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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

Name: Frank “the Cold” Callahan

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Faction: Ex-Wolfpack


Frank is a man who lost everything. He blames the Wolfpack for it and will stop at nothing to bring them down. He likes to think he’s still acting through reason, but in reality his rage and thirst for revenge have all but consumed him. There is still some good in him though. He truly thinks he’s doing what’s right. He’s the kind of man who apologizes before killing a civilian. He is calm and collected. He can appear both trustworthy and absolutely frightening, sometimes (and to some) at the same time.


Although he was borne before the Initial Freeze, he’d always lived in places with an extremely cold climate. At the age of 17 he and his family moved from their hometown in Alaska to Detroit in hopes of surviving the great cold there. However, as it was already 4 years after the Initial Freeze, the situation there was starting to get just as bad as it had been when they left. His parents died soon after.

However, Frank had developed an extreme resistance to the cold, being able to survive in the most dangerous storms. Compared to Alaska in the Initial Freeze, the climate in Detroit was actually quite comfortable for him. He turned out to have a real knack with a gun too, so after drifting around for three years, he wound up with the Wolfpack, who recruited him for his uncanny ability to stay alive.

Come 2108, Frank had found the one thing he’d been missing since his parents died: love. He might have been a battle hardened mercenary by then, but when he looked upon Tamora for the first time it was like his frozen heart melted for the first time. They met on a transport from Detroit to Washington D.C. She was a journalist, he was a mercenary. After an interesting conversation during the ride she decided to stick with him for a while and long story short, they fell in love within a month.

2110. Frank is all set to ask his girlfriend to marry him. He’d saved up some money from the odd job and was ready to give up his life as a manhunter and spend it all with her. She was running a big story at the time on a big government conspiracy that he didn’t understand much about, but she’d be working at home today so he figured this would be a good day to pop the question. Frank came to her apartment early in order to surprise her, only to find police cars and yellow tape. He ignored the DO NOT CROSS signs, pushed the cops away and saw the corps of his bride, riddled with bullets in a pattern he’d learned to recognise.

Hush had never met Tamora personally. He’d just taken a job from the bounty board to stop some meddling journalist who was going to expose one of the greatest government secrets of their time. Frank did not blame Hush personally at first. They’d known each other for some time and had become good friends. Needless to say that changed though. Frank grew distant and it did not take long before he started speaking about disbanding the Wolfpack. Needless to say this did not go down well with the other members, eventually leading in a showdown between Frank and the current leader of the Wolfpack. Reluctantly, he felt forced to shoot Frank in the end and left him to die outside the city dome with nothing but his trench coat, baggy trousers, a dirty shirt and three bullets in his chest.

Of course, Frank didn’t die. After five years of surviving Hell, Frank is back in town, stronger than he ever was before and ready to rid the world of the evil organization he once called family.


Frank’s equipment can vary. He mostly knows a lot of people who can get him the stuff he needs, however, he does have a few things he almost always carries with him.

Underneath his trench coat he wears a heat-regulating uniform, protecting him from the cold, and a bulletproof vest of a very light, but incredibly resistant material.

On his belt he carries a holster with an old-fashioned Smith & Wesson’s .357 Magnum.

In the breast pocket of his shirt is a picture of his beloved, covered in his own blood and with a bullet hole right next to her head.

Skillset: Frank’s specialty has always been his ability to survive. Not just the cold either, he is one though son of a gun to take down. He plans things ahead but is always ready to improvise. He is strong and quick on the draw. Hush used to be faster, but there’s no telling who would win now. He can appear in places where you don’t expect him, though he’s not really a master of stealth. At least, not within the dome.
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ObiSemKenobi said:
Name: Frank “the Cold” Callahan
Age: 42

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Faction: Ex-Wolfpack


Frank is a man who lost everything. He blames the Wolfpack for it and will stop at nothing to bring them down. He likes to think he’s still acting through reason, but in reality his rage and thirst for revenge have all but consumed him. There is still some good in him though. He truly thinks he’s doing what’s right. He’s the kind of man who apologizes before killing a civilian. He is calm and collected. He can appear both trustworthy and absolutely frightening, sometimes (and to some) at the same time.


Although he was borne before the Initial Freeze, he’d always lived in places with an extremely cold climate. At the age of 17 he and his family moved from their hometown in Alaska to Detroit in hopes of surviving the great cold there. However, as it was already 4 years after the Initial Freeze, the situation there was starting to get just as bad as it had been when they left. His parents died soon after.

However, Frank had developed an extreme resistance to the cold, being able to survive in the most dangerous storms. Compared to Alaska in the Initial Freeze, the climate in Detroit was actually quite comfortable for him. He turned out to have a real knack with a gun too, so after drifting around for three years, he wound up with the Wolfpack, who recruited him for his uncanny ability to stay alive.

Come 2108, Frank had found the one thing he’d been missing since his parents died: love. He might have been a battle hardened mercenary by then, but when he looked upon Tamora for the first time it was like his frozen heart melted for the first time. They met on a transport from Detroit to Washington D.C. She was a journalist, he was a mercenary. After an interesting conversation during the ride she decided to stick with him for a while and long story short, they fell in love within a month.

2110. Frank is all set to ask his girlfriend to marry him. He’d saved up some money from the odd job and was ready to give up his life as a manhunter and spend it all with her. She was running a big story at the time on a big government conspiracy that he didn’t understand much about, but she’d be working at home today so he figured this would be a good day to pop the question. Frank came to her apartment early in order to surprise her, only to find police cars and yellow tape. He ignored the DO NOT CROSS signs, pushed the cops away and saw the corps of his bride, riddled with bullets in a pattern he’d learned to recognise.

Hush had never met Tamora personally. He’d just taken a job from the bounty board to stop some meddling journalist who was going to expose one of the greatest government secrets of their time. Frank did not blame Hush personally at first. They’d known each other for some time and had become good friends. Needless to say that changed though. Frank grew distant and it did not take long before he started speaking about disbanding the Wolfpack. Needless to say this did not go down well with the other members, eventually leading in a showdown between Frank and the current leader of the Wolfpack. Reluctantly, he felt forced to shoot Frank in the end and left him to die outside the city dome with nothing but his trench coat, baggy trousers, a dirty shirt and three bullets in his chest.

Of course, Frank didn’t die. After five years of surviving Hell, Frank is back in town, stronger than he ever was before and ready to rid the world of the evil organization he once called family.


Frank’s equipment can vary. He mostly knows a lot of people who can get him the stuff he needs, however, he does have a few things he almost always carries with him.

Underneath his trench coat he wears a heat-regulating uniform, protecting him from the cold, and a bulletproof vest of a very light, but incredibly resistant material.

On his belt he carries a holster with an old-fashioned Smith & Wesson’s .357 Magnum.

In the breast pocket of his shirt is a picture of his beloved, covered in his own blood and with a bullet hole right next to her head.

Skillset: Frank’s specialty has always been his ability to survive. Not just the cold either, he is one though son of a gun to take down. He plans things ahead but is always ready to improvise. He is strong and quick on the draw. Hush used to be faster, but there’s no telling who would win now. He can appear in places where you don’t expect him, though he’s not really a master of stealth. At least, not within the dome.
Accepted :D

Osiris "Oz" Carter


Gender: Male

Age: 22

Sexuality: Hetero



Height/Weight: 6' feet tall exactly, 150 pounds, give or take.

Faction: The Wolfpack (may switch it later onnn)

Personality: In short, responsible, loyal, noble, logical (on the field), natural born leader, and um...lets give one more...um...easy going:

Strengths/Weaknesses: Starting with strengths, he has quite a few good ones. He is more than happy to submit or give orders, never argues. He goes the extra mile to see that their mission gets done, even if it means a sacrifice is required, "what ever it takes" seems to be his popular catch phrase. He puts others before himself, his team's safety is always in his thoughts. Hes responsible, and logical, and means business.

However, he does have a soft side, which can sometimes cloud his thinking. Hes tough on the field, but soft and squishy deep down. And hes not afraid to show it. Especially with his sister, he can be seen having that father-like demeanor about him, whether its caring for her or scolding her. But his emotional attachment gets in the way sometimes....

Bio/History: Growing up in a world of ice, was a harsh condition to live in. There was no time to live in luxury, to own what you wanted, hell getting what you needed was a project on its own. But harsh environments make hard people. In times like this, fighting for survival was necessary. Times were hard, food is scarce and heavily valued, and thanks to the planet wearing a thick layer of ice, a variety of foods werent available. The Carter twins grew up only knowing about ice, nothing else. The sun and its warmth were just stories and legends passed down from people before them. Will they ever see it with their own eyes? Who knows, but there is always the possibility and experiencing that fake, artificial sun crap, if given the chance.

Anyway, the roaming lifestyle was something that the twins were used to. Being stranded int he middle of no where during blizzards that landed for days on end, surviving with limited food, or rationing what they had. They were a tough duo, used to the extreme living conditions. But as times only got harder, being alone was no longer an option. Wandering as rogues was becoming a problem, especially when youre cornered by other marauders that take what you have in return for your life. As a pair, they decided that being a part of a group was safer, and the decision was made. They were able to track down The Wolfpack, however, because of such opposing views, one may not stick around for long.....



(also taken from destiny cause im sooooo original). Like any other sniper, its high in impact and has incredible range with interchangeable scopes to match the user's preferences or if a magnified scope is needed. Holds 4 bullets per mag, high caliber. How ever, it is pretty powerful, which results in a pretty strong recoil factor. Sniper rifles with low recoil, often give a chance of redemption in that, your recticle is still more or less close to the target. With a high recoiled weapon, you get one shot, and one shot only. (this is his prized weapon)

He also carries a simple, standard pistol for quick, medium ranged, defensive purposes. (not gonna include a picture cause im pretty sure everyone knows what a pistol looks like)

He also owns a shot gun, he doesnt carry it much, only when he needs to..


Other than weapons, his tech-head sister helped to create and customize a helmet, perfect for a sniper-user. It has the ability to change his vision to thermal, or have night-vision with a touch of a button. His suit, like his twin sister once again, has a layer to keep his body at a comfortable temperature to combat the outside climate.


Because of his charming, big-brother like behavior, he tends to try to solve things with words before resorting to guns. He has patience and tolerance, and the ability to remain calm in intense situations and has a soft, gentle approach of persuasion.

Aside from his personality, on the field hes a skilled marksmen with a sniper. Essentially, he can use just about every weapon but isnt as skilled as he is with a sniper rifle. He can take care of himself, but with a sniper in his hands is when hes more comfortable.
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Greyson "Grey" Carter


Gender: Male

Age: 22

Sexuality: Hetero



Height/Weight: 6' feet tall exactly, 150 pounds, give or take.

Faction: (coming back)

Personality: In short, responsible, loyal, noble, logical (on the field), natural born leader, and um...lets give one more...um...easy going:

Strengths/Weaknesses: Starting with strengths, he has quite a few good ones. He is more than happy to submit or give orders, never argues. He goes the extra mile to see that their mission gets done, even if it means a sacrifice is required, "what ever it takes" seems to be his popular catch phrase. He puts others before himself, his team's safety is always in his thoughts. Hes responsible, and logical, and means business.

However, he does have a soft side, which can sometimes cloud his thinking. Hes tough on the field, but soft and squishy deep down. And hes not afraid to show it. Especially with his sister, he can be seen having that father-like demeanor about him, whether its caring for her or scolding her. But his emotional attachment gets in the way sometimes....

Bio/History: (coming baaaaack)



(also taken from destiny cause im sooooo original). Like any other sniper, its high in impact and has incredible range with interchangeable scopes to match the user's preferences or if a magnified scope is needed. Holds 4 bullets per mag, high caliber. How ever, it is pretty powerful, which results in a pretty strong recoil factor. Sniper rifles with low recoil, often give a chance of redemption in that, your recticle is still more or less close to the target. With a high recoiled weapon, you get one shot, and one shot only. (this is his prized weapon)

He also carries a simple, standard pistol for quick, medium ranged, defensive purposes. (not gonna include a picture cause im pretty sure everyone knows what a pistol looks like)

He also owns a shot gun, he doesnt carry it much, only when he needs to..


Other than weapons, his tech-head sister helped to create and customize a helmet, perfect for a sniper-user. It has the ability to change his vision to thermal, or have night-vision with a touch of a button. His suit, like his twin sister once again, has a layer to keep his body at a comfortable temperature to combat the outside climate.


Because of his charming, big-brother like behavior, he tends to try to solve things with words before resorting to guns. He has patience and tolerance, and the ability to remain calm in intense situations and has a soft, gentle approach of persuasion.

Aside from his personality, on the field hes a skilled marksmen with a sniper. Essentially, he can use just about every weapon but isnt as skilled as he is with a sniper rifle. He can take care of himself, but with a sniper in his hands is when hes more comfortable.

Accepted, however you're choosing a faction yes?

[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Accepted, however you're choosing a faction yes?

yes ive been contemplating the decisions lol I have a question but ill move it to OOC
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]i think this'll be a good set of armor for your character :D

I love the actual armour part, though the helmet is a bit much :P

It would be covered in something like this though:


hmmm... Now that I think about it... *edits original post*
ObiSemKenobi said:
I love the actual armour part, though the helmet is a bit much :P
It would be covered in something like this though:


hmmm... Now that I think about it... *edits original post*
Oh, I was doing that as each Wolfpack member has a mask that covers their identity - and as you're ex-wolfpack I figured such..
Ah, that I did not know :)

Then again, I think his point is kind of that he does want his identity to be known. He wants them to know it's him (or Hush at least). Naturally his face is covered when he walks through the storms outside the dome, but I think I'll leave his face uncovered once he's inside. You know, to make a point :P
ObiSemKenobi said:
Ah, that I did not know :)
Then again, I think his point is kind of that he does want his identity to be known. He wants them to know it's him (or Hush at least). Naturally his face is covered when he walks through the storms outside the dome, but I think I'll leave his face uncovered once he's inside. You know, to make a point :P
I think that your character would want to strike fear into the elder wolfpack members - such as a symbolic death mask or something of that sort :P

ObiSemKenobi said:
Ah, that I did not know :)
Then again, I think his point is kind of that he does want his identity to be known. He wants them to know it's him (or Hush at least). Naturally his face is covered when he walks through the storms outside the dome, but I think I'll leave his face uncovered once he's inside. You know, to make a point :P
Or this :P


Sorry if it feels like I'm pestering you, you're free to make you character look however you like!
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Ok, maybe I have to rephrase a few things. He doesn't really want them to fear him. He wants them to die. It's not revenge to him. It's saving the world from an evil organization. He honestly things he's the good guy. He'll probably be playing the members he knows a bit for feeling betrayed, but he really wants them to know why he's doing it. I don't know, maybe he's even the type to monologue :P

So, especially the elder members have to know it's him that's hunting them, and that they brought it upon themselves. I'll go for glasses though :P
And no problem :P

I really like that second picture though! I think I'll steal that for when he's outside. Gives him a bit of a Deathstroke feel to it. I like it.
ObiSemKenobi said:
Ok, maybe I have to rephrase a few things. He doesn't really want them to fear him. He wants them to die. It's not revenge to him. It's saving the world from an evil organization. He honestly things he's the good guy. He'll probably be playing the members he knows a bit for feeling betrayed, but he really wants them to know why he's doing it. I don't know, maybe he's even the type to monologue :P

So, especially the elder members have to know it's him that's hunting them, and that they brought it upon themselves. I'll go for glasses though :P
Anti-hero v. anti-hero eh?
ObiSemKenobi said:
And no problem :P
I really like that second picture though! I think I'll steal that for when he's outside. Gives him a bit of a Deathstroke feel to it. I like it.
Same, I got my guys armor from that section.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Anti-hero v. anti-hero eh?

Yeah, I guess you could say that. Although he is less anti-hero than a villain with relatable motives. He's definitely lost it, but he'll be the last person to admit it. Who knows, maybe he's redeemable, I don't know, but right now he's coming after you with everything he's got. And he'll be toying with you personally, before finishing you off :P
ObiSemKenobi said:
Yeah, I guess you could say that. Although he is less anti-hero than a villain with relatable motives. He's definitely lost it, but he'll be the last person to admit it. Who knows, maybe he's redeemable, I don't know, but right now he's coming after you with everything he's got. And he'll be toying with you personally, before finishing you off :P
Before finishing me off you say? *snicker* Bring it on!!
ObiSemKenobi said:
He honestly things he's the good guy
Doesnt everyone? Everyone seems to think we're always the main character of our own stories, that we're the good guys. When the truth is, sometimes we're nothing more than a background character in someone else's story, or the antagonist thinking hes the protagonist...such is the tragedy of "heroes"

....wtf am i saying..i just woke up xD forgive me
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[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Doesnt everyone? Everyone seems to think we're always the main character of our own stories, that we're the good guys. When the truth is, sometimes we're nothing more than a background character in someone else's story, or the antagonist thinking hes the protagonist...such is the tragedy of "heroes"
....wtf am i saying..i just woke up xD forgive me

dats some philosophical shiet gurl


"As long as I'm breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning."

-Criss Jami

Ingrid Gosse


"The old believe everything, the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything."

-Oscar Wilde



"How very like a man, and if you say it's very like a woman to say that, then you'll be a beastly copy cat."

-C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magicians Nephew)



"Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost."

-Erol Ozan

Sexually Ambiguous.

Nobody is really sure of the girl's sexuality. Including herself.


"Sometimes I wish I could photosynthesize so that just by being, just by shimmering lazily at the meadow's edge or floating lazily on a pond, I could be doing the work of the world while standing silent in the sun."

-Robin Wall Kimmerer





Height: 5'6" (167 cm)

Weight: 120 lbs. (54 kg)


"A fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi."

No affiliation. She is looking to join the Wolfpack, but we'll see.


"He had not realized until that moment that he was someone."


She's just a kid.

Ingrid is nearly everything a nineteen year old should be, which is to say, nothing anyone should be during the ice age on steroids. She maintains a wry sense of humor, incredible blind faith, and a crippled sense of romanticism. That's not to say the life that she has led thus far hasn't effected her beyond her day-to-day living conditions though. She is often skittish despite the bull-headed character of youth, there are times when she says things beyond her years and beyond her understanding. And she is insensitive towards others' death without thinking on the wrongness of it all.

Most of the time though, Ingrid never thinks about what happens after now, or today, she doesn't think about when her life will end or when humanity will end, because she doesn't believe that she could do anything for it.

Even though she has an adventurous spirit, Ingrid has never been one to act out or initiate, she rather likes to think herself an observer or a recorder. There are times when she is eccentric because everyone is eccentric now. And there are times when she is eccentric because she wants to be eccentric.

She rarely ever takes herself too seriously, and despite the seriousness of her situation, she's quick to tease and prod. She is attracted to the company of others, regardless of age, gender, or any affiliations. She's not interested in the exterior of a person, so much as she is desperate to get under their skin and find her own niche in their mind and heart, she is the type to reach out for others on an emotionally intimate level, though she rarely forces others to become vulnerable. Rather she gives away power first and expects the same in return. Some might call her optimistic, but it's more that she's just plain reckless.

She doesn't amount her own life to much anyway, so she grabs onto whatever warmth she can find despite any and all dangers.

She's a fairly open book, as open as anyone can be these days anyway.


"'Where do you live?'

'A place meant for leaving.'

'That's not really an answer.'

'It's not really a place.'"

-Maggie Stiefvater (Raven Cycle: The Raven Boys)

Ingrid has led a fairly period-typical life thus far, other than a few minor divergences. She was born in an icy wildernesses, not knowing the former comfort of the Earth. She was raised with the idea that death was on humanity's heels. Ingrid barely survived her first week of life in this world, and it was as much a surprise to her as it is to anyone that she's made it this far. She had an elder brother and a mother and maybe a memory of a father at one point, and even they have gone.

Ingrid's is child very much like her mother, not that the girl would really know that, she was too young to understand her mother truly when the woman died. But Ingrid's mother was a strong-willed woman with a quick tongue and an innate craving for others. She really only became a wary woman once she had children. And because she was a faithful woman, believing in fate and destiny and in the ocean of time and spirituality, she was apologetic for bringing two children into such a world, she felt they were pieces of her soul that had escaped her being, and so it was a responsibility to prioritize them over herself. Ingrid's brother mistook this apology for hatred and felt at war with his mother, he was a pragmatic boy as well, so perhaps he took after his father. Ingrid as a child, was unable to see the depth of her mother's belief and regret, and only blindly listened to her stories of faith and inconsequence in order to become more like her.

Her mother starved to death when she was six. Ingrid and her brother pried the clothing off their mother's body and wore it themselves, stuffing their pockets with the supplies their mother had carried until that moment. Then, because they would lose too much daylight and tinder burning the body, the children scraped up snow around the body and tried to convince themselves that the body would remain well in their absence.

Even though Ingrid adopted their mother's faith and tendency towards songs and tarot cards, she admittedly grieved her brother more. Not only because his death was a fresher one in a time when she truly understood the immensity of death and because he took care of her for eleven years, but because he was the one before she was alone. Her brother was hardy boy, but neither sibling was meant for fighting. He was killed by a wound from a rogue, a rogue which Ingrid managed to kill shortly after his injury, so that Ingrid does not know how painful his death should truly be to her. Seventeen at the time, she attempted patch him up, though in this day and age, an injured man is a goner. She simply wasted supplies on him in the end.

As with her mother, Ingrid took her brother's clothing and supplies, including his standard issue US military parka which she wears to this day. Then she burned his body, because he was not there this time to tell her not to waste her supplies.

After this, Ingrid moved on to find herself something else to attach herself to.

In the end, Ingrid's past isn't so unusual or effectual, except for the fact that she typically favors men who are the age her brother would be and look or act as he did, and she believes very strongly in songs and spirituality, being fairly skilled at tarot card readings and convincing others to have a little consequential faith in it as well.


"It was nothing, but it was [his] nothing. How he hated it and love it. How proud he was of it, how wretched it was."

-Maggie Stiefvater (Raven Cycle: The Dream Thieves)

Ingrid is by no means equipped to go up against any skilled combatants, but physically speaking Ingrid isn't able to survive much beyond a brief scuffle either way. She does have enough to live by though. She wears a nondescript, woolen grey sweatshirt beneath a worn standard issue US military parka from an unknown year. Her trousers and thick-soled boots are, similarly, USA military issue, though she's sure they're from some year in the 2070s. She often wraps a bit of cloth around her neck and face to spare her some from the icy wind. Her "gloves" are fashioned in an identical manner.

Other than her clothing Ingrid carries her other belongings in a nondescript burlap sack, tied over one shoulder and pulled under the other for convenience. Said other belongings are a collection of odds and ends, a currently empty canteen, an appallingly rusted Swiss Army knife, solely the rounded end of a magnifying glass, a bit of dried wood, a few rusted metal bolts, a few strips of jerky wrapped in cloth, and a very much beloved 78 card deck of tarot cards.

||Skill Set||

"Then, in that hour of deliverance, my heart spoke. Does not such a country, and such defenders of their country, deserve a song?"

-Francis Scott Key

Ingrid is not a very useful companion in most situations, but a personable and at times enjoyable one all the same. She gets along well with most people and is a very likable child. Communicating with others is a bit of a speciality for her.

Ingrid has a fair voice, if not at times a bit rough, and she knows more songs than anything useful. She took it upon herself at one point to become a bard of sorts, after all. Even if a song cannot fill an empty belly, it's alright at times just to tide a stranger over.

If tarot card readings are a skill, then she's got that. Though there aren't many believers, other than Ingrid, these days. That isn't saying that her spirituality is necessarily true or untrue though.

Scavenging, Ingrid's got an eye for treasure and even if she cannot see the use in something, she knows that others have need for different things. This is how she lives, trailing after acclaimed junk sites in hopes to find somethings to trade for food.​
Hansel said:


"As long as I'm breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning."

-Criss Jami

Ingrid Gosse


"The old believe everything, the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything."

-Oscar Wilde



"How very like a man, and if you say it's very like a woman to say that, then you'll be a beastly copy cat."

-C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magicians Nephew)



"Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost."

-Erol Ozan

Sexually Ambiguous.

Nobody is really sure of the girl's sexuality. Including herself.


"Sometimes I wish I could photosynthesize so that just by being, just by shimmering lazily at the meadow's edge or floating lazily on a pond, I could be doing the work of the world while standing silent in the sun."

-Robin Wall Kimmerer





Height: 5'6" (167 cm)

Weight: 120 lbs. (54 kg)


"A fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi."

No affiliation. She is looking to join the Wolfpack, but we'll see.


"He had not realized until that moment that he was someone."


She's just a kid.

Ingrid is nearly everything a nineteen year old should be, which is to say, nothing anyone should be during the ice age on steroids. She maintains a wry sense of humor, incredible blind faith, and a crippled sense of romanticism. That's not to say the life that she has led thus far hasn't effected her beyond her day-to-day living conditions though. She is often skittish despite the bull-headed character of youth, there are times when she says things beyond her years and beyond her understanding. And she is insensitive towards others' death without thinking on the wrongness of it all.

Most of the time though, Ingrid never thinks about what happens after now, or today, she doesn't think about when her life will end or when humanity will end, because she doesn't believe that she could do anything for it.

Even though she has an adventurous spirit, Ingrid has never been one to act out or initiate, she rather likes to think herself an observer or a recorder. There are times when she is eccentric because everyone is eccentric now. And there are times when she is eccentric because she wants to be eccentric.

She rarely ever takes herself too seriously, and despite the seriousness of her situation, she's quick to tease and prod. She is attracted to the company of others, regardless of age, gender, or any affiliations. She's not interested in the exterior of a person, so much as she is desperate to get under their skin and find her own niche in their mind and heart, she is the type to reach out for others on an emotionally intimate level, though she rarely forces others to become vulnerable. Rather she gives away power first and expects the same in return. Some might call her optimistic, but it's more that she's just plain reckless.

She doesn't amount her own life to much anyway, so she grabs onto whatever warmth she can find despite any and all dangers.

She's a fairly open book, as open as anyone can be these days anyway.


"'Where do you live?'

'A place meant for leaving.'

'That's not really an answer.'

'It's not really a place.'"

-Maggie Stiefvater (Raven Cycle: The Raven Boys)

Ingrid has led a fairly period-typical life thus far, other than a few minor divergences. She was born in an icy wildernesses, not knowing the former comfort of the Earth. She was raised with the idea that death was on humanity's heels. Ingrid barely survived her first week of life in this world, and it was as much a surprise to her as it is to anyone that she's made it this far. She had an elder brother and a mother and maybe a memory of a father at one point, and even they have gone.

Ingrid's is child very much like her mother, not that the girl would really know that, she was too young to understand her mother truly when the woman died. But Ingrid's mother was a strong-willed woman with a quick tongue and an innate craving for others. She really only became a wary woman once she had children. And because she was a faithful woman, believing in fate and destiny and in the ocean of time and spirituality, she was apologetic for bringing two children into such a world, she felt they were pieces of her soul that had escaped her being, and so it was a responsibility to prioritize them over herself. Ingrid's brother mistook this apology for hatred and felt at war with his mother, he was a pragmatic boy as well, so perhaps he took after his father. Ingrid as a child, was unable to see the depth of her mother's belief and regret, and only blindly listened to her stories of faith and inconsequence in order to become more like her.

Her mother starved to death when she was six. Ingrid and her brother pried the clothing off their mother's body and wore it themselves, stuffing their pockets with the supplies their mother had carried until that moment. Then, because they would lose too much daylight and tinder burning the body, the children scraped up snow around the body and tried to convince themselves that the body would remain well in their absence.

Even though Ingrid adopted their mother's faith and tendency towards songs and tarot cards, she admittedly grieved her brother more. Not only because his death was a fresher one in a time when she truly understood the immensity of death and because he took care of her for eleven years, but because he was the one before she was alone. Her brother was hardy boy, but neither sibling was meant for fighting. He was killed by a wound from a rogue, a rogue which Ingrid managed to kill shortly after his injury, so that Ingrid does not know how painful his death should truly be to her. Seventeen at the time, she attempted patch him up, though in this day and age, an injured man is a goner. She simply wasted supplies on him in the end.

As with her mother, Ingrid took her brother's clothing and supplies, including his standard issue US military parka which she wears to this day. Then she burned his body, because he was not there this time to tell her not to waste her supplies.

After this, Ingrid moved on to find herself something else to attach herself to.

In the end, Ingrid's past isn't so unusual or effectual, except for the fact that she typically favors men who are the age her brother would be and look or act as he did, and she believes very strongly in songs and spirituality, being fairly skilled at tarot card readings and convincing others to have a little consequential faith in it as well.


"It was nothing, but it was [his] nothing. How he hated it and love it. How proud he was of it, how wretched it was."

-Maggie Stiefvater (Raven Cycle: The Dream Thieves)

Ingrid is by no means equipped to go up against any skilled combatants, but physically speaking Ingrid isn't able to survive much beyond a brief scuffle either way. She does have enough to live by though. She wears a nondescript, woolen grey sweatshirt beneath a worn standard issue US military parka from an unknown year. Her trousers and thick-soled boots are, similarly, USA military issue, though she's sure they're from some year in the 2070s. She often wraps a bit of cloth around her neck and face to spare her some from the icy wind. Her "gloves" are fashioned in an identical manner.

Other than her clothing Ingrid carries her other belongings in a nondescript burlap sack, tied over one shoulder and pulled under the other for convenience. Said other belongings are a collection of odds and ends, a currently empty canteen, an appallingly rusted Swiss Army knife, solely the rounded end of a magnifying glass, a bit of dried wood, a few rusted metal bolts, a few strips of jerky wrapped in cloth, and a very much beloved 78 card deck of tarot cards.

||Skill Set||

"Then, in that hour of deliverance, my heart spoke. Does not such a country, and such defenders of their country, deserve a song?"

-Francis Scott Key

Ingrid is not a very useful companion in most situations, but a personable and at times enjoyable one all the same. She gets along well with most people and is a very likable child. Communicating with others is a bit of a speciality for her.

Ingrid has a fair voice, if not at times a bit rough, and she knows more songs than anything useful. She took it upon herself at one point to become a bard of sorts, after all. Even if a song cannot fill an empty belly, it's alright at times just to tide a stranger over.

If tarot card readings are a skill, then she's got that. Though there aren't many believers, other than Ingrid, these days. That isn't saying that her spirituality is necessarily true or untrue though.

Scavenging, Ingrid's got an eye for treasure and even if she cannot see the use in something, she knows that others have need for different things. This is how she lives, trailing after acclaimed junk sites in hopes to find somethings to trade for food.​
Accepted. Welcome to The Frozen Wasteland.
U l y s s e s --- I n n s m o u t h

-------- " The Wendigo of The Wastes "

  • ----Name | Ulysses Innsmouth


    ----Appearance | Standing around at a 6'3 height and weighing a 250 pounds, Ulysses is not toned and more displays a raw amount of muscle and bulk. He appears to be mixed race between Middle-Eastern and European Caucasian leading to a slight tanned, but mostly Caucasian look about him. lysses is a man who has his fair share of scars and bruises, mostly on his body and face. Dark Brown-black eyes and near black-brown hair are not rare but they are what they are.

    ---Age | 35

    ===Gender | Male

    ---Sexuality | Heterosexual

    ---Faction | [Current] The Outcasts

    Faction History | Ulysses had joined The Outcasts out of curiosity by his statements, in truth he may have done it in order to act out his tendencies without much retaliation. Despite the speculation on why he joined and what brought him there, but so far he has been able to rise up the ranks and gain infamy. Acting as if he has impunity in Outcast territories (Which he may or may not do have). Ulysses within the Outcasts is classified as someone who eliminates certain individuals, even certain Outcast members who have proved to be more of a hassle to control. Technically he's a cleaner. A damn good one at that. There's rumor that his name was something of a talk within H.E.A.T. however unsubstantiated rumors are often the talk of fools

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Name: Shiki Masamura

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.):


Faction (If in any.): Devoid of any. A literal 'outcast'. If a true title had to be placed she'd fit among anyone that was a scavenger of the sorts.

Personality: She's a bit jumpy and quick to pull a trigger. She's got the reaction of a cat that probably had a bit too much catnip and thinks it's own shadow is something out to get her. This being said, that also means to match up along with it is that she tends to get scared pretty quickly and will run to cover. She's a survivor, not a fighter, but she knows sometimes in this cold ass world, you need to be.

Bio (Must be atleast a Paragraph.); What a nice life Shiki here has had I might say so myself, considering her parents thought it would be a great idea to have a child they couldn't afford. That's right, practically a damned dumpster baby this little girl had her family barely getting by, and thats no understatement considering how things turned out. Throughout her depressing life, she would always have to run around and either scavenge or beg for food, until it got to the point she could devour practically anything and gain some sort of nourishment from it just because of how her body needed something, anything. This helped out once she got older especially, since she was caught stealing food from the wrong crowd and was thrown out of the only hospitable city for hundreds of miles. Sure it took some getting used to, but she ended up putting together from scraps some clothes to keep her warm, atleast added on to the the stuff she was gracefully given thinking she wouldn't last more than a day. Killing little rats she found in corners of buildings deep in the snow so far to the extent it was almost warm, she had her food. That's the life. Scraps for warmth and not much better for your food. Luckily she atleast found a nice little bunker out in the snow that seemed to be some sort of fallout shelter for a family or two given the fear of nuclear war long ago. That's where she is today, just 'chillin' out.

Inventory; Machete,

Because if she's going to miss, she's going to annihilate whatever she does hit.

, and a whole lot of hope.

Skillset: Anything a scavenger of the wastes needs of course; A well formed ability in climbing, running, and hiding. She can also tear things apart pretty quickly. It's only where firearms comes into play that she falls a bit short, barely over average if at all with shooting.

Name: Jay "Celsus" Preddus

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Faction: Nomad.

Personality: For one thing, Jay's quite cautious. He wishes not to repeat his past mistakes, and will dwell on that concept often when given a quiet moment. This event also causes Jay to be quite indecisive, choosing things carefully.


Jay was a member of a now-forgotten encampment, who was tasked with finding a cache of supplies that had been uncovered from search parties. However, after getting lost in unfamiliar terrain, Jay soon started to wander, with no particular goal. Along this journey, he slowly picked up the art of trade, sharing stories and bartering to get by. One of his first stories was his departure from the camp. This is not used often, however, as the story spread quite a bit since he started telling it.

The encampment itself was quite shoddy. "Buildings" like large tents and hastily constructed boxes dotted the small area. Jay himself had come there as a general worker, as the camp was desperately trying to reverse-engineer basic hydroponics, and to create some artificial seeds. Although no-one was fully aware at the time, the only scientist working on the hydroponics was planning to sabotage the encampment. The point at which Jay went out to get the supplies would've been right before the sabotage attempt.

Jay's childhood had been spent in the community. He grew up in a decently isolated town, so everyone had helped eachother. However, when he was able to, he left town, and got work in the nearest town over. This had lead to him staying at the encampment, from having no work but odd jobs. All the positions had been filled within the town, and Jay was too poor after making his journey to that town to consider going to the next one. Either way, the encampment had looked like a nicely paying job at the time, so he took it.

Inventory: A small trade pouch, containing various, obscure dollar currencies and an old photograph from early 2040.

The pistol seen in the picture, along with a small smg/rifle type weapon.

A radio that doesn't seem to work.

Skillset: Bartering.

Travel, due to being a Nomad. This includes both physical and mental features.


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