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Fandom A Game Of Thrones - NOW OPEN



Kota Martell

Gender: female

Age: 14

Nicknames / Titles:


Marital Status: single


Kota isn't a warrior of words, steel, or shadow. Instead she prefers to stick to the comfortable life she knows. Learning to dance and sow. She is a lady not a fighter however, she can be quick on her toes when she needs to be especially when it concerns banter and does enjoy acting younger then she is. Often playing games with the younger children or picking up a useless little hobbies to amuse herself. She is well known to be very kind and gentle as well and already has many suitors asking for her hand. All the while she remains blissfully naive to the darker side of people and though she has been taught not to trust easily she finds herself with many friends. All drawn to her bright nature.


Kota is skilled with a bow and can shoot on horseback though prefers a needle over an arrow any day. she also has many animals that she has taken in over the years.
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Lawsen's Pack

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Name: Brack Lorch

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Nicknames / Titles: Bellringer

Marital Status: Unknown

Personality: Brack is considered the oldest of Lawsen's pack. He was a knight in the time of Lawsen's father, and served him as a loyal soldier. From what Lawsen and Gendry say, Brack is a silent yet proficient fighter. He shouts commands with a voice that could shake mountains. He has rather a buff figure, although he isn't as tall as Mender.


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Name: Rupert Westford

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Nicknames / Titles: The Ruthless

Marital Status: Single

Personality: As his title suggests, his lack of mercy is the reason Lawsen chose him. He found something in him that made his skin crawl, as blood splattered on his face and not even a single flinch could be seen. Not even when he was cutting down villagers who expressed their distaste for Lawsen's rule. His voice is soft, like the stringing of a harp, but his bite is much worse.


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Name: Paxtan Doggett

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Nicknames / Titles: The Wise

Marital Status: Married

Personality: Paxtan is one of Lawsen's most instructed adviser. Even more than Gendry, who is Lawsen's personal adviser. The reason why Paxtan is not Lawsen's personal adviser is because he held the same title for his brother, and so Lawsen decided to change all of his court men, but he still considered Paxton one of the best, so he decided he would include him into his inner circle, where he could use him without giving him too much power.


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Name: Melvan Ruttiger

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Nicknames / Titles: Black Dog

Marital Status: Unknown

Personality: As his clothes suggest, Melvan thrives in the macabre. Either is making an example of the peasants, or torturing animals, or splashing blood on himself, just for the thrill of it, Melvan is unofficially Lawsen's 'scarecrow'. Just saying his name to his soldiers brings fright, as one wrong step or laugh, and his head would roll among the enemies too.


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Name: Gendry Yarwyck

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Nicknames / Titles: Lapdog

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Gendry is Lawsen's personal adviser, and his right hand. He has been loyal to Lawsen, the reason for his nickname, and for im becoming the Lord's right hand. His command is unmatched, as when he speaks, the others listen. His attitude is usually laid back with his soldiers and fellow pack men. Gendry has a soft heart, and strives to save as many lifes as he can, not wanting useless bloodshed, something that Lawsen and others disagree with.




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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Vikings_Amazing_Facts-770x437.jpg.baf2772d0eb810fcbd9fdc30b1ed2a1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Vikings_Amazing_Facts-770x437.jpg.baf2772d0eb810fcbd9fdc30b1ed2a1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Basically this but with jet black hair and pale blue eyes.(/Note that the one to the far right is supposed to resemble him but all of the weapons are supposed to be ones he uses.)

Siegfried (Harlaw)

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Nicknames / Titles: Zero Fear Siegfried, The Crimson Reaver.

Marital Status: Single

Siegfrieds home is the sea, as the third son in line to be heir he sees no use of the land, he is proud of his men and what they can achieve. Siegfried is normally rather tame and well mannered (for an ironborne keep in mind.), although he is not easy to anger the only thing he loves more than the sea is the thrill of battle (preferably on the sea.)

Siegfried is greatly respected among iron borne because of his black outs in battles, occasionally Siegfriedd will enter a berserker like state (minus the anger) and what his companions could only be described as a massacre will follow, Siegfriedd is rather distant and monotone and let's his actions speak louder than words, he holds his life in little regard but deep down longs for something to live for.

Biography: Growing up was not easy for Siegfried, his parents did not really care if he lived or died and let him take care of himself, they already had plenty of daughters and sons so they saw no use in him, his siblings also looked down on this and treated him like a lowborn unwelcomed in the family.

Siegfied does not consider these people his family but kept his name in respect for the Harlaw of Gray Garden the cadet branch that treated him like their own.

Siegfried has spent most of his life on ships and raids, he honed the craft from an early age and was the backbone of many successful raids on mainland westeros, nobody cared for him still though, but how could they. Siegfied continued to sail and slaughter and loot until he finally was able to obtain his own ship which he named Bloody Flux after the deadly disease that has taken a great many lives. With this ship he formed a crew consisting of the best men that he could find, the major success of Bloody Flux allowed Siegfried to constrict his very own fleet which consisted of 11 ships and an abundance of very enthusiastic men. Siegfried had made a name for himself and his family had regretted casting him aside, if Siegfried hadn't denounced them as being nothing but strangers and no family to him they probably would of welcomed him back.

After that people simply referred to him as Siegfried rather than his Houses name.

After this Siegfried took a break from his raids and lootings and focused mor on expliratipn , he wanted to see what the wonders of the sea could show him. Siegfried has been along the coast of Westeros, Western Essos and even in the Jade sea, he had heared rumors of Valyria and plans to travel there one day. Once Siegfried quenched his first for adventure he decided to focus on training his men, Siegfried company is known to be one of the most efficent bands of ironborne.


Naturally Solemn

Has rare occasions where he blacks out in battle, in this state Siegfried fights with every inch of power he can leaving it all out on the field, he has rumored to be "unstoppable"

Extraordinary Naval Expert

Expert Navigator

Renown Reaver

Super Human Lime terance to pain.

Deadly profficent in hand to hand combat.

Uses long swords, battleaxes, shields and spears.

Is around 6'8, incredibly strong.

The only life he know is that on the sea.

Well versed Strategist

Great Explorer

Great Captain.

Has a fleet of 12 ships under his name with Bloody Flux being the flagship, he has 4 other iron ships in his fleet named Lamentation, Iron Wing, Sea Song and Headless Jeyne. The remainder of Siegfried's ships consist of reinforced and improved longships. His fleet is armed to the teeth as a result of years and years of looting and exploration and has more than enough men to spare.

(I went a bit insane with this one, note that changes can and probably will be made.)



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WESTEROS democracy front

[ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-24_18-41-57.jpeg.589e32604753423f4393fbcfa0c3457b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-24_18-41-57.jpeg.589e32604753423f4393fbcfa0c3457b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ]

Name: Mason Brown(leader)



Nicknames / Titles: coward

Marital Status: Single

Personality: intelligent, strategist, leadership skills,cunning,weak at close range combat,

Biography: Firstly mason brown started as a baker in Dorne. Also he learned how to cook for himself. Secondly his father fight in Dorne army as part time solider. Also his father taught him how to use a crossbow and how the army fights. Lastly when his father dies from battle. Also it made mason want vengeance at the house for killing his father and other people in there lust for power.

Next he travel the road seeking a way to fix westeros. Also He had to steal to live on the road he learned from paying other thiefs coins or getting robbed himself. When he reach the wall he learn how about the lord commander is picked by voting. Lastly finding his fix to the houses. Also he made a chart that would be the guideline for his front.

When he reached the crownlands he found his group and started to raid and attack the corrupt houses by attacking shipments then giving the some of the profit to the poor

Other: mason brown main force on king road

-50 crossbow men with knifes.

mason brown second force on kingroad

:15 painters/they cut holes in paper, then they paint it and reuse paper,(making it a easy way to spread the word)

they use picture to send message to people

10 crossmen

mason brown spy force

:15 spys located in king landing



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Reed.png.3efddd5cd2694229c82f79f1b976752d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Reed.png.3efddd5cd2694229c82f79f1b976752d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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(Note that Geralts attire will consist more of Dark Green and Dark Brown than the Black shown in these images.)

Geralt Reed

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nicknames / Titles: Lord of Greywater Watch. (No other nicknames for now and not many have seen him to give him one.)

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Geralt is very introverted, he does not discuss much with his peers and often sneaks out on his own or simply keeps to himself, he does not have many friends and has been very serious about improving the wealth of his lands, he does not want to be rich per say but would just like something comfy to fall back on, that does not mean he dislikes how his life is now he just thinks he could improve it. Geralt likes the idea of adventure and has thought about it many times and has planned out theoretically how they would take place, although in practice he has always backed out, he is rather nervous when it comes meeting new people and being out of his environment but Geralt is a rather diligent person so he has been taking baby steps at a time. Geralt is known to be rather bitter about his hight as many men and even boy seem to tower over him but also comes with its advantages, he has excelled in sneaking in and out of places and travelling unnoticed.

He feels that it is his duty as a Reed to support the Starks through thick and thin and to make sure that the Reeds long time rivals the Freys stay in their land and out of the Neck.

Geralts life has largely been a peaceful one and one of secrecy, sure he has the occasional meetings with his banner-men and tries to keep them happy but as a crannogman he leads more of a life of secrecy, from an early age he took a liking to hunting and it must of been something genetic because he was a natural, Geralt easily became a master hunter and trapper and learned to move quietly and unknown as a kind of bi-product of living in the swamps and marshes of the Neck. He has studied and is well versed in poison and archery and is quick with a dagger. However Geralt is of a weak build and can be easily over powered, he stands at the height of 4'9. He can handle a spear relativity well as he grew up fishing but he is not accustomed to combat with it.

Geralt has been described by the few that know him as smart but no genius, and a brave man. Geralts father and mother Jojen and Lyanna Reed had Geralt rather late in their lives, this is the reason for Geralt being so young.

Other: Due to Geralts isolated life he is rather shy and can be intimidated by meeting new people, as all Reeds before him he has been brought up to be fiercely loyal to the Starks of Winterfell.

Geralt is a rather fine fisherman and can navigate small fishing boats through difficult terrain.

Is a master hunter and trapper.

Experienced with poison.

A naturally introverted and cautious person, he is also very secretive about what he does.

An experienced Archer.

Poor hand to hand combat.



Tends to carry a net and frog-spear.

Although he is small, because he is a crannogmen it is in proportion (basically it is natural.)



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Name: Cyrus Targaryen

Gender: Male

Age: 29 (Younger then


Nicknames / Titles:

Cyrus Thy Owl Dragon

Or Just Thy Owl Dragon

Marital Status:



Sneaky little twerp. Cyrus, the cautious but sneaky...Eldar brother of the family seemed fitting for a charming great, "Rob-Star" Boy. Sadly This wasn't true. Cyrus found it easy to be an Owl. To watch from the shadows and take flight. Stronger then a bat Cyrus's eyes fail him at times but his lack of knowledge is he tool of weaponry. The arsenal put together by elders-to-slave-to-Queen-to -King-to-Old drunks. This is deadly for him in defense and offense. Cyrus possesses a complex personality; however, more often than not, he was described as "twisted" by a large number of people. Cyrus is a megalomaniac and sociopath. He had a deep lust for power ,and can become intoxicated with it quickly. He'd Back stab cheat and fight for anything with a corner of power. "Just remember love...I Win."


Cyrus was boon with the most violet eyes, his hair silk white and his smile on his face. He was born He got the name Owl Dragon for his attentiveness to watch the moon as a baby. He did cry but when he wasn't he was watching. His sister(s), the moon, or a bug. Never bored

Cyrus Roselyn Targaryen Just loved to watch. He never played, but when he did he either manipulated the other kids, or simply couldn't take his eyes off them. After the passing of "Pop" he learned his swording technique from "Watching" people other then his family. This was embarrassing, to the point of the young Cyrus's banishment, it would of been a disgrace for the targaryens to have such a "Distorted young man" to rule one day". He was sent to SummerHall and grew old enough in the ruins until the day his father passed. Forgetting of Cyrus's Life he was forgotten presumed dead. However he took word of Viserys to take the throne with the "Golden Company" and thought to actually take up arms for them

"Viserys Targaryen and the "Golden Company"

Other: His Sword (Talon)


And his bag of snakes, born manipulator and sneaky adversary this gives his the skill to release his "Dragons" umong floors he hates.
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Voggoro of Qohor

Servant of the Black Goat

The Black Goat demands daily blood sacrifice. The Qohorik often bring calves, bullocks, and horses before the Black Goat's altars. However, on holy days it is condemned criminals who go beneath the knives of the god's cowled priests, and, in times of danger and crisis it is written that the high nobles of the city offer their own children to placate the Black Goat, that he might defend the city.
Maester Yandel, The World of Ice and Fire


Name: Voggoro of Qohor

Gender: Male

Age: 51

Titles: Black Priest of Qohor, Servant of the Black Goat, Member of the Dark Herd, Cardinal of the Order of Qohor, and Captain in the Goldon Company.

Nicknames: Voggo, Black Voggo, The Old Goat, Religious Twat, Heathen.

Marital Status: Sworn to celibacy


  • Voggo has an unnamed pet Goat that he takes with him on his travels in order to pay his respect to the Great Black Goat of Qohor. He will feed this Goat the cut out entrails of those that he has felled in battle as a blood sacrifice to his god and it can oft be seen fighting crows for the corpses around the tents of the Goldon Company, this is considered odd and barbaric by his fellows, but unsuprisingly no one has called him out on it.
  • Voggo is ambidextrous and wields both a Qohorik quarterstaff and a dagger made of the finest Qohorik steel, with these weapons he is a passable fighter, though nothing special, sacrificing practicality for showmanship, his weapon of choice in a fight being surprise and confusion, his targets despite mostly being better warriors than him shocked and surprised at the old priest's Qohorik ways.

Hardly your average priest, Voggo of Qohor is not one for worship and silent prayer, his piety mainly being displayed through acts of unspeakable violence, the Black Priest taking a lot of pride in his ability to inflict slow and painful deaths, his favorite method of information gathering being torture, causing his victims to scream before he ends their lives. This is not to say however is is a twisted man, nor is he sullen and brooding like many others who take up the worship of the Black Goat, instead he is quite the opposite, loud and boisterous, with a laugh loud enough to wake the dead, or so he claims, and much prefers his hands to be filled with pints of ale than a sword and shield, though he is infamous throughout the company for not being able to hold his drink very well, often being found in the mornings after long drinking sessions abed with women half his age despite taking an oath of celibacy after joining the order of the Black Priests.

Despite his regions unsavory nature Voggo isn't one to discriminate against others for following other faiths, in fact many of his closest companions within the Golden Company still hold to the faith of the seven, though he hopes to one day show them the light of the Black Goat, this is because in his youth, he too did not truly believe in the Goat's power, though with age he has come to realize the great many things the Goat has done for him in life (Though many others would attribute these "Miracles" as luck and chance and nothing truly special)

Voggo is not a particularly strong man, though he can certainly be described as bold, running head first into enemies with twice his size and prowess at arms and he often needs to be rescued by other more skilled members of the company, though this does not stop him from trying, nor does it stop him from getting into trouble with some very influential figures both inside and outside of the company.

Born in the free city of Qohor, Voggoro Moatte or simply Ser Voggo of Qohor was the twenty-seventh child of Grand-Herder Vargo-Tobho Moatte, the Grand priest of Qohor and a man of staunch religious beliefs, who, upon every tenth year would take the maiden daughters of the high nobility of Qohor and with his seed give them a child, blessing them under the eyes of the Black Goat and offering them a place in his dark herd (The daughters would often be sacrificed in later years when the city of Qohor was under attack, the people believing that their presence would be pleasing to the Black Goat as they had given him (or his human embodiment the Grand-Herder) a child. Born from one of these unions of woman and priest, Voggo was quickly initiated into the order and was taught from a young age the ways of the goat, receiving a priesthood at the age of eight and ten, and a cardinalship at two and thirty, Voggo, despite being unsure of the existence of the goat rising quickly through the ranks, becoming a powerful figure within the church.

This all changed however when Voggo, still relatively young at the time, was granted his freedom from the cultish church and was allowed access to the entire city, the impressionism lad falling quickly to woman and alcohol, dropping much of what the priests had taught him and bringing embarrassment to the church. So it was that at the age of five and thirty, Voggo's cardinalship was revoked a mere three years after receiving it and he was banished from the church for the foreseeable future. Wanting to regain his title (and the assets that came with it) Voggo made a plea to his father, the Grand-Herder to take back his banishment and reinitiate him into the church, being the man that he was his father accepted under one condition, the order of Qohor's power was fading as was the influence of the Black Goat, the Grand-Herder had heard of the rise of a man to the west who claimed a strong claim on the Iron Throne of Westeros, a man known to be ruthless and cunning, a man with a black heart, Voggo was to visit this man, this Baelor Blackfyre and convert him to the ways of the Black Goat, persuade him to seize the throne of Westeros and spread his noble words. Voggo, thinking the mission easy accepted, taking the nearest boat up the Qhoyne and integrating himself into the Golden Company.

It has been many years since that day and Voggo has since got no closer to his goal, not that he has been trying to hard, the priest being easily distracted by the promise of gold and woman and has not been pushing his agenda. Since that day many things have changed, Baelor Blackfyre had died only to be replaced by his distant kin King Viserys who has finally taken up the crown he was born to wear, not that Voggo was any closer to converting him that is, though he believes that one day Viserys will join him in prayer for the great goat, hopefully one day soon.


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The Armor he wears:



Adam Garendaan

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Nicknames / Titles:

Trusty Trickster

Desert Fox

Marital Status:



Known for his kind, clever, stubborn, and even brute personality. For a young man who has had no proper education or teaching, he always seems to have a good sense of how get out of situations and pick up a skill or two from experiencing things. He likes to be a bit charming for the ladies and knows a thing or two about being 'Gentlman' like, or he think he does. He's Open minded, sometimes careless when being angered, but rather loyal and respectful to those he admires as good leaders. He is also very ambitious to become a knight, to fight for what is truly right for the people.

"I may not look it but Im a hell of swinger and a hella of a gentleman."


Surprisingly Adams father had actually originated from Westero but decided to move to Essos due to certain 'Debts' he had owed back then. Apparently he borrowed the money do to him having a gambling problem and of course he couldn't pay them back and apparently it was quite alot. He then quickly decided to move to Essos to start anew and thats when he had met Adams mother in the flatland. Adam was born in the flatland but his mother had died during child and birth. His Mother had owned a small herd of cattle which luckily his father was around to keep them, and that was what kept them fed. At one point when Adam could talk his father would always talk about the old days of his life in westeros. What Adam was really fascinated was the talk of being a soldier serving in suites of shining armor and of course any young boys dream to be in action for glory. His father had never fought but he had seen battles unfold before from a safe distance. From those stories it seemed that it brought Adam to become ambitious and to become something big, something that would get his name out there and to be known.

So when Adam turned thirteen he asked his father if there was anyway to become such a position, course there wasn't any way. However he had a connection to a blacksmith in Pentos that would be willing to take Adam as an apprentice. But of course Adam would not except that, however his father convinced him otherwise. So Adam traveled to Pentos with his father and had gotten Adam to settle down and begin his apprenticeship. Three years pass and Adam had become quite educated and somewhat skilled on how to make swords, and the types of swords. Some nights he would take sneak to the storage room where they kept there products and take a sword to practice in the blacksmiths cellar. It wasn't the greatest place to practice, but it gave Adam the happiness of getting to feel how it was like to swing a sword and how to wield it. He of course was an amateur and would try to find ways to find people to teach him, course that costed him but he thought it was worth it.

Another year passes and everything was of course going the same as usual. Until one day a group of people that didn't seem to be natives of Essos, came in to find Adam. When they did, they addressed to him that they had come from westeros to find his father for the debt he owed them. They had founded his father and killed him by ripping him in half with horses after he had failed to pay back. They took his cattle, other belongings worth of value, and burnt the hut. He of course was horrified and angered, of course he was riled up by the group members and a point was made with him. He had now a major problem that had been delivered in front of him. Most people in his position would consider to just give up and do what people with strength and power say. Adam did the opposite and made sure that he would kill the bastards one by one.

For the past few months Adam carefully went around the city for as much info as could muster. One by one he had separated the members and killed them in different and gruesome ways. The last one he managed to chase him out and onto the desert, where he "Enjoyed his time in the desert to the east." Afterwards he of course got to much heat on him from the small wealthy company that sold slaves, and sword for hired. So Adam decided to leave his Master and take on the mercenary type of work. But only working with those that pay to get rid of criminals, and corrupted people (very few). Which is probably why he doesn't get by very well, but he does also escorts and such. Biggest accomplishment was taking down that small little corrupted shit hole that killed his father, which he was paid alot of money (tho spent it rather quickly) to take out the ever so growing rival. Took him awhile but he got creative and got the job done.

His biggest dream is to serve under a lord or a powerful noble that would offer him the chance to become a knight, but it all depends on who that lord or noble is to him.

"Being a mercenary is ok, but it gets kinda boring sometimes when the guy who you chopped his hands tries to come after you...The guy had it coming when he pulled the dagger on me...Just sayin."


If he doesn't like or goes against what you say he will of course strongly disagree.

Has self taught himself to fight and has gained experiance in combat with criminals and

Is hard to convince once he's set on one goal.

His favorite terrain to fight in is cities and the desert.

He hates to ride horses and prefers to walk, but if he needs to get to places from very far then fine.

He loathes people that are "Smart asses"

Uses a great sword and a short sword, also carries a hammer in case he needs to do something actually constructive.

Mostly friendly to everyone

Wishes to get better armor someday​
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Klanna Mollen

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Nicknames / Titles:

Marital Status:


Klanna is an extremely introverted person as she was treated harshly by her uncle before being sent to the Stark's. Her uncle held little respect for woman and instilled into her that they should be seen and not heard. As such she is extremely shy and polite but still very kind. Few can admit to ever speaking with the girl. However she is very loyal to her friends and act's more outgoing around them.


Klanna lost her mother when she was very young and a few year's after her father as well. Her mother passed in childbirth along with her brother and her father was killed by a boar while drinking during a hunt. Her uncle decided to send the young girl off to live as a ward of the Stark's, close friends of his, while he focused on ruling the family and providing it with a male heir. He has yet to succeed and now Klanna find's herself pressured to find a husband and provide a heir.


- Klanna prefer's the company of animals over people

- Klanna adores dancing and has secret dreams of romance

- Klanna is the best friend of Tomas
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Name: Wendel Baratheon

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Nicknames / Titles: The Stormbringer

Marital Status: Single


Being born into nobility, Wendel was never fond of formalities and mannerisms. While he realizes when to be courteous and civil, he finds the whole act rather annoying and unnecessary. In reality, he's an easygoing and carefree individual who tries to find as much entertainment in life as possible. However, he's mostly known for his clever and often crude comments. It's widely known that he's a quick thinker and has a great deal of intelligence, though to most people, he's merely a mischievous rogue. This isn't without good reason, as Wendel was known to be a prankster as a child. He isn't necessarily immature in the slightest and understands very well the air of politics, though he doesn't want to involve himself into it too much.

As he aged, Wendel has cut down on his "tomfoolery", as others would put it, wanting to be taken seriously to at least some degree. He's still very meticulous with his words, utilizing a fair amount of sarcasm, along with an ever so keen mind - so much so that recently, Braedon has considered him an adviser of sorts. Even if people are hesitant to trust him completely, his input has been acknowledged as being valuable. As a result, he's gained more and more respect from the people of the Stormlands as of late. While he's not much like his siblings, he does care for them and finds himself reminding them of it more often than not. Even if he is one of the younger members of his family, he despises being called out on it and having to abide by others considered above him.


Unlike his brother, Wendel was never burdened with the task of preparing for eventual lordship - or at least not as much so. Instead, while Braedon was occupied with his studies or lessons, Wendel sought entertainment by himself. He would often journey outside the castle, exploring the world beyond its walls. While it was more than enough to satisfy the child's curiosity and amusement at the time, he eventually began becoming bored by wandering around and discovering new places. It was around this time in which is reputation as a troublesome one came to be. Wendel was a lively one with a somewhat sick sense of humor, making him a big fan of practical jokes. He found enjoyment in performing gags of his own, such as removing the wheels off carts or being a pickpocket.

Complaints aimed towards him were made, yet the punishment for his actions were never too severe, Wendel using his status as a Baratheon to squirm his way out of trouble. As such, he was definitely the least favorite Baratheon among the people of the Stormlands, though for the most part, his siblings have always stood up for him. Because of this, he's always had a soft spot in his heart for them. Unlike Braedon, Wendel was never particularly close to Osmund, and it would be safe to say that it was the same the other way around. In his teenage years, he was put under closer watch by his father, which resulted in a substantial portion of his time shifting towards other activities. One of said activities was spending time in the library, where he would spend his time reading through the various texts.

In his late teenage years, Wendel became a much more refined member of society. Although his involvement with his house increased, he still remained rather independent. It wasn't rare to hear him apologizing for his acts as a child - whether his apologies were sincere is still debated, however. Given his history, there is still an air of uncertainty around him and most are still slow to put their trust in him completely. As his maturity became more apparent, people began to accept Wendel's intellect, looking past his background. Among these people was Braedon himself, who has come to greatly value his opinion, even if he doesn't want to admit it.

Osmund's death was certainly a surprise to him, like it was to nearly everyone else. His relationship with his father, as previously mentioned, wasn't nowhere close to Braedon's. When his brother disconnected himself with much of the world, Wendel was the first to try and console him. He took some of the lord's responsibilities during the time, much to surprise of many. He's already accepted the fact that the Seven Kingdoms would be thrown into war, and given up on convincing Braedon otherwise.


- His nickname "The Stormbringer" comes from his early years when people claimed he brought trouble wherever he went.

- There have been rumors of him having affairs with several women, though none have been confirmed.

- Not fond of the idea of marriage.

- Carries a dagger with him for safety, or so he says.

- Having gotten used to making quick getaways, he's pretty nimble on his feet.​
(Can make edits if needed.)

Siegfried's 4 Captains

Common Characteristics: All 4 of them have been with Siegfried for many years and have become fiercely loyal to him, they share a love for battle and drink with one another regularly.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c81ee64a2_bigboi.jpg.debc26023d53e07be29f4f70e7f6fd64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c81ee64a2_bigboi.jpg.debc26023d53e07be29f4f70e7f6fd64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Baron Blacktyde

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Nicknames / Titles: Captain of the Lamentation

Personality: Compared to the other 3 Captains Baron is on the tamer side, ironically coming from House Blactyde which is famous for its berserker like members Baron has a more strategic mind, his choice of weapon is the bow and he makes sure himself and his men make good use of it. Lamentation provides supporting fire for the other ships as well as some troops to break ranks in hand to hand, Baron loots ships he defeats before he burns them so he does not let supplies go to waste when they could be used to his benefit. Baron prefers to lead from the back as he can fire on his enemies more effectively that way and issue quick commands to his troops.

Is around 6'0 tall.


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/the_ironborn_by_homobernardus-d79kdhr.jpg.809d84230dbb801a1af7e481724539b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/the_ironborn_by_homobernardus-d79kdhr.jpg.809d84230dbb801a1af7e481724539b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gwynevere Goodbrother

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Nicknames / Titles: Captain of the Iron Wing

Personality: It is rather rare to find a woman among IronBorn but Siegfried felt sympathetic for a young Gwynevere, Siegfried has also vowed to protect her from other iron born and men in general and swears to kill anyone who touches her, perhaps this is because he feels like she is hit own daughter or perhaps he even loves her himself it is unclear, but through years travelling together she has earned the respect and trust of her men and can even bare Ravos. She is eternally grateful to Siegfried. Gwynevere is brash and aggressive, with a reinforced hull and custom mounted crossbows the Iron Wing is famous for charging other ships and letting loose its crossbow bolts while the remainder of the crew board and slaughter the enemy. She has proven to be brave and resilient, she carries a sword and shield which has slain many men and will slay many more. She carves a tally on the back of her shield for every successful raid or mission.

Is around 5'8


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/8fe83cfc713434d2e727829a8320b342.jpg.6e80800bc774b8d029ce45caa211cb6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/8fe83cfc713434d2e727829a8320b342.jpg.6e80800bc774b8d029ce45caa211cb6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gender: Male

Age: 33

Nicknames / Titles: Craghorn the Worhty, Captain of the Sea Song

Personality: Craghorn is silent for the most part but he always has an aura of importance and strength, Craghorn generally commands the Sea Song in co-operation with Siegfrieds Bloody Flux to outmanoeuvre and assault their enemies. Craghorn is patient but can pounce into action at any time, he wields a great sword and wears armour uncommon for iron born, he is unforgiving and unrelenting to his foes and friends alike and significantly boosts the morale of the crew when he joins them in battle.

Stands at around 6'5 tall


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/xUC5L.jpg.04c80ca1df5d58e4acfd7992bfeaa0d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/xUC5L.jpg.04c80ca1df5d58e4acfd7992bfeaa0d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gender: Male

Age: 40

Nicknames / Titles: Ravos the Defiler, Captain of the Headless Jeyne

Personality: Ravos is a veteran of a field although experienced he is by no means intelligent, with a look at his nickname you kind of get an idea of the kind of guy he is, big brute who swings an axe and does some rather lewd actions to unwilling participants. And he does not do it gently... at all, any man who encounters Ravos as a foe is indeed brave but many brave men have fallen and with them the local inhabitants, Ravos is ruthless and cruel and in all honesty the world would be a much safer and better place without him but unfortunately for the world and many a young maidens, Ravos is still going strong.

Is around 6'3 tall.



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Nagito Nasurumi

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Nicknames / Titles: Whispering Wind, The Second Death, The Beggar Swordsman.

Marital Status: Voluntary Celibacy


Nagito, at first glance by anyone, is a poor, dirty vagabond. His hair is unkempt and wild, his clothes are either tattered, old, dirty, or all of the above. While it allows his opponent to underestimate him until he strikes, it's also unintentional on the most part. Nagito just usually don't have enough money to feed and lodge himself as well as pay for a bath, though sometimes he does dirty himself before a battle so that a particular arrogant opponent would underestimate him. Unlike nearly everyone from his homeland, he couldn't care less about tradition or "the proper way of fighting." Instead he has made himself extremely flexible in how to approach different opponents, willing to adapt and adopt tactics not generally thought of by fighters around.

Very observant of the individual opponent, this observation does not translate to the "bigger picture" to Nagito. He has no interest in the schemes of politics, nor does he study in order to maneuver armies and win wars and nations. Nagito's only concern regards to his opponent(s) directly around him, and nothing else but the battle of the moment. In preparing his mind and body to counter a particular opponent however, he is peerless. Nagito's speed is said to be so fast, one could not see him as he moved with his weapon, and that when he trains in the rain, his sword slices through individual raindrops as they fall, keeping the area directly under him dry.

A quiet man even by nature, to anyone not speaking Yi Tish, Nagito might as well be mute, using his body gestures to communicate with others mostly.


Nagito Nasurumi was born in Yi Ti, in a small fishing village. At the place, the only place of note was a small swordsmen school within the village. The master of school wasn't even the best within the nation, but did study (supposedly) under the legendary swordsman, Satoshi Miyamo, the Sword of the Wind. Nagito's introvert personality as well as his lack of interest in socialization led him to be ostracized by others of his age, and so spent all of his disposable time training his mind, body and soul to becoming a swordsman. Under this master, Nagito gained the basics of swordsmanship within the general style in Yi Ti, and after defeating his master in battle, went off to travel around the nation, challenging other masters to duels and won every single one of them, especially after studying the styles of the opposing masters and adapting impromptu techniques to defeat each opponent specifically.

Rumor has it that Nagito couldn't afford to wash before reaching his first destination, a school three days distance from his home town. As such, the students and even the master of the school laughed and mocked him, ultimately underestimating the dirty young man until he handily defeated all of them, including the headmaster of the school. Since people say that Nagito abstain from baths and cleanliness since to throw his opponents off. This isn't true of course, but Nagito never correct them. The local lords kept their distance whenever he arrived at a local region, due to his appearance. After traveling for a bit and defeating every master he could find, the veteran finally found the one man he looked for: Satoshi Miyamo. The God-Emperor, still having some influence at that time, forbid the duel, wanting to keep both men within his forces.

Alas, neither men acknowledge the order, knowing that in order to test their own limitation, one must win, and the other must fall. The two warriors met at sunset at the countryside near the coastal capital of Yi Ti, and there drew their swords against each other. Witnesses said that both Nasurumi and Miyamo made a single cut each, crossing each other at speeds faster than the blink of an eye. A deep cut opened on Nagito's cheek, but it was Miyamo that fell to the ground, dead from a laceration that stretched from his shoulder to his hip. Outraged, the God-Emperor ordered Nasurumi's execution, and that he may keep his honor by ritual suicide. When the ruler's messenger and headsmen reached Nagito, he became the first to do what he did in fact of an edict made by what many people considered a god: he spat on the ground and killed his would be executors.

The veteran left Yi Ti shortly after that, traveling to the Qarth, where he begged for money mostly. However, he occasionally took jobs as a sell sword, hunting down a notorious pirate preying off the merchant commerce reaching the city, Seranos the Scoundrel. Instead of merely paying him and being grateful however, the powers that be thought the Beggar Swordsmen to be a threat, having such skills as to quickly cut through the Seranos' guards and ending the man's life before most could react on the pirate fleet's capital ship. As such, they sent several Sorrowful Men after the unkempt warrior begging for spare money at one of Qarth's street corners. All were killed.

Nagito's legend spread since then, rumor having that he had three Faceless Men within his kill tally, along with a dozen or so Sorrowful Men and even, as the more liberal of the rumors had it, a Shadow Assassin and a Shadowbender from Asshai. He became known as "the Second Death" to have come out from the Jade Sea, which in context shocks many, while other scoff at the theatrical name, as "the First Death" was a plague that came from trade in that region and killed many in Essos, even reaching as far as Westeros itself (though much of the Western Continent was spared). Those who have seen Nagito in action called him "the Whispering Wind," as only those who were already dead could not hear the sword as it cuts through the air. However, despite the widespread rumors, not many actually knows what the man looks like. Some expressed that he is a well kept and eloquent gentlemen, who only draws his sword to defend maiden's honor, while others argued that he is clad in strange armor that gives him the visage of a demon. In truth, aside from his tatter looking swords and a walking stick as well as his Yi Ti physiology, one would be hard-pressed to differentiate Nagito from any street side beggar.

No one can say what drives the Beggar Swordsman forward, but he does search for a girl with blond hair and purple eyes. He had heard a prophecy made about him that said this girl would have what he searched for, despite Nagito not even knowing what that might be. Now he travels throughout Essos, begging his way to the next city, town or village, in order to find and pledge his sword to said female of this description.

Nagito rarely speaks, and when he does is in Yi Tish. He doesn't know any other languages, but can read people's body languages and expressions well enough to nearly always get their intentions and spot next moves. He carries a katana and a wakizashi on his waist. While both looked old and tattered on their sheath, but are actually made with what look like Valyrian steel and very well maintained. He also uses a bo staff made of soft, malleable wood as a walking staff. He does not wear any armor outside of his old Yi Ti warrior garb.

"My sword cuts through the illusions, and shows me the truth." -Nagito Nasurumi.
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Mayi Alloy

Gender: Female


Nicknames / Titles:


Marital Status:



While wary upon first meeting Mayi is quick to warm up to those she likes and then began to sort of mother hen them. She is very brave and confident as well as cunning and a bit of a trouble maker. Often stealing small things. Most of all she is loyal and stubborn.


Mayi grew up on a farm and is used to doing a lot of heavy lifting. She was once betrothed to a boy from another farm. He was the last member of his family alive and her family hoped to get his land. However he got killed during a hunt. Her family attempted to marry her off again but she ran. She did not wish to marry if it wasn't for love. She soon found herself as the handmaiden to Deanna thought how she became a handmaiden she isn't really sure herself.


- She like's to steal small things'

-She view's Deanna as a sibling




Name: Dominic Wright

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Nicknames / Titles:

Dom, Knight of the Dragon

Marital Status:



Dom is one of those silent mysterious type's that distrust's everyone when he first meet's them and doesn't change his mind about them until they prove themselves. He tends to lighten up a bit then especially when he grows fond of someone. However, he doesn't have much patients and can sometimes have a lot of expectations for others.


Dom left his family as soon as he could as they where rather unpleasant. He survived by gambling and fighting as he traveled Essos until he got into a bit of trouble and left for Westeros. There he was taken under the wing of an older knight. He was disrespectful and rebellious but soon found himself put into his place. He became an official knight at 20 and soon after met Deanna. He didn't realize she was a princess as she was covered in mud and dirt and so treated her like he did other brats. Her father was impressed when his wild daughter was made to return by Dominic. After that he found himself the young princesses guard and even earned the title The Knight of the Dragon for his ability to control her.


- He doesn't remember much of Essos
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The Shadow King's Court



Name: Thamdar

Gender: Male

Age: 63

Nicknames / Titles: Economic Counselor of Ib

Marital Status: Married

Personality: Thamdar is a very patient business man who for all intents and purposes is the reason Desgran was able to rise to the position of Shadow King. As a fairly selfish man, Thamdar originally had no intention of actually helping Desgran out, primarily thinking of him as a slave with privileges. After a long time however, a bond had formed between the two and Thamdar thought of him almost as a son, which he never had himself. Thamdar is smart, and always in it for the long haul, even if he is nearing the end of his days, hence why he was so willing to go along with Desgrans overthrowing of the Shadow Council.


Thamdar has been a member of nobility since his birth, receiving teaching in the ways of mercantilism such that he may continue the family business of being good at buying and selling. This led his family and him to get a lot of money very quickly, explaining why they were one of the main driving forces of the Thousand. When they still existed that is. About half way through his life, Thamdar found that there was plenty of money to be made in the arena, or in his case, out of the arena making bets. Being the knowledgeable man that he is, he had no intention of betting randomly based off of a man's previous record and history. No, he needed someone he knew would win repeatedly, and so he searched. It took a long time to finally come across a man that could claim to be Ibbenese and undoubtedly had an unfair advantage over the rest of the combatants, but he eventually came across a huge man looking for work with only one requirement. Payment for his medicine. Of course, Thamdar had no intention of paying for a man's medicine and expecting him to follow through with his side of the deal without keeping an eye on them. They were meant to be a great fighter, and Thamdar was going to make sure he were. Taking Desgran under his wing, Thamdar made well in raising him to be a warrior and in turn made plenty of money in the arena. His part in raising Desgran and his general ability to not screw people over too badly with his business practices had him spared the fate of many of the Thousand during Desgran's uprising and even had him promoted to a position on the shadow council, namely that of Economic Counselor. Under his patient guidance, Ibben has seen steady growth in its wealth which was already sizable at the time of the uprising.


-Thamdar is a great businessman, and as such has made improvements to the way Ibben's economy functions, leading to a general steady increase in profits all over the board.

-While he does support Desgran in his ventures, he does not agree with Desgran's thirst for blood and impatience and often tries to talk him out of such acts with varying rates of success.




Gender: Female

Age: 42

Nicknames / Titles: Chancellor of Public Works

Marital Status: Married

Personality: Belynn is a strong-willed woman of the people, similar in many ways to Desgran. She works tirelessly trying to build and maintain structures of importance which otherwise the people of Ib would probably not be able to function without. Her job is primarily focused in the Port of Ib, but stretches as far as New Ibbish, her agents working in far-flung areas for the most part and reporting back to her when necessary.


Belynn has always been somewhat of an enigma in her family. Everyone in said family has served as either a whaler or engineer of repute. Belynn broke the cycle for the most part by working as a public servant for a great portion of her life. This only came about because of her training in being an engineer and her desire to help the people of Ib with good structures that didn't drain the wealth of everyone involved in making it. Throughout her time in building and overseeing these constructions, she acquired a name for herself, eventually becoming famous for it and from there making her way to the Shadow Council. She believed that she would better be able to help the people of Ibben from said position only to find that the entirety of the Shadow Council was little more than a front for the nobles of the Thousand to rule over the commoner. Unfortunately she had little choice but to follow along, helping when she could but inevitably being powerless to actually make changes until a peculiar man came to power in the Shadow Council. Desgran Ordoun. After agreeing to Desgran's plan to fix up the nation, without actually knowing he meant to kill everyone he thought was ruining it, she stayed at home the day of the uprising and lived to continue being a member of the Shadow Council. While she certainly didn't agree with his methods, there was no doubting that there were noticeable results in a very short period of time. Since then she's had the power to change things for what many consider to be the better. Some however like to think of her work as destroying an old culture. While in some ways that is true, in doing so she generally takes down dangerously unsafe structures and works to modernize every aspect she can.


- Belynn is a talented engineer who unfortunately isn't too fond of building war machines of death and destruction.

- Belynn isn't exactly the most supportive of Desgran, sitting somewhere between grateful and disdainful. This of course being due to the fact he both helped Ibben and murdered a large portion of the ruling party in one afternoon.




Gender: Male

Age: 29

Nicknames / Titles: Hand of the King

Marital Status: Unmarried

Personality: Bernat is a friendly, hard-working example of an Ibbenese. Outside of occasional bouts of bloodthirst brought on by his friendship with Desgran, Bernat is one of the more peaceful members of Desgran's court, and as such is most often given jobs relating to foreign diplomacy. Occasionally Desgran will prevent him from completing his work in a peaceful fashion by for all intents and purposes stripping him of his position so things turn violent, mostly from the other side working themselves up over Desgran's direct responses.


Bernat had a lovely childhood working without pay under his family doing copious amounts of bureaucracy work for years until the uprising when they were slaughtered before his eyes. He wasn't exactly sure how to feel about it, but he was taken and placed into a boarding home until he got back on his feet. He met Desgran for the first time when he was walking about inspecting some of the newer services to the citizens, like the boarding homes. Through sheer luck, Desgran happened to have some messenger come to him with a load of paperwork while he was in the middle of looking over the home. Desgran, being the man he is, tossed that shit on the ground and left. Bernat simply did what he did after that and instinctively took to filling out said tossed paperwork, taking it to the Shadow Palace later that day to give it to whoever would take it. It just so happened Desgran was there when he arrived, and seeing how well and quickly he filled that pile of shit out, he figured it would be good to have him around, essentially taking him onto staff on the spot. From there, he gradually begun to receive more and more responsibilities until he was pretty much the butler. Oddly enough, he loved that work and has been building a friendship with Desgran over the years of service he has provided.


Bernat pretty much does all of the paperwork that Desgran is supposed to do, freeing up much of Desgran's time for other ventures.

- Bernat is a close friend of Desgran, and for the most part supports every decision he makes.

Appearance: [ No Anime PLEASE. ]




Nicknames / Titles:

Marital Status:



[ Disabilities? Interesting Bits? Likes/Dislikes? Sexual Orientation? Skills? Quirks? ETC ]

Appearance: [ No Anime PLEASE. ]




Nicknames / Titles:

Marital Status:



[ Disabilities? Interesting Bits? Likes/Dislikes? Sexual Orientation? Skills? Quirks? ETC ]

(2 more to come when I feel like making them)
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Name: Lucas (the) Silverspear

Nicknames: Ser Lucas Spearthrower, Ser Lucas Silverspear, The Silver Captain, The Mad Bull

Titles: (Golden) Captain of the Golden Company, knight.

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Marital Status: Divorced.


Lucas Silverspear is a man with a dominating presence. Whenever he speaks his voice is loud and tone commanding. Few have the gall to talk back to him for that alone. He's immensely proud of his accomplishments, be they how fast he can throw a spear to his families history serving in the Golden Company. To those who would threaten his life or the style of his life, he is violent towards, angry and very vocal. Ser Lucas has no fear of speaking his mind, though that doesn't make him an honest man. He's been known as a liar for years, particularly when gambling in the taverns and brothels of the Free Cities.

To Ser Lucas, life is a battlefield, where one must tread the line between merryment and death carefully. Find yourself thinking of battle and ones own imminent demise and one finds themself ignoring life itself, so Ser Lucas says. In contrast to this, the exiled knight claims that if a man does the opposite, he'll lose his life. Ser Lucas lives day by day by this code, calculating each move he has to make, and when he needs to make an example out of a man, for shows of strength and authority.

Ser Lucas is a strict believer in the Seven Gods of Westeros, proclaiming so loudly and often whenever members of the company practice other faiths. He has little tolerance for their heathenism, but as brothers in arms, he does not strike them with fist nor sword. When magic is concerned the knight scoffs openly, believing it all to be a farce from the mummers and old tales for the children.


Ser Lucas was born into the Golden Company, as was his father and grandfather before him. Lucas grew up without a surname, being the child of a bastard and a barmaid from Volantis, though he would later acquire two. In his youth Lucas traveled with the Golden Company from contract to contract, squiring for the knights when he needed. He was taught the treacherys of the Targaryens and what it meant to truly be a knight then. At the age of sixteen he officially joined the sellswords in combat, being apart of the recently elected Baelor Blackfyre's honor guard. Ser Lucas took his first life that day and later sired his first bastard, but he was best known for killing a captain of the Storm Crows with a toss of his javelin from a hundred and twenty meters away. Impressed with the young member, Baelor jokingly referred to him as the Spear Tosser. Later he would be called Spearthrower, the moniker coming from the Storm Crows themselves when recounting the defeat at the hands of the Golden Company.

In the years after that battle, Lucas would go on to climb through the ranks, eventually attaining a minor captains title, commanding over a hundred men. He proved quite adept at leading soldiers, keeping men moving in the heat of battle and understanding the components of enemy tactics. With his hundred men, Lucas foiled three attempts at flanking the Company forces in the battle of Maegor's Hill. Once the dust settled and the mercenary bands retreated, Baelor himself knighted Ser Lucas and promoted him, giving him ownership of a third of the companies strength. A year later, Ser Lucas was officially made one of the twelve Golden Captains, the second highest rank a man can obtain in the company. It was with this influx of power that Lucas' ego grew, he went on to marry the fifth daughter of a Pentoshi magistrate, but later deemed her unworthy of his time and sent her off. He had eyes on a Volanti noble woman, widowed for years though fertile still. The Captain went to woo her time and time again, bringing gifts in the form of gold and jewels, texts from Westeros and Dothraki stallions. She rejected each one, and eventually Ser Lucas went and demanded a ship be built in her honor, but when he revealed the massive galleon to the noble woman, she confessed that she was having an affair with an influential slaver from Astapor. In his rage and embarrassment, Lucas had the ship burnt and sunk in the harbor of Volantis itself. The truth eventually came out, with friends and enemies alike referring to Ser Lucas as the Silver Captain, for no woman would turn down true gold, he was seen as a lesser alternative. In later times he'd be called the Silverspear, which he eventually took as his surname.

In the Disputed Lands, Ser Lucas became known as a legend in his own right. Under Baelor Blackfyre's rule, he routinely led smaller divisions of the Company in isolated contracts, rarely did he return in defeat. His keen understanding of the nature of battle led enemies to fear him and the magistrates and merchants to seek him out. When the time came, Ser Lucas assumed he would be made the new Captain-General of the Golden Company, as Baelor proved himself unable to sire children. But the appearance of Viserys Waters thwarted those plans. At first, the two hardly interacted. But Viserys rose quickly in the ranks, far faster than Ser Lucas, and his own rash nature and willingness to run into battle himself earned him admiration Ser Lucas couldn't help to match. In seven years Viserys rose to the position of a Golden Captain, much to Ser Lucas' ire. He almost immediately became the Captain-General, as Baelor Blackfyre was unable to recover from an infected battle wound. The relationship between the two has been tense ever since, with Ser Lucas typically being on the opposite end of the Disputed Lands, with a host of several thousand men all to himself.


Ser Lucas has almost no true loyalties to Viserys Waters, thinking him to be the bane of the Company.

The Silverspear had once killed an elephant with his signature tossing capabilities, piercing its left eye and forcing it to rampage over the battle, before bleeding thanks to multiple injuries.

Lucas has studied different battle tactics in the last twenty years of his life, honing his already great understanding of combat and realistic battle scenarios. He's one of the finest, if not the finest strategist and tactician in the Company.

While Ser Lucas is an able fighter on his own, he rarely takes the battle field anymore. He commands atop a horse and from a perched position, giving orders to secure their victories. For this reason some suspect he is a craven or a poor fighter, though the man isn't afraid of brawling with his subordinates should they provide him lip.


Name: Cethann Celtigar

Nicknames: The Armored Crab, The Octopus, The Brute of Flea Bottom.

Titles: Commander of the City Watch, Lord of Claw Isle.

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Marital Status: Was previously married to Lady Martha Thorne. Wife died after falling down the stairs.


Cethann is a brute of a man who embodies the worst aspects of power. He has little care for his fellow gold cloaks or the people in King's Landing, only that he has authority over them and can steal or brutalize them as he sees fit. He is loud, obnoxious, quick to anger and quicker to react. He's taken hands from the peasantry for small offenses, and assigns taxes to vendors and merchants that go entirely to him. Those who defy his taxation often find their goods taken or destroyed.

Lord Cethann, as he prefers to be called, frequently visits brothels, to the dismay of whores. Once he chooses a woman, he won't stop visiting her until he is bored of her teats and bits. After which he's likely to throw her into Blackwater Bay, for it's said he whispers secrets in the ears of his lovers. Cethann enjoys a good victory, but hardly a fair fight. He will command the gold cloaks around him to cripple and beat adversaries that stand in his way before slowly finishing the job.

His loyalty is reserved for whoever can keep him in power and pay him proper coin, though as Lord of Crab Isle, his wealth is grand already.


Cethann is the oldest of five children, born from Lady Helena Celtigar née Royce and Lord Aethon Celtigar. As a boy, Cethann was tutored most in swordsmanship, with his father hoping to raise a warrior and bring honor the House Celtigar. Though the maesters didn't neglect other fields, Cethann received a full education, with extensive knowledge being given on trade and sailing. Cethann would participate in tournaments in his teenage years whenever the opportunity presented itself, but the young lord would more often then not be disqualified for extensive damages done to his opponents in the melee, taking things several steps too far. Lord Aethon eventually forbade him from entering the tournaments, as he frequently paid the debts his son collected, the injured parties always asking much of Lord Aethon.

When Cethann was twenty he was arranged to marry Martha Thorne, a young and beautiful woman, heiress to House Thorne. Their marriage lasted months before Martha was pregnant, a sign that the gods favored them, Lady Helena often said. Once Martha Thorne was close to giving birth did the accident that forever tainted Cethann's name occur. The official story is that a shaking of the earth caused the nine month pregnant Martha to trip down the stairs, cracking her skull open and losing her child in the process. But many suspect that Cethann shoved his wife from the top of the tower. Servants spoke often of the arguments the two had, with Cethann abusing Martha physically if she wouldn't give in to his demands. Nights before Martha's fall Cethann struck his wife hard, knocking her unconscious. She wrote to her father and Lord Rory, who they were sworn to, the next day for fear of her life. For this reason it's suspected Cethann threw his wife down the stairs.

Lord Aethon was furious with Cethann's "action" and demanded he leave Claw Isle. Cethann begrudgingly did so, heading south to King's Landing where he later entered the Gold Cloak's and was promoted to Commander of the City Watch after less than a year of service. Recently Cethann has been named Lord of Claw Isle with Aethon Celtigar's passing, a sickness having taken him. Cethann has yet to return home, but has written to his mother frequently, demanding gold be funneled over to his estate in King's Landing.


Cethann holds both a horn said to call Kraken's from the sea, but also a Valyrian steel axe. He uses neither, holding both back at his home keep on Claw Isle.

The Thorne's have a particular hatred for Cethann, knowing full well that he had a hand in the demise of Martha, several claims have been made against him. But messengers from House Thorne scarcely leave King's Landing when they tried to present a case again him.

Cethann is known as the most dangerous man in King's Landing, both for his wanton cruelty but especially in single combat. Cethann is fast and strikes with purpose. Ever swing of his blade is meant to kill, if a man is able to leave a battle missing a few fingers its deemed good fortune. The use of his subordinates in battle almost always guarantee him victory, as well.​
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Armored:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8306bff4_AugustusVBelli.jpg.9b8453a5ce51af9c3d50a5b92f5f9616.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8306bff4_AugustusVBelli.jpg.9b8453a5ce51af9c3d50a5b92f5f9616.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Augustus Bellum

Nicknames: The war painter, Death's knight, Red Rider, The Devil's Bard, Artisan of Slaughter, and The reaper's strategist.

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Personality: A brave, strong, honorable, noble, Brutal yet generous fighter/noble warrior from the lands of the House of Lannister Westeros to the lands of the House of Stark. He is a descendant to a nobleman so that makes him educated in both Political and strategic fields, he taught himself how to fight with the lessons he had learned from books and small amounts of training that he received from an instructor.

Maritial Status: N/A as of now.

Bio: Augustus was first born in Westeros to his father who was a Nobleman to the House of Lannister. His father became intrigued in becoming independent even though the house of Lannister treated him well. He simply wanted to explore and expand, and that is exactly what he did in the land of Essos. He had managed to intrigue some Merchants from his city and paid some some settlers to move with them to Essos. They had settled in Sarnor and created a small town along the river leading out to open waters to open trade between Sarnor of Essos and Westeros. In the town a Veteran had moved in for a new beginning this veteran would be significant in Augustus's life. In the town that was now called, "Riverwood" the Bellum family became rather wealthy. Their ownership of this town made them well known for trade and nobility throughout Essos, their son however was more of a wandering fighter. He loved a good duel but he also enjoyed the landscapes, he would go out and write them, paint them even, but his parent were not happy about this. His father wanted him to become interested in Politics or Military and his mother wanted him to work in Politics as well, but they feared he may want to become an Artisan or a traveler, making no gains and earning no wife. His father had started making his son go out with scrolls of Military and Political histories and soon Augustus became interested. Augustus's father had paid the Veteran, Heran Lector, to train his son in the art of combat. Heran had reported that Augustus was a fast learner like "It was a part of him, the sword became an extension to his arm quickly wielded with a passion, even unarmed he poses as a threat to even the most armed thief or enemy soldier." Augustus, whilst becoming a man, improved on his combat skills before he finally grew to the age of 20. When he had finally saw himself as a man, he had asked permission from his father to leave Essos and go to Westeros were he sought service in the Military. His father and mother thought about it, then decided it was time for him to leave. Before he left, Heran Lector had asked Augustus to take his son, Aegis Lector who was 18, with him to the lands of Westeros. Augustus agreed, and so he brought the younger son with him, they were allowed onto a trade ship that was heading back to Westeros and during the travel Augustus and Aegis became friends. It was almost a year before they made it to harbor and when they did they had managed to buy a two horses with the money Augustus's father gave him. They rode to Lannister territory and searched for an enlistment camp. When they had arrived they were told what to do and they surpassed expectations. It was sent out in a letter to see what they wanted to do and so the two were sent to the army as sergeants who would give the orders of their superiors to the men and charge with them. He did not see allot of action until about 4 years into his service, his garrison was attacked, not by wildlings, but by another house. He did not get to see which house it was but he knew it had to be another house because of how organized the ambush was and how well equipped the attackers were. He fought hard and managed to drive the attackers off with Aegis and his men, but the convoy was in tatters and there were many wounded and dead left. Supplies were taken and horses were dead. This is when Augustus gave rise to his Lancers, for he had called upon the remaining men and gave an astounding speech which they had joined him, not just for gold but for the sake of glory and honor. Bellum had spent a year gathering the necessary equipment to form his riders of justice, soon enough he had 300 men all on horse back as a Continental Milita or national guard of sorts. They served all houses, were paid by the houses to protect cargo and trade ways for a temporary time, but when he had been reaching the height of fame and revere, he had received a letter from his mother that his father was slowly dying. He left Aegis in charge of them and left for home. It took him a few months to arrive and by the time he did he raced home to find his father dying slowly in bed. He kneeled at his father's bedside and listened to his final words, "Don't let the name Bellum die out, let it be remembered." Augustus had mourned his father as he died and realized that this was reality. So he did what his father had asked him to do, he returned with his mother after they buried his father, to the Land of Westeros to reclaim his riders which they had been doing quite well while he was gone. They had made thousands while he was gone and now he could take that and add it to the treasury they had made. He decided to stay in Westeros to establish a good standing with the Houses, and to establish a name for him in the land of Westeros. He still works for the Houses but now as a revered rider and knight of justice in the lands of Westeros.


Aegis Lector-

Augustus's sword-

Augustus's mount, Deroth-

Augustus's banner-

His shield-



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Bonifer Grimm

Lord of Greyshield


Name: Bonifer Grimm

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Titles: Lord of Greyshield, Lord Marshall of the Shield Islands.

Nicknames: The Grimm Knight, Grimm Bonifer, The Grimm Reaper.

Marital Status: Married (Rose Serry)

Other: N/a

A hulking brute of a man Ser Bonifer Grimm is not much of a talker, very much embodying the name of his house, often appearing serious and sullen, allowing his immense strength to speak for him, and only speaking when directly spoken to. For all this he is actually is incredibly soft and refined, appreciating the finer things in life, like wine of a good vintage, or the ornately inlaid armour which he orders specially from Myr, sacrificing protection and practicality for intimidation and looks. Ser Bonifer's loyalty cannot be brought and he is very much in support of his liege Lords the Tyrells, though he is petitioning for harsher punishments against the Iron Born raiders that often ravage the shores of the shields, wanting to increase his personal fleet, with ships from the ports of the Arbor, reasoning that he has more need for them than an island that main use is the export of wine.

Born to Lord Charles Grimm and Lady Norris Chester, Bonifer has thus far led a somewhat mediocre life his achievements few and accomplishments scarce, he was trained to be a knight from a young age, though he took up the sword hesitantly, mastering it years behind all of the other boys his age and never really taking to archery, though since then he has trained often with his sword and has deemed himself, fairly decent, though nowhere near the level of other famous warriors.

His youth was fairly uneventful as has been the same in his adulthood, save for fending off a few petty raids, and Bonifer suffers from a lack of ambition, causing him to remain in the same position for many years.

@TheFordee14 Just a quick character sheet for now as he may die straight away, though if he survives I may go back to it.

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