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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

Goldra said:
Name: Jay "Celsus" Preddus

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Faction: Nomad.

Personality: For one thing, Jay's quite cautious. He wishes not to repeat his past mistakes, and will dwell on that concept often when given a quiet moment. This event also causes Jay to be quite indecisive, choosing things carefully.


Jay was a member of a now-forgotten encampment, who was tasked with finding a cache of supplies that had been uncovered from search parties. However, after getting lost in unfamiliar terrain, Jay soon started to wander, with no particular goal. Along this journey, he slowly picked up the art of trade, sharing stories and bartering to get by. One of his first stories was his departure from the camp. This is not used often, however, as the story spread quite a bit since he started telling it.

The encampment itself was quite shoddy. "Buildings" like large tents and hastily constructed boxes dotted the small area. Jay himself had come there as a general worker, as the camp was desperately trying to reverse-engineer basic hydroponics, and to create some artificial seeds. Although no-one was fully aware at the time, the only scientist working on the hydroponics was planning to sabotage the encampment. The point at which Jay went out to get the supplies would've been right before the sabotage attempt.

Jay's childhood had been spent in the community. He grew up in a decently isolated town, so everyone had helped eachother. However, when he was able to, he left town, and got work in the nearest town over. This had lead to him staying at the encampment, from having no work but odd jobs. All the positions had been filled within the town, and Jay was too poor after making his journey to that town to consider going to the next one. Either way, the encampment had looked like a nicely paying job at the time, so he took it.

Inventory: A small trade pouch, containing various, obscure dollar currencies and an old photograph from early 2040.

The pistol seen in the picture, along with a small smg/rifle type weapon.

A radio that doesn't seem to work.

Skillset: Bartering.

Travel, due to being a Nomad. This includes both physical and mental features.

Accepted, also sorry for the late reply - I didn't receive a notification.

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CupAndCough said:
U l y s s e s --- I n n s m o u t h
-------- " The Wendigo of The Wastes "


  • ----Name | Ulysses Innsmouth

    ----Appearance | Standing around at a 6'3 height and weighing a 250 pounds, Ulysses is not toned and more displays a raw amount of muscle and bulk. He appears to be mixed race between Middle-Eastern and European Caucasian leading to a slight tanned, but mostly Caucasian look about him. lysses is a man who has his fair share of scars and bruises, mostly on his body and face. Dark Brown-black eyes and near black-brown hair are not rare but they are what they are.

    ---Age | 35

    ===Gender | Male

    ---Sexuality | Heterosexual

    ---Faction | [Current] The Outcasts

    Faction History | Ulysses had joined The Outcasts out of curiosity by his statements, in truth he may have done it in order to act out his tendencies without much retaliation. Despite the speculation on why he joined and what brought him there, but so far he has been able to rise up the ranks and gain infamy. Acting as if he has impunity in Outcast territories (Which he may or may not do have). Ulysses within the Outcasts is classified as someone who eliminates certain individuals, even certain Outcast members who have proved to be more of a hassle to control. Technically he's a cleaner. A damn good one at that. There's rumor that his name was something of a talk within H.E.A.T. however unsubstantiated rumors are often the talk of fools

Accepted, as I told the other person - I didn't receive the notification beforehand - I apologize!

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Facethelight said:
Name: Shiki Masamura
Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.):


Faction (If in any.): Devoid of any. A literal 'outcast'. If a true title had to be placed she'd fit among anyone that was a scavenger of the sorts.

Personality: She's a bit jumpy and quick to pull a trigger. She's got the reaction of a cat that probably had a bit too much catnip and thinks it's own shadow is something out to get her. This being said, that also means to match up along with it is that she tends to get scared pretty quickly and will run to cover. She's a survivor, not a fighter, but she knows sometimes in this cold ass world, you need to be.

Bio (Must be atleast a Paragraph.); What a nice life Shiki here has had I might say so myself, considering her parents thought it would be a great idea to have a child they couldn't afford. That's right, practically a damned dumpster baby this little girl had her family barely getting by, and thats no understatement considering how things turned out. Throughout her depressing life, she would always have to run around and either scavenge or beg for food, until it got to the point she could devour practically anything and gain some sort of nourishment from it just because of how her body needed something, anything. This helped out once she got older especially, since she was caught stealing food from the wrong crowd and was thrown out of the only hospitable city for hundreds of miles. Sure it took some getting used to, but she ended up putting together from scraps some clothes to keep her warm, atleast added on to the the stuff she was gracefully given thinking she wouldn't last more than a day. Killing little rats she found in corners of buildings deep in the snow so far to the extent it was almost warm, she had her food. That's the life. Scraps for warmth and not much better for your food. Luckily she atleast found a nice little bunker out in the snow that seemed to be some sort of fallout shelter for a family or two given the fear of nuclear war long ago. That's where she is today, just 'chillin' out.

Inventory; Machete,

Because if she's going to miss, she's going to annihilate whatever she does hit.

, and a whole lot of hope.

Skillset: Anything a scavenger of the wastes needs of course; A well formed ability in climbing, running, and hiding. She can also tear things apart pretty quickly. It's only where firearms comes into play that she falls a bit short, barely over average if at all with shooting.

Accepted, sorry for the semi-late reply!

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[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Feel free to jump in whenever you wish, it's a open world Roleplay after all!

will do after a slight bit more of dark souls (ou-)
Facethelight said:
will do after a slight bit more of dark souls (ou-)
Haha, my Xbox One broke right before that came out... ;-;

Also, I gotta clean up the sign-ups a bit - All future reply's go in Out of Character Chat.
Name- Ferron Michael October

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Asexual Panromantic

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.)

Faction- Wolfpack Sniper

Personality- Ferron can come off as a bit abrasive, but only to people that he doesn't know. When it comes to his family, he's all smiles and laughs. Only problem is, he spends a lot more time lining up shots in his crosshairs than spending time with his family. The hunt means everything to Ferron. When he has his sniper rifle, nothing else in the world matters besides him and his target.

Bio- New Hope was a settlement in what was formerly the United States, established about 26 or 27 years ago, no one really remembers for sure. This is where Ferron was born, in one of the few constructs that had been left over from the actual United States era. When Ferron was born, he was small, seeing how he was born about ten weeks early. While this didn't have any effects on his physical development, he speculates that it may have had some effect on his social skills, seeing how he doesn't like most human interaction. When Ferron was six years old a rogue group of raiders tore through the settlement. Many of the families that Ferron had grown up with were decimated, but his family was spared. This didn't stop anger from going to the young boy's head, and he grabbed a rifle, intent on pursuing the men and women who had killed the people of his home. It's not that he really cared for them, more that he felt the Raiders shouldn't go unpunished. While Ferron's father did manage to stop him from leaving then, he was unable to stop Ferron from leaving with a group of hunters a month later.

It was during this time that Ferron learned his trade. The Hunters were, more or less, an offshoot of the Wolfpack, an ex member who wanted to hunt down Raiders, and sometimes just cause mayhem among the other factions. One of their best shots was a man named Shaun, who showed Ferrom everything he knew about rifles. He also taught Ferron the art of shooting, and would often keep him out in harsh conditions to show him how dedicated a sniper had to be if he wanted to be successful.

For ten years Ferron traveled all over with the hunters, and learned everything that they had to teach him about shooting. He then went freelance for a little while, working in the Underground of some of the major cities, carrying out Hitman style assassinations for the highest bidder. Then, the Wolfpack came in. Ferron saw an opportunity to get back the kind of family he had when he had traveled with the Hunters, and he followed them.

For three years now, Ferron has been the Wolfpack's sniper. He's not the fastest in the pack, nor is he the strongest, but he pulls his end of the line. Any shot that needs taken, he'll take it without hesitation.

Inventory- Along with all of the basic needs for survival, Ferron carries around a variety of tools that are helpful in the sometimes weeklong shots that he has to take. Since he can't always light a fire, in fear of revealing his position to enemies, Ferron carries multiple MREs with him at all times. He carries ammo for both of his weapons, his sniper and his pistol. He tends to carry about fifty rounds for each, if possible. On top of that, he carries a knife in his suit, which he has actually never used in combat. Ferron has managed to adapt his suit for his line of work. Through a lot of tinkering, and talking to a load of tech guys in the settlements the Wolfpack goes through, he's managed to get his cloak to reflect the light for a certain amount of time, rendering him practically invisible, for a period of about thirty minutes. This is particularly handy if he needs to escape from a high pressure situation, due to his injuries. (See other)

Skillset- Ferrom has had decent survivalist training, improved quite a bit from his time with the Wolfpack. When it comes to weapons, he tends to be able to fire any kind of rifle. Shotguns are definitely out of his league, as he doesn't like the recoil. He has a fair grasp of CQC, but would rather not utilize that if at all possible. He's a sniper, he would rather hang back and take his shots from hundreds of yards away.

Other- Injuries. Through Ferron's lifetime, he's come to realize that he's a lot more frail than most human beings. His bones are easily broken, which adds to his want to stay as far away from front line combat as humanly possible. In addition to this condition, Ferron is also blind in one eye. This happened when a hostile sniper's bullet struck a tree directly next to Ferron, pieces of bark flew through the glass of his visor and struck his left eye, rendering it useless.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.56a18d2c7cf5a64519a083b75cd4e537.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.56a18d2c7cf5a64519a083b75cd4e537.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpeg
    460.7 KB · Views: 6
BlueOctober said:
Name- Ferron Michael October
Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Asexual Panromantic

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.)

Faction- Wolfpack Sniper

Personality- Ferron can come off as a bit abrasive, but only to people that he doesn't know. When it comes to his family, he's all smiles and laughs. Only problem is, he spends a lot more time lining up shots in his crosshairs than spending time with his family. The hunt means everything to Ferron. When he has his sniper rifle, nothing else in the world matters besides him and his target.

Bio- New Hope was a settlement in what was formerly the United States, established about 26 or 27 years ago, no one really remembers for sure. This is where Ferron was born, in one of the few constructs that had been left over from the actual United States era. When Ferron was born, he was small, seeing how he was born about ten weeks early. While this didn't have any effects on his physical development, he speculates that it may have had some effect on his social skills, seeing how he doesn't like most human interaction. When Ferron was six years old a rogue group of raiders tore through the settlement. Many of the families that Ferron had grown up with were decimated, but his family was spared. This didn't stop anger from going to the young boy's head, and he grabbed a rifle, intent on pursuing the men and women who had killed the people of his home. It's not that he really cared for them, more that he felt the Raiders shouldn't go unpunished. While Ferron's father did manage to stop him from leaving then, he was unable to stop Ferron from leaving with a group of hunters a month later.

It was during this time that Ferron learned his trade. The Hunters were, more or less, an offshoot of the Wolfpack, an ex member who wanted to hunt down Raiders, and sometimes just cause mayhem among the other factions. One of their best shots was a man named Shaun, who showed Ferrom everything he knew about rifles. He also taught Ferron the art of shooting, and would often keep him out in harsh conditions to show him how dedicated a sniper had to be if he wanted to be successful.

For ten years Ferron traveled all over with the hunters, and learned everything that they had to teach him about shooting. He then went freelance for a little while, working in the Underground of some of the major cities, carrying out Hitman style assassinations for the highest bidder. Then, the Wolfpack came in. Ferron saw an opportunity to get back the kind of family he had when he had traveled with the Hunters, and he followed them.

For three years now, Ferron has been the Wolfpack's sniper. He's not the fastest in the pack, nor is he the strongest, but he pulls his end of the line. Any shot that needs taken, he'll take it without hesitation.

Inventory- Along with all of the basic needs for survival, Ferron carries around a variety of tools that are helpful in the sometimes weeklong shots that he has to take. Since he can't always light a fire, in fear of revealing his position to enemies, Ferron carries multiple MREs with him at all times. He carries ammo for both of his weapons, his sniper and his pistol. He tends to carry about fifty rounds for each, if possible. On top of that, he carries a knife in his suit, which he has actually never used in combat. Ferron has managed to adapt his suit for his line of work. Through a lot of tinkering, and talking to a load of tech guys in the settlements the Wolfpack goes through, he's managed to get his cloak to reflect the light for a certain amount of time, rendering him practically invisible, for a period of about thirty minutes. This is particularly handy if he needs to escape from a high pressure situation, due to his injuries. (See other)

Skillset- Ferrom has had decent survivalist training, improved quite a bit from his time with the Wolfpack. When it comes to weapons, he tends to be able to fire any kind of rifle. Shotguns are definitely out of his league, as he doesn't like the recoil. He has a fair grasp of CQC, but would rather not utilize that if at all possible. He's a sniper, he would rather hang back and take his shots from hundreds of yards away.

Other- Injuries. Through Ferron's lifetime, he's come to realize that he's a lot more frail than most human beings. His bones are easily broken, which adds to his want to stay as far away from front line combat as humanly possible. In addition to this condition, Ferron is also blind in one eye. This happened when a hostile sniper's bullet struck a tree directly next to Ferron, pieces of bark flew through the glass of his visor and struck his left eye, rendering it useless.
Accepted, however your character doesn't look.... very wolfpackey - You know?

The Wolfpack burned their mark on this world for a dozen reasons, one of them being their masks. (Sorry if I sound like a ass-hat.)
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Damon Farrow







He is unpredictable and rarely polite, despite his kindred spirit. He wants to see the good in people but has too often faced the greed. He is vary slow to make friends but is protective of those friendships he has made, however can be quick to break them if they lie or betray him.


He was born in D.C. and grew up under the F.S.F. but he holds no love for them. Despite this life of relative luxury he still felt so.. confined. He yearned for more, for something other then this mediocre life he was expected to life. At the first opportunity he left to brave the wastes and soon realised how lucky he was to have the protection of D.C. however it did not change how he felt, if anything it just bred more distaste for the F.S.F. He thought why should one body have so much power? Why should people rely on something else. He grew distrustful of people and their greed and thought that if people were just a little more trusting, a little more willing to share, to help one another then this wasteland would be hospitable. His first encounter with Outcasts only strengthened this resolve as he barely escaped with his life. Stuck in the middle of a gunfight over supplies between the F.S.F. and them when there seemed enough supplies for both from what he could see. Lives lost and for what? Was all this really worth killing over? Well he decided then and there that if lives were to be lost then it wouldn't be his. He began focusing more and more of fighting and shooting. He even stole a better gun from one of the dead, better then his old revolver, not that he was going to part with that either.


His Pistol


The rifle


He also has a torch on his chest and breathing apparatus in the event of being caught in a blizzard, nothing fancy just gives him a little space where there isn't fast flowing icy air.


Through the years surviving in the wastes he has adapted to have some good survival skills and instincts as well as being a decent shot and fairly good in a gunfight at not being shot. He is also a good commander, despite never really being one other then in a few scrapes where innocents were caught in the cross fire and he felt the need to order then around as he sook safe refuge for them.
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[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]
Damon Farrow







He is unpredictable and rarely polite, despite his kindred spirit. He wants to see the good in people but has too often faced the greed. He is vary slow to make friends but is protective of those friendships he has made, however can be quick to break them if they lie or betray him.


He was born in D.C. and grew up under the F.S.F. but he holds no love for them. Despite this life of relative luxury he still felt so.. confined. He yearned for more, for something other then this mediocre life he was expected to life. At the first opportunity he left to brave the wastes and soon realised how lucky he was to have the protection of D.C. however it did not change how he felt, if anything it just bred more distaste for the F.S.F. He thought why should one body have so much power? Why should people rely on something else. He grew distrustful of people and their greed and thought that if people were just a little more trusting, a little more willing to share, to help one another then this wasteland would be hospitable. His first encounter with Outcasts only strengthened this resolve as he barely escaped with his life. Stuck in the middle of a gunfight over supplies between the F.S.F. and them when there seemed enough supplies for both from what he could see. Lives lost and for what? Was all this really worth killing over? Well he decided then and there that if lives were to be lost then it wouldn't be his. He began focusing more and more of fighting and shooting. He even stole a better gun from one of the dead, better then his old revolver, not that he was going to part with that either.


His Pistol


The rifle


He also has a torch on his chest and breathing apparatus in the event of being caught in a blizzard, nothing fancy just gives him a little space where there isn't fast flowing icy air.


Through the years surviving in the wastes he has adapted to have some good survival skills and instincts as well as being a decent shot and fairly good in a gunfight at not being shot. He is also a good commander, despite never really being one other then in a few scrapes where innocents were caught in the cross fire and he felt the need to order then around as he sook safe refuge for them.

[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]
Damon Farrow







He is unpredictable and rarely polite, despite his kindred spirit. He wants to see the good in people but has too often faced the greed. He is vary slow to make friends but is protective of those friendships he has made, however can be quick to break them if they lie or betray him.


He was born in D.C. and grew up under the F.S.F. but he holds no love for them. Despite this life of relative luxury he still felt so.. confined. He yearned for more, for something other then this mediocre life he was expected to life. At the first opportunity he left to brave the wastes and soon realised how lucky he was to have the protection of D.C. however it did not change how he felt, if anything it just bred more distaste for the F.S.F. He thought why should one body have so much power? Why should people rely on something else. He grew distrustful of people and their greed and thought that if people were just a little more trusting, a little more willing to share, to help one another then this wasteland would be hospitable. His first encounter with Outcasts only strengthened this resolve as he barely escaped with his life. Stuck in the middle of a gunfight over supplies between the F.S.F. and them when there seemed enough supplies for both from what he could see. Lives lost and for what? Was all this really worth killing over? Well he decided then and there that if lives were to be lost then it wouldn't be his. He began focusing more and more of fighting and shooting. He even stole a better gun from one of the dead, better then his old revolver, not that he was going to part with that either.


His Pistol


The rifle


He also has a torch on his chest and breathing apparatus in the event of being caught in a blizzard, nothing fancy just gives him a little space where there isn't fast flowing icy air.


Through the years surviving in the wastes he has adapted to have some good survival skills and instincts as well as being a decent shot and fairly good in a gunfight at not being shot. He is also a good commander, despite never really being one other then in a few scrapes where innocents were caught in the cross fire and he felt the need to order then around as he sook safe refuge for them.

Why....why does Damon look like Booker from BOInfinite *u*
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Why....why does Damon look like Booker from BOInfinite *u*

Because you're weird, Fluffy
@The Shadow Realm

Name: 'Scorn', real name known only to her.

Age: mid 20's, but unknown.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi


Out of Armour-

The frozen apocalypse has actually done well for Scorn, as she was born albino and now feels like she fits in a bit better with the driven white landscape. Very few people know this fact, and most are doctors or medics.

Stands at 5'1.5".

In Armour-

Masque (The skull part. Minus the white eyes)-

Faction: Radiant(Free of ties)

Personality: Somewhat cold and distant, Scorn tends to present herself as professionally as possible, often keeping personal connections and the like keep out of her general thought process.

Despite this she tends to run a violent and strong defence for underdogs, children, or anyone who has located a secured a spot on her soft side. To anyone she doesn't know she can come off as rude or arsehol-ish, but in reality she simply aims to be as efficient with her work as possible.

Bio: Not much overall is known about Scorn save for the odd tale or two that are whispered behind her back. Some claim she was an outcast, but was cast out due to being too dangerous, others claim she's a daemon of the icy wastes, and yet others praise her as some angel that swept out to the blizzard to save them. Each story comes from different claims and backgrounds, and there really is no set or solid truth known to the public. Some people even believe her to have been a part of the original Wolfpack.

The truth is that she had chosen to start a life alone. Having been caught up in an ambush, many of her comrades died during the fighting. When they radioed in and told their command to leave them behind and focus on protecting the civilians one of them had refused to listen, instead halting the exodus to try to rescue them. The mistake proved to be folly.

Everyone had been killed save for Scorn, laid unconscious under the body of one of her closest team members. Having awoken the explored the carnage around her to find that in their attempt to 'rescue' their men had triggered a secondary ambush. Everyone was dead, including every civilian they'd bee required to protect.

Gathering the supplies she could, Scorn donned a masque to hide herself from the world and has been on her own taking odd jobs or stepping into errant conflicts ever since.


A 12.7mm sniper rifle, modified with cold resistant insulation. Endearingly nicknamed 'The Fuckbringer'.

High Capacity, .45 chambered, high ROF low recoil close quarters sub-machine-gun. Nicknamed 'Flayer'.

Skillset: Skilled marksman and proficient in hand to hand combat, well enough to be able to fight off the odd wolf barehanded.

On that note Scorn has put herself in the place of alpha over two younger wolves. They aren't pets, and she sometimes has to put them back in their place, but they are a pack a nonetheless and operate as such. Their names are Cathadh and Reothadh, both white furred.
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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]
Bed time for me at the moment, so I'll finish this up in the morn.
Name: 'Scorn', real name known only to her.

Age: mid 20's, but unknown.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi


Out of Armour-

The frozen apocalypse has actually done well for Scorn, as she was born albino and now feels like she fits in a bit better with the driven white landscape. Very few people know this fact, and most are doctors or medics.

In Armour-

Masque (The skull part. Minus the white eyes)-

Faction: Radiant(Free of ties)

Personality: WIP

Bio: Not much overall is known about Scorn save for the odd tale or two that are whispered behind her back. Some claim she was an outcast, but was cast out due to being too dangerous, others claim she's a daemon of the icy wastes, and yet others praise her as some angel that swept out to the blizzard to save them. Each story comes from different claims and backgrounds, and there really is no set or solid truth known to the public. Some people even believe her to have been a part of the original Wolfpack.

The truth is that she had chosen to start a life alone. Having been caught up in an ambush, many of her comrades died during the fighting. When they radioed in and told their command to leave them behind and focus on protecting the civilians one of them had refused to listen, instead halting the exodus to try to rescue them. The mistake proved to be folly.

Everyone had been killed save for Scorn, laid unconscious under the body of one of her closest team members. Having awoken the explored the carnage around her to find that in their attempt to 'rescue' their men had triggered a secondary ambush. Everyone was dead, including every civilian they'd bee required to protect.

Gathering the supplies she could, Scorn donned a masque to hide herself from the world and has been on her own taking odd jobs or stepping into errant conflicts ever since.


A 12.7mm sniper rifle, modified with cold resistant insulation. Endearingly nicknamed 'The Fuckbringer'.

High Capacity, .45 chambered, high ROF low recoil close quarters sub-machine-gun. Nicknamed 'Flayer'.

Skillset: WIP

Accepted, however after you awake, may you finish the skillset?
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[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Accepted, however after you awake, may you finish the skillset?

Finsihed and updated earlier, tagged you as well in case you wanted to finish judging it appropriately.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Finsihed and updated earlier, tagged you as well in case you wanted to finish judging it appropriately.

Accepted, wolves would survive in this climate afterall!
Name: Dexter (Dax) Grenz

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.)

Under Dax's gear he has a heavily scared face, his eyes are a shock of blue with Black hair peppered with white from stress. He stands at 5'9 when he stands tall but hunched over in his environmental suit he built he is 5'5. He now brings scraps and his skills to any settlement that will take him and repay him with food, services or information for good scavenger spots.


Faction (If in any.): freelance scavanger/ mechanic

Personality: Bold, Crazy, kind

Bio (Must be at least a Paragraph.): Dax is a strange one, living in the ground for twenty-two of your years and learning only the basics of mechanics and survival and being beaten almost everyday can do that for you. It had always been just him and his dad, mechanical slaves to a gang in the North calling themselves the the Ice Skulzs. They based in a underground bunker deep into the natural Earth. Under his fathers wing he learned electrician work, mechanical skills as well as a number of other miss match skills more focusing on using scavenged parts or how his father put MacGyver skills. When he was eighteen the water purify broke, of course it was his father and Dax's job to fix it, as they were working on it a valve on a water tank burst open under heavy pressure killing his father with a hit to the head by shrapnel. Destroyed by this event Dax refused to work, no matter how hard the Skulz beat him and tortured him. With no other option they came to him one night and held him down as Dax screamed in rage. They removed his tongue as payment for their services, they told him in his half conscious state that if DAx did not pay their mercy back with work they would begin to take pieces of him. After his recovery Dax followed order's doing what they said but he slowly began to build a vehicle his father had come up with based on a old magazine he had found from the past. Using a Van body, home made wind generator and treds Dax was able to make a vehicle to traverse the outside. It took him four years but one night he was able to open the bunkers vault door and after setting the water tanks and pipes to blow he left. By the time the Skulz were awake the next day the freezing air froze the men within their own rooms and Dax was free to be his own man.

Inventory: On him he has his environmental suit, basically a rubber contagion suit he found in the bunker with a compact heater and oxygen supply, on top of that he has installed metal for bullet proofing and then blankets and fur lining of coats on top with a layer of white paint. On his face he has a full face gas mask with red lenses. He carries a number of scraps within his Snow Cat, sleeping bag, some food, water, Bow and arrows, a 9mm hand gun with 12 rounds and a hunting rifle with 36 rounds. IN the back hidden under a floor panel he hides his tools.

Skillset: Mechanic, scavanger MacGyver skills, electrician, engineer
WolfBoy34102 said:
Name: Dexter (Dax) Grenz
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (Picture would do just fine.)

Under Dax's gear he has a heavily scared face, his eyes are a shock of blue with Black hair peppered with white from stress. He stands at 5'9 when he stands tall but hunched over in his environmental suit he built he is 5'5. He now brings scraps and his skills to any settlement that will take him and repay him with food, services or information for good scavenger spots.


Faction (If in any.): freelance scavanger/ mechanic

Personality: Bold, Crazy, kind

Bio (Must be at least a Paragraph.): Dax is a strange one, living in the ground for twenty-two of your years and learning only the basics of mechanics and survival and being beaten almost everyday can do that for you. It had always been just him and his dad, mechanical slaves to a gang in the North calling themselves the the Ice Skulzs. They based in a underground bunker deep into the natural Earth. Under his fathers wing he learned electrician work, mechanical skills as well as a number of other miss match skills more focusing on using scavenged parts or how his father put MacGyver skills. When he was eighteen the water purify broke, of course it was his father and Dax's job to fix it, as they were working on it a valve on a water tank burst open under heavy pressure killing his father with a hit to the head by shrapnel. Destroyed by this event Dax refused to work, no matter how hard the Skulz beat him and tortured him. With no other option they came to him one night and held him down as Dax screamed in rage. They removed his tongue as payment for their services, they told him in his half conscious state that if DAx did not pay their mercy back with work they would begin to take pieces of him. After his recovery Dax followed order's doing what they said but he slowly began to build a vehicle his father had come up with based on a old magazine he had found from the past. Using a Van body, home made wind generator and treds Dax was able to make a vehicle to traverse the outside. It took him four years but one night he was able to open the bunkers vault door and after setting the water tanks and pipes to blow he left. By the time the Skulz were awake the next day the freezing air froze the men within their own rooms and Dax was free to be his own man.

Inventory: On him he has his environmental suit, basically a rubber contagion suit he found in the bunker with a compact heater and oxygen supply, on top of that he has installed metal for bullet proofing and then blankets and fur lining of coats on top with a layer of white paint. On his face he has a full face gas mask with red lenses. He carries a number of scraps within his Snow Cat, sleeping bag, some food, water, Bow and arrows, a 9mm hand gun with 12 rounds and a hunting rifle with 36 rounds. IN the back hidden under a floor panel he hides his tools.

Skillset: Mechanic, scavanger MacGyver skills, electrician, engineer
LadyA said:

Name: Anya Montgomery

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Faction: Wolf Pack

Bio: Anya Montgomery is known as.... Anya. This lady was once a daddy's girl despite the harsh realities of this world she was born into. Born in 2083 to a family of two which consisted of her mother, and father. They lived in Chicago, Illinois when the world fell to the chaos it is in now. They weren't particularly well to do, yet they weren't exactly poor. They ranged in the middle just getting by with life. Little frozen suburbia so to say... Her mother was fair, her father had his secrets. Anya grew up okay never knowing what her father's secrets were.

One day when Anya was about sixteen. Her little family sat to a rationed dinner they managed to come by on a good week.... people came storming in. Shocking Anya, and her mother.... as for dear daddy he held a stern look on his face. They threw the table aside in their living area tying daddy to the chair. Dragging mommy to the floor and they stabbed her each time a question went unanswered... soon the floor wasn't so white anymore mommy's breath no more after all the screams filled the air. Daddy sat there with tears in his eyes, but never opened his mouth. He watched his wife die because of his pride. In the same moment, the unthinkable happened before his eyes... His little girl was tainted, ruined while laying in her mommy's blood next to her corpse growing cold. Beaten, destroyed, Anya looked to him with her own tears in shock begging him for whatever is they wanted... Trying to hold her tattered clothing after they took their turns with her he spoke in a hoarse voice. "Baby girl I am so sorry, so sorry. You don't deserve this, what they want to know I can't give, but someday you will find the answers," with those last words the one man who stood there in silence with a gun to his head shot dead ol' daddy.

Anya, numbed with her father's brain matter, mom's blood --- tattered clothing they ransacked the little home the family shared, never bothering with her again, to this very day they never found daddy's secrets...

Personality: Anya is quiet upon first meeting, blunt with her words when speaking, subtle in approach despite her outspoken ways. On the surface she comes off as a woman who isn't so friendly. Quick to internalize everything keeping that poker face. When you are given a chance to know her she is loyal, honest, very friendly... She has a hard time trusting. Anya has many troubles learned to internalize things because of her past, she overcame her problems yet this is where she can't open up to anyone. She will take a contract from most of anyone. She sticks to her own self pretty much if you don't know her or have her friendship in any sense. Lying ticks her off, and she hates to be touched.

Inventory: Hand blades, switch blades, butterfly knife, daggers big or small. A machete, anything that slices. Two .50 a&e Desert Eagle Hand guns at all times... and her gear for warmth. Lady doesn't require much.



Skillset: Anya is quick, quiet. Her favorite weapon of choice is the knife or multiple knives. Strangulation is her favorite thing to do, if need be. Decent in hand to hand combat, can handle a handgun when the occasion arises for it.

Accepted, also what a lovely C.S!
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Accepted, also what a lovely C.S!

Thank you!!! Also would I just just throw myself in there with a lovely post?
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@The Shadow Realm[/URL] (wow, that sounds really evil) and say: 'Please do!' :)
Also, quiet, yet packing two Desert Eagles. I like this girl!
Why thank you. I'm not huge on guns but I am familiar with that one because I've used it as a weapon choice back in the day. I haven't read all the posts so I'm trying to see where I can get myself into.. Plus I would think to stick to my faction is any of them aren't on a contract. I'm eager.
LadyA said:
Thank you!!! Also would I just just throw myself in there with a lovely post?
Please do!

ObiSemKenobi said:
I think I'll just channel @The Shadow Realm (wow, that sounds really evil) and say: 'Please do!' :)
Also, quiet, yet packing two Desert Eagles. I like this girl!
I wanted my name to sound as such. *cue murder music* Also yeah, I got the notification to arrive here so your vile plan succeeded!

I kid..

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