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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

LadyA said:
Oh so hey
Why thank you. I'm not huge on guns but I am familiar with that one because I've used it as a weapon choice back in the day. I haven't read all the posts so I'm trying to see where I can get myself into.. Plus I would think to stick to my faction is any of them aren't on a contract. I'm eager.
What do you require?
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]What do you require?

A decent big gun for a woman of a stature of 5'3".
LadyA said:
Thank you. Makes more sense when someone helps explain it to me.
Your main worry for bigger guns is the amount of recoil. Desert Eagles have a high recoil out point just by itself but two would hurt most people. You can build a custom heavy weapon and to help with recoil here are some tips:

Means of reducing recoil:

Recoil that the shooter feels can be reduced in quite a few ways. These are:

  1. Use a lighter bullet, traveling at a higher speed – A lighter-than-normal weight bullet traveling at higher-than-normal speeds can carry the same amount of kinetic energy as a “normal” bullet, but will have less recoil. Taken to extremes, bullets that are too light and too fast won’t penetrate well. However, when this principle is applied within reason, a reduction in recoil can achieved, without a reduction in bullet effectiveness.
  2. Use a heavier gun – When firing the same ammunition, a heavier gun will have less recoil. Selecting a heavier gun is one option, as are some specially designed lead inserts that can fit into lighter guns to increase their weight. Even keeping the magazine full of ammunition when firing will make a difference.
  3. Use a muzzle brake, muzzle compensator, or ported barrel – each of these features redirect some of the hot gases from the burning of gunpowder in order to reduce recoil and/or the tendency of the gun’s muzzle to rise upwards when fired (called muzzle climb). By diverting some of the hot gases in a direction other than straight out the barrel, they reduce recoil, and have a trivial to non-existent effect upon the bullet’s performance
  4. Use a gas operated gun – Semiautomatic guns, which use some of the hot gases from the burning gun powder to eject the spent cartridge and load a fresh one, will feel as though they recoil softer. In reality, they recoil just about as hard as other guns, however the recoil is spread out over a longer period of time, making it feel softer to the shooter.
  5. Have a recoil reducing pad installed (on a shotgun or rifle) – A recoil reducing pad is made of a somewhat flexible rubber or foam substance, and fits over the butt of the longgun, where it touches the user’s shoulder. This softer pad will slow down the transfer of energy to the shooter’s shoulder, making the recoil feel softer. This is a standard feature on many shotguns and rifles nowadays.
  6. Use low recoil ammunition – This approach is a trade off between the effectiveness of the ammunition and its recoil, as physics demands. That does not mean that this ammunition is ineffective, but rather that as a matter of physics it cannot be as effective as standard ammunition. That said, reduced recoil ammunition can be a great choice for those who are too sensitive to recoil to use ordinary ammunition.

I hope it helps!
WolfBoy34102 said:
Your main worry for bigger guns is the amount of recoil. Desert Eagles have a high recoil out point just by itself but two would hurt most people. You can build a custom heavy weapon and to help with recoil here are some tips:
Means of reducing recoil:

Recoil that the shooter feels can be reduced in quite a few ways. These are:

  1. Use a lighter bullet, traveling at a higher speed – A lighter-than-normal weight bullet traveling at higher-than-normal speeds can carry the same amount of kinetic energy as a “normal” bullet, but will have less recoil. Taken to extremes, bullets that are too light and too fast won’t penetrate well. However, when this principle is applied within reason, a reduction in recoil can achieved, without a reduction in bullet effectiveness.
  2. Use a heavier gun – When firing the same ammunition, a heavier gun will have less recoil. Selecting a heavier gun is one option, as are some specially designed lead inserts that can fit into lighter guns to increase their weight. Even keeping the magazine full of ammunition when firing will make a difference.
  3. Use a muzzle brake, muzzle compensator, or ported barrel – each of these features redirect some of the hot gases from the burning of gunpowder in order to reduce recoil and/or the tendency of the gun’s muzzle to rise upwards when fired (called muzzle climb). By diverting some of the hot gases in a direction other than straight out the barrel, they reduce recoil, and have a trivial to non-existent effect upon the bullet’s performance
  4. Use a gas operated gun – Semiautomatic guns, which use some of the hot gases from the burning gun powder to eject the spent cartridge and load a fresh one, will feel as though they recoil softer. In reality, they recoil just about as hard as other guns, however the recoil is spread out over a longer period of time, making it feel softer to the shooter.
  5. Have a recoil reducing pad installed (on a shotgun or rifle) – A recoil reducing pad is made of a somewhat flexible rubber or foam substance, and fits over the butt of the longgun, where it touches the user’s shoulder. This softer pad will slow down the transfer of energy to the shooter’s shoulder, making the recoil feel softer. This is a standard feature on many shotguns and rifles nowadays.
  6. Use low recoil ammunition – This approach is a trade off between the effectiveness of the ammunition and its recoil, as physics demands. That does not mean that this ammunition is ineffective, but rather that as a matter of physics it cannot be as effective as standard ammunition. That said, reduced recoil ammunition can be a great choice for those who are too sensitive to recoil to use ordinary ammunition.

I hope it helps!
Thanks dear, this helps me out. Trying to read up on stuff and get out here on RPN.
LadyA said:
Thanks dear, this helps me out. Trying to read up on stuff and get out here on RPN.
Hey, that's MY thing. I say dear. >~> *grumble grumble* (I've had a headache for about 3 days, don't judge my form of amusement)
Anaxileah said:
Hey, that's MY thing. I say dear. >~> *grumble grumble* (I've had a headache for about 3 days, don't judge my form of amusement)
It's okay you have me at lost. -Offers excederin-
Name: Taylor Woxwell

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.)


(Imagine armor as female armor. No exosuit, and different gun)

With the helmet off, she has long brown hair, blue eyes, and is fairly skinned.

Faction (If in any.): FSF


She doesn't like to be in big groups very often. She only feels confortable in the domes and in the cities. Outside, she prefers smaller squads. She is bold and brave, willing to sacrifice her own life for her squad.

Bio (Must be atleast a Paragraph.):

She was lucky to fall in the hands of the FSF. The thing she looked foward to the most was shelter from the unresting blizzards and ice storms. She was found at a young age, with no sense of direction, starving and fatigued. A squad of FSF found her on the streets, and she became not only proeficient in her training, but beyond anyone in her training squad. Her skills developed quickly, making her one of the most deadly weapons in her squad. All was going well, until her hideout was raided, and she was seperated from the rest of the group.



ARX 160 rifle, with 4x zoom AGOG scope and a silencer.


2 sets of 3 Kunai, with leg sheaths. These kunai were specifically made for harsh, cold environments.


Aside from throwing Kunai and shooting with deadly accuracy, she has the instinct of a survivalist. She is constantly aware of her surroundings, and is in some ways, a ninja. She looks for opportunities to strike the enemy without being seen herself. She likes to stay hidden, and away from any major battles. She also knows the ins and outs of guns, along with hand-to-hand combat.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]To be honest, this rp is rather dead it seems. I'm sorry for the effort you took on your C.S, and I'll still accept it. I just can't guarantee activity.

Well...rip...it looked like an interesting plot.
Is it really dead though? I feel like there are still enough people who enjoy playing it, but that we're just waiting for some people who aren't. Maybe we should just care a bit less about the order of the posts and improvise if something happens that you didn't account for. That way, the people that want to play can, and those who don't or only every once in a while don't have to wait on each other and we can just see where it goes.

I've been in too many dying RPs to give up now :)
I agree on what you said. I'd still like to post on here. Hopefully it isn't too dead.

Arshavin Aleksei Valerianovich


Full Name: Arshavin Aleksei Valerianovich.

What everybody calls him: Aleksei.

Age: 27.

Birth Date: 25/12/2088.

Gender: Male.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.

Faction: None.

Skin: Dark skinned.

Hair: Chocolate brown with, at the ends red.

Eyes: Golden (a piercing stare).

Body: Slightly toned, has visible traces of a six-pack.

Clothes Style: He prefers wearing loose clothing.

Personality: He is someone that is not going to sit at the side-line but would stand up for his believes or for when people need him. He seriously dislikes people that provoke him or the faction that he is in, as he feels threatened by them and can become quite defensive in return. He is blunt with his words, not taking a leaf before his mouth even in situations when it is required to just stay silent. But besides that he is a friendly guy as long as you don’t bother him too much. Loving to have a talk with the people he likes or with people who have something interesting to tell.

Biography: He had been born between “The Initial Freeze” and “The Triton Project”. He had been growing up amidst all the chaos that was happening on earth, having had a rough time as he did not know what on earth was happening to him. Luckily his parents were tough and never gave up on surviving. Doing their best in order to live a good life, trying to make their son strong enough to survive on his own if the day came that they would not be there anymore. It was a scary thought but it was not an unrealistic one. People kept dying around him and the weather only became worse. Sometimes there were better days, making it a bit easier to live on this planet without having the fear to freeze to death. When he became the age of 22 years old however, faith called and took both his parents away from him as they did not have enough food nor warmth to keep them alive. More about his past is unknown.

Inventory: He has some heat paths inside of his jacket, changing them whenever he feels colder. He has small daggers on him in case if he ever gets attacked by surprise or when he does not have enough time to react for long range attacks. He has two pistols with him as well and a katana on his back.

Skillset: He is quite skilled in the swordsmanship category, having mastered these skills by practicing with his father in the time that he was still alive. He had sharpened his skills by people who attempted to rob him or ambushed him in some situations.

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Name: Alex Nathan Cairne

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Tall, around 6', large build. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Alex has a reasonable amount of muscle, though it isn't anything to show off. His face is in limbo between rounded and edged, with high cheekbones and razor-edge jawline, in comparison with rather large eyes and a rounded chin. (Armor below, weapon is different in RP)


Faction: None

Personality: Smart Alec at times, often polite, and intelligent in general. Willing to share spare supplies with people he likes. Can get angered rather easily.

Bio: Alex was born in Detroit around 7 years after the start of the Triton project, on May 17th, 2097. He spent most of his early years in relative comfort, with a steady supply of food and water. His mother and father were both skilled in different aspects of global survival, his father more oriented towards hunting and combat, and his mother focused on shelter and resourcefulness. He took as much from his parents as he could, his father teaching him hand to hand and melee fighting, and his mother showing him how to think with what he had. However, when he discovered plans for something called plasma batons, his entire method of survival changed. He devoted his brain and what remained of his teenage years trying to create one. And he finally did at 18 years old. What he had wasn't much, but it was also the most important tool he could ever have: the world's first plasma dagger. It could be used to heat water and cook food in an instant. It was fantastic, and he was extremely proud of himself for it.

However, this new tool had come with a cost. No matter how much he tried to keep it secret, the scoop that Alex had somehow created a plasma dagger had reached a group of three people. They were not government, merely teenagers who were envious of Alex's relic. The week following the device's creation, five bodies were found within his house: his parents, and three intruders. Alex was nowhere to be found. The would-be burglars had unique wounds: cauterized openings in their necks and chests and arms. One had his legs broken, but that was not of note compared to the others. Alex had disappeared, and the city of Detroit hadn't seen him since.

Inventory: HC-AR77B Assault rifle


Plasma dagger


Tactical sword (retrieved)


Skillset: Hand-to-hand combat, technology, mathematics, swordplay. He knows how to shoot, but doesn't do it often or well. Alex prefers to stick to using stealth in potentially violent encounters.
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Marshmallow said:

Arshavin Aleksei Valerianovich


Full Name: Arshavin Aleksei Valerianovich.

What everybody calls him: Aleksei.

Age: 27.

Birth Date: 25/12/2088.

Gender: Male.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.

Faction: None.

Skin: Dark skinned.

Hair: Chocolate brown with, at the ends red.

Eyes: Golden (a piercing stare).

Body: Slightly toned, has visible traces of a six-pack.

Clothes Style: He prefers wearing loose clothing.

Personality: He is someone that is not going to sit at the side-line but would stand up for his believes or for when people need him. He seriously dislikes people that provoke him or the faction that he is in, as he feels threatened by them and can become quite defensive in return. He is blunt with his words, not taking a leaf before his mouth even in situations when it is required to just stay silent. But besides that he is a friendly guy as long as you don’t bother him too much. Loving to have a talk with the people he likes or with people who have something interesting to tell.

Biography: He had been born between “The Initial Freeze” and “The Triton Project”. He had been growing up amidst all the chaos that was happening on earth, having had a rough time as he did not know what on earth was happening to him. Luckily his parents were tough and never gave up on surviving. Doing their best in order to live a good life, trying to make their son strong enough to survive on his own if the day came that they would not be there anymore. It was a scary thought but it was not an unrealistic one. People kept dying around him and the weather only became worse. Sometimes there were better days, making it a bit easier to live on this planet without having the fear to freeze to death. When he became the age of 22 years old however, faith called and took both his parents away from him as they did not have enough food nor warmth to keep them alive. More about his past is unknown.

Inventory: He has some heat paths inside of his jacket, changing them whenever he feels colder. He has small daggers on him in case if he ever gets attacked by surprise or when he does not have enough time to react for long range attacks. He has two pistols with him as well and a katana on his back.

Skillset: He is quite skilled in the swordsmanship category, having mastered these skills by practicing with his father in the time that he was still alive. He had sharpened his skills by people who attempted to rob him or ambushed him in some situations.


[QUOTE="Vladimir Amikov]Name: Alex Nathan Cairne
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Tall, around 6', large build. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Alex has a reasonable amount of muscle, though it isn't anything to show off. His face is in limbo between rounded and edged, with high cheekbones and razor-edge jawline, in comparison with rather large eyes and a rounded chin. (Armor below, weapon is different in RP)


Faction: None

Personality: Smart Alec at times, often polite, and intelligent in general. Willing to share spare supplies with people he likes. Can get angered rather easily.

Bio: Alex was born in Detroit around 7 years after the start of the Triton project, on May 17th, 2097. He spent most of his early years in relative comfort, with a steady supply of food and water. His mother and father were both skilled in different aspects of global survival, his father more oriented towards hunting and combat, and his mother focused on shelter and resourcefulness. He took as much from his parents as he could, his father teaching him hand to hand and melee fighting, and his mother showing him how to think with what he had. However, when he discovered plans for something called plasma batons, his entire method of survival changed. He devoted his brain and what remained of his teenage years trying to create one. And he finally did at 18 years old. What he had wasn't much, but it was also the most important tool he could ever have: the world's first plasma dagger. It could be used to heat water and cook food in an instant. It was fantastic, and he was extremely proud of himself for it.

However, this new tool had come with a cost. No matter how much he tried to keep it secret, the scoop that Alex had somehow created a plasma dagger had reached a group of three people. They were not government, merely teenagers who were envious of Alex's relic. The week following the device's creation, five bodies were found within his house: his parents, and three intruders. Alex was nowhere to be found. The would-be burglars had unique wounds: cauterized openings in their necks and chests and arms. One had his legs broken, but that was not of note compared to the others. Alex had disappeared, and the city of Detroit hadn't seen him since.

Inventory: HC-AR77B Assault rifle


Plasma dagger


Tactical sword (retrieved)


Skillset: Hand-to-hand combat, technology, mathematics, swordplay. He knows how to shoot, but doesn't do it often or well. Alex prefers to stick to using stealth in potentially violent encounters.

You did fine, don't worry..!
Name: Freiya Müller



Appearence:She is 5'6 with long blonde hair that she usually keeps in a braid. Her eyes are a grey-blue, the color of a stormy sea. She wears the typical tactical gear (body armor, gloves, combat boots) but tends to stick with the lighter side of the spectrum as she is more of a doctor than a fighter.


Faction: Stronghold

Personality: Freiya is strong and caring, despite the harsh climate that surrounds her. She has suffered loss of the highest caliber due to the cruelty of men, which does make her hesitant to trust those around her. If she does trust them, she will welcome them as family and friend alike.

Bio: Having been born and raised in Germany, Freiya was pregnant and happily married when the climate began to shift dramatically. Her career as a surgeon had been put on hold for now, the world crisis and the stress of raising a child in this desolate time was enough to crumble any person. Her husband Stephen had been the rock she clung to all the while the world seemed to crumble around their family.

Freiya gave birth to her child Annette and in that moment, it seemed that maybe they could live a normal life depsite the tragedy that plagued the earth. Everytime she stared into her baby girls crystal blue eyes or felt the kiss of her husband on her forehead, her fears would evaporate in the wind. This would all come to end, as quickly as it had begun.

Annette, despite having a healthy birth, had fallen gravely ill because of the ice and required medicine from the rundown excuse for a hospital that resided miles from their shack. Stephen had gone, leaving his beloveds behind, to brace the cold and make the journey for his daughter. It had grown very dark that night before Freiya would begin to worry where her husband had gone to. Annette's cries began to fill the room until they bore into her skull, filling it to the brim. He did not come back that, his body being found by Fallen Star patrols and had been stabbed several times. 'Likely the work of a deranged beggar' They had told her but she couldnt bear to look at the mangled, frozen corpse that had once been so full of life just 24 hours ago. Annette's condition began to plummet until one day Freiya woke up to her childs frozen form, resting peacefully in her makeshift crib. She couldnt stand being in the godforsaken city that she had lost everything in, so she took the basic necessities and began to find a new home which she found in the faction named Stronghold. Once they learned of her medicinal skills, they welcomed her as a valuable asset and comrade.

Inventory: Freiya keeps a small inventory in her backpack. She keeps basic medical supplies, a small pistol for protection that her husband had left behind, purfying canteen and the small blanket that had been Annette's favorite.

Skillset: She has extensive medical knowledge, as she was a highly esteemed surgeon before the fall of civilization. She also has some hand to hand combat training, her faction insures that all members have at least some way to protect themselves from attackers.

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