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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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watery grave

The land of Froyza was in turmoil. The kingdoms were always at war, due to the greedy kings that sat on the throne. Each one thought the other had something valuable on their lands, and they were destroying everything and littering the ground with corpses. They nearly wiped themselves out, until one man, Ashanti, came out of nowhere, declaring he was a Dragon Rider. He and his dragon, D'Mago, had been appointed to their position by the Fates.The kings would have to stop their bloodshed or step off the throne. Roen, King of Numar, refused his demands, and found himself cast out off the throne and in exile. It was said he traveled to the Underlands, and had never been seen since, and there are whispers of dark forces haunting the land. Ashanti declared himself the first Dragon Rider, and soon began recruiting ones such as yourself to maintain peace throughout Froyza.


Froyza Lore
Froyza was believed to be made when two giants battled, and the force of one giant's blow sent the other's skull into splinters. The largest of these splinters was blessed by the Fates and life began. The other splinters formed massive land dragons and other magical creatures.
Ruled by King Lorell, Roen's stepson. Numar is a desert region, and it's people are as mysterious as the sandstorms that come and go. Despite the arid climate, underground water is plentiful and their main exports are spices and the best horses in the land. A Numarian stallion is something worth dying for. Citizens of Numar typically have light or dark brown skin and black hair that frames slim faces. Many of them have symbols over their body in red paint.

Ruled by King Heris. Diarta is seperated from the other kingdoms by the sea. It's only a day away from the mainland, but it is a very huge advantage,war-wise. Selling seafood to the other kingdoms brings in profit, as well as the large deposits of ore and other precious metals(which were usually taken by the king). Diartans are thickset due to most likely being descendants of dwarves. That could explain their amazing swordcraft. Hair colors for Diartans can range from dirty blond to platinum.
Ruled by King Jole. Karthe is the most populated kingdom in Froyza, which means their army is massive. They mostly profit from their amazing stone sculptures. It's even said during the war the king of Diarta requested builders from Karthe to build a stone replica of him. Citizens of Karthe live within huge walls, and there are even walls that separate the nobles from the poor. The castle is in a separate circle. A seal is the only way one from a lower circle can get into a higher one, and if anyone is caught trying to get within a higher circle they don't belong, the punishment is death. Karthe children are usually put into military school when they are ten. The ones with potential are sent to the giant school of Karthe where they can either become knights or study healing. The others grow up to be regular peasants. The people of Karthe are tall and muscular with all kinds of hair colors. Their ears are weirdly pointed.

The Underlands
The Underlands are right on the border of Numar. The land is lowered by nearly ten feet, as if something crushed the land. The trees are black and rotting and swamps are everywhere. Even animals avoid it.
Duty of a Dragon Rider
"Being a Dragon Rider isn't something that one can choose between; once chosen, you have a duty to yourself, your people, and your land.To deny this duty would be a betrayal of your land and your people. You are the voice of those who cannot speak-you are the strength of the weak. You were granted this power for a reason, Aerick-to defend what you, and countless others believe in-a life worth living, one full of the freedoms life should boast. So whether you like it or not, Aerick Vurtune, you are a Dragon Rider, and to be one is an honor." Dragon Eye-S.E Wendel

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Ashanti and D'Mago paced the training grounds. Dragon and human alike were practicing either on each other or metal dummies (wooden ones were destroyed almost immediately). It had taken three years to get these recruits, and It wasn't even that much. But there would be more. He could count on the Fates. "Will they be going on missions soon? The last one had me smelling like a rotting carcass for days." D'Mago shuddered at the thought, and his skin burst into flames. Ashanti sighed and patted out a flame on his tunic. "Roen's magic is strong..He's infused with black magic, the Fates warned me about this." The stories about the dead coming back to life and attacking villages was more than gossip around the fire. It was real, and very dangerous. D'Mago sensed his worry and shoved him with his nose, causing Ashanti to fly five feet. "I told you to stop doing that! What are the kids going to think when they see their leader being toyed with you overgrown garden snake!"

A normal day at the base. You should probably go ahead and get settled.

Dragon Rider Base


Archery Practice and training grounds


Barracks-Where you sleep(obviously)


Weapon Rack(outside)


Where the dragons roost

Note: You can go on "missions" with other players and make up your own monsters/etc, anything. The base is simply a hangout.

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Hikaru woke up slowly, stretching and yawning once, he had somehow managed to fall asleep in her armour, an uncanny talent of hers. A pale and overly-cheerful (In her option at least) face loomed over the Girls head, she simply rolled her eyes and stood up, the pale faced girl did the same cheerfully, poking her once, Hikaru pushed the girls finger away casually "What?" she asked, rather harshly, though the girl didn't seem affected, simply continuing the smile "...Why did I expected a response?..." Hikaru muttered to herself.

Hikaru looked exactly like a boy in almost every way, her mannerisms, tone of speaking and even movement matched them, they looked quite strange together, The boy-like female and Black haired girl with horns and a tail, though something about them oddly matched together.

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Alexandrius Illidriane

"Astaroth will you calm down? Surely this mustn't be your first time seeing other dragons is it?" A Karthian girl sighed while her large dragon was looking around incredulously, suspicious yet curious of their new surroundings. But, Alexa couldn't blame him. It had been six years since she found him at the age of 17, and now she was 23. Man she felt old. During those years, Astaroth and herself continued to live in isolation in the depths of the outer forests of Karthe, so it was pretty rare to see any other people, much less dragons. The most they've seen were woodland creatures who occasionally sneak by. That said, Alexa couldn't help but feel a little queasy herself. It was going to feel odd being surrounded by people of her kind again, and not even her kind. Diarthans and Numarians as well. She could already feel the anxiety creeping up.

With a sigh, she looked up at the dragon beside her and gently gave his shoulder a good pat.
"Well let's just get ourselves situated and see where things go from there, alright?" Behind her was her tied cargo of her belongings, and she felt Asta's head swaying as he saw other dragons flocking towards the same destination. Never had she seen so many dragons collected together in one place, on earth ground at that too. That was a sign that they were heading close, and as they flew more, Alexa saw the first signs of the base: the archery training grounds. "Alright then. Asta, down." The reddish blue dragon heeded to her words with a nod as well as a small grunt, before beginning to change the pace of his wings and tilting downwards. Soon they were slowly gliding down towards the air, until they landed at the Dragon Riders' base. She was about to climb down from her ride, but then she saw a man leaping up five feet into the air before he landed rather painfully. Alexa stared in bewilderment, and Astaroth gave a sound that sort of sounded like surprise when he saw another dragon behind the man, presumably his.

"Uhh....are you okay sir?"
Ashanti darted up and ran his hand through is hair sheepishly. "Why yes.. I'm great actually." D'Mago chuckled, a great booming sound. Ashanti ignored him and focused on the girl. "You must be new recruit. I am Ashanti, and this little wyrm is D'Mago." He bowed deeply until His dragon scooped him up by the back of his shirt as a mother at picks up her kittens, except less gentle. "You talk a lot for a puny insect!" D'Mago teased as he tossed Ashanti and caught him with his paw. Ashanti yelped and sent a fireball at the dragons tongue, causing him to bellow and drop him. Although the two bickered 24/7, it was more or less their way of showing affection. Manly ego made it where that's the only way they could.

"I'm sorry for our informal manner ma'am, we just got back from a mission and we need to kick back. May I ask your name?" Ashanti said as he sidestepped to avoid D'Mago's giant tail.

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Hikaru smirked as he watched the man fly five feet, the pale faced girl looked from him to her master quickly and rather pathetically, Hikaru simply petted the girl on the head "He'll be fine." she said smugly, she was always away from the others, always just her and the pale faced girl, slowly she began her way over to the two. On arrival she simply stood before the man who had flown, the pale faced girl with horns and a tail standing behind her as if her master were some sort of shield, though she was the one to push her over there in the first place.

Hikaru rubbed the back of her head awkwardly before speaking, she wasn't exactly-... 'great'... at social interaction
"I see... your back." she said towards the man, completely ignoring the female beside him.

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Ashanti immediately grinned. "Is that a water dragon? I've heard of them but never seen one. Its spectacular! Human shape..Can it do other things? Oh, it's obviously a female. Sorry for my misuse of pronouns." Ashanti had to stop to take a breath. He was quite the talker. "It's always intriguing to see all the different kinds of dragons. There are so many and all different. Of course I got stuck with a basic fire drake." D'Mago bristled at the insult. Dragons were much superior to their cousins, and referring to a dragon as being a drake..well..Ashanti yelped as fire engulfed his torso. "You're very lucky i made sure my hair was fireproof earlier, or I would have your head. But that was my favorite tunic! You despicable creature..why do the Fates hate me so?" He lamented. Ashanti sighed and turned back to the feminine young man. "Hopefully you're all settled in. Dinner should be served soon. We eat a lot of meat here, just warning you." He flashed a grin.
Hikaru stare dat the man blankly as he talked, an emotionless expression, nodding every now and then when she thought it were appropriate or needed, the pale faced girl behind her blushed as he commented on her "Yes. she... is. this-... in't her normal form, but she hates looking like a dragon so... this." she said, making a gesture towards the horned girl now hitting her arm weakly with stubbornly puffed out cheeks, it looked quite adorable to be honest, the blank faced boyish-girl and the horned dragon.

"What a shame. Dragons are majestic and beautiful creatures. She should hold her head high, no matter what form." Ashanti commented. D'Mago curled his neck around him and puffed steam out of his nostrils. "I have to say, you're quite right. I am so very gorgeous. You're making me blush." Ashanti sighed and tried shoving him away, but it was too late. Who knows when the teasing would end.
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The Pale faced girl kept blushing and Hikaru couldn't help but smirk as she hid behind her again shyly, a few strands of her long black hair falling over her face as she did so, Hikaru brushed them away, tucking them behind her ear in a mature and responsibly kinda way, the armour making small creaking noises at the movement.

"Careful, D'mago" Evelyn's velvet tenor came almost out of nowhere as she approached almost silently from behind. "Talk like that to all the ladies, and you may just attract more than you can handle" Her brow was slightly raised as she offered him and Ashanti a wry grin before approaching the new recruit. "Evelyn Grey" She introduced herself. "Most people just call me Grey, but my first name's fare game too. I'd let you meet Ko, but he's probably sleeping... lazy thing."

Alexandrius Illidriane

When the older male asked for her name, Alexa simply gave him a polite smile, and opened to speak. But before she could even give out a single syllable, another person joined in the conversation. At that moment that was when Alexa realized that she was already cut off, and simply rolled her eyes. "Ah well, I'm new here after all," she whispered to Astaroth, giving a small chuckle. Astaroth gave a heavy breath, that almost sounded like grumpy sigh. He eyed the human looking dragon in a questioning manner, before he simply shook his head.

"...Right, speaking of settling in.." she muttered underneath her breath. Alexa reached out and lightly tapped the younger male...at least she thought the person was a male. Alexa wouldn't know, the person's features were androgynous. "Ahem, excuse me sir, I'm sorry to cut into your conversation.." Which was actually mine, she thought. "But do you know where the barracks are? As well as where we put the dragons?"
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D'Mago made a deep resonating sound in his belly, which passed as a laugh for him. Ashanti tilted his head in greeting to her. "Ev..We both know D'Mago is not the only charmer here..we're bonded..I guess it is a shared trait." D'Mago nodded in agreement as Ashanti winked.
Hikaru stiffened as she felt her armour being tapped, spending so much time alone or in battle led to people like her having more than a sour reaction to human contact, she didn't intend to do it but her reflexes kicked in and she immediately grabbed the girls hand, trowing it away from her, her scarlet eyes seeming to burn like flames in an overwhelming amount of bloodlust, a moment later her eyes softened as the Horned girl pulled her away and stood in front, bowing to Alexandrius quickly before hitting Hikaru on the head, hikaru simply clicked her tongue as The horned girl pointed in the general direction of things.

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If anyone could make Evelyn laugh, it was D'mago, though in this moment her reaction was reserved to an admirable chuckle before she turned to respond to Ashanti, "Well, then I extend the same advice to you" She quipped, "you can't handle all the ladies."

Her attention was drawn by Alexandrius's voice and realized she'd been interrupted. She gave Ashanti a sideways glance, wondering if he'd noticed too. Either way, there was something oddly familiar about her.

"Did you grow up in Karthe?" She asked, her smile disappearing into a curious gaze

Alexandrius Illidriane

Alexa's eyes widened when Hikaru suddenly grabbed her hand rashly. "Hey!" By instinct, Astaroth immediately came in and gave a loud roar that continued to echo throughout the barren land, and his eyes flickered to orange, similarly to Hikaru. Smoke seethed from his nostrils, and Alexa was taken aback by Hikaru's reaction to her. For a moment, Alexa was tense, her shoulder muscles stiff, not even noticing the dragon girl's apologetic bow. "Not even an apology?" Alexa questioned with a raised eyebrow. In order to control herself, Alexa breathed in and out softly. Patience.. she repeated in her mind as she slumped her shoulders back down, and swiftly turned around. "Never mind that. I'll find my own way," Alexa replied, in a rather cold manner.

Astaroth, still seething smoke from the earlier events, continued to glower at Hikaru and her dragon. There was a small ember like spark that flickered around his nose, but when he felt Alexa's hand gently patting his leg, the dragon calmed down as well. The Karthian was about to climb up on Astaroth, before she heard another voice. "Huh?" Alexandrius turned around, facing the other girl. Evelyn, if she recalled correctly. At the tone of her voice, and question, Alexa's irritance slowly subsided and she gave Evelyn a nod. "Yes, I did," she replied with a small smile. "I'm assuming you did as well?"
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D'Mago immediately took an assertive stance after the dragon's roar. These dragons where mere children to him, starting to pick fights and make noise. Ashanti sensed his agitation and laid his hand on his foreleg. "Let them work it out themselves. You can't go all Enforcer everytime something happens." He turned to Ev. "Whats so important about her being from Karthe?" Personally he hated the city, but kept his thoughts to himself.
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She shot him a disapproving glance "I happened to grow up there, not that I loved it all that much myself, she just looks familiar is all" She casually shoved her hands in her pockets as she turned her attention back to Alexandrius. Evelyn would hazard a guess the girl was a bit younger, but perhaps they attended the same school at some point. "Yeah, I did. Did you go to the school of Karthe?" She asked
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Hikaru gave no reaction to the beast's roar, simply glaring at it with icy cold eyes, piercing in appearance, Miharu sighed, staring at Hikaru 'Why did you do that!? She could have been a friend!!!~' the dragon sent telepathically to her master, looking rather annoyed. "Because. we.. don't need any. they just... take up time and energy." hikaru appeared to be talking to herself though as no one else could hear the pale face'd dragon girls voice, Hikaru simply looked 's attention was then caught by Evelyn speaking.

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"Mmm..yes. Although I didn't hesitate to leave once I graduated." Alexa decided that she was better off dismissing the girl with the brash actions, and her eyebrow twitched slightly at the other male's comment. However she just wanted to get introductions over with, seeing as so far it wasn't going as well as she hoped. At least Evelyn seemed to be the most tolerable of them. "I was never the type to belong in the military, so I saw no use of sticking around. Instead I moved to the outerlands of the kingdom, and that's where I met this piece of beauty." She smiled and gently patted the reddish blue dragon next to her with a soft smile, the dragon snickering in response.
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Ashanti stiffened as the conversation headed for a topic that was his least favorite. He wasted no time stomping off towards the lake. D'Mago made no attempt to stop him, knowing his problem.

Ashanti made himself comfortable on the bank and gazed out. The sun was setting over the moutains, its last rays settling on his bare torso. He may have to steal one of D'Mago's scales to makeup for him burning his finest shirt.

His thoughts still managed to return on the subject of Karthe. Just the mention of it sent his blood boiling. He tried closing his eyes and calming himself down.
"Yeah, I'm not really sure if anyone who grew up there can honestly say it was peachy" She chuckled softly, "Though I do have to say, I wouldn't have found Ko if my upbringing had been any different--" It seemed like she was going to say more, but from the corner of her eye she noticed Ashanti's less than gracious departure. Guilt suddenly nipped at her gut as she remembered how she'd dismissed his dislike of the topic. She knew he hated it there, but not much more - perhaps the subject was more sensitive than she'd thought. She bit back a sigh and offered a tight grin to her new peer. "Excuse me," She said before tracing his steps toward the lake, casting a sheepish glance toward D'Mago as she passed him.

There he was, quietly sitting - she could practically feel the unease radiating from him. She scratched the back of her head a moment before swallowing her pride and taking a seat next to him, resting her elbow on her knee, and her chin in her hand.

"So," She started quietly, "wanna tell me what that was back there?" she asked, not bothering to mask the concern in her voice and on her features. She wasn't going to start with an apology - if she did that, she'd get nothing from him. No explanation as to why the mere mention of Karthe had gotten him so worked up.
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Ashanti wasn't suprised when he sensed Ev. She may look and act like she was stern and uncaring, but he had found most of that wasn't true.

He was silent for a few moments before speaking quietly.

"I hate that city. Weird, huh? Since I didn't grow up there. In fact, I hadn't even set foot in it until I was 22." He clenched his fists absentmindedly.

"Its such an evil place Ev. Walls. Seperating the poor from the rich..as if they're so much better..As if nobility is some magical trait you can only gain through blood. If the king secretly gave me gold from the treasury for my secrets I learned about the other kingdoms too i'd be a noble just like them." He scoffed. "He thinks he's a master of secrets..Obviously not. He let's his kingdom's citizens suffer. I was there a few weeks back..You should know already..but its horrifying to see what empty stomachs can cause. They're like wild animals Ev. And i can't fix their problems. That's the worst part."
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Hikaru listened with a firm gaze before Ashanti suddenly stormed off, raising an eyebrow, she knew the guy didn't like the place but it didn't call for a reaction like that, she waited for a moment with Alexa and Ev, a small wind blew through the sky, a silence filled the area as another of them left, Hikaru slit her eyes towards Alexa one last time before slowly beginning to walk off, the armour clatter against itself as she went, Miharu stood between the two and sighed 'I guess... I'll leave Hiku alone for now... she's in a bad mood again.' the dragon thought softly to itself, longing eyes water her master.

Hikaru kicked a rock, subconsciously heading towards the lake without realising it, she punched a tree not far off from the two chatting by the shore, birds flew from them, her eyes were blazing again
"Dammit!?" she suddenly yelled "That man! thinking he can just go and storm off because he doesn't like the place!? We all know what goes on there! we all have our own stories! and yet he thinks he's good enough to just!?-" it was strange for the girl to let her voice out like this, for Ev and Ashanti not to hear the yelling would have needed them to be the equivalent of deaf in both ears.

Rose flew over the land, her wings only slightly damaged. Previously, she'd been scouting for her scales in the future but she'd come back to stop it before it even happened. Sadly, she had gone too far into the past and her time machine had not travelled with her. This current era had not the right technology to create what she needed so she needed somewhere to stay. She hated others, even going so far as to despise their very existence. Finally, she spotted someone kicking a rock. She landed down next to them.

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