to succeeding and being handed things in life that he did not take this failure well.

Soon after this Ash celebrated his 16th name day and all of the torrentine was invited and even some of the Yronwoods were too. A few of the younger Yronwoods and a bachelor of sorts came as they had headed rumors that Ash would soon claim Dawn but nothing was heard fromthe Blackmonts... That was until the next morning after a night of partying and feasting Lord Austin Dayne had woken to a letter sent from House Blackmonts, it was a deceleration of war and announced that they would ride for Starfall.

With his father and tutor/teacher the three of them prepared the knights and men of Starfall for battle, this taught Ash a lot about what it took to command an army and once the sun had set the three of them set out to war. The knights of Starfall crushed the levies of Blackmonts in the first assault which caused them to retreat back to their holdings, that day Ash felt his first victory in combat but also his first failure, if the knights had not been there then Ash would have been done for.

As Lord Austin Dayne and Teacher started to prepare for the siege of Blackmonts they both agreed that Ash would travel back to Starfall with a company of knights to break the news that the war is going to plan.

But not long after Ash had entered the gates his mother announced that the Yronwoods have supported the Blackmonts war for Starfall and they will be marching on the gates.

This is where Ash would experience his first siege, he had learnt much about being on the offensive side from watching his fathers preparation but he knew little about defending and as Ash's father was currently unavailable it was left to Ash to temporarily take the duties of a Lord and defend Starfall.

Ash's mother sent a raven to Lord Austin to notify him straight away, the Yronwoods seemed to be in no hurry as it took them several weeks to reach Starfall, they reeked with confidence. But this gave Ash time to study and research, he had improved the defences to the best of his ability and had a decent amount of men to work with. The siege lasted but a day as it was eventually broken when a raven from Lord Dayne had reached Starfall. The Yronwoods confidence had cost them as the gates of Starfall opened and Ash charged with his company of knights and the household guard as Lord Austin charged and his forces charged from behind, even with this maneuver the Yronwoods heavily outnumbered the Dayne forces so it was not a pretty sight to see. Ash took many more lives that day and even struck the lord of Yronwoods through the heart with his spear. At the end of the day victory was theirs and the war had been won. Ash was knighted on the day that peace was announced.

On Ash's 17th name day it had been a yearyear since his first war and since then he had dueled and defeated some of Dornes finest warriors and even had a run in with some essosi sellswords. As his 18th nameday approached Ash had been told again and again by his teacher about the band of pirates that called the step stones home and how they were great warriors feared by many, Teacher requested Ash to round up a small company to deal with them and show them the strength of House Dayne and Dorne, Ash decided to invite some Blackmonts and Yronwoods to show good faith but few were willing to accept, those that did accept got along surprisingly well with Ash. So with a small number of the knights of Starfall and a few new friends Ash set sail for the stepstones. Either Ash got lucky or the Pirates did not take them seriously because Ash had little trouble landing on the stepstones, from this travel he learned some about naval combat and navigation, took a liking to navigation and discovery but couldn't quite get the hang of how to fight, he didn't have the best sea legs, but on land Ash and his company had an advantage. Ash and his company personally disbanded many pirate factions that day and learnt to fight on a variety of different terrains.

Once Ash returned his teacher felt Ash was ready and requested that he would kill him as he has done things in the past he regrets and must pay for. Ash was forced to fight his former teacher to the death and eventually killed him once again with a lance through the heart. It was only after that Ash found his true identity. A former "Pirate King" who had wrecked habok on Tyrosh Lys and Myr for many years as well as Dorne.

By Ashs 19th name day Austin felt that Ash was finally ready as Ash had both matured as a person and as a warrior. Austin finally gifted Ash Dawn and along with it the title of Sword of the Morning, a celebration was held in Starfall that day and many of the smallfolk were in awe of Ash, at this celebration Ash made many friends among his fathers vassals and the household guard and even some of the smallfolk. Not long after the celebration Ash's father Austin passed away and Ash finally became the Lord of Starfall, unfortunately the majority of Ash's life had been focused on his martial education so he had little knowledge of diplomacy and was completely blind to things like intrigue and subjects alike. Fortunately for Ash his mother Elise still had a few good years left in the tank and dedicated it to giving Ash as much knowledge and aid that she could, in the reign of Ashs father Elise was the driving diplomatic force of Starfall so Ash was quickly able to learn the basics and a little bit more but he did not manage to learn a lot more.

Ash is still very ignorant to intrigue and the kind of slimy snakes that can lurk in councils and disguise themselves as humans but he has a beginners grasp of diplomacy and stewardship.

Ash has commanded many companies to rid Dorne of bandits and raiders, he has fought in many local tournaments and has came first place in the joust every time as well as the melee. He has trained sparred and fought in battle against warriors from all over the world.


Extraordinary swordsmanship and deadly efficient with pole-arms.

Is useless with a bow.

Carries two spears wrapped in cloth and Dawn. Primarily uses his polearms as he only shows Dawn when he feels he has met an opponent worthy to see it.

Ignorant to Intrigue.

Quick Learner.

Strong and Tall (Around 6,2), is also considered to be rather attractive.

Has a beginners grasp of diplomacy.

Decent stewardship.

Above average senses.

Impressive instincts.

Capable Navigator.

Not many friends growing up so is a bit of a loner.





(I am more than happy to make edits to this character if need be. Also note that I sort of semi-rushed this so mistakes are to be expected.)



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Benjicott Tully

"The rivers run naturally, just as humans must. Our blood runs like the river. Us Tully's, we are exactly like the rivers."







Black Shark.

To his family and close friends, they call him:


Marital Status:



Benjicott Tully is definitely a character with his own personality. Loyal to his house, he was born as the first son, the heir to the Tully house, something he is bound to uphold. Confident with his own abilities, being a very good aim, and a decently skilled fighter, but always a better shot. He has a powerful temper that runs through his veins, something that has held through him his entire life. He is a strong minded fellow, with a jovial and jolly attitude with others around, and a strict and forceful tone when he needs to command his army. However, it took some time for his father to drill through his thick skull that Benji would have to someday take up the name of the head of House Tully. While he still is a jolly man, his obsession of making sure he does his family well has caused him to strip away his carefree attitude, and to act more like a lord. However, he believes that his father was always too kind. Benji still doesn't know where he will lead the Tully's to, as his loyalties are still up in the air. However, he knows that his loyalties to his family are his first priority. Anything to make his father, mother, and sisters happy.

Benji is a warrior, but his skills with a sword and shield aren't what makes him dangerous. His accuracy is definitely his strong suit in the battlefield, but the strategic battlefield is where he truly thrives. He is considered to be the best general in House Tully, leading the Tully army with swift precision and flawless leadership. He is compared to other leaders such as Tiber and Gelgin, however Benji knows that Gelgin is much more experienced than he is. Benji is a cunning man, and he always has a step in front of his opponents, always ready to intercept and force them to surrender. However, the small factor that seperates him heavily from Tiber and Gelgin is that Benji does believe in mercy. He believes that "blood must run just like a river, free and trickling." He is ruthless when it comes to his decision, comparing battles to a game of chess(or whatever the Game of Thrones equivalent is), having to move around the pieces, and completely knock down the opposing force.


Born as the first child of the Head of the Tully family, Walder Tully was born into the world with a lot to live up to. His father was happy with getting a son as his first born, and Benji quickly grew to become a powerful heir. He was quickly tutored by many general, warriors, and his own father to become a powerful leader to the house. Over time, he became an expert analyzer. And this meant that he criticized many actions his parents and everyone else made. While he was practicing to become the head, Benji was obsessed with the sea, wanting to learn more about the waters. He knew that there was more to just rivers and lakes, so he set off with a group of men. Benji sailed across the oceans, braving through many storms with his crew. He traveled for a few years, until he came back, not wanting to miss Adele's birth. He always cared deeply for his young nephew as if he was his child, obviously showing that Adele was his favorite nephew. Benji is always around for his family, aiding his father in many missions that involve political and military need.


Benji is usually seen with a crossbow attached to his back, with his prized cane sword, the top of the cane shaped as the trout that symbolizes the Tully house.​

@Hypnos @TheFordee14

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Elia Martell







Princess of Dorne

Marital Status:



Elia lacks the hotheadedness of the Dornish people for the most part although it does appear at times if she is especially angry or emotional. This does aid her though as it makes her a better ruler of Dorne. Elia will observe at the whole picture and be calculating with her approaches. She can be cunning and will do whatever needs to be done, not afraid to get her hands dirty.


From a young age, Elia knew that she would be expected to rule Dorne one day and grew up trying to become the best she could be for that role. Sure she had a good childhood with playing and having fun with her siblings but the thoughts of her future were always at the back of her mind. Despite this, Elia wouldn’t change a thing about growing up in Dorne, it was beautiful and everyone was accepting around her. One of her favourite things was her archery lessons with her father since he insisted that every one of his children be able to defend themselves somehow.

When she was just 18 summers old however, Elia was forced to become the leader all very quickly after an illness took her parents from her. Now she was the ruler of Dorne and as such had a lot of responsibility. It took her a year or two before she truly found her feet in the role but by now, she definitely knows what she’s doing and is no longer a naïve young girl that many thought she was.


Skilled with a bow and arrow


Arianne ‘Aria’ Martell








Marital Status:



Aria embodies all that is Dornish. She is free-spirited and wild while being hotheaded as well. For her it’s often a case of actions speak louder than words so she tends to be the first to act out of her siblings. This goes hand in hand with her quick thinking as it allows her to think on her feet as she throws herself into a situation. Arianne cares a lot for those close to her and is fiercely loyal to them always.




Fights with daggers of which there are always at least 2 on her person.


Liana Martell








(also secretly the Shadow Serpent)

Marital Status:



Unlike her older sisters, Liana is not a fighter. At least not physically that is. For her, the trade and art of information is more appealing. She is cunning and quick witted, with a very good use of sarcasm. Don’t let her age fool you, Liana is wise beyond her years and knows what she’s doing. Her age does come in useful though as it means that not many suspect her of anything.




Can defend herself adequately with throwing knives if absolutely necessary

Has a small but slowly growing network of spies known as Shadows

Princess Elia - 24

Prince? - 22

Princess Arianne - 21

Prince ? - 21 (Arianne’s twin brother)

Prince ? - 18/19

Princess Liana - 17

Princess Kota - 14
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